TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #9

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What I don't get is that even though LE has arrested CD after Hailey went missing - but yet they haven't given him a polygraph. He's asked for one, yet one hasn't been scheduled.

Its like a huge pendulum that swings in very opposite directions.

I agree and IMO it makes no sense.It also makes no sense that a small force who most likely is dealing with a missing child for the first time, does not let TES come in and help when clearly they need all the help they can get.It is great how the local people are helping with the search but TES has so many that could be helping too.They need to find Hailey I just do not understand it.
Okay... I'm sorry... but arresting a guy for POT when his CHILD is missing... is ridiculous.

Oh... right, I forgot... she just ran away and went on a little vacation. *sarcasm*

This article has a LOT of things I didn't know.

Czgtz, have you read it and if so, will you point out anything that is NOT accurate to your knowledge please?


A search of website publicdata.com reveals no criminal histories for Billie Jean Dunn or for Shawn Adkins. Clint Dunn, however, has multiple arrests, starting in 1994 for burglary of a building, a state jail felony. Following that are subsequent arrests in 1998 for possession of marijuana, under 2 ounces, one in March 1999 for driving with a suspended license.

He was arrested again Jan. 30, 2010, by Snyder police for possession of marijuana under 2 ounces. And he was arrested at his home Dec. 29, again for possession of marijuana under 2 ounces, and a Scurry County warrant.

OK, I am taking this question and running with it.

1) I have bitten my tongue this whole time and not said anything about MB or her mother. MB is a child herself, and I decided long ago not to talk about someone else's child. I understand that any mother would want to protect her child that was rumored to be involved in another child's disappearance.

But the whole of MB's mother's statement has me disgusted. The only thing I believe is "Cecilia Garcia said she had never interacted with Dunn’s extended family." I am not going to sink to her level and talk about her child, and what she may do.

The only thing I am going to comment on is this quote: "Later, she said that her daughter told her that Dunn had expressed a desire to move in with her birth father, which Garcia said her daughter indicated led to a family altercation around Christmastime." Good Lord. What child of seperated parents, at one point or another, has not expressed a desire to live with the parent they are not currently living with? There was no 'family altercation'. Seriously....... don't y'all think that with Hailey's entire family wracking their brains to try and come up with anything that would lead them to her would have thought of a problem that occurred right around Christmas?

I swear, sometimes I wish I had no conscious, and could just freely speak my mind. I will say that I personally find it strange that MB was 'too busy', as she told some of the kids, to attend the prayer vigil for Hailey - who is supposed to be one of her closest friends.

2) Donna Byerley.... I don't know her, and as much as I hate to do it because it is sure to upset her, I am going to have to bring this up to Billie tomorrow. She needs to know what people are saying about her and have the chance to defend herself. MOO - this is a case of someone just wanting to have something to say. How does one word out of this woman's mouth help to get Hailey home?

"Home life as 'volatile at times.' Her mother’s new relationship, and worries that it was preventing her parents from being together, served as a partial catalyst for Hailey’s difficulties with Adkins, Byerley said. 'I know he yelled at her,' she said of Hailey’s relationship with Adkins, though she said she knew of no accusations of physical or other abuse. Similarly, Byerley said Clint and Billie Jean Dunn’s relationship often was rocky. 'They’ve always had blowouts — screaming, yelling,' she said."

Didn't have anything nice to say about anyone, did she? New relationship between Billie and her BF? What about the fact that Clint and his GF just had a baby? Like I said, I do not know this woman, but I will be asking Billie who she is and letting her know what she said. Again, MOO - a whole lot of nothing just to have something to say to a reporter.

3) Billie's nursing license. Yes, her license was revoked in 2008. Nurses have to renew their licenses every 2 years, and in order to renew, have to have continuing education and pay a fee. Billie paid by check, and unfortunately, the check was NSF. She was unaware of this, and did not realize that her license was not renewed. Neither was her employer, who also should have checked. Yes I realize, and so does Billie, that it is her resonsibility to make sure her license is in good standing. The Board told her she was not required to appear at the meeting (which was held in Austin), so she did not go.

The quote about her conduct is standard. She did not knowingly practice without a license. Her employer has stood behind her this entire time, and vouched for her. She is still employed at the same facility, as a ward clerk, and has been set to have her license reinstated within the next few weeks. Ask any nurse and they will tell you... the Board of Nursing is not lenient at all. It is a joke among many of us that we would rather go up against a group of rabid IRS agents than the nicest member of the Board.

4) What does Clint's arrest record have to do with anything?

And so begins the campaign to smear Billie and Clint. To discredit them and drag them through the mud. To go through their lives with a fine toothed comb and discover and repeat every mistake they have ever made.

To what end? The bottom line is that Hailey is missing. And we need her to be found safe and brought home. This is the only thing that matters.

I don't see why people cannot stick with what is important. My question to everyone who is digging through Billie's and Clint's past and yapping to reporters is this: If you don't have something to say that is relevant to finding Hailey, then why do have to say anything at all? If you just want to be quoted in the newspaper, or have your face on the TV, then find something else to get involved in. This story is about Hailey being missing and her family's anguish that she is gone.
That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the latest 'news'.

And I also wondered if, knowing about CD's arrest on the 29th, that that could be contributing to the 'deceptive' answers LE is getting.

I can see people not wanting to talk about their whereabouts on a certain day at a certain time if they were at a friend's house who may have pot, too.

Hmmmpphhht - and NG is hindering the investigation? I'm still trying to get over that one.

I know it would be laughable if a 13 yr old child was not missing!Nancy has been at the top of her game with Hailey.LE is just upset because of how this was first handled and it hit the national news, but Nancy has been very good with the facts for a change lol.
I think they arrested the dad for the pot because they were thinking she was a runaway. This was only a couple days after she was reported missing. Could be LE thought she could have accessed some of Dad's stash and met up with someone. If that would have been the case, they would have needed it for evidence. jmo
czgtz - First of all I am not rabid anymore. Now you found me out. Yes, I am a number runner or "Bean Counter".

Thank you, quite informative. I was hoping that the news reporters would interview people that might actually help.

Any specific roadblocks (points) you would like us to concentrate on as far as everything is concerned.

I don't know who is writing some of those articles but I've seen it twice now. When did a father that's in his child's life become a "birth father". I've only seen that term used when talking about adoption. Did I miss the memo?
I wish I could just have faith that now they are doing things right.... but I can't. Until something is proven to me I am going to continue to doubt this investigation. Calling her a runaway... conflicting statements... turning down help including a child abduction team on day 3 and a professional search team now...

I just can't put my trust in them yet. Hopefully, they prove me wrong.

I should really have a different screen name because I am far from facetious at the moment. The last several cases have just made me angry. :waitasec:

I understand what you mean..honestly! ..and I am one who also believes that if alcohol is legal then so should marijuana be legal <I know many will disagree but I think alcohol has the potential to pose much more harm to a family than pot..but that's a whole 'nother story isn't it, lol?! I just have to have faith that LE had a reason for doing that ..or at least thought they did..otherwise, I can't imagine why in the world they would! ALL that matters is doing whatever it takes to find Hailey. I've followed enough cases to know that sometimes you just have to have faith and know that things are not always as they seem..but then every once in a while a bonehead move is just what it seems..a bonehead move..:)
I don't know who is writing some of those articles but I've seen it twice now. When did a father that's in his child's life become a "birth father". I've only seen that term used when talking about adoption. Did I miss the memo?

It made me mad. We saw it in Kyron's case as well. They referred to his "birth mother." He has a Mom, a Dad and a stepdad. He used to have a stepmother as well.

In Hailey's case it makes even less sense because they is no stepmother and no stepfather. She only has one father and one mother!
still no Hailey:(
I hope LE has started following Well Casing ideas now. What a horrid thing, but after the things we have seen, I wouldnt be surprised.

BD had to know her license to be an LPN was no good,Her check bounced, she had to know that. She did not receive a new license, so she had to know that. but she continued to work. Her employer did not stand behind her. (see legal documents from the hospital) The hospital must have been in a tiz when they discovered that. It screams Law Suit. I know BD had nothing to do with her daughter being missing, the point of finding it was to figure out what triggered her to allow the bf to stay at her house. Something happened in 2008 that took BDs attention away from her daughter.

jmo, mom was being controlled and isolated from people. this is a classic sign of trouble. I believe SA had mom right under his thumb. She may have seen that as love, and didnt see what else whas going on in her home.

edit: why a discussion of diet here? If we dont stay on topic, we get in trouble. I still think we need an ultra private chat room to say what we really think and say it how we want to say it.
still no Hailey:(
I hope LE has started following Well Casing ideas now. What a horrid thing, but after the things we have seen, I wouldnt be surprised.

BD had to know her license to be an LPN was no good,Her check bounced, she had to know that. She did not receive a new license, so she had to know that. but she continued to work. Her employer did not stand behind her. (see legal documents from the hospital) The hospital must have been in a tiz when they discovered that. It screams Law Suit. I know BD had nothing to do with her daughter being missing, the point of finding it was to figure out what triggered her to allow the bf to stay at her house. Something happened in 2008 that took BDs attention away from her daughter.

jmo, mom was being controlled and isolated from people. this is a classic sign of trouble. I believe SA had mom right under his thumb. She may have seen that as love, and didnt see what else whas going on in her home.

edit: why a discussion of diet here? If we dont stay on topic, we get in trouble. I still think we need an ultra private chat room to say what we really think and say it how we want to say it.

Oh snap! While the nursing license info may be true, what does it have to do with HD's disappearance? BD is not a POI and I can't understand why the media is going after her with details that have nothing to do with this case.

As far as the diet issue, there are locals here that are very concerned about BD -- which (IMHO) is appreciated.

I just want to see BD reunited with her daughter ASAP.


Sparky ..... :maddening:........... Sparky............:maddening:

Can you call TES today? Let's find Hailey and bring her home.

Billie can you please eat well and rest well. Clint please keep on keeping on and standing united with Billie.


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The nursing info is online.. but I don't have the link, just saw it right before the thread got locked the other day, WHICH i don't want to see happen again!!!!!
I get ORb's point that she lost the license right about the time she met the boyfriend or things got serious with him, and that maybe the boyfriend was controlling, changing her priorities etc and it might give some of the info contained in the article (about things being rocky) some credibility and IF things were rocky, maybe hailey did try to run and meet with foul play.
HOWEVER mom is not guilty, dad is not guilty. Jury still out on the boyfriend. So Hailey's mom's license stuff does not come into play mods said it earlier. Orb. i really do get what you're saying, but it's just not allowed. I'd edit your post and take out the stuff about the mom. If it's been too long for you to edit a mod can do it.

I want to see our thread kept open and keep it focused on finding hailey. :)


Agree .... have removed my response...........eleph

Oh snap - again! How can LE be so darn quick to dismiss this? How do they know it has no connection? What factor did they base it on -- again, so quick.

After all, just how many runaways are (attempted) abductions in CC? From what I read in previous posts - this is a small town.

And who is being charged? The 15 year old girl? The article is confusing!



According to a news release, a 15-year-old girl claimed a Hispanic man tried to force her into his car.

Local officers, working the case, found the alleged victim to be a runaway from Lubbock who was visiting in Colorado City.

The report says charges are pending against her and investigators believed this alleged event is not a part of the current investigation in Hailey's disappearance.
I wonder what the charges are?
Filing false police report?
Running away (it's technically against the law here)?
Something else?
I know they said not related to Hailey, I'm just curious.....
I'm glad she's safe and will be home soon

I don't know, but the writer needs to go back to college.

Investigators believed

He should have written "Investigators believe".

I'm not getting a good vibe with this papers reporting...


SA was arrested August 8th for PI in Taylor County. I deleted the link from my mail, but it was the county database. That is all i've seen.

I'm guessing LE was at clint's house to search, just like billie's, after Hailey went missing, and that's when they found the marijuana. what are they supposed to do, say oh never mind, your daughter's missing, we'll act like we never saw that....plus perfect reason to be able to hold him and question him about Hailey.

And if anyone refuses to let LE search their house.....bingo....search warrant will appear...imo

The article states that there was an outstanding warrant from another county, if true, they would have had no choice but to take him in.
LE should want to know where he gets his supply, just in case there is a connection to HD being missing. imo, it's something to follow up on.

LE should let TES come in to help, and not doing so makes them look bad.
They need to do what is right for Hailey Dunn.
TES has a good history of finding folks alive. Families trust TM. He is compassionate, and knows how it feels to lose a child. I hope BD and CD and the whole town insist on letting them come in and help.
This imo is what people should be talking about, and doing. jmooc
The article also said that CD had a warrant on him from another county.
Obviously they didn't keep him, and it doesn't say how long they held him, but I agree that they couldn't look the other way on the warrant. The weed would likely have been overlooked if not for that.
I don't know the weed law in TX. if it's a citation for under two oz, or jail time as well.

Before that the article mentions no criminal history on CD for 10 years.
He doesn't look like a bad guy from my perspective.
BD's issue with her LVN license is also not important, but the reporter is the first one to throw all that out there, so I'm sure the temptation was too great to ignore. Now that it's out there, we can move on, imo.
Everyone close to HD is going to be looked at.

LE should let TES come in to help, and not doing so makes them look bad.
They need to do what is right for Hailey Dunn.
TES has a good history of finding folks alive. Families trust TM. He is compassionate, and knows how it feels to lose a child. I hope BD and CD and the whole town insist on letting them come in and help.

On the bigcountry website 96.6% of people said they want TES to come in and search
3.4% said no.
I hope the authorities see PEOPLE WANT TES
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