Found Deceased TX - Kaytlynn Cargill, 14, Bedford, 19 June 2017 #3 *Arrest*

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I don't know the answer to this question & welcome everyone's thoughts. If Source 1 had never talked would police have been able to make an arrest?
I think so. Source1 was at her apartment right before she went missing. Was mom home to witness that Source1 was there? From what I've read, she was. I would think there would be solid leads from her phone and they'd find the DNA/blood inside the apartment the suspect was living in either way.
I don't know the answer to this question & welcome everyone's thoughts. If Source 1 had never talked would police have been able to make an arrest?

They would find out Suspect regardless of SOURCE1's contribution.

This is LE and they know how to cross-check references and flag the ones that don't match. It is their job and they have access to much more information than we are aware of.

They had her phone records the next day and they found out the last location of her phone and where it was when mother called at 19:05.

They also found out via phone records that Suspect was one of the last persons she communicated with and his phone was pinging at the same tower when she disappeared. (They requested his phone records from Telco on 20th).

These are standard procedures in any investigation.

Had SOURCE1 not spoken to LE and had he not given info about Suspect, he would have been investigated as well since he was the last person seen with her (people in basketball court saw her dog with him, mother probablly saw him in the apartment as well).

Due to systematic witholding of facts till 39 days after murder, I'd say SOURCE1 was not really interested in helping.

He was busy covering his *advertiser censored*.
Why is anyone even giving credence to Source1? At this point there is no reason to believe he is telling the truth about anything. This is supposed to be a victim friendly board but I have seen a change in tone here ever since Source1's statement was released. Kaytlynn was murdered. She was thrown in the garbage. Let's imagine she was buying weed. In some form or another marijuana is legal in 26 states and is in the process of being legalized in 3 others. It is less dangerous than alcohol and less physically damaging than cigarettes and, marijuana has a plethora of health benefits. It's absolutely preposterous to even be discussing this when in the end this poor girl was murdered.

The block button is my friend and I'll be hitting it because I have endless sympathy for Katylynn. My candle has been lit for her since the beginning and nothing will blow it out. Peace and MOO.
Why is anyone even giving credence to Source1? At this point there is no reason to believe he is telling the truth about anything. This is supposed to be a victim friendly board but I have seen a change in tone here ever since Source1's statement was released. Kaytlynn was murdered. She was thrown in the garbage. Let's imagine she was buying weed. In some form or another marijuana is legal in 26 states and is in the process of being legalized in 3 others. It is less dangerous than alcohol and less physically damaging than cigarettes and, marijuana has a plethora of health benefits. It's absolutely preposterous to even be discussing this when in the end this poor girl was murdered.

The block button is my friend and I'll be hitting it because I have endless sympathy for Katylynn. My candle has been lit for her since the beginning and nothing will blow it out. Peace and MOO.
I agree with your basic sentiment. I'm undecided about marijuana use, and dabs. (Recovering addict for a close relative).
But to say its her fault for being bludgeoned by a hammer, is way over the top.
i feel sad that you wouldn't have sympathy for a child who was murdered.

Let's not start this again please.

I don't have sympathy/excuse/justification for drug dealing or other risky businesses for "easy/quick money". Bad things happen.
There are plenty of ways to earn your money the right way.

This is my last take on this matter.

(NOTE: I am not talking about "addiction". Everyone is free to battle their own demons.)
Why is anyone even giving credence to Source1? At this point there is no reason to believe he is telling the truth about anything. This is supposed to be a victim friendly board but I have seen a change in tone here ever since Source1's statement was released. Kaytlynn was murdered. She was thrown in the garbage. Let's imagine she was buying weed. In some form or another marijuana is legal in 26 states and is in the process of being legalized in 3 others. It is less dangerous than alcohol and less physically damaging than cigarettes and, marijuana has a plethora of health benefits. It's absolutely preposterous to even be discussing this when in the end this poor girl was murdered.

The block button is my friend and I'll be hitting it because I have endless sympathy for Katylynn. My candle has been lit for her since the beginning and nothing will blow it out. Peace and MOO.


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I think young Kaytlynn was a trusting soul -- I'm guessing that nothing really bad had ever hurt her -- and if Source1 is telling the truth about her agreeing to make dabs, then she saw what was a quick way to make good money. How awful her last minutes must have been for her -- she couldn't get away, no help, no hope, then gone. Such a waste.

Makes me wanna holler.
I agree with your basic sentiment. I'm undecided about marijuana use, and dabs. (Recovering addict for a close relative).
But to say its her fault for being bludgeoned by a hammer, is way over the top.
The problem with that is not ONE single person has ever said that. That accusation only gets posted when someone doesn't dance in the street over the legalization of marijuana or believe drugs has nothing to do with the crime. Its now reached the point where we're being told people don't have sympathy for murdered children.

It's absurd.
Why is anyone even giving credence to Source1? At this point there is no reason to believe he is telling the truth about anything. This is supposed to be a victim friendly board but I have seen a change in tone here ever since Source1's statement was released. Kaytlynn was murdered. She was thrown in the garbage. Let's imagine she was buying weed. In some form or another marijuana is legal in 26 states and is in the process of being legalized in 3 others. It is less dangerous than alcohol and less physically damaging than cigarettes and, marijuana has a plethora of health benefits. It's absolutely preposterous to even be discussing this when in the end this poor girl was murdered.

The block button is my friend and I'll be hitting it because I have endless sympathy for Katylynn. My candle has been lit for her since the beginning and nothing will blow it out. Peace and MOO.

If police didn't believe anything about what source 1 said, they wouldn't base the whole affidavit on his claims. In addition, it sounds like there were text messaging between suspect and K, presumably supporting at least some of what source 1 is saying.
The problem with that is not ONE single person has ever said that. That accusation only gets posted when someone doesn't dance in the street over the legalization of marijuana or believe drugs has nothing to do with the crime. Its now reached the point where we're being told people don't have sympathy for murdered children.

It's absurd.

ITA. I don't think it's a great idea for a 14 year old to be involved in drug manufacturing. However, that doesn't mean K deserved to be killed or anything of the sort.
The problem with that is not ONE single person has ever said that. That accusation only gets posted when someone doesn't dance in the street over the legalization of marijuana or believe drugs has nothing to do with the crime. Its now reached the point where we're being told people don't have sympathy for murdered children.

It's absurd.
I think I love you...

I had to stop posting here because I got jumped on for not approving of drug use/dealing for a youngster, nor do I want to make excuses. We all agree she was just a kid that didn't deserve her fate. I had a post removed just for stating that. Legal or no, a 14 year olds brain is still developing. We need to make sure our kids know that doing any drugs or booze at that age can damage them. So what if it's becoming legal. It played a part in this poor baby getting killed. Don't shy away from it.

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If police didn't believe anything about what source 1 said, they wouldn't base the whole affidavit on his claims. In addition, it sounds like there were text messaging between suspect and K, presumably supporting at least some of what source 1 is saying.

yes they's evidence.. the jury can evaluate the credibility
there is a post above that says exactly that. .

The problem with that is not ONE single person has ever said that. That accusation only gets posted when someone doesn't dance in the street over the legalization of marijuana or believe drugs has nothing to do with the crime. Its now reached the point where we're being told people don't have sympathy for murdered children.

It's absurd.


Perhaps the wording here could have been something more victim friendly. Perhaps you were referring to your overall feelings about the involvement of drugs. Keeping in mind that EVERYTHING stated about drugs was from Source 1. There has been no confirmation from LE about the so called drug connection. At least not outside of Source 1 statements. There has been nothing about any messages recovered from Kaytlynn's phone. The only mention is about items being deleted from the suspect's phone.

If you read the affidavit, you will see this is true.

IMO, some people have jumped on the drug angle and cannot let it go. Myself? I keep waiting for any toxicology information, that might be released.
I want to be very clear about this one thing. I do NOT approve of using, manufacturing and/or selling drugs! That being said, good kids can become involved because of peer pressure or be duped into it by the lure of easy money. Yes, easy money would equal greed & that is not good. However teens have never been known for exercising good judgement. Everyone needs to think back to their teen years & reflect on their own bad choices. Did any of us deserve to be murdered because of our irresponsible & bad choices? If we had been murdered because of our bad choices, how many of us would still be here to be hashing this out? Probably not a lot of us & I include myself & I have no one to blame other than myself. My parents raised me in a VERY moral environment & lifestyle & set high standards. We were in church every time the doors opened & so far as I know, they practiced what they preached. That did not mean that I was a perfect child or teen. Like most teens I sowed my wild oats & as an adult I think I have lived a fairly respectable life. I've never been arrested or spent time in jail & so far as I know my lawbreaking career has been spent collecting speeding tickets. I even gave that up after it became too costly. Am I perfect? Absolutely NOT! I am a human & I make mistakes.

In the coming days I'm sure we will hear much more about Kaytlynn whether it be good or bad. I have lived long enough (78 years) that I have become a little jaded about the justice system. No doubt, defense attorneys will find witnesses who will testify about anything negative about Kaytlynn that they know or profess to know. We also need to remember that to SOME people, taking an oath on a Bible has no meaning whatsoever. As someone mentioned earlier the results of a tox test will tell us if she was using drugs at the time of her death. Regardless of what she was or wasn't doing, she was not deserving to be cruelly killed. Her family will have to sit through a trial enduring the unendurable; the testimony some of it probably damning, the likehood of defense attorneys attempting to smear her anyway they can, the pictures & description of injuries, & the possibly inappropriate actions of the suspect's family. I only mention this last possibility because I have a relative by marriage who is the aunt of a high profile murder victim. The judge can & will bang a gavel but that will not erase words uttered.
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