TX - Lenora Frago, 23, fatally shot, San Antonio, 24 Dec 2009

Open season on women? Can a man now kill a woman who refuses him sex if he says he gave her money for it? What about all the other applications of this stupid law? Anyone can kill someone and say or set it up to appear that the circumstance is what they claim it was to justify the act????

Has the world gone mad?
sorry, I have just been stewing about this one :(
This is a blatant miscarriage of justice.

In the US prostitution is illegal, but escorting is not. An escort sells her time only, sex is not included, which makes her activities legal. To get around the law prostitutes will advertise services as escorts, and then perform sex as a consenting adult for no charge. They are not actually paid for the sex, and in that way they skirt the law.

In other words this woman was doing nothing wrong and did nothing wrong. Basically this guy assumed she was going to have sex with him, when in fact he was only buying her company for a period. Then, when she would not have sex with him, he attempted to recover the fee at gun point and shot her when she fled. So he was the one attempting theft, not her.

This incident was simple murder. It should have been an open and shut case.

EXACTLY! This is SUCH a miscarriage of justice! Unreal!
BBM She took his money, walked around for 20 minutes and left. Not defending him at all, but even if he was just paying for her time, he probably was going to get more than 20 minutes worth of it for $150.

The point is, legally he had no right to shoot her, she was operating in accord with the law. There was no theft on her part. There was an attempted theft on his part (attempting to recover money for services rendered by force of arms).

So it should have been a guilty verdict for felony murder.
Even if we drop the entire legality/Craigslist wording, people are ok with someone being killed over a *theft* of $150 when the murderer was in no physical danger, and in fact chased the "thief" down to murder her?
Ugh, I shouldn't have read the article. He thanked God after the acquittal. I wonder if he was even questioned about why he was able to get to a loaded gun so quickly and shoot at the people fleeing. Wanting sex with a woman who isn't giving it and having a loaded gun around should be attempted rape IMO.
BBM She took his money, walked around for 20 minutes and left. Not defending him at all, but even if he was just paying for her time, he probably was going to get more than 20 minutes worth of it for $150.

True, the man may have considered himself "shortchanged" time-wise, so to speak. If I try to put myself in his place, I would likely not be thrilled to have handed over $150 and received only twenty minutes of an individual's time in return. However, if there was no signed contract between myself and the other party, I'd know I didn't have a legal leg to stand on, and I'd have to think, well, that's the way it goes, 'buyer beware'.

It would have been fine imo for the man to have felt anything from annoyed to outraged and incensed, but firing an assault rifle out into the night, a shot from which, as it happens, left the woman paralyzed and ultimately dead, was a lot of vigilante justice to mete out because he had a customer service complaint.

That a jury would uphold this type of action is ill-advised, incorrect, and appalling imo. (We can't know if there was a little thread running underneath their deliberations along the lines of...boys will be boys and nice girls should not make their money in bad, nasty ways. Wonder if it follows that the jury would have acted similarly if the genders had been reversed and it was a woman who was so dissatisfied with services that she shot a male escort.)
Part of me thinks, "well, it's Texas, what can you do, I was never going to move there anyway", but that seems like slippery-slope thinking. And I'm sure there are people living there now who would prefer not to live in the "wild west" atmosphere, but who lack the financial resources to leave.

This is not progress, it's the opposite of civilization.
Even if we drop the entire legality/Craigslist wording, people are ok with someone being killed over a *theft* of $150 when the murderer was in no physical danger, and in fact chased the "thief" down to murder her?

Apparently if you are engaged in theft or criminal mischief after dark, you deserve to die if someone happens to have their gun handy.

What if he wasn't satisfied with some other service? What if he hired some kid to work on his lawn,etc? Does he have a right to get his gun and shoot?
It's just incredible.
The Texas law that allows people to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft was put in place for “law-abiding” citizens, prosecutors Matt Lovell and Jessica Schulze countered. It's not intended for someone trying to force another person into an illegal act such as prostitution, they argued.

I don't get it. Why does it matter legally whether you steal or shoot someone at nighttime or daytime?

The guy is a serious loose cannon. If he thinks that it's justified to kill someone over $150 he could kill for less. Anything that doesn't go his way. Human life is not worth much to him.
This is appalling. There is no excuse, this jury is out of their minds. I rarely badmouth juries not even CA's but this..unbelievable.
Some jurors are really out to lunch. Where do they find them? It sounds like the outcome one would expect in other parts of the world.
So I'm curious if this was AT LEAST charged with soliciting? That's obviously what he was doing if he thought he was paying for sex!
Only in Texas?

You obviously don't read much news out of LA, NY or Detroit or Chicago, or.....

No I do not because I live in SA!

Seriously, though it seems like someone can step on your plants in Texas and homeowners are given deadly force.
No I do not because I live in SA!

Seriously, though it seems like someone can step on your plants in Texas and homeowners are given deadly force.

There are certainly people in this world who defend the use of deadly force when some old nutcase comes out and shoots teens for walking through their yards. But I don't think that's a Texas thing.

This is one of those cases, with this prostitute that I don't spent a lot of time worrying about - there are plenty of horrors in the world that tug at my heart.

This woman, posing as a prostitute, walks in and takes a man's $150 and then expects to be able to safely walk out and on to the next would-be customer to rob. What, really, does she expect to happen?

I think this may have been one of those cases where the jury frankly just doesn't really care. Like when someone gets shot for double crossing someone in a drug deal - kind of low on my things to get wrapped around the axle about.

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