TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #11

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I agree and they are a bit odd, however, this may be a source of comfort for her and possibly her little way of assisting authorities.
I wonder what her relationship is with her ex and his wife?..

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I really love what I have been reading here and think we have talented sleuths. I definitely believe this was a targeted attack on MB- that is the only thing I can say with certainty. Any theories I have on the perp fall apart and are missing key pieces. This perp knew what he was going to do and I think projected the areas where he was going to inflict his injuries by wearing a protective helmet and bullet proof vest. So awful. I just want to add that I continue to believe the motive is jealousy (extreme) and got up and personal to express that hatred.
Hey, if we could decide on gender we could eliminate 1/2 of the possible suspects. I think female 80% of the time but cannot reconcile the brutality involved that it might be a male.
I appreciate bats analysis and graphics. My only question is- how much would wearing a bullet proof vest, helmet and possibly knee padding alter your perceptions? That's got to add weight to the anatomy of the perp altering their physiology. Right!

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But wouldn't this also be the exact thing someone guilty would do to throw suspicion away from themselves/their family?

I think that's making it more complicated than it needs to be, but I also don't think anyone in her family is involved so that probably influences my opinion on the letters. Others who think they are involved might have a different opinion of the two letters she has posted.
Those who believe that LE has their eyes set on someone might (IMO) believe that LE is just tying up loose ends. I don't think ANY of these LE agencies are stupid and if they have someone in mind--are just ensuring that they have all of their I's dotted and T's crossed.

Again, MOO.

But Hercule Poirot *always* says something cryptic like "I shall explain the answer soon!" and goes to bed and the killer murders someone else that night!
Good morning everyone!! :)

I am around but haven't had much to add since the last warrants came out. I know that many of us here suspected people that ended up being on the target numbers list. This made me (and maybe others here too) think we were on the right track. But, I think by the time we got that information, LE had already moved on and were focused on a totally different group of people. I'm starting to believe that while we did find out a few snippets of new information, the rest of it (including the list of people) just got us off track.

I'm starting to question everything that I thought I knew. I'm really not sure that anyone on the list is the perp. We are days behind LE (if not more) and I can't help but go back to what I believed early last week--that the perp's name will be completely new to us, someone we haven't talked about here or someone we never even suspected. I can't quite make up my mind about whether or not someone else from that list was in on it but I'm starting to believe that the perp did this alone. I don't know why I get that feeling but I do.....and it's all MOO of course. And like all of you, I reserve the right to change my mind within the hour. ;)

I really believe that we have only received little tidbits of information that don't go together. IMO, these tidbits make it look like it could be going in one direction. However, if we had some of the information that is needed to fill in the blanks--I'm not so sure we'd be discussing the same theories. I just have a feeling that this is the case here so it's difficult to know what to say. LE has kept some information very close to their vest IMO that would give us all different opinions I think. For now, I feel like we are just going in circles so it's difficult to know which way to go or what to think. So, I'll just observe for a bit until things start making sense again. :)

Yesterday, I thought the perp was a female. This morning, I watched the footage for an hour after I woke up and I now believe the perp is a male. So yeah....I'll just go ahead and tell you that the only thing that I know to be a fact at the moment is that Missy was murdered and someone did it. I'm amazed at the hard work MPD and all of the agencies providing assistance have put in. I admit that I was surprised given the announcement last Friday of taking the weekend off. :waitasec: They are truly pulling out all of the stops to solve this and I don't remember a time we've seen this happen so quickly. This just furthers my thought about there being something HUGE that would make a big difference in what we think here. And THAT information is of course, what we don't know. I have a feeling we will all be shocked. As it is now, every time LE releases information--I end up speechless!

I just hope they are a lot closer than they are saying. I believe they are but I'm getting really nervous over here. My opinion ATM is that they are closer than they are saying and have their eyes set on someone. Maybe I'm just being optimistic and "the glass is half full" today though...

I agree. I almost think we should divide into teams and start over.....
Interesting how the MIL (Missy's mother in law, BB's birth mother, who used to be married to RB ... for those who are still confused about the factual family relationships) wrote and quoted...
... shaking in "your boots that look too big"
Anyone else find that the quotes mean something?

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Just that she probably thinks it's someone wearing boots that are oversized for them.
Interesting how the MIL (Missy's mother in law, BB's birth mother, who used to be married to RB ... for those who are still confused about the factual family relationships) wrote and quoted...
... shaking in "your boots that look too big"
Anyone else find that the quotes mean something?

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Yeah, I think she believes the perp either borrowed the boots from someone else or bought them large to throw off the investigation. I'm sure, after walking in rain, there were some footprints inside the church from those boots. If they are much larger than the perp's actual size, it will be harder to convince a jury of guilt unless they can show that the boots didn't fit.
The reference to boots being too big is interesting.

The most significant portion of her letter to the murderer, IMO, is the part about turning herself in and not letting her family see her taken away by the police (I'm paraphrasing). I think MT has an idea of who the killer is and that they have a family-possibly children- who would be absolutely traumatized to see their loved one hauled off in cuffs by the police.
Verizon maybe leasing AT&T towers, thus the AT&T towers would have the info on them from Verizon users. (If AT&T were the only towers in the area. i/d/k) IE: kind of like roaming~~but Verizon doesn't charge for roaming because they have a shared tower agreement. Just using Verizon as an example, could also apply to other carriers.

There is a website that uses Google Earth Pro that pinpoints all cell towers the FCC has on file and their locations. I'm not at home right now, otherwise I would post the towers in the 5 mile radius. When i do get home I will post it.

I have posted extensively in the Steve Avery Case regarding cell phone towers, there is a lot of info in that thread under the phone thread.

Yep, I looked at that the other night. And ATT does theirs different but I figured out how to look at theirs. Just looked to see dates..... The Affidavit for the ATT Tower Dump was 4/21 the Affidavit for the ATT Target Numbers was 4/25 .... :thinking: They executed the Big Bad Cellebrite on 4/20....

ALSO note that allt the data records they are requesting. Are going to be in the digital form for the most part which is good. They have programs to pull out what they need. Using their targeted numbers
The prosecutor might want to borrow these for the trial........................

Not a chance. Those images are of absolutely no evidentiary value in a court of law. They'd be thrown out immediately -- if a lawyer was soft-headed and unscrupulous enough to present them in the first place.
The reference to boots being too big is interesting.

The most significant portion of her letter to the murderer, IMO, is the part about turning herself in and not letting her family see her taken away by the police (I'm paraphrasing). I think MT has an idea of who the killer is and that they have a family-possibly children- who would be absolutely traumatized to see their loved one hauled off in cuffs by the police.
I just re-read the letter. BB's Mom doesn't imply a gender. Interesting tidbit and one possibly edited out by police?
I don't think driving back is suspicious either. I can't think of anything worse in that situation, than waiting around in an airport and then being without cell service for a couple of hours. No way. I'd be wanting to make and receive calls to find out what was going on. He would have spoken to his family (including the kids) as well as the police to get updates etc.

I am sorry I missed those previous threads on the topic. I'm still catching up since joining a couple days ago. I will say I completely agree with the consensus about driving vs flying. But also keep in mind, airlines are very accommodating when it comes to life-and-death emergencies. But yeah, having said all that my point about the situation being "odd" was perhaps a little too brief. Initially, taking everything else into context with BB's social media posts mentioning his travel itinerary, flight schedule, etc., I found the sudden switch to "road trip" curious. That is why I think the cell phone data will be absolutely critical to the case. Not only for what it contains, but for what it doesn't contain. Any gaps in service or power, etc.
Yikes. My post did seem a little bit snarky. :facepalm: Forgive me anony....I am in the middle of finals week and haven't had much sleep! So if it came across snarky---know it wasn't meant to be. I try not to ever come across that way to anyone here! I honestly respect everyone's opinions here.


Good Luck on your finals sweetheart!
I am a lurker mostly but this has been weighing on me too! Did not know if it was allowed, but did you also notice RB's unsteady gait? MOO

Batbrat, et all ~ Given the curious gait, and how the skeletal make-up of the two B men shows us that this type of posture runs in families, is there a different male member of the B family who may have inherited the same traits whom we've not yet thought about? It seems as if the two B men have fairly tight alibies. So who else in the B family might have the same posture?
I am sorry I missed those previous threads on the topic. I'm still catching up since joining a couple days ago. I will say I completely agree with the consensus about driving vs flying. But also keep in mind, airlines are very accommodating when it comes to life-and-death emergencies. But yeah, having said all that my point about the situation being "odd" was perhaps a little too brief. Initially, taking everything else into context with BB's social media posts mentioning his travel itinerary, flight schedule, etc., I found the sudden switch to "road trip" curious. That is why I think the cell phone data will be absolutely critical to the case. Not only for what it contains, but for what it doesn't contain. Any gaps in service or power, etc.

Absolutely right, to my mind if BB & RB are both telling the truth about where they were (ie hours away from Texas) it would be easily verifiable.

And I forgot to say welcome and thanks for your fab first post. I can't find a video of my no#1 (or at least was!) but if I do I'm sending you it :)
I just re-read the letter. BB's Mom doesn't imply a gender. Interesting tidbit and one possibly edited out by police?

Or I just substituted "her" based on my own theories as to whom the murderer might be. ;)
As far as the MILs letter goes, I bet LE doesn't know or care about her letters. In the interview with BB and RB, in front of MPD, BB mentioned at least twice that is mom is a "strong-willed" person. I see the same lack,and matter of fact, emotion that I see in her son. I have 2 daughter-in-laws. If something like this happened to either of them I would be too distraught to talk. MIL says all the right things, as does her son, but their outward appearances DO NOT match the words. JMO
Interesting how the MIL (Missy's mother in law, BB's birth mother, who used to be married to RB ... for those who are still confused about the factual family relationships) wrote and quoted...
... shaking in "your boots that look too big"
Anyone else find that the quotes mean something?

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Maybe it just an analogy to express that the murderer is trying to disguise themselves when in fact they are the opposite.
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