TX TX - Trung Ngo, 23, Katy, 15 January 2013

Discouraging how hard it is to get attention for missing young men.

I have started a Case Archive.
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Trung Ngo -TX_/#!cpZZ2QQtppZZ12

There is not much yet, but I will work on it.

Thank you, AmandaReckonwith.

We continue to push for attention from the press. We heard from a family friend, whose dad is a former officer, that people with tattoos are discriminated against. Basically, the case will get put at the bottom of the pile. Add the fact that you're a minority and do not come from a wealthy family, and the outcome is that they do not work your case at all. Is this true?!

If it is true, that is so disheartening. I have been raised to respect and trust law enforcement officers. I learned in school and otherwise that they are there "to serve and protect." I understand that may be naive of me, but really...? [I also learned not to judge a book by its cover...]

Through all of this, I have much less faith in "trained professionals" and so much more faith in YOU all who, to me, represent humanity.
Thank you, AmandaReckonwith.

We continue to push for attention from the press. We heard from a family friend, whose dad is a former officer, that people with tattoos are discriminated against. Basically, the case will get put at the bottom of the pile. Add the fact that you're a minority and do not come from a wealthy family, and the outcome is that they do not work your case at all. Is this true?!

If it is true, that is so disheartening. I have been raised to respect and trust law enforcement officers. I learned in school and otherwise that they are there "to serve and protect." I understand that may be naive of me, but really...? [I also learned not to judge a book by its cover...]

Through all of this, I have much less faith in "trained professionals" and so much more faith in YOU all who, to me, represent humanity.

Welcome to WebSleuths FindTrungNgo!

You must find the right, dedicated law enforcement professional! They are out there, and they do care. Irregardless of race, monetary status, etc...

And you have Texas Equusearch on your side. USE THEIR CONNECTIONS AND RESOURCES!

Keep looking and keep the faith! We are with you!
We have also posted flyers all over but it is difficult to reach EVERYONE with our grassroot efforts. Please continue to help us spread the word. We are working on getting more media coverage and actual air time on an evening news broadcast but it isn't easy to do that.

I know if this happened in my own backyard/neighborhood then I would want to know about it. Especially when it is clearly not a runaway case. He would not throw his phone out next to an apt complex and disappear without a trace.

I live in the Katy area and still have not heard anything about this case. I only know about it because I looked on Texas Equusearch website for a different missing person case and just happened to see someone was missing from Katy. I also was on Fry Rd today and didn't see any missing posters for him.

If it was me, I would ask the apartment complex or another business nearby if they would allow a large sign to be posted where people might see it while waiting at the stop light. There is a missing chihuahua that I know by heart because I have seen so many signs for him... I think more posted signs could help if y'all think he really went missing from this area.

I also would try contacting "The Rancher" newspaper if you haven't already as that is actually home delivered for free every Thursday to some homes in the area. You could also contact the community associations and see if they might put it in their newsletter.

Just some suggestions if you check back here. I hope he is found soon.
Welcome to WS hb7!

Excellent ideas. Dismayed to read you haven't seen any flyers. That bothers me as I've heard in the past that flyers are taken down for nefarious reasons.

I would also ask business owners in the area FindTrungNgo if you can re post flyers and keep an eye on their cameras to see if indeed they are taken down shortly there after.
Great catch. I Google'd the phone number in the Craigslist listing and it comes up to an auto parts ware house, (Ipartsinc) is the ebay username.


More searching on IpartsInc takes me to this webpage:

Makes me feel better that this is not an individual seller, but who knows...someone could have made a quick deal with them to dispose of the car.

Yeah, I'm thinking if it is the car in question that your last sentence may be more probable than the company itself having anything to do with this. It would still provide some solid clues if it is the car. Also keep in mind that some of these so called 'legitimate' auto parts places aren't so legitimate after all. Anyway, it's a possible lead. Kudos to the sleuther who found the ad.
As of 7 February 2013, Trung Quang Ngo and his family have legal representation. We hope (and pray) that these and subsequent action steps will spur the Stafford Police into action OR get another law enforcement authority to take over the case.

We did not take this line of action sooner because 1) we were not aware we needed to, and 2) we could not afford it. However, we do not need to worry about raising money to cover legal representation because the lawyer is doing this work pro bono...!!! Again, the outpour of support is incredible and much appreciated.

No more trusting the police when they say they are "doing everything that they can". We are sorry, Trung and the greater community standing behind us, for not raising heck sooner.

:please: PLEASE keep spreading the word and praying for Trung's safe return. :please:
Welcome to WebSleuths FindTrungNgo!

You must find the right, dedicated law enforcement professional! They are out there, and they do care. Irregardless of race, monetary status, etc...

And you have Texas Equusearch on your side. USE THEIR CONNECTIONS AND RESOURCES!

Keep looking and keep the faith! We are with you!

You are right. Thank you, Summer Breeze. We will try to leverage that more. And thanks so much for the words of encouragement.
Thank you, nursebeeme, for the suggestions. I will get on it right away.

there are phone numbers at all of those links... It would be my personal suggestion that you call. You will get help from these organizations!
Did he have a cell phone with him? Have they tried to ping it if so?

Have you checked his phone records and any social media he had?

(just throwing some more ideas out there)

How about a private investigator? If you now have a lawyer (god for you!) they may be able to recommend one to you.
As of 7 February 2013, Trung Quang Ngo and his family have legal representation. We hope (and pray) that these and subsequent action steps will spur the Stafford Police into action OR get another law enforcement authority to take over the case.

We did not take this line of action sooner because 1) we were not aware we needed to, and 2) we could not afford it. However, we do not need to worry about raising money to cover legal representation because the lawyer is doing this work pro bono...!!! Again, the outpour of support is incredible and much appreciated.

No more trusting the police when they say they are "doing everything that they can". We are sorry, Trung and the greater community standing behind us, for not raising heck sooner.

:please: PLEASE keep spreading the word and praying for Trung's safe return. :please:

Bold By Me BBM I'm so happy for this huge step! Wonderful news!!!

Don't be sorry or look back, keep moving forward your making progress, no family is ever prepared for something like this!

Trung is lucky to have have his family and friends!
Did he have a cell phone with him? Have they tried to ping it if so?

Have you checked his phone records and any social media he had?

(just throwing some more ideas out there)

How about a private investigator? If you now have a lawyer (god for you!) they may be able to recommend one to you.

His phone was found on the side of Fry rd. early on. Here's the map for quick reference.

Welcome to WS hb7!

Excellent ideas. Dismayed to read you haven't seen any flyers. That bothers me as I've heard in the past that flyers are taken down for nefarious reasons.

I would also ask business owners in the area FindTrungNgo if you can re post flyers and keep an eye on their cameras to see if indeed they are taken down shortly there after.

Sorry, should have clarified... just hadn't seen any myself at any of the places I've been on Fry Rd or when just driving around not aware of the case... But I did look to see if any were up tonight, and I did see some posted on some windows/doors of a handful of businesses so that is good at least. Maybe there is more posted inside other businesses somewhere. Went to Taco Bell tonight and they had a flyer for a missing runaway posted right on the counter at the register... very easy to see. Maybe they've done the same in that area for Trung Ngo as well.

Anyways, thanks for the welcome Coldpizaa.
The sad reality is that people will feel more concerned and connected if they can relate to a situation or a person.

In this case, what do we know so far? We know that a young man disappeared and that his phone found by a fence. That's about it, isn't it?

We know nothing about his personality or his family or friends, and therefore cannot generate any connection in that regard.

We know very little about the circumstances of his disappearance other than he has not been seen (by whom and specifically when, we do not know).

My point here is that the general public needs something to latch on to before they will invest their emotions and energy.

I know this is not a comfortable thought (and perhaps not fair) for a private family, but it really ends up impacting the degree of public engagement in the case. It's just a reality, unfortunately.

FTN, I asked some questions in an earlier post about Trung's habits and associates and you said you would pass those questions along, but that you thought that the family had already thought of those. I assumed from this response that the family was discussing this with law enforcement in the view that LE would handle everything. If they think that LE will handle everything, then the general public will not feel that their involvement is welcome or necessary. No response to those questions was shared with this group, let alone the general public, so the people here really don't have much more to go on and will drift to other cases where they have information to work with.

I'm not saying that the family should share private or personally sensitive information, but if they don't want to then they shouldn't be surprised that this case receives less attention than other cases.

I know that's sad, but it's reality. :(

People want to relate to a situation. They want to know that he is a 'real' person and that there are 'real' people who care about him.

Any personal or situational information you can (or are willing) to share will garner more engagement in this case.

By the way, I am totally engaged in this case. Why? First, it's my general nature. Second, I have 2 sons who are young adults and I can't imagine them just disappearing off the face of the earth one day. :/

Please bring Trung home safely!!
Sorry, should have clarified... just hadn't seen any myself at any of the places I've been on Fry Rd or when just driving around not aware of the case... But I did look to see if any were up tonight, and I did see some posted on some windows/doors of a handful of businesses so that is good at least. Maybe there is more posted inside other businesses somewhere. Went to Taco Bell tonight and they had a flyer for a missing runaway posted right on the counter at the register... very easy to see. Maybe they've done the same in that area for Trung Ngo as well.

Anyways, thanks for the welcome Coldpizaa.

Thanks for clarifying, hb7, and evenmoreso for being alert...looking "to see if any were up tonight". We are doing everything we can to cover as much ground as possible but it doesn't seem like, enough as you have indicated. We are reliant on and ever thankful of your vigilance and people in the community helping to spread the word.
Bold By Me BBM I'm so happy for this huge step! Wonderful news!!!

Don't be sorry or look back, keep moving forward your making progress, no family is ever prepared for something like this!

Trung is lucky to have have his family and friends!

Thank you. SO. Much. Your words of encouragement and support mean a lot to me and my family.

Do you know what it takes to have the Texas Rangers become involved????

Does the request for assistance have to come from local LE?

Or can you call them directly and request help? Can Texas Equusearch ask the Rangers for help?

Case Information
First name
Middle name
Last name
Date last seen
January 15, 2013 00:00
Date entered
Age last seen
23 to 23 years old
Age now
23 years old
Asian or Pacific Islander
Height (inches)
66.0 to 68.0
Weight (pounds)
135.0 to 145.0


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