UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

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Yes Chris, I think was struggling trying to make his mind up what to do, which choice to make. He couldn't tell his mother, well I don't think he could as he thought that would let her down. The person he often turned to for a chat was his father, you'll see this if you read back and check out Scottish newspapers here and there.

I still think he is alive, I in no way have the gut feeling that he is dead. Where is he? I have no idea and never have.
Altojack I always thought he was alive somewhere ,it's is my gut feeling that he is
Yes Chris, I think was struggling trying to make his mind up what to do, which choice to make. He couldn't tell his mother, well I don't think he could as he thought that would let her down. The person he often turned to for a chat was his father, you'll see this if you read back and check out Scottish newspapers here and there.

I still think he is alive, I in no way have the gut feeling that he is dead. Where is he? I have no idea and never have.

Altojack I always thought he was alive somewhere ,it's is my gut feeling that he is

We all know WHY you think he's still alive but the fact of the matter is he's probably dead.

If he was planning to run away and start a new life, I think he would've waited until he hadn't been on a booze-up. I've said the same thing when people theorize that Brian Shaffer absconded. Yes, he waited until he was half-cut then disappeared into the night, never to be seen again by any witnesses or picked up on any surveillance cameras. Then again, perhaps he left through the side-exit which was a construction site, had an accident due to his drunken state and got buried over. Similar logic applies in this case. Corrie's phone was tracked on the route to the landfill, the lorry was carrying excess weight, and he had history of sleeping in dumpsters. Do the math.
He haven't had history of sleeping in dumpsters, it was hearsay no real evidence to back it up he had done it
I don't know if it's rare for people in the UK to nap in dumpsters, but it's all too common in the US. Here's two accounts from Tallahassee Florida. These two were found in the landfill. Many are never found.

"Two men who likely never met died the same bone-crushing way, according to recently released investigative reports: They fell asleep in dumpsters that city garbage trucks emptied and were killed in the maw of the trash compactor.

The bodies of William J. "Jay" Norris and Anthony D. Todd were found two months apart at the Leon County waste transfer station."

2 men sleeping in dumpsters meet gruesome deaths
Corrie Mum Nicola don't believe her son Corrie is in the Landfill site, I personally again with her he is not there
I don't think he's in the landfill, no trace of him was found there, and I would have expected him to have been found at the transfer station anyway.

I think he went behind the bins to defecate, hence the furtive looks to see if anyone was likely to see him. Then he walked away up Short Brackland while the rotating camera was pointing in the other direction. It's unlikely that any camera would have caught him in SB. What happened after that I can only guess. If he came to harm at someone's hands, they're not talking.
I got the feeling he was a single guy with plenty of partners. I also wounder if he strung some Lass along who decided to get her own back. I wonder if this is another Jodi Arias type of situations. Maybe he meeting someone in a car in the horseshoe areas, and that's why CCTV didn't see him Leave that areas?
Maybe he meeting someone in a car in the horseshoe areas, and that's why CCTV didn't see him Leave that areas?
Yes, I thought that was a possibility. There are places where cars might have been parked along Short Brackland (not in the horseshoe itself), and he could have got into a car there.
I got the feeling he was a single guy with plenty of partners. I also wounder if he strung some Lass along who decided to get her own back. I wonder if this is another Jodi Arias type of situations. Maybe he meeting someone in a car in the horseshoe areas, and that's why CCTV didn't see him Leave that areas?

It is more likely that he's been killed during a hook up, than your other theory about him living happily ever after somewhere.

Other theories in the back of my mind:

Something happened in the rehab/halfway place upstairs from the bin, the one where nobody was officially staying but people were in there anyway.

He was in the bin lorry but managed to get out and set off home injured and is lying in a ditch somewhere

Something to do with USAF party/car

Also giving mild side eye to the recycling place (red lane? green lane?)
Something happened in the rehab/halfway place upstairs from the bin, the one where nobody was officially staying but people were in there anyway.

My feelings exactly!

I'm sure Corrie knew the place and was trying to get a place to sleep there. And he did, but something happened there. That kind of place is not a safest place to get a bed. I remember police mentioned searching the place at the time and talking to people, but surely that wasn't enough...I assume....
My feelings exactly!

I'm sure Corrie knew the place and was trying to get a place to sleep there. And he did, but something happened there. That kind of place is not a safest place to get a bed. I remember police mentioned searching the place at the time and talking to people, but surely that wasn't enough...I assume....

I remember Nicola saying she'd spoken to some guys who seemed to be staying there unofficially, a week after C disappeared when she revisited the scene. So even though the rehab place said there were no residents staying 24th Sept, there may have been some gatecrashers, could easily have been a hook up place.

The clincher in all of this is how heavy was that damned bin? Because if it was a full 100kg heavier than normal it makes sense that C was in it. It was all a bit vague though, wasn't it, I'm not 100% the true story came out there.
I remember Nicola saying she'd spoken to some guys who seemed to be staying there unofficially, a week after C disappeared when she revisited the scene. So even though the rehab place said there were no residents staying 24th Sept, there may have been some gatecrashers, could easily have been a hook up place.
I wasn't convinced by that as I feel that what was said might have been misinterpreted. Wasn't it along the lines of "you haven't seen us, right?" or wtte. I'm sure I read somewhere that the rehab clinic had upmarket clients, even the odd minor celebrity. So it might have been an appeal for discretion because they didn't want it publicised that they were in rehab - rather than that they shouldn't have been there.
I wasn't convinced by that as I feel that what was said might have been misinterpreted. Wasn't it along the lines of "you haven't seen us, right?" or wtte. I'm sure I read somewhere that the rehab clinic had upmarket clients, even the odd minor celebrity. So it might have been an appeal for discretion because they didn't want it publicised that they were in rehab - rather than that they shouldn't have been there.

She said ".... one building which is accessed through a large white gate and this place is called Focus 12, a drug rehab accommodation for people to stay whilst in rehab. This centre has been searched forensically on a number of occasions and they have complied with all requests. There was apparently nobody staying that weekend that Corrie went missing, however i was standing outside on another week when two men walked out and I asked them and they said “Don't say anything as we’re not supposed to be here”. So the police have been told nobody was there, but I know people stay when they’re not supposed to"

But, it's been thoroughly searched so seems unlikely he was ever in there, and especially not deceased. Perhaps rule that theory out though.
She said ".... one building which is accessed through a large white gate and this place is called Focus 12, a drug rehab accommodation for people to stay whilst in rehab. This centre has been searched forensically on a number of occasions and they have complied with all requests. There was apparently nobody staying that weekend that Corrie went missing, however i was standing outside on another week when two men walked out and I asked them and they said “Don't say anything as we’re not supposed to be here”. So the police have been told nobody was there, but I know people stay when they’re not supposed to"

But, it's been thoroughly searched so seems unlikely he was ever in there, and especially not deceased. Perhaps rule that theory out though.

Why? Perhaps Corrie met those unknown middle eastern men there.
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