UK UK - Daniel Mizzi, 35, last seen at home in the Mutley area of Plymouth, Devon, on the evening of 8 Dec 2023

Bumping for Mizzi. I think he should be referred to by his surname because it is more unique and distinguishable than Daniel
He always goes by Dan or Danny rather than Mizzi, although his old friend group used to call him Mittens so there's always that option

Thank you for continuing to bump the thread, as his brother it is appreciated so much so thank you
What strikes me is that you say the path is muddy and yet the photo of Dan walking along the road shows the bottom edges of his shoes are noticeably white. So, yes, a walk on a muddy path seems like it would probably be unappealing to him or not his intended destination. Imo.

Could he have had a distressing medical diagnosis recently? Financial, work, or relationship issues? Could he have been accidentally hit by a car? Could he have been forced into a car for some unknown reason?

(I am not on FB so I apologize if I am asking for information that has been released.)
Hello, the CCTV is on Porthmeor Hill, not on the coastal path which is muddy.

There are potential financial stressors as it turned out he had debts but I'm less inclined to think that was his driving factor as he wouldn't screw myself on our house nor cause that level of stress to our mum but that is speculation on my part rather than knowing for a fact

No medical issues or recent diagnoses, no recent relationship issues or anything that we're aware of. Depending where he goes after the CCTV, I don't think he was randomly hit by a car as the areas you can access with a car there are populated and residential areas.

Being forced in to a car is a thought we've had but unless he was meeting somewhere down there and they forced him in to the cat then it's very unlikely for a stranger abduction of a 35 year old male (just on the balance of statistics) but its not a theory that has been entirely discounted as all options are open
Thank you, it is agonising especially with the time of year but we're staying strong for Dan and we'll keep marching forward and pushing for coverage of his case
Hi Jake,

Thank you for being here; I hope we are able to be of some comfort - and ultimately some help - during this time for you.

Do you know if Dan was actively dating anyone, or if perhaps he was using one of the many online dating services at the time? And has he visited the area before?

Were the local restaurants canvassed as he likely had a bite to eat somewhere along his journey? How about the hotel, were the staff questioned if they had seen him or know if he approached the front desk asking for a specific room number or met anyone in the dining room? Are there any cameras in or around the hotel that have been checked, especially in the lobby or front door area?

The path that he took to walk from the train station, is it well lit in the evening hours? Have any sections of the road been checked if he could have been walking where it was very dark? Auto shops checked for vehicles needing body damage repair after Dec 8th? How about the car park area he passed, is that a safe area?

I do hope your dear brother is found safe and unharmed. He looks like such a friendly and happy guy, my prayers are with yours in that he is back home soon.
From your link, today is Dan's birthday. :(

"We will never give up Dan, the police may have but we will not let you be forgotten. Your brother needs to know just as much what happened. You are him were always close. There has been no birthday cake to make and no take the piss gift. Happy birthday my boy"
Could he have gotten on a bus in St. Ives and gone elsewhere? - I know it may be a long shot but maybe there is security footage from a bus? Possibly after the walk maybe he was planning on taking a bus to St Erth and then from St Erth to Plymouth
I don't know if these webcams have been checked yet but there are multiple live streams available around the st. Ives area. This website has the live streams with locations. There's one of Porthmeor beach as well. Just in case these haven't been mentioned/used yet I thought I might post them here anyways.


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