UNSOLVED Unsolved Case of Alva Gangloff Buffalo NY - 1973


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Jan 22, 2024
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Hello I wanted to shine light on this case that has little to go by but many clues and somehow a tie in another murder. Alva Gangloff Buffalo NY. She was married to a late Uncle of mine whom I never met nor have even heard his name but have heard stories. We wrote them off as camp fire storied but now that I am older and have looked into this case as far as I can i want to have Mrs. Alva at peace and find the truth on who was behind her murder! <modsnip: removed screenshots>
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Hello I wanted to shine light on this case that has little to go by but many clues and somehow a tie in another murder. Alva Gangloff Buffalo NY. She was married to a late Uncle of mine whom I never met nor have even heard his name but have heard stories. We wrote them off as camp fire storied but now that I am older and have looked into this case as far as I can i want to have Mrs. Alva at peace and find the truth on who was behind her murder! <modsnip: removed screenshots>
Alva Gangloff was my grandmother. She died before I was born. She preferred to be called Marie (her middle name). My name is Marie Gangloff. I was named after her. I believe my grandfather's name was William. He died a couple years after I was born. She was murdered by a serial killer who died in jail. He was never charged with Alva's murder but they were spotted leaving a bar together shortly before death.
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Alva Gangloff was my grandmother. She died before I was born. She preferred to be called Marie (her middle name). My name is Marie Gangloff. I was named after her. I believe my grandfather's name was William. He died a couple years after I was born. She was murdered by a serial killer who died in jail. He was never charged with Alva's murder but they were spotted leaving a bar together shortly before death.
Hello my name is Jennifer. My condolences to you on your grandmother. Alva would have been my great aunt through marriage. William is my father's uncles which would have been my great uncle. William was brother to Joseph gangloff who is my late grandfather. By chance was Alva ever a teacher? What made me dig up this unsolved crime is the story from what I was told about it when I was little. The night she was last seen she was leaving Joseph's Gangloffs house, my dad's father when he was about 10 or 11 years old at the time. It was off of Edna street. I could be spelling that wrong. I did read about the case with the man who died on prison but there are some things that just didn't add up and some things I had heard from my aunt and father who are the niece and nephew to William. How can I get in touch with you? What I need to discuss cannot be on a public forum. I wasn't sure if should contact the detective who reopened the cold case about 3 years ago about the matter. My Aunt who originally told us the story about Alva had passed away in 2009. I am afraid that most of the family who had their suspicion have long passed but it has something to do with their uncle In which never saw him again or spoke to him again after the tragic event.
You stated you believed your grandfather was William. Did your father speak about his dad or was he just not spoken about. Alva and William had only one child which was a son. William Jr. You must be his daughter. William JR from what I read had passed away a few years ago. My condolences to your father as well. It's weird because my dad never spoke of him. They were cousins but William Jr was older not sure how much older.
You stated you believed your grandfather was William. Did your father speak about his dad or was he just not spoken about. Alva and William had only one child which was a son. William Jr. You must be his daughter. William JR from what I read had passed away a few years ago. My condolences to your father as well. It's weird because my dad never spoke of him. They were cousins but William Jr was older not sure how much older.
my email is smithme1464@yahoo.com. My dad is William Jr. but he did not pass away.

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