US Sailor Gives Birth Aboard Aircraft Carrier in Persian Gulf


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September 12, 2016
5:59 PM ET

US Sailor Gives Birth Aboard Aircraft Carrier in Persian Gulf

A U.S. sailor is doing fine after giving birth to a baby she said she didn't know was expecting aboard a Navy aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf on Sunday.

According to a Navy spokesman, the sailor had complained this weekend of abdominal pain and was admitted to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower's medical department.

That's when the ship's medical team discovered she was pregnant and about to give birth.

"The family practitioner aboard Ike, who delivered the baby, is certified in child birth and has experience delivering babies," said Commander Bill Urban

The 7-pound baby girl was born on Sunday, Sept. 11, at 4:35 a.m. local time. According to Urban, both the mother and daughter are healthy and doing well. The mother said she did not know she was pregnant when the ship left Norfolk, Virginia, on June 1, Urban said.
Omg, that's so wild!! I used to think it couldn't be possible to not know you were pregnant...until I didn't find out I was pregnant with my 4th child until I was 18 1/2 weeks along!

I'm glad that everything went well for all involved in this story!
One thing I've always wondered about these unknown pregnancies...
What did the women think was moving around and kicking inside her belly? Or are these just exceptionally inactive babies?
An anterior placenta can mask feeling movements.

I had that with my son. I was terrified the whole pregnancy because I barely ever felt him and I was scared something happened to him. (He was, and is, fine :) ).
Wow! Not knowing you have a 7 lb. baby inside you is pretty amazing!

I too have always wondered about these "I didn't even know I was pregnant" stories. Pretty hard to miss during that last trimester, no? And this woman could not have been obese or anything like that since she was actively serving in the military. Strange.

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