UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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thats what i think too but was afraid to say any more than i did in my earlier post fearing i would upset everyone, lol i get the idea that they want to help find her and they want her to come home BUT everything else such as the reality of the matter is UNPLEASANT and they either dont know how to deal with any unpleasantness or just choose to reject that it exists or something??

sorry to quote myself, but wanted to add that i wonder if the people in her life giving her advice had these same ideas about avoiding unpleasantness?? i know the neighbor guy didnt from his interviews...
What I do not understand is no one asked Josh the big question.........
"What happened? Where is Susan?"
Susan's parents, sisters, friends and neighbors say they have never asked him...........
I would, sorry but I do not pussy foot around anymore!

you and me both wonder why, probably anyone that reads these interviews...i dont know how i could carry on with a prayer vigil or christmas dinner or anything... really strange
What I do not understand is no one asked Josh the big question.........
"What happened? Where is Susan?"
Susan's parents, sisters, friends and neighbors say they have never asked him...........
I would, sorry but I do not pussy foot around anymore!


Fear of the truth. An irrational fear, when querying Josh, IMO. No danger of hearing truth from him, unless he accidentally lets it slip.
I have heard it referred to as "magical thinking". They are in denial, not thinking rationally. Some family members may secretly realize the true implications of Josh's actions both before and after Susan disappeared, yet fear the reaction of other family members if they were to declare it openly.

My personal opinion is that indulgence of this type of irrational thinking is more cruel than kind. Kindness is best grounded in truth, IMO.

well put TGI - that sounds like whats going on for sure, do you think that that is how she came to such a bad decision to stay with josh? can a person use this type of thinking within their own inner speech? does that make sense? lol
Hi...just checking in....I so agree that Twitter, vigils are not "working"...and are NOT going to work

I think that this sort of "de-nial" thinking kept Susan stuck with Josh too long...I think that it also prevented her from taking a more radical/safer way to leave him

Let's just pretend eveything is ok...when it isn't...it isn't "ok" at all

In fact there are so many red flags against Josh, so many "hinkcty" things....anyone can see it...except for her family/friends it seems

Only her neighbor Peterson is on the right track

JMO at this point Josh is able to drag this out longer, without meaning too this "false hope" of the "family" and friends is actually enabling him at this point

My real concern and interest in this now is just for those 2 poor little boys....the "denial" could hurt them...!!!
I wonder what Susan's co workers have to say...........have we heard from them?
these folk are all enablers for Josh to keep behaving badly, like an immature kid.
Hi...just checking in....I so agree that Twitter, vigils are not "working"...and are NOT going to work

I think that this sort of "de-nial" thinking kept Susan stuck with Josh too long...I think that it also prevented her from taking a more radical/safer way to leave him

Let's just pretend eveything is ok...when it isn't...it isn't "ok" at all

In fact there are so many red flags against Josh, so many "hinkcty" things....anyone can see it...except for her family/friends it seems

Only her neighbor Peterson is on the right track

JMO at this point Josh is able to drag this out longer, without meaning too this "false hope" of the "family" and friends is actually enabling him at this point

My real concern and interest in this now is just for those 2 poor little boys....the "denial" could hurt them...!!!

that couldnt be more true either - what if he flakes out when it finally sinks in that he is screwed ... at best going to prison for life and at worst getting the death penalty. then what? the well being of those two boys are not even in the top 10 of his priorities. they need to get the boys AWAY from him.
I do think that Susan probably felt very torn. She instinctively feared Josh's unhealthy need to control and dominate. I believe that God gives us the ability to know when danger is near, but Susan may have felt pressured by other well-meaning church members or family to "think positively"' or ignore her instinct.

Learning to discern irrational fear from God-given instinct is a gift. I think Susan was struggling to learn, but Josh snapped before she had the confidence to act upon her good instincts.
Those darling boys are doomed if they are left with Josh and Steve Powell, IMO
What's wrong with susan's family not trying to get them off of them?
I would never rest if they were my grandsons until they were safely with my family.
I do think that Susan probably felt very torn. She instinctively feared Josh's unhealthy need to control and dominate. I believe that God gives us the ability to know when danger is near, but Susan may have felt pressured by other well-meaning church members or family to "think positively"' or ignore her instinct.

Learning to discern irrational fear from God-given instinct is a gift. I think Susan was struggling to learn, but Josh snapped before she had the confidence to act upon her good instincts.

THE Gift of FEAR! best book........
I bet poor Susan said 'this will never happen to me'.........murder........
he loves me to much, but it happens every day because this type of man only loves himself!
Per this link, the car was driven over 200 miles.


Susan was reported missing December 7th. Two days later, police confiscated the family’s van to search for evidence. It was the couple’s only vehicle, but when husband Joshua went to the Salt Lake Airport, to rent a car, it somehow took investigators by surprise.
Capt. Tom McLachlan, West Valley City Police Department: “We were unaware that he had gotten a rental car and was on the move. He had that rental car for 24 hours, or less.“[/I]

In that short time Joshua drove more than 200 miles.

Mike von Fremd, reporting: “Just what he did with the rental car, and where he drove it, is one of many questions investigators want answered. Police have not filed any charges, but investigators are learning painful personal details about a missing mother who in her own words, feared her husband.“

Some people may not like this comment but I say (BBM) shame on you, Capt. tom McLachlan that you did not know that this "man" had rented a car and taken off. You should have had a tail on him from the very first. He had an absolutely asinine alibi from the very beginning of this investigation. You would assume that LE would have been suspicious enough after hearing his alibi that a tail would have been assigned immediately.
Some people may not like this comment but I say (BBM) shame on you, Capt. tom McLachlan that you did not know that this "man" had rented a car and taken off. You should have had a tail on him from the very first. He had an absolutely asinine alibi from the very beginning of this investigation. You would assume that LE would have been suspicious enough after hearing his alibi that a tail would have been assigned immediately.

Odd isn't it that no one told the LE that he had rented a car........like the guy that took him to rent the car. The car rental place etc.........
Some people may not like this comment but I say (BBM) shame on you, Capt. tom McLachlan that you did not know that this "man" had rented a car and taken off. You should have had a tail on him from the very first. He had an absolutely asinine alibi from the very beginning of this investigation. You would assume that LE would have been suspicious enough after hearing his alibi that a tail would have been assigned immediately.

this is the same ridiculous nonsense that happened with drew peterson iirc. do the cops really think if they impound someones mode of transportation indefinitely that they will just stay home? take the bus, what? lol
thats what i think too but was afraid to say any more than i did in my earlier post fearing i would upset everyone, lol i get the idea that they want to help find her and they want her to come home BUT everything else such as the reality of the matter is UNPLEASANT and they either dont know how to deal with any unpleasantness or just choose to reject that it exists or something??
Maybe ignoring the ugly facts is what got Susan in this predicament to begin with. It goes along with allowing the abuser to continue to abuse. Churches are a great place for predators to hide because of the forgiving nature of the members. It feeds the psychopath's need for narcissistic supply.

I'm going back to why you don't put a couple into marital counseling when there's active abuse going on:

Some people may not like this comment but I say (BBM) shame on you, Capt. tom McLachlan that you did not know that this "man" had rented a car and taken off. You should have had a tail on him from the very first. He had an absolutely asinine alibi from the very beginning of this investigation. You would assume that LE would have been suspicious enough after hearing his alibi that a tail would have been assigned immediately.

Perhaps Josh's Famous Father & Brother got his ear? Power & privilege impress the Police?:waitasec:
Maybe ignoring the ugly facts is what got Susan in this predicament to begin with. It goes along with allowing the abuser to continue to abuse. Churches are a great place for predators to hide because of the forgiving nature of the members. If feeds the psychopath's need for narcissistic supply.

I'm going back to why you don't put a couple into marital counseling when there's active abuse going on:


oh, omegagal i just remembered i wanted to tell you... you had posted about books that counselors give to abused women... when i was eyeball deep in abuse some years ago i went to the church counselor because my abusive spouses family fancied themselves to be very "godly" (couldnt have been farther from the truth, lol) and that counselor gave a copy of "why does he do that?" that is an awesome book to help a person begin to understand narcissistic types if abuse - it helped me, eventually i left and never looked back. i still have a major problem trusting men and sometimes i dont know if i will ever be able to but i can tell you that i wont EVER let anyone treat me like that again. so i guess i have just been thinking about how far from "normal" that susan had been taken without really realizing it. it makes me sad and i guess feel a little bit guilty because i know that i didnt make good decisions either and i dont know why this had to happen to her just because she failed to make the correct decision fast enough...just sad, she didnt deserve this just for trying to give somebody a chance...kwim?
I know a lot of people here seem to think that the friends are not helping
by not allowing negative comments on the fb page… and that some
think that passing out flyers etc is not going to bring Susan home.
I want to comment about that….
I’m almost positive that Susan’s friend and family know Josh is behind this.
They have more information that we do.
They know more than we do.
My guess is that they pass flyers and do the media blitz because
it is the only thing they can do!
Can you imagine how hard it would be for them to sit back
and do nothing?
It would make me crazy.
I’m also sure that LE has told them not to talk crap about Josh.
They want him to have a false sense of security so they can catch
him when/ if he slips up.
IMO LE needs the friends to keep the communication lines open with Josh.
I would bet if the truth were told they all know Josh did something to Susan.
And I bet they are sick about it.
Just because they don’t come out and say it does not mean they don’t think it!
kind of like “you can catch more bees with honey”.

The moon is going into full.....it is at 82% right now.........this will be a BLUE MOON with an eclipse..........very interesting............please read what our TUBA from the forensic astrologers forum says about crime solving!
Pray that Susan's case might be one that this helps.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4607569&postcount=260"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - GENERAL[/ame]
I have heard it referred to as "magical thinking". They are in denial, not thinking rationally. Some family members may secretly realize the true implications of Josh's actions both before and after Susan disappeared, yet fear the reaction of other family members if they were to declare it openly.

My personal opinion is that indulgence of this type of irrational thinking is more cruel than kind. Kindness is best grounded in truth, IMO.

Hi...just checking in....I so agree that Twitter, vigils are not "working"...and are NOT going to work

I think that this sort of "de-nial" thinking kept Susan stuck with Josh too long...I think that it also prevented her from taking a more radical/safer way to leave him

Let's just pretend eveything is ok...when it isn't...it isn't "ok" at all

In fact there are so many red flags against Josh, so many "hinkcty" things....anyone can see it...except for her family/friends it seems

Only her neighbor Peterson is on the right track

JMO at this point Josh is able to drag this out longer, without meaning too this "false hope" of the "family" and friends is actually enabling him at this point

My real concern and interest in this now is just for those 2 poor little boys....the "denial" could hurt them...!!!

"Faith w/out works is dead." Meaning the power of prayer (including vigils) shouldn't be underestimated and extremely important IMO but should be accompanied by likeminded actions to back that up, such as searches (where possible) or simply asking the tough questions!

And "Faith calls those things that are not (yet) as though they were..." NOT the other way around! Calling those things which clearly already are as tho they were not is called denial (or self-delusion) in my book.

Exploitation is a classic sign of narcissism. (I try to remember the 5 "E's" including lack of Empathy, sense of Entitlement, Exploitation, Envy and well, there's another one lol) Once again, I find myself falling back upon pearls of wisdom gleaned from my own experience. As I have previously shared, we're instructed how to handle people in various states. We are to "admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak." And as Dr. Jon Townsend explains in Hiding From Love, "To reverse these is tragic. Encouraging the unruly is like a watchdog making friends with the burglar."

So much of our challenge then becomes one of discerning or determining in which of these particular states a given person is. We should all be forewarned re the dangers of all grace and no confrontation. Like most narcissistic, abusive types who refuse to be held accountable, manipulate counseling, church leadership, and any other intervention intended to require they answer for their behavior, it's ultimately more important to them to appear righteous than to become righthearted; and they prefer to wallow in the enablement of others. IMO this is the situation JP seems to have enjoyed for some time. :rolleyes:

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