UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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Susan's dad is coming up next on Geraldo with Kiimbery Guilfoyle (sp).
Kimberly asked the dad if he felt comfortable with the kids being with their dad (Josh)...he replied...he didn't know what to think.
IMO we are waiting on crime lab which must process contents of carpet cleaner eg, as well as quilt, rental car etc for fiber and trace evidence.

Cell phone (including call records and pings) along w computer (searches, emails etc) must all be analyzed.

Until they have something more (than hinky stories or things that make us go hmm), they are holding off for probable cause to make the arrest but they will nail him. Beyond obvious implications of fans aimed at damp carpet which JP didn't return in time to remove :doh: having gotten there in time to grab the steam cleaner alone is a HUGE victory for LE forensics IMO.

"Faith w/out works is dead." Meaning the power of prayer (including vigils) shouldn't be underestimated and extremely important IMO but should be accompanied by likeminded actions to back that up, such as searches (where possible) or simply asking the tough questions!

And "Faith calls those things that are not (yet) as though they were..." NOT the other way around! Calling those things which clearly already are as tho they were not is called denial (or self-delusion) in my book.

Exploitation is a classic sign of narcissism. (I try to remember the 5 "E's" including lack of Empathy, sense of Entitlement, Exploitation, Envy and well, there's another one lol) Once again, I find myself falling back upon pearls of wisdom gleaned from my own experience. As I have previously shared, we're instructed how to handle people in various states. We are to "admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak." And as Dr. Jon Townsend explains in Hiding From Love, "To reverse these is tragic. Encouraging the unruly is like a watchdog making friends with the burglar."

So much of our challenge then becomes one of discerning or determining in which of these particular states a given person is. We should all be forewarned re the dangers of all grace and no confrontation. Like most narcissistic, abusive types who refuse to be held accountable and manipulate counseling, church leadership, and any other intervention intended to require they answer for their behavior, it is ultimately more important to appear righteous than to become righthearted; and they prefer to wallow in the enablement of others. IMO this is the situation JP seems to have been enjoying for some time now. :rolleyes:


Awesome post KiKi! :)
I know a lot of people here seem to think that the friends are not helping
by not allowing negative comments on the fb page… and that some
think that passing out flyers etc is not going to bring Susan home.
I want to comment about that….
I’m almost positive that Susan’s friend and family know Josh is behind this.
They have more information that we do.
They know more than we do.
My guess is that they pass flyers and do the media blitz because
it is the only thing they can do!
Can you imagine how hard it would be for them to sit back
and do nothing?
It would make me crazy.
I’m also sure that LE has told them not to talk crap about Josh.
They want him to have a false sense of security so they can catch
him when/ if he slips up.
IMO LE needs the friends to keep the communication lines open with Josh.
I would bet if the truth were told they all know Josh did something to Susan.
And I bet they are sick about it.
Just because they don’t come out and say it does not mean they don’t think it!
kind of like “you can catch more bees with honey”.


I think they should be handing out flyers into Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada with at least 4 pictures of Josh on them, one with hat on, without hat, views from both sides and asking did you see this guy and the dates.
Things I realized when trying to figure out how I got duped. Polite people are less likely to buck a narcissist when he tells a lie. Don't be gracious with a liar. Spiritual people in a religion that promotes forgiveness are a hunting field day for a narcissist. He so needs unconditional love, you see, and wants to tap into you next.

Susan was coming out of her denial. She wouldn't have written about her fears unless she had already seen Josh's mask slip several times. Susan was very close to the full realization that Josh would end up killing her. Yes, she didn't move fast enough. But please, blame Josh for being a weak, selfish husband that snuffed out a beautiful woman's life.
I think they should be handing out flyers into Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada with at least 4 pictures of Josh on them, one with hat on, without hat, views from both sides and asking did you see this guy and the dates.

Amen and pictures of the Van!
JMO - I think she's in the backyard, or across the street. Right under LE's nose. I think Joshy boy is too much of a weasel to put too much effort into trying to conceal the body. The snow will melt soon, and IMHO, Susan will be found.

It's what my heart and gut is telling me. No evidence, no link -- just MO.


Okay, from the outset of this case, some here--including myself--have considered whether Susan may have been poisoned. As I had little evidence on which to base this I more or less went in search of something more than the disturbing ease w which I can readily envision someone w what we know of JP's personality traits--a weak, cowardly, narcissistic, controlling temperament--resorting to this method. So strongly, in fact did I sense this tho that I read up on the psychological profile of a poisoner. Here is a short excerpt from Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists (by John Harris Trestail III, bbm),

"However, one can make some hypotheses about this type of individual by examining the personalities involved in the published cases of poisonings in which there have been convictions. There are commonalities among these types of poisoning offenders. Poisoners are for the most part cunning, avaricious, cowardly (physically or mentally nonconfrontational), childlike in their fantasy...

If one looks at the characteristics in the standard reference Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed. (Am Psychological Assoc 2000) in the section on personality disorders, clusters A, B, and C, one will find characteristic that seem to fit very well with our poisoner hypotheses. The poisoner's personality especially correlates with the Cluster B disorder known as narcissistic personality disorder, whose characteristics include the following: a grandiose sense of self-importance (lies about achievements), a belief that the person is "special" and "unique," a sense of entitlement (expects favorable priority treatment), a need to take advantage of others without regard to feelings, a lack of empathy (no acknowledgment of the needs of others), a feeling of envy toward others, an arrogant/haughty behavior or attitude, a preoccupation with fantasies of self-importance (fame, wealth, achievement), a requirement for excessive admiration, and an inter-personal exploitativeness (uses other to achieve his or her own end).

Why does the poison murderer select this weapon as the means of achieving his or her goal? One of the major reasons is that it provides a very good chance of getting away with the crime. Another reason is the fact that a poison allows completion of the assault without physical confrontation with the victim. The poisoner is truly an intelligent coward or, one coud say, has the mindset of an enfant terrible (incorrigible child) in the body of an adult. This is a very dangerous combination. If one also looks at many, if not most, of the male poisoners who have been tried and convicted, one will see that they tend to deal with conflict in a manner that is not physically confrontational.

One sees in the childish personality of the poisoner an immature desire for one's own way... something seems to be hidden in the psyche of poisoners that keeps them permanently immature; they never seem to grow up... "

Lo and behold it's pretty spot on. Poisoner's motives aren't much different from those of other homicides, usually include money (insurance, expensive divorce, large debt etc); elimination of a goal blocker (eliminating the individual who stands between the poisoner and his or her goal); revenge; ego (arrogance, belief in mental superiority), etc.

JP may have believed he could escape detection by ensuring there were no witnesses, by sufficiently distancing himself from the crime scene (the spontaneous "camping trip") and because poison would leave no visible signs (woops didn't anticipate being reported so soon, forgot about fans). It explains a vomit eg stain on carpet. And after administering poison, he could have left w boys long enough for a death to occur (3 hours), then returned to dispose of her. Fits w passive-aggressive style, and we know he had both means and opportunity to poison.

My only question is, how self-controlled is JP? Is he too much of a coward to coldly plan and execute something of this sinister nature--ie was he perhaps equally prone to unleashing his rage in a vicious attack (as some narcissists can be?)

http://books.google.com/books?id=CR...&q=psychological profile of poisoners&f=false


Friends of missing women keep hoping for miracle
December 27th, 2009 @ 9:24pm
By Alex Cabrero

Still, with nothing new for weeks, even Hellewell admits she's not sure what else she can do.

"I've been trying to keep my hopes up every single day, but every morning when I wake up, it gets a lot harder to get that hope and keep that hope that she's still alive." -- Kiirsi Hellewell
"It's really frustrating, and what's even more frustrating is that people are constantly saying 'Why aren't you searching? Why aren't you searching? Why are you sitting at home on your computer? Why aren't you out and searching?'" she says. "I understand the frustration and how hard it is to sit home and wait and not be out doing something, but at the same time, she could be anywhere. It's like a needle in a haystack."

So far, West Valley police detectives have only named Josh Powell, Susan's husband, as a person of interest in the case. He is currently in Washington with his two sons visiting family.


Friends of missing women keep hoping for miracle
December 27th, 2009 @ 9:24pm
By Alex Cabrero

Still, with nothing new for weeks, even Hellewell admits she's not sure what else she can do.

"I've been trying to keep my hopes up every single day, but every morning when I wake up, it gets a lot harder to get that hope and keep that hope that she's still alive." -- Kiirsi Hellewell
"It's really frustrating, and what's even more frustrating is that people are constantly saying 'Why aren't you searching? Why aren't you searching? Why are you sitting at home on your computer? Why aren't you out and searching?'" she says. "I understand the frustration and how hard it is to sit home and wait and not be out doing something, but at the same time, she could be anywhere. It's like a needle in a haystack."

So far, West Valley police detectives have only named Josh Powell, Susan's husband, as a person of interest in the case. He is currently in Washington with his two sons visiting family.

Interesting in that video that Josh has the vent/window on the top of the van open, when it's obviously VERY cold with snow on the ground.

Wonder if he was 'airing it out.'

Just fwiw,
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