GUILTY VA - Noah Thomas, 5, Pulaski County, 22 March 2015 #4

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Yes! Of these 3 only 1 is a victim

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My God, that makes me so sad. Look at the brave, happy face he put on for the world. And those two don't look like they've been crying AT all to me. I've been up all night crying before, and you can tell it the next day. I don't look as BAD as them :naughty::naughty:, but I look all red, puffy, blotchy, and miserable. All they look like to me are a couple of strung out junkies who are more concerned that they won't have access to drugs than that they won't have access to their 2 kids (possibly 3...), and that one of them is dead.
I did see Paul with a baby in his arms on his page. It looked like a little girl but it may have been Noah when he was little. The child was very adorable. She/he looked to be around 6 months old.


I could be wrong, but i THINK someone said that was a picture of Noah as a baby. I think.
I did see Paul with a baby in his arms on his page. It looked like a little girl but it may have been Noah when he was little. The child was very adorable. She/he looked to be around 6 months old.

I believe it was Noah. It was dated 2010.
Any sympathy or empathy I had for these so-called "parents" went out the window when we learned that they neglected and ABUSED TWO innocent children! (and most likely caused the death of one of them).

Frankly, I feel like vomiting reading how anyone can feel for these 2 evil beings. I don't give a rat's *advertiser censored** what THEY were going through at the time, or are going through now.

People who abuse children are the lowest form of scum on the planet.

I will save my love, empathy and compassion for Noah and his baby sister, you know, the actual victims.


Some of us are able to feel tragedy for ALL involved, right or wrong, and this case IS a tragedy. There were some cases on here where I would have happily strangled the perp with my bare hands. This is not one of them. I'm the mother of a crack addict, and he acts somewhat the way these parents do, totally self absorbed. Even so, I can somewhat understand and still not hate. The same way I feel for these parents. Hatred does NO good for anyone. If we need to hate, why not hate those who sell the drugs, who allow the drugs to be sold, those who invented the drugs?

Sorry, folks, but I see this whole horror show as a terrible tragedy for ALL involved.
I need to clear up a few things.

When I said "jumped on" I was referring to their words, not them. Jump on whoever you like.

We don't know that they deserve any empathy, but neither do we know that they don't.

I am also fiercely anti drugs, I have never touched anything other than alcohol and pain relief drugs during childbirth. Part of me cannot comprehend how competent individuals can make the choice to bring drugs into their lives. But it happens daily. The picture that earlier posts and photos of theirs paints compared to now suggests to me that somewhere along the way something went awry.

I looked at comments under a MSM article and the things people were saying...It is my opinion and my opinion only, that if I was to feel ill will towards these people, and call for their murder, or their drowning or anything like that, then I am no better than they are. If other people want to hate them, despise them and discount them, then that is their decision, but I have just as much right to post my feelings on here as anyone else.

I am able to loathe their actions, regret their choices and wish that those children had been dealt the hand in life they deserved, while also recognizing the fact that these two people were also someone else's baby once.
Some of us are able to feel tragedy for ALL involved, right or wrong, and this case IS a tragedy. There were some cases on here where I would have happily strangled the perp with my bare hands. This is not one of them. I'm the mother of a crack addict, and he acts somewhat the way these parents do, totally self absorbed. Even so, I can somewhat understand and still not hate. The same way I feel for these parents. Hatred does NO good for anyone. If we need to hate, why not hate those who sell the drugs, who allow the drugs to be sold, those who invented the drugs?

Sorry, folks, but I see this whole horror show as a terrible tragedy for ALL involved.

What, hate a drug seller more than someone who puts their baby in a septic tank? Hate a drug seller more than someone charged with abusing two children?

Is selling drugs really a more heinous crime than what these two are accused off? Not in my book.

All drug users/addicts initially make the choice to buy/use illegal drugs. They make that choice of their own free will, in the knowledge that those drugs are addictive and harmful. Noah never made the choice to die.

I find it hard to feel sympathy for people who cause their own problems. My mum was horribly abused as a child. First by her parents, then once she was in care. Right up to the age of 16. There have been court cases and imprisonments since, of the people involved in the care home, so I think you can guess where I'm coming from. But never, not even once, has my mum used that excuse to hurt me, my brother or my children. She never used that excuse to take drugs or commit crimes. She had an appalling childhood, but has lived a good and decent life, because she has good morals and knows right from wrong. Even when it all caught up on her, and she suffered severe psychiatric problems and hospital admissions, she never did a thing to hurt anyone else, or make things difficult for her family. I don't have sympathy for Noah's parents because they didn't need to do any of this. They chose to.
I need to clear up a few things.

When I said "jumped on" I was referring to their words, not them. Jump on whoever you like.

We don't know that they deserve any empathy, but neither do we know that they don't.

I am also fiercely anti drugs, I have never touched anything other than alcohol and pain relief drugs during childbirth. Part of me cannot comprehend how competent individuals can make the choice to bring drugs into their lives. But it happens daily. The picture that earlier posts and photos of theirs paints compared to now suggests to me that somewhere along the way something went awry.

I looked at comments under a MSM article and the things people were saying...It is my opinion and my opinion only, that if I was to feel ill will towards these people, and call for their murder, or their drowning or anything like that, then I am no better than they are. If other people want to hate them, despise them and discount them, then that is their decision, but I have just as much right to post my feelings on here as anyone else.

I am able to loathe their actions, regret their choices and wish that those children had been dealt the hand in life they deserved, while also recognizing the fact that these two people were also someone else's baby once.

Amen and Amen. The hate on this board is palpable. Those without sin ...
If they couldn't treat Noah properly then they shouldn't have had another baby either. The baby is probably lucky to be alive. Jmo
What, hate a drug seller more than someone who puts their baby in a septic tank? Hate a drug seller more than someone charged with abusing two children?

Is selling drugs really a more heinous crime than what these two are accused off? Not in my book.

All drug users/addicts initially make the choice to buy/use illegal drugs. They make that choice of their own free will, in the knowledge that those drugs are addictive and harmful. Noah never made the choice to die.

I find it hard to feel sympathy for people who cause their own problems. My mum was horribly abused as a child. First by her parents, then once she was in care. Right up to the age of 16. There have been court cases and imprisonments since, of the people involved in the care home, so I think you can guess where I'm coming from. But never, not even once, has my mum used that excuse to hurt me, my brother or my children. She never used that excuse to take drugs or commit crimes. She had an appalling childhood, but has lived a good and decent life, because she has good morals and knows right from wrong.

I am sure there is enough hate to go around...
What, hate a drug seller more than someone who puts their baby in a septic tank? Hate a drug seller more than someone charged with abusing two children?

Is selling drugs really a more heinous crime than what these two are accused off? Not in my book.

All drug users/addicts initially make the choice to buy/use illegal drugs. They make that choice of their own free will, in the knowledge that those drugs are addictive and harmful. Noah never made the choice to die.

I find it hard to feel sympathy for people who cause their own problems. My mum was horribly abused as a child. First by her parents, then once she was in care. Right up to the age of 16. There have been court cases and imprisonments since, of the people involved in the care home, so I think you can guess where I'm coming from. But never, not even once, has my mum used that excuse to hurt me, my brother or my children. She never used that excuse to take drugs or commit crimes. She had an appalling childhood, but has lived a good and decent life, because she has good morals and knows right from wrong.

BBM In my opinion it is equal, if not worse. Even the Bible states that those who sew packets/packages (paraphrase) in there sleeves, (sell drugs) are stealing mens' souls. I believe that.
Amen and Amen. The hate on this board is palpable. Those without sin ...

Well, I've never abused or hurt my kids, so I think I have the right to comment ....... as does everyone else on this board.
BBM In my opinion it is equal, if not worse. Even the Bible states that those who sew packets/packages (paraphrase) in there sleeves, (sell drugs) are stealing mens' souls. I believe that.

Well, the bible says lots of things that we wouldn't take literally these days. Like they say, you can always find a quote in any religious book to justify your actions or opinions.

Each to their own opinion, but I don't think there is a worse crime than killing a child - but if you think that selling drugs is, then that is your right and I respect that. I won't agree, but I respect your right to have an opinion.
Great posts! A child is gone and gone too soon and the people that brought him into the world and that he expected to love him the most failed him the greatest. I have no empathy or sympathy for them because of all of those emotions are focused on Noah. He IS the victim. Not the parents who neglected him.

You know it is sort of ironic in ways how society views the dangers concerning young children. They have all these programs that warn about stranger danger yet in truth only 5% of those who abuse and murder children are strangers. A child is more likely to be killed by drowning in a pool or in a car accident than being murdered by a stranger. No one seems to want to talk about the dirty little secret in America which is the other 95%. Its like focusing on an ant and ignoring the huge elephant in the room.

Those are really the ones that children have to fear the most. It is the enemy within their own homes the majority of time who is a danger to them whether they are physically (including beatings and repeated rapes), emotionally abused or grossly neglected. Many more bio parents murder their children than when a stranger does. It is very rare for a stranger to murder a child even if they are a pedophile. Yet over 400 children are murdered each year and mostly by one of the biological parents or someone who lived within the home with the child.

And do you ever notice when a parent is arrested for sexually abusing their child they rarely do hardly anytime for it? One man had raped his little daughter for four years and only got probation but if a stranger had raped her once he would have most likely been given at least LWOP.

It sends such a horrible message. It is as if its ok to physically abuse (including rape), or grossly neglect a child as long as that child is seen as property of the parents to do with as they wish. Sometimes the justice system gives meaning when a parent says 'I brought you into this world and I can take you out.':(

I have said many times before that it seems if the offender is a 'mother' the child victim is seen as having less worth in our justice system. I have come to that sad conclusion based on the great disparity we have when it comes to punishment meted out between the two genders for the same type of crimes. Time and time again if moms don't get off completely by using some excuse then they don't do nearly the time compared to a 'father' when he kills his own.

Every now and then the mom will be punished severely if she murders her child or children but it isn't very consistent. Heck even if they kill an adult they are far more likely to be acquitted or receive a much lesser sentence even if the crime was brutal and premeditated.

If we are ever going to really be Justice for ALL then we have got to start giving each and every one of these precious children who are murdered the same weight regardless of the gender of the offender.

Every time a trial comes up that involves a female defendant my stomach stays in knots hoping that true justice will prevail. If the case involves a male I don't worry about it nearly as much. Society by and large in the criminal justice system are far harder on a male than a female. They are afforded no excuses and a female is. Only 2-4% of mothers who murder children are legally insane yet we seem to see that defense as if it is like wearing an old shoe whether it fits or not and of course the abuse excuse seems to be tattooed on the hip of all female defendants these days.

If this mom is charged with murder I have no doubt the excuses will rush forth from her attorneys from PPD to abuse claims.

We have to start giving these children.... who lives a horrible abusive life or who dies a horrible death at the hands of a parent(s) .........equal worth/value. All of them deserve nothing less. If not, we are failing the very ones who are most deserving of true justice.

Is it accurate neither parent has any pictures or comments about their baby on FB?
Maybe they didn't use it much. Hard to say.

They could have their privacy settings set (after the post you are actually able to see) so that no new posts are visible to anyone but friends. The only new content that would show would be profile and banner pics (which many people don't ever change or update). They may not have been frequent FB users, either.
Is it accurate neither parent has any pictures or comments about their baby on FB?
Maybe they didn't use it much. Hard to say.

I've seen adorable photos of big brother Noah holding his baby sister. Not sure where they came from.
Some of us are able to feel tragedy for ALL involved, right or wrong, and this case IS a tragedy. There were some cases on here where I would have happily strangled the perp with my bare hands. This is not one of them. I'm the mother of a crack addict, and he acts somewhat the way these parents do, totally self absorbed. Even so, I can somewhat understand and still not hate. The same way I feel for these parents. Hatred does NO good for anyone. If we need to hate, why not hate those who sell the drugs, who allow the drugs to be sold, those who invented the drugs?

Sorry, folks, but I see this whole horror show as a terrible tragedy for ALL involved.

We are all going to have things that we emphasize with in life that others can't comprehend. I am 46 years old and like most people have experienced hard and dark times. Yet, there is nothing that could have ever made me try a drug of any kind. I also couldn't have children, so for me to see this beautiful boy, and to know his family chose to do drugs or abuse, neglect and possibly cause his death and put him in a septic tank. Nope I have zero empathy for that.
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