GUILTY VA - Shannon Gore charged in death of infant, child abuse, Hayes, 2011

I didn't mean to imply a child can't be healthy and happy with Down syndrome -- or with CP for that matter. Just that since the parents seemed to be blaming any physical problems Sunny has on the combination of these two issues, the attorney's statement seems contradictory. He seems to be admitting that her poor health (starvation, etc.) are from the parents' neglect, not due to CP or Down syndrome.

Or he could be planning to argue that a medical issue arose recently with Sunny... but up until then she was healthy.

Cerebral Palsy is a broad diagnosis too, it has many different variations. Many times it is a catch all for unspecified defects of the child's brain, be they birth injury, neurological based issues and the brain with oxygen deprivation of some sort.
Also I can relay that it has been stated that Sunny is non verbal as per her physicians.

I would expect that. A typical child even, will sometimes come out of an orphanage non verbal.

What good does it do the kid to talk when no one listens?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sunny doesn't make much noise at all.

Doesn't cry.

Doesn't laugh.

When you have been crying for years and nobody ever comes... you just learn it's not worth it.

They will likely have to "teach" this 6 year old girl to cry and laugh.

My take on the lawyer's comment is he is going to do "whatever it takes" to save his client from an early death. He undoubtedly knows there is no excuse for what she has done, so he is going to ignore the truth and try to devise an alternate reality - one where for whatever reason the Gores didn't get prenatal care, a BC or ever take their children to a doctor, but the children were loved and cared for "normally" otherwise. We all know it is bull chit.

If Sunshine has Downs or CP he would be using it to his client's advantage (poor Shannon was just overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for her disabled children). IMO the disabilities are going to turn out to be caused by abuse, starvation and neglect. It was previously said that Sunshine could walk before she was locked in the cage, now she can't. Sunshine is said (now) not to be verbal - another sign of long term neglect.

These poor children were born into the home of monsters - if the pregnancies where such a colossal "sin" the children could have been handed over for adoption - for some sick reason this didn't happen. I have never heard any church advocate torture and murder of an innocent child to make up for the mistakes of the parents, so it is safe to say this line of reasoning will not pan out. (Not to mention SG is also under investigation for stealing.)

Mr Smith you go right on thinking Baby Boy died from "natural causes" - I guess you need something to help you sleep at night, anyone with half a brain knows that failure to provide medical care is a crime and can be prosecuted, so good luck with that (not!).

I thought about this defense too... but see they kind of screwed themselves here.

The people who DO get overwhelmed from having a child with special needs... do not simply get overwhelmed because their child has a diagnosis...

They are overwhelmed by what comes WITH that diagnosis. The doctor's visits, the early intervention, the therapists, the research, the working with the child, the meetings for school...

Sunny did not have the benefit of any of those things.

Some parents will opt out of the therapies because it's too overwhelming.

These people had nothing to be overwhelmed about... even if they had kids with special needs.

Not to mention, IF Sunny has Down syndrome then they almost certainly had a child who crawled late, walked late and obviously wasn't asking annoying questions. Delayed = not chasing her around.

There was obviously not serious medical issues to contend with. So they basically had a young baby who didn't cry and didn't talk. That's what they had to take care of.

I'm sorry... but having spent time in the hospital with both children... having a therapist at my house daily between the two kids... having almost every "ologist" under the sun... I would love to see them try to argue they were "overwhelmed." I would HOPE the prosecution would do some research about what REAL parents of children with special needs do for their children. These people would probably chit down both legs.

Prosecution response:

There was absolutely nothing to be overwhelmed by in this case, because they never sought help for their child.
Makes me so sad to see the smears on the wall of the little girl's room. :-(
thank you heartland. I am so glad you decided to come out of lurkdom and post that link. Welcome.
Thank you. I have been following the case, and I really really want to see justice done, I really hope that sunshine is not only going to be ok, but be placed with a family to love her and that she can love.
I have a daughter the same age, I just can't wrap my head around how on earth these monster parents could be so evil.
It is inconceivable to most parents. I do not even want to refer to them as parents of Sunshine, although I know that is technically accurate. I can only think of them as breeders, they breed children but what was done to Sunshine or Golden Boy does not qualify as parenting.
So the families really did not know! Crazy! Since Brian Gore's dad sold the trailer, my guess is he was the one who actually owned it. Maybe they didn't want family members to know about the kids because they would be kicked out of the mobile home if their folks found out they had kids out of wedlock? I really don't know WHAT could have been going through their heads when they kept these children isolated and secret! Children are not possessions, they are people!
I can't figure out how a family could be so strict as to cause fear of reprisal for having children out of wedlock and yet apparently so easy going as to not cause fear with the public knowledge that these two were living together without the benefit of wedlock??? Does this make sense to anyone else? I am really asking for input as this cannot be the explanation for keeping those two pregnancies, births and children a secret. There simply has to be some other reason for this.
And if the two of them did not want children out of wedlock, why didn't the two of them just got married when she got pregnant? The idea that they were hiding the kids because they weren't married really doesn't make much sense to me, but then what would make sense?
And if the two of them did not want children out of wedlock, why didn't the two of them just got married when she got pregnant? The idea that they were hiding the kids because they weren't married really doesn't make much sense to me, but then what would make sense?

I still have more questions - are they implying Brian is the father of Sunshine?

Because wasn't there an ex girlfriend? If Shannon is 24 now, she would have been 17 (?) when Sunshine was born right? I just can't get past no one knowing about her -

The very air where Sunshine was, must have been difficult to breathe - how do you just throw poo on the floor and not clean it? How do you keep the rest of your home from not stinking? They must have had visitors for the new baby? Surely people brought dinner over for the new parents?
I still have more questions - are they implying Brian is the father of Sunshine?

Because wasn't there an ex girlfriend? If Shannon is 24 now, she would have been 17 (?) when Sunshine was born right? I just can't get past no one knowing about her -

The very air where Sunshine was, must have been difficult to breathe - how do you just throw poo on the floor and not clean it? How do you keep the rest of your home from not stinking? They must have had visitors for the new baby? Surely people brought dinner over for the new parents?

Somewhere in the articles I read Shannon did not allow her friends into her house...

Bigger question: Where was Shannon and /or Brian living when Sunny and Baby Boy were born? Where were these children hidden before they moved into the trailer?
Ding Ding Ding

Now that is one doozy of a question LCM! MOO, some of that will be coming out and it will reveal stuff we don't want to know, can't comprehend.

Any good cyber sleuths following this thread? hmm,
Somewhere in the articles I read Shannon did not allow her friends into her house...

Bigger question: Where was Shannon and /or Brian living when Sunny and Baby Boy were born? Where were these children hidden before they moved into the trailer?

Good question -
This is another new article....

Evidence Revealed,0,1470360.story

In addition to the one posted above...

Inside Mobile Home....

Smith talked about the 'normal' pictures. And of course he had access to any images that were on the computers. But pics from the home, it sounds like most of them were new. Newly developed film, undeveloped film.. Sounds like they were happily documenting the new baby boy.

LOL I hope that LE has a good computer person, and I hope they are going over those computers extra well.
So the families really did not know! Crazy! Since Brian Gore's dad sold the trailer, my guess is he was the one who actually owned it. Maybe they didn't want family members to know about the kids because they would be kicked out of the mobile home if their folks found out they had kids out of wedlock? I really don't know WHAT could have been going through their heads when they kept these children isolated and secret! Children are not possessions, they are people!

It is possible that his name was on it. But it is also possible that the Dad had them sign a power of attorney making the dad their agent for purposes of the mobile home.
People that don't look l=kindly on couples having children out of wedlock generally also have a problem with co-habitting as well. Because it is unrealistic to expect that people live together and do not engage in that very activity that brings the children in the first place.

Thse two realities are not jibing for me.

I am bothered by what Brian thinks is "the worse(sic) of the stuff" out of the trailer.
Reports I've read say Shannon is 25 and Brian is 29. Could it be that the deceased boy was born before Sunny, say in 2002 when Shannon was 15 or 16 and Brian was 19 or 20? And maybe he died in 2007 around age 5 or 6, like Sunny would have if not found? I'm just imagining that if she was 15 or 16 and pregnant that would explain the secrecy a little more. Just speculating...
At 15 or 16 she must have still be living at home with her parents. How would she be able to hide the pregnancy and especially the resulting child from her parents? If she is 25 now, and the little girl is 5 or 6, she had the girl when she was either 19 or 20-presumably after moving out from her parents home.

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