WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #15

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I know that things on the ground in the search areas are not this dead, but I hate to Lindsey's forum going cold.
What haven't we looked at, what are the little things that are still bugging us, what haven't we done, what might have been skipped over in the very beginning? Even if it's just to say that the position of some weeds trampled in an early McCleary pic makes you wonder, say it. We need something to jump start us. LE isn't talking, I don't think they have anything to say. We are the people that always have something to say.

To the searchers: I wish you luck and strength. Be safe and bring her home.
I just wanted to let you all know that the Yakima Jane Doe from 2007 was identified in early 2008. Not sure why some websites still have her listed... She was identified as Jaleeza Lobdell, of Washington, who actually *was reported missing, but not until after the body was found. (Her mom figured she had run away again, and thought she would come home soon. So she waited a while. Not uncommon with habitual runaways.)

Here is the WS thread about Yakima Jane Doe / Jaleeza: WA-Unidentified Girl Yakima - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
A weekly thank you locals and other. I humbly applaud your continued efforts to keep Lindsey's hope alive. I am embarrassed that I am not able to offer anything, and am so thankful that you keep her from falling completely away.


Hey Norm,

Good to cya again. I'm sure lots of other peeps appreciate your warmth and encouragement as much as I do. :dance:

You have lots of good ideas too. you little brainstormer you! :cool:
I know that things on the ground in the search areas are not this dead, but I hate to Lindsey's forum going cold.
What haven't we looked at, what are the little things that are still bugging us, what haven't we done, what might have been skipped over in the very beginning? Even if it's just to say that the position of some weeds trampled in an early McCleary pic makes you wonder, say it. We need something to jump start us. LE isn't talking, I don't think they have anything to say. We are the people that always have something to say.

To the searchers: I wish you luck and strength. Be safe and bring her home.

Hi Not my kids, One thing I can't believe we just took as almost gospel is that the fight happened close to the Shell station and the bike was left there after a neighbor stopped and told Josh to go home.

We never even explored the idea that wasn't what happened and that yes, the argument might have started around the Shell station. But that is not where the neighbor saw the argument, and Josh walked up to within a few houses of KK's.

It is Boondock's great theory and having done a lot of back reading I did find that exact scenario written by KK in one of her earlier posts. In that post KK mentions this is what her daughter MK told her, so I think it is probably what happened. It was also postulated that this neighbor was actually a friend of the person who lived a few houses down from KK on Maple St and was visiting her at that time when she heard the argument and went outside.

This person is also the same person that watched Lindsey on her walk back home a few minutes later {she was at KK's house only about 5 min approx so the turn around time was quite brief}. That puts Josh within a few houses of KK's when he was asked to go back home, and only the girls continued past the few more houses to KK's.

One of the reasons I do believe this is what happened is something made Lindsey decide not walk straight down Maple to get home, but rather to take another way home.

Boondock theorizes she wanted nothing to do with her brother who was walking ahead of her, maybe within sight. So when Lindsey reached 6th St she took a right and walked up that road for a block and a half to where Fir St had never been paved, took a left and walked to where she would come to Libby's house if she wanted to swim again or to continue on the way to her house which I don't believe she wanted to go. It is speculated that Mr Oakes' dogs did sniff Lindsey going south up 6th but we have no verification of that, only hearsay.

The reason I believe this is what Lindsey did is because that walk would have put her walking right in front of Jim Mullin's house and then down the side of it as she turned left to walk on the path which is the dedicated area of Fir St. I think LE believed right away this is where Lindsey walked as they searched his property 6x's. :waitasec:

Why did we never question why so many searches right off the bat on this property? LE must have had good reason for their searches. Jim had only owned the property a few months and LE found no evidence of her on his property that we heard of. I don't think he had anything to do with Lindsey that night, she just walked by.

It leaves many more details to find and figure out, but I do believe she was snatched somewhere between 6th and Fir and her home,and not on Maple.

Thanks to Boondock for opening up our minds with her new post.

I think whatever this witness saw that supposedly made her fearful to let others know about, is crutial to solving the case and that she has told this to LE. Something spooked Lindsey, whether dealing with her brother or maybe the sound of loud pipes revving up from a white car she saw parked up the road. And so as she walked, she was trying to think of a way to stay clear of whatever scared her so she would stay safe. xox

PS: I also wonder if this person in the white car was close by as Lindsey started out on her walk home. She saw the car and he saw her walking alone. It could be that on some point during her walk he drove by her and stopped, offering her a ride home. Pure speculation on my part.
Hi Not my kids, One thing I can't believe we just took as almost gospel is that the fight happened close to the Shell station and the bike was left there after a neighbor stopped and told Josh to go home.

We never even explored the idea that wasn't what happened and that yes, the argument might have started around the Shell station. But that is not where the neighbor saw the argument, and Josh walked up to within a few houses of KK's.

It is Boondock's great theory and having done a lot of back reading I did find that exact scenario written by KK in one of her earlier posts. In that post KK mentions this is what her daughter MK told her, so I think it is probably what happened. It was also postulated that this neighbor was actually a friend of the person who lived a few houses down from KK on Maple St and was visiting her at that time when she heard the argument and went outside.

This person is also the same person that watched Lindsey on her walk back home a few minutes later {she was at KK's house only about 5 min approx so the turn around time was quite brief}. That puts Josh within a few houses of KK's when he was asked to go back home, and only the girls continued past the few more houses to KK's.

One of the reasons I do believe this is what happened is something made Lindsey decide not walk straight down Maple to get home, but rather to take another way home.

Boondock theorizes she wanted nothing to do with her brother who was walking ahead of her, maybe within sight. So when Lindsey reached 6th St she took a right and walked up that road for a block and a half to where Fir St had never been paved, took a left and walked to where she would come to Libby's house if she wanted to swim again or to continue on the way to her house which I don't believe she wanted to go. It is speculated that Mr Oakes' dogs did sniff Lindsey going south up 6th but we have no verification of that, only hearsay.

The reason I believe this is what Lindsey did is because that walk would have put her walking right in front of Jim Mullin's house and then down the side of it as she turned left to walk on the path which is the dedicated area of Fir St. I think LE believed right away this is where Lindsey walked as they searched his property 6x's. :waitasec:

Why did we never question why so many searches right off the bat on this property? LE must have had good reason for their searches. Jim had only owned the property a few months and LE found no evidence of her on his property that we heard of. I don't think he had anything to do with Lindsey that night, she just walked by.

It leaves many more details to find and figure out, but I do believe she was snatched somewhere between 6th and Fir and her home,and not on Maple.

Thanks to Boondock for opening up our minds with her new post.

I think whatever this witness saw that supposedly made her fearful to let others know about, is crutial to solving the case and that she has told this to LE. Something spooked Lindsey, whether dealing with her brother or maybe the sound of loud pipes revving up from a white car she saw parked up the road. And so as she walked, she was trying to think of a way to stay clear of whatever scared her so she would stay safe. xox

PS: I also wonder if this person in the white car was close by as Lindsey started out on her walk home. She saw the car and he saw her walking alone. It could be that on some point during her walk he drove by her and stopped, offering her a ride home. Pure speculation on my part.

Here is a link to the original warrant. This is for those who can read PDF - if not, momtective's copy is in the stickys.

bolded by me**
Original warrant

Time-line - note that it hasn't been changed since July 25th...
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Timeline

Hi scandi, just a few questions...I want to get it right cause of the time-line. My entry on the time-line is somewhere on the way to KK, Josh was told to turn around and go home.

You say:
We never even explored the idea that wasn't what happened and that yes, the argument might have started around the Shell station. But that is not where the neighbor saw the argument, and Josh walked up to within a few houses of KK's.

1st question:
The neighbor who sent Josh home is just a few houses from KK - is that for sure and may I please have a link so I can change the info in the time-line? TIA I'll bring a link of the time-line over and I can change it. It's not a complicated one, just lots of effort to keep it accurate.

2nd question:
We discussed Jim Mullen's property for pages on end - I remember nobody could find that it had a creek on it. You say he was only there for a few months - did he move onto the property in the Spring (March or so)? TIA. To me, that would be extremely important if Jim had only been there for a couple months - that's not enough time for the kids visiting his property to feel he's creepy, odd, takes pics, invites them into his house, etc like a pedophile would do. TIA scandi AND high five to you for keeping the quest for Lindsey's perp up front!
It is disturbing indeed to see the activity even on this forum dwindling down.

I can add only one detail, from what I've read and IIRC: the pool that Lindsey and the other girls were playing in is not the type in which one could actually swim; it's an above-ground pool for children to splash around in. Not that it matters, except that as a destination in the evening it would not be as attractive as an actual swimming pool.

Also, a question: Was Lindsey thought to be wearing the bathing suit mentioned in the warrant? Or had she just brought it along with her?

(I remember the two reported but unsubstantiated "sightings" of a girl in a flowered bathing suit, one was seen at a Costco right after Lindsey was reported missing.)


Keep up the good work, searchers!
It is disturbing indeed to see the activity even on this forum dwindling down.

I can add only one detail, from what I've read and IIRC: the pool that Lindsey and the other girls were playing in is not the type in which one could actually swim; it's an above-ground pool for children to splash around in. Not that it matters, except that as a destination in the evening it would not be as attractive as an actual swimming pool.

Also, a question: Was Lindsey thought to be wearing the bathing suit mentioned in the warrant? Or had she just brought it along with her?

(I remember the two reported but unsubstantiated "sightings" of a girl in a flowered bathing suit, one was seen at a Costco right after Lindsey was reported missing.)


Keep up the good work, searchers!

Hi Track292008 - the comments are dwindling down, not sure what new info there is or what info hasn't been dissected 20 different ways.

Regarding Lindsey's swim suit - the warrant says she had on a 'mismatched, two piece, bikini like bathing suit'. To me, it sounds as if she was wearing it. The warrant was the first I had heard of the suit...I thought she went home to bathe and change. Maybe Lindsey couldn't find her undies and wore the suit instead. I'm pretty sure the warrant mentions her suit twice...the other time it says she was wearing a flowered 2 piece suit. And yes, I remember the unconfirmed sighting of her in the woods. mho

Lindsey wearing the bathing suit caught me off guard - LE and mom Baum never mentioned it. My guess is that LE and mom Baum kept it quiet because the bathing suit would be known by the perp.

The warrant also says Lindsey was last seen leaving KK's house and was walking east on Maple approaching 6th. Sounds like Scandi and Boondock have some theories around that walk...I wonder if we will ever know for sure. pinpointing times for Lindsey's disappearance is next to impossible and the lack of specifics must be driving the Astros crazy. mho Have a good day
If she did go South (take a right) on 6th St - have we looked at who lives in the houses along Maple from 6th on East? If she saw someone she wanted to avoid - maybe it was someone who lives there or someone visiting somoene who lives there.

McCleary Mayor Wallace Bentley remembers the night Lindsey disappeared like it was yesterday. The little girl&#8217;s route home would have taken her right past his house. In fact, a confirmed sighting of Lindsey has her disappearing right outside his home on Maple Street, within view of his windows.

&#8220;I&#8217;ve been bending my brain around what happened ever since,&#8221; Bentley said. &#8220;I returned home from a retirement party for a city employee. I was there. I know I saw kids on the street. But did I see her? I don&#8217;t know. I wish I could say I did, but I just don&#8217;t know.&#8221;

Across the street, William Self, 79, says he was home, too. But he didn&#8217;t see anything either. He says an FBI agent looked through his home and in his backyard for Lindsey, like they did for practically every neighbor up and down the six or seven blocks it would have taken Lindsey to go from her friend&#8217;s house back home.

Isn't the mayors house right at the SE corner of 6th and Maple? So if she turned at 6th she would have walked right between the Beehive and Mayor's house. Could the person of "authority" who told Josh to go home be the Mayor?
There are two homes along the East side of 6th between Maple and Fir. I am getting confused because the house the Mayor lives in is showing Mullin Trust in the parcel info, and the other one shows the Mayor on the parcel info. Can someone clarify this for me? There are also two other people showing in the household on whitepages with the Mayor.

*If* it was the Mayor who sent Josh home, could it be that Lindsey didn't want to walk by in front of his house on her way back?
My gut has told me since I first visited McCleary during an organized September search that Fir Street has something to do with Lindsey. This was before anyone said anything off of Maple street or anything about Jim M. I trust my gut. Some people trust my gut more than I do (haha.)

I really think everyone's line of thought is going somewhere here. Just my opinion. Keep working guys! Just because posts have dwindled, doesn't mean our thoughts or focus has!
Anyone who sleuthed JM - is he the RSO from Calif or a different person?
There are two homes along the East side of 6th between Maple and Fir. I am getting confused because the house the Mayor lives in is showing Mullin Trust in the parcel info, and the other one shows the Mayor on the parcel info. Can someone clarify this for me? There are also two other people showing in the household on whitepages with the Mayor.

*If* it was the Mayor who sent Josh home, could it be that Lindsey didn't want to walk by in front of his house on her way back?

This article from June 30th talks about JM's property being searched again - only 4 days after Lindsey went missing. LE was right on it:http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_063009WAB-Mccleary-girl-search-LJ.1fc0b759.html

" . . . Instead of kids playing in Jim Mullin's creek, search dogs were back on his property. It's the sixth time his place has been searched.

He misses the kids.

"Since this happened there hasn't been kids out here at all. They're usually running all over," he said.

That means within the first 4 days his property was searched 6x's.

Jules, can you bring up the purchase date of the JM home? We did have it here before but is lost in all the posts. Thanks xox
From the city of McCleary website - it says 6th and Fir. Can anyone tell which direction we are looking in the picture?


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This article from June 30th talks about JM's property being searched again - only 4 days after Lindsey went missing. LE was right on it:http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_063009WAB-Mccleary-girl-search-LJ.1fc0b759.html

" . . . Instead of kids playing in Jim Mullin's creek, search dogs were back on his property. It's the sixth time his place has been searched.

He misses the kids.

"Since this happened there hasn't been kids out here at all. They're usually running all over," he said.

That means within the first 4 days his property was searched 6x's.

Jules, can you bring up the purchase date of the JM home? We did have it here before but is lost in all the posts. Thanks xox

Zillow.com says 5/12/09 - this is for house #220, right? I keep getting confused because the Mayor is listed in the whitepages as living there.
From the city of McCleary website - it says 6th and Fir. Can anyone tell which direction we are looking in the picture?

Since the name has been made public I assume it's okay to post these...they may have already been posted and I just missed them.

Jim Mullin Property


I also found this information associated with Mullin's PO BOX Search and Rescue http://wa-sar.net/DetailRecord.php?RecID=127 Specializes in off-road mobile searching by using all-terrain vehicles such as, quad runners with 4x4s and 2 wheel drive trucks. We also have ground searchers, base camp support, and ELT/DF capabilities.
Zillow.com says 5/12/09 - this is for house #220, right?

Thanks Jules, your are a peach ;} Yes, that is his address. We know McCleary addresses are kinda screwed up a bit. lol That shows that the Mullin family had lived there only about a month and a half.

Since nothing came of JM in the investigation that we know of, I think the importance of his property is LE believed Lindsey walked this way on her way over to Libby's house, and not straight down Maple as we have thought all along. It could be a wrong premise, but I don't think so. One of the places KK was said to have gone looking for Lindsey right away was Liibby's house.

This satellite map shows where unpaved Fir St is directly south of the Mullin property on 6th and Fir. You can see the house and shop that Momtactive posted. You can follow the way straight over to Main St where Libby lives. You have to go to 'satellite' and then zone in:


Another thought I had while looking at that flood picture of 6th and Fir is delivery trucks that may have been delivering medical supplies to the Beehive. I'm sure this has probably already been looked at right?
Zillow.com says 5/12/09 - this is for house #220, right? I keep getting confused because the Mayor is listed in the whitepages as living there.

Wait, JM's voter info shows he voted in Nov of 2008 and lists an address on S. 6th ST - so that doesn't match up with us thinking he was only in the house for a month or so.:waitasec:
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