WA WA - Phylis Lewellen, 36, Kelso, 27 Dec 1996 (& her Rottweiler)

For those who don't want to download the pdf I linked above, here's what he said about his search for Phylis:

01-02-97 97-926-001(B). Cowlitz Co. Phylis Lewellen SARM. Teams: H. Oakes SR Dog Valorie K-9-1. Michelle Keating SAR Dog in training "Rusty" K-9-16. Results: Signed contract, setup overhead management sar ops. and searched immediate area. Also performed Grief Therapy for children. Gave them both GT Bears. Cowlitz Co. refused to dig up body. She’s still under the dirt next to the house.

This guy has done a TON of searches all over the world, and has found a lot of people dead and alive. Yes, he seems to get a little animated when LE fails to listen to him or give his dogs credit for finds, but I wouldn't put it past LE to blow him off on this one either. Coupled with the fact that the husband filed for divorce a month after she disappeared, the whole affair smells bad to me.
Maybe there's someway to contact the searcher and ask him exactly what it means?
Just a side note, my grandma's favorite activity is still "going for rides" and even with rosin gas costs we still try to take her out once a week for a good hour long ride.

I too find it very calming sometimes if I'm stressed to just go for a spin around town, get a drink and relax. I'm also inclined to agree about the Rottweilers: a family friend was taking care of his daughter's rottweiler, Daisy, who was terrified of the couples' cairn terrier. One day the husband was outside and daisy was in the car while he was unloading things. He said suddenly daisy started to growl then leapt at the door pushing our friend out of the way and lunging toward a man who had been sneaking up from behind.

Neither before or after has daisy ever acted aggressively. Rottweilers are fiercely protective. It would make sense if for some reason him and his wife were fighting and the dog got in between and the dog was killed then his wife.

Just tossing out ideas.
2005 article:

Lewellen eventually divorced Phylis, but she has never been declared dead. He has since remarried, but Bill and Phylis were still together on Dec. 27, 1996. That was a Friday. Lewellen said his wife told him she was going to take a drive early in the evening. She left in her car, with the couple's Rotweiller dog, Tia.

Bill Lewellen said Wednesday that his wife didn't withdraw money from their accounts before she disappeared. He also said he had no idea why she might have left. "It's a mystery to me."

Lewellen has suspected foul play all these years. So did sheriff's office detectives who investigated the case.

For those who don't want to download the pdf I linked above, here's what he said about his search for Phylis:

01-02-97 97-926-001(B). Cowlitz Co. Phylis Lewellen SARM. Teams: H. Oakes SR Dog Valorie K-9-1. Michelle Keating SAR Dog in training "Rusty" K-9-16. Results: Signed contract, setup overhead management sar ops. and searched immediate area. Also performed Grief Therapy for children. Gave them both GT Bears. Cowlitz Co. refused to dig up body. She’s still under the dirt next to the house.

This guy has done a TON of searches all over the world, and has found a lot of people dead and alive. Yes, he seems to get a little animated when LE fails to listen to him or give his dogs credit for finds, but I wouldn't put it past LE to blow him off on this one either. Coupled with the fact that the husband filed for divorce a month after she disappeared, the whole affair smells bad to me.

Old post, I know, but I've contacted Harry Oakes Jr (the SAR dog handler) for clarification on these comments.

I'll keep y'all posted if I hear anything.
This whole case stinks. I believe (IN my opinion) husband killed her and she is/was buried on his prperty. We found blood on a wheel barrel I inspected his shop n vac in his garage it was 100% clean He claims he dressed a deer poached by a neighbor. If that was true then their would have been deer hair in the garage on the wheel barrel and in the shopnvac. he's lying through his teeth.

The day after we did our search he put up security cameras, fences with No Trespassing signs, and an alarm system.
I believe that the animal blood in the barn was from Tia the Rottweiler. Phylis hated that dog and would have taken her Jack Russell Terrier named Millie if she were just going to take a ride. And I never ever heard her talk about driving his Peugeot, as she always drove her Chevy truck. I was contacted on Sunday December 29 to find out if she had called me, but the last day I talked to her on the phone was on Christmas Day 1996.
Too many red flags for me, for too many years. I have not spoken out, except to the detectives, but I want closure.
I believe that the animal blood in the barn was from Tia the Rottweiler. Phylis hated that dog and would have taken her Jack Russell Terrier named Millie if she were just going to take a ride. And I never ever heard her talk about driving his Peugeot, as she always drove her Chevy truck. I was contacted on Sunday December 29 to find out if she had called me, but the last day I talked to her on the phone was on Christmas Day 1996.
Too many red flags for me, for too many years. I have not spoken out, except to the detectives, but I want closure.
Why would someone kill the Rottweiler? It seems like if Phylis was alive or left voluntarily she would take her dog Millie with her. Was the dog blood meant to confuse investigators and search dogs? If something happened to the dog or it was put down old yeller style that seems like something the husband would mention. Something isn't adding up.

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