WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 7

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As someone with OCD, I have had the same fear in the past of an member of the opposite sex using a toliet I was using. I'll explain more, but I need to remind you that everything about OCD makes no sense, and no logic- so try not to judge... I was somehow afraid sitting on a toliet a male used, somehow could get me pregnant. I know that with logic that is near impossible. And it's a common worry aparently, within OCD.IMO
:seeya: Re: the Metalwala children
lack of photos showing any of these ^above^ named signs of neglect
No physical abuse by either parent, but the large gaps of time seem odd No Easter or 4th of July activities
While I certainly don't believe that all the photos were strategically staged individually(could be wrong)..
At least she didn't "beat" them and claim daddy did it...or report that he was the cause of every bump and bruise BUT he had n o contact so she might have...

No Halloween at church this year either. Not even costumes!! No photos tend prove she was not actively involved with her young children more to me than she was being a "good" mom. OR her camera broke?:crazy:
she was IMO obsessed with documenting evidence indicating the exact obvious..
Yep as if to say here is the proof I am rarely involved in their lives but when I decide to be I take 100 pictures in 30 min:maddening:

OH I heard a blip on NG about "bloodhounds" picking up a scent...
M A Y B E he is stashed away?????
There is more evidence of her materialism in her photos. She has a whole album dedicated to her new porch. There may be more of her porch than her son. In one photo she pretended to take a photo of her kid on a bike but really was just showing off her home in the background. In another SM and M are standing in the driveway and it was really an opportunity to snap the house and escalade in the drive. So obvious. I found my eyes rolling.

Didn't SM tell her in December of 09 to go out and hook? She does follow SOME directions. I find it interesting that she was so offended by the comment but went out and did it.
My question is: why did LE release this bit of info...? What are they trying to accomplish by releasing it? Maybe to flush out whoever she may have had contact with? :waitasec:

yeah:rocker::twocents::twocents::twocents: ( six cents for RB)
People can dismiss as irrelevant EVERY factor that has been revealed if they so choose.

She is mentally ill (dismiss?)

She has neglected her kids in the past (dismiss?)

She had homicidal thoughts toward the son who is now missing (dismiss?)

She is a very contentious custody battle with her ex (dismiss?)

She will exchange sex for money with men who contact her online (dismiss?)

Through online sources, she has made pics of her children available to any sexual deviant (dismiss?)

Any ONE of these factors ALONE is concerning, putting them all together is downright ALARMING. At this point, until Sky is safe in his daddy's loving arms, I wouldn't dismiss ANYTHING.
I honestly don't see anything wrong in the pictures. They look like normal, healthy, happy kids. They don't look like starving abused kids to me.

I think that's the point.
hmmmmm.....is this the second one he took? I bet he failed. If he passed, the attorney wouldn't hold back. Never heard an attorney keeping it quiet.

I'm tempted to offer her 3,000 cents for MY arrangement, which is for her to show us where Sky is and then receive 100 lashes followed by 100 years in the most foul prison in the world.
The photos with all the fruit and the juicer in them are NOT Julia's apartment, they were taken at her mother's apartment.

Thank you for the clarification, Carole! I don't think it negates what I've been suspecting. JB brings loads of fruit over to mom's and JB makes homemade juice and JB asks mom to take lots of photos of the event. If, as SmoothOperator reported, there is a history of a love/hate and on/off relationship between JB and her mom, not to mention that JB was reportedly manipulative in that relationship and in control, I don't find it hard to believe that mom (unwittingly) helped stage another photo op.

It still comes down to the ratio of food/non-food photos for me. But, thank you again for that clarification.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but I know several of us have stated numerous times who was bankrolling Julia's lifestyle.. I find it extremely hard to believe that SM's income for 2009/2010 was right at 34,000.00 and stated that this year was even less.I find it difficult to believe support being paid from this amount of income could bankroll Julia's life... How was his spousal and child support payments bankrolling this woman's life? I mean her apt is $1,000+ per month, utilities, cable, and My God just think of the grocery bill monthly to support mom's continued effort to prove she feeds her kids..lol.. But their clothes are top of the line as well.. With all the accessories to boot.. Mom complete with colored and cut hairstyles that is another monthly added expense.. I just can't fathom how that SM's little ol amount of support could be bankrolling this woman's lifestyle.. Anyone?
That was certainly a "food-galore" picture! WOW! Mommy smiling while daughter is using the ketchup with all kinds of bowls and fruit around. Looks like a party - or (obviously) staged. And no, most people don't have that much fruit around with three people, especially when two of the three are children.

Still catching up, so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but that looks like honey being put in pancakes, not ketchup. If M isn't 4 in this pic, and is younger, I hope Sky isn't being fed those pancakes.
There is more evidence of her materialism in her photos.
She has a whole album dedicated to her new porch
. There may be more of her porch than her son. In one photo she pretended to take a photo of her kid on a bike but really was just showing off her home in the background. In another SM and M are standing in the driveway and it was really an opportunity to snap the house and escalade in the drive. So obvious. I found my eyes rolling.

Didn't SM tell her in December of 09 to go out and hook? She does follow SOME directions. I find it interesting that she was so offended by the comment but went out and did it.

I was thinking an obsession with horizontal lines! Like all of Sky's clothes!!!:doh:

ok some of them.
There is more evidence of her materialism in her photos. She has a whole album dedicated to her new porch. There may be more of her porch than her son. In one photo she pretended to take a photo of her kid on a bike but really was just showing off her home in the background. In another SM and M are standing in the driveway and it was really an opportunity to snap the house and escalade in the drive. So obvious. I found my eyes rolling.

I noticed that, too, when I was <modsnip> her flickr and FB around with folks because she hadn't been named yet. Seemed super obvious to me.

We couple that with the entitled excuse she gave for shoplifting nearly $600 worth of clothing at Nordstrom, and the fact that she is living in a ridiculously priced apartment in an upscale neighborhood, it's screaming in neon lights.
There is more evidence of her materialism in her photos. She has a whole album dedicated to her new porch. There may be more of her porch than her son. In one photo she pretended to take a photo of her kid on a bike but really was just showing off her home in the background. In another SM and M are standing in the driveway and it was really an opportunity to snap the house and escalade in the drive. So obvious. I found my eyes rolling.

Didn't SM tell her in December of 09 to go out and hook? She does follow SOME directions. I find it interesting that she was so offended by the comment but went out and did it.

Hmm. That just reminded me of all the evenings she sent SM out with her daughter and didn't allow them back home until midnight. Who knows how many of those types of sites she's registered at and for how long.
There is no proof whatsoever of what you're alleging. Unless I hear it from LE, I will dismiss it as mud throwing and totally unfounded.

I'm not defending what she did by leaving Sky alone in the car but c'mon. Let's not invent stuff just to make her look worst than she already does.

I bet there are hundreds of single women with children frequenting dating sites. There is nothing wrong with that.

Again, this is not a dating site. This is a site where two people make an arrangement, one to be the sugar daddy/ mama and one to be the sugar baby. The sugar daddy/ mama agrees to provide financially to the sugar baby in exchange for "companionship." I put that word in quotes because sugar baby's are not being paid to go for a walk in the park or hang out at the ice cream parlor, if you catch my drift.

It is absolutely the right of every single parent to determine if dating is something that is appropriate for them and their family situation. Arranging to be paid for your "companionship" when you have two small children at home is questionable judgment at best.
What stood out to be is the way the money is listed:
US$3,001 - $5,000 monthly

It brings me back to the ransom note and the US$25.000.

Not that I think this is more than a stretch, but wouldn't it be something if JB had someone send that to try and extort money from her STBX? Maybe not so far reaching if she was able to enlist a friend from oversea's to assist with the promise of a percentage?

LE has said in their pressers nothing has been ruled out theory wise.
I fear that SM's inconclusive LDT results could be the same problem that existed in the LDT taken during one of many of Julia's ALL PROVEN FALSE ALLEGATIONS OF ABUSE.. when given the LDt for it he passed with flying colors the questions all pertaining to did he inflict abuse on either child? Did he strike either child? Passed it all 100% but when asked does he know who inflicted the wounds/bruises that were on his children? He answered no and it caused inconclusive result.. This was directly due to Solomon knowing in his heart that it was Julia that had inflicted those wounds therefor when he answered no to that question it registered inconclusive due to what he felt he knew in his mind but had no proof of evidence of..

I too believe it could be extrely similar here with he LDT in that Solomon knows deep down who harmed him and who knows where he is but yet with no true proof of evidence he states that he doesn't know.. Therefor again registering inconclusive due to his knowing the truth deep down.. Jmo, tho!
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but I know several of us have stated numerous times who was bankrolling Julia's lifestyle.. I find it extremely hard to believe that SM's income for 2009/2010 was right at 34,000.00 and stated that this year was even less.I find it difficult to believe support being paid from this amount of income could bankroll Julia's life... How was his spousal and child support payments bankrolling this woman's life? I mean her apt is $1,000+ per month, utilities, cable, and My God just think of the grocery bill monthly to support mom's continued effort to prove she feeds her kids..lol.. But their clothes are top of the line as well.. With all the accessories to boot.. Mom complete with colored and cut hairstyles that is another monthly added expense.. I just can't fathom how that SM's little ol amount of support could be bankrolling this woman's lifestyle.. Anyone?

Exactly. As a poor self-employed guy myself (sorry sugar babies) I wondered about that. To be honest, I actually felt a little bummed looking at the pictures of this beautiful house while posting from the s%#@hole I live in.

Out on a limb / random thoughts:

She wants the kids to continue to milk dad for child support. She knows he is dead broke, but she is hitting him up for more money.

She has an ad placed on a prostitution website.

She is posting LOTS of pictures of her naked daughter online.
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