Was Burke Involved? # 4

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There are plenty of wealthy thin-skinned or greedy bullies out there who will sue any person or entity at the drop of a hat because they enjoy being bullies, or winning the game or don't believe other people should have First Amendment rights. But with the Ramseys - now including Burke - I think all of the litigation has had a very specific purpose. To ensure the silence of others who know too much. And it's worked very well so far. They weren't afraid of someone like Steve Thomas, who was expressing his personal conclusions based upon what the tainted investigation revealed and didn't have any first hand personal experiences with the family before or just after the crime. They probably didn't get much money from him either. But in "successfully" suing him and others like him, they were sending a message to the real threats. We can only hope that Burke fails miserably with this go-round and before they get too old or pass away, those who have kept their mouths shut about what they know about Burke Hamilton Ramsey and his parents will feel free to finally speak out.

He likely won't get any money. Likely he will drop the lawsuit with the agreement that WS keep his mouth shut and not speak publicly about it again. Then John and Burke will go on Dr. Phil and claim that they sued him and won because what he was saying was all lies.
Is anyone watching the CNN "Special Report"? I posted this in the Media Links.
Behavior offers information. No, it shouldn't be viewed in a vacuum, but in the context. When I describe the death of my brother, which occurred when I was 5, I may smile when recounting what a smart alec tease he was. I am unlikely to smile when describing his purple lips and how I thought the police were taking our garbage out because I didn't know what a body bag was. But then, I'm not considered "socially awkward."

IDK I'm starting to ramble...

I like this "Behavior offers information/shouldn't be viewed in a vacuum". I completely agree that it is totally relevant and should be analyzed but it is not an end all be all. This is why Criminal Psychology exists.

I haven't fully committed to whether Buke did it or not. What I will say is everyone is looking at this with their logical, non-homicidal brains. I think someone said they would feel worse if they killed their sister... or something to that effect. IF B did kill JBR, I would guess he probably (hopefully) doesn't think like we do. If he was capable of murdering his sister and in the way he did, at age 9, I would think his reaction to it now would also be different than any of ours.

I work with victims of crimes and they constantly try to understand how the perpetrator is capable of such acts. My go to explanation is that you cannot understand what you are not capable of....
JR just said he did not know that the GJ voted to indict for accessory!
And I shouted "Liar!" at my TV!
There is No Way he didn't know that!

Is everybody watching this CNN special?
JR just said he did not know that the GJ voted to indict for accessory!
And I shouted "Liar!" at my TV!
There is No Way he didn't know that!

Is everybody watching this CNN special?

I just asked that!!!
JR just said he did not know that the GJ voted to indict for accessory!
And I shouted "Liar!" at my TV!
There is No Way he didn't know that!

Is everybody watching this CNN special?
Yes, the show was business as usual interspersed with more John Ramsey lies, but he was caught in a huge one at the very end. I've just watched it a couple of times now. He acknowledged they were indicted for child abuse, but tried to claim that was because he didn't lock the door or something that night, and then the reporter hits him with "what about the accessory to first degree murder charges for both you and Patsy?" He incredibly claims he's never heard such a thing and then asks what that even means. And she tells him it means they thought you and Patsy helped someone else that night. He laughs nervously. Immediate cut-away to film of Burke at the funeral.

He's gotten away with so many lies over the years, but he went way too far this time. He should have kept his mouth shut like he promised he would after Dr. Phil.

I did not expect this to end on the note that it did (almost didn't finish watching it because one can only take so much Santa Claus, Lou Smit and John Mark Karr again) but seeing John's huge whopper at the end was worth it. And as this clearly ended with an implication that the grand jury concluded Burke did it, I wonder if this will have any impact on Lin Wood's civil suing.
Yes, the show was business as usual interspersed with more John Ramsey lies, but he was caught in a huge one at the very end. I've just watched it a couple of times now. He acknowledged they were indicted for child abuse, but tried to claim that was because he didn't lock the door or something that night, and then the reporter hits him with "what about the accessory to first degree murder charges for both you and Patsy?" He incredibly claims he's never heard such a thing and then asks what that even means. And she tells him it means they thought you and Patsy helped someone else that night. He laughs nervously. Immediate cut-away to film of Burke at the funeral.

He's gotten away with so many lies over the years, but he went way too far this time. He should have kept his mouth shut like he promised he would after Dr. Phil.

I did not expect this to end on the note that it did (almost didn't finish watching it because one can only take so much Santa Claus, Lou Smit and John Mark Karr again) but seeing John's huge whopper at the end was worth it. And as this clearly ended with an implication that the grand jury concluded Burke did it, I wonder if this will have any impact on Lin Wood's civil suing.
I know - I was shocked! After all the twists and turns with the red herrings of the case, I was ready to switch channels. But I stayed with it and I was glad I did. For JR to try to say he didn't know that the GJ voted to indict for accessory was golden. Such a glaring lie that I'll bet BPD and the DA's office were all cheering. Surely there's video somewhere that will debunk this.

ETA: Pants On Fire!
"A Boulder grand jury indictment in 1999 accused John and Patsy Ramsey of two counts each of child abuse resulting in death in connection to the first-degree murder of their 6-year-old daughter JonBenét, according to documents released Friday morning.The charges didn’t directly accuse the Ramseys of killing their daughter. Instead they alleged that the parents permitted JonBenét to be placed in a dangerous situation that led to her death and it accused them of helping whoever killed the girl."
"John Ramsey had urged the court to release all of the grand jury’s report, rather than just the portion posted by the court on Friday. He argued that the partial release offered a skewed view of the proceedings."
I know - I was shocked! After all the twists and turns with the red herrings of the case, I was ready to switch channels. But I stayed with it and I was glad I did. For JR to try to say he didn't know that the GJ voted to indict for accessory was golden. Such a glaring lie that I'll bet BPD and the DA's office were all cheering. Surely there's video somewhere that will debunk this.
Not sure if there's a video, but it simply isn't possible that he didn't hear this in 2013. And he knew about the child abuse charge, which was the second charge in the indictment, but hadn't heard about the first charge? Beyond impossible. He wasn't prepared for the question, but in true Ramsey fashion dodged it by claiming he didn't know what she was talking about. Because if he hadn't dodged it, this would have lead to more questions about Burke and he clearly did not want to go there. I don't know what's more incredible, John's impossible lies or his refusal to shut up.
Haha. Sorry. I just posted and didn't look at the thread. Couldn't believe my ears when he said that. smh

Forgive me if i'm off subject and posting in the wrong place. I've followed the case thru the years but haven't studied it like most of you. After reading some of these posts, I realize how much went on that I wasn't aware of.

What do you make of the letter of apology written to the Ramsey's from the Boulder police? They claim to have dna from the crime scene and years later test the inside and outside of JB's pajama bottoms and the same dna is found of an unknown person.
Forgive me if i'm off subject and posting in the wrong place. I've followed the case thru the years but haven't studied it like most of you. After reading some of these posts, I realize how much went on that I wasn't aware of.

What do you make of the letter of apology written to the Ramsey's from the Boulder police? They claim to have dna from the crime scene and years later test the inside and outside of JB's pajama bottoms and the same dna is found of an unknown person.

You can start here - http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...-Suggests-Family-Should-NOT-Have-Been-Cleared
Again, re this "special", we watched BR picking at his barefoot toes. Why in the world
did he have his shoes off?
Again, re this "special", we watched BR picking at his barefoot toes. Why in the world
did he have his shoes off?
His Hi-Teks were too tight? :) But his lack of shoes is really the least of his weirdness.
Not sure if there's a video, but it simply isn't possible that he didn't hear this in 2013. And he knew about the child abuse charge, which was the second charge in the indictment, but hadn't heard about the first charge? Beyond impossible. He wasn't prepared for the question, but in true Ramsey fashion dodged it by claiming he didn't know what she was talking about. Because if he hadn't dodged it, this would have lead to more questions about Burke and he clearly did not want to go there. I don't know what's more incredible, John's impossible lies or his refusal to shut up.
I hope he keeps doing interviews. His lies just keep getting more preposterous. Almost entertaining.
p.s. I just edited my earlier post - check it out.
I hope he keeps doing interviews. His lies just keep getting more preposterous. Almost entertaining.
p.s. I just edited my earlier post - check it out.
Thanks. I saw the update. There's probably more out there, but even if there isn't, it's just not possible that he's hearing this for the first time more than 3 years later.

I'm with you; I hope he keeps on talking because the lies just keep getting bigger and bolder. He clearly did Burke no favors with this last interview and the editor took the opportunity to use John's own words to set up the final scene implying Burke may be the best suspect after all.

John is going to have to answer for quite a lot during his deposition in Burke's civil case against Spitz. I just hope Spitz's attorney can keep up with the endless piles of contradictions and blatant lies.
Thanks. I saw the update. There's probably more out there, but even if there isn't, it's just not possible that he's hearing this for the first time more than 3 years later.

I'm with you; I hope he keeps on talking because the lies just keep getting bigger and bolder. He clearly did Burke no favors with this last interview and the editor took the opportunity to use John's own words to set up the final scene implying Burke may be the best suspect after all.

John is going to have to answer for quite a lot during his deposition in Burke's civil case against Spitz. I just hope Spitz's attorney can keep up with the endless piles of contradictions and blatant lies.
In the end, this CNN special turned out to be pretty good. Mid-way through, I was ready to fire off an email to Jean Casarez to ask her if she'd lost her mind and her objectivity, or if she was just toeing the company line. Glad I decided to wait until I'd seen it all.
In the end, this CNN special turned out to be pretty good. Mid-way through, I was ready to fire off an email to Jean Casarez to ask her if she'd lost her mind and her objectivity, or if she was just toeing the company line. Glad I decided to wait until I'd seen it all.

Really? I shut it down half way through. Just only so much of John Ramseys BS I can stomach in one sitting.

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In the end, this CNN special turned out to be pretty good. Mid-way through, I was ready to fire off an email to Jean Casarez to ask her if she'd lost her mind and her objectivity, or if she was just toeing the company line. Glad I decided to wait until I'd seen it all.

Of course something came up and I couldn't watch it last night, but I did catch literally the last 2 minutes of the special and I was utterly flabbergasted by JR's answer about the tombstone. He said, when asked why he put the 25th on the tombstone, something to the effect of: "Well, I gave that a lot of thought, but I wanted to remind everyone that my little girl was killed by an evil person; and she was killed on Christmas night, on silent night." .....Are you effing kidding me?? That's what you wanted her memory to be? How could he give such an utterly stupid answer? If he would have said something like, "Well, I didn't want her to be remembered from how she died; the last memory I had of her was on Christmas, when she was her happy, usual self, and when I put her to bed on Christmas night -- that is my personal last memory of her; that's the last time I saw her (on Christmas night) and that's how I want to remember her."......but he wants to remember the fact that she was killed instead? WTF? But not only that, but this is YOUR daughter -- not everyone's. The fact he's more concerned with what "everyone" remembers her as being (a victim to an evil person on Christmas night) as opposed to what he himself wants to remember about his own daughter seems to speak volumes -- he only cares about what other people think.

Maybe I'm over-reacting, but seriously, I was blown away by that answer. I honestly couldn't believe he'd say that.
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