WebSleuth Members Assisting TES "Journal" and Support Only

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How do we do that?

A. Put pressure on the media outlets to get the information out about going to volunteer for the search for Caylee... EMAIL sites like Fox news, CNN, MSNBC, local affiliates with the request they ask for volunteers.

As an aside, I'm not sure if they should stress TES isn't taking sides in this matter, they are just trying to find Caylee with the resources they have... this is a little different thing for TES... on the one side you have the Anthony family thinking she's alive and on the other side you have LE providing possible search sites... not sure how to communicate that?

B. Post at any message board we think might get volunteers out to help ... the motorcycle groups was a GREAT suggestion, so is any hiking/climbing/adventure groups in Orlando, or volunter fire departments, or churches, or any other LOCAL community group you can think of that might be willing to go out and help search.

A general (message board) statement like (edit as you see fit)-

Texas EquuSearch (TES) is now involved in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony. This is an amazing non-profit group made possible by volunteers like YOU. As you will recall, this is the group that worked tirelessly and spent $10,000s of dollars searching for Natalie Holloway. They have searched for countless other missing people, many of whom have been found by this amazing group. For more information about this organization and the searches they have been involved in, please visit http://www.texasequusearch.org/

If you would like to volunteer to search for Caylee Marie Anthony, please follow these instructions...

Any volunteers for the search on Caylee Anthony can meet at the command center located at: 5750 TG Lee Blvd., Orlando, FL. The rear parking lot behind the Holiday Inn. Time to show is 8:00am (or a second round of volunteers may be sent out at 12:00pm). All volunteers must bring a photo ID and fill out a volunteer form.

Please note, you MAY be searching in non-favorable conditions (marsh land, tall grass, or hot and humid conditions). Having bug spray, a water bottle, snack bars, and long sleeve pants/shirt/boots available is advisable. Also, they are requesting that you keep any information you may be informed of confidential.

Thank you for your help and support!
~ Concerned people on the web

(This message is NOT being posted by the Texas Equusearch group, but has been compiled based on information obtained on TES website and concerned volunteers.)

I love the way you word this! I did contact NG and Greta today to ask them to post or mention the need for volunteers. Tim was on NG, but he didn't even mention that they need or want more volunteers!!! I haven't had a chance to watch Greta yet, but she has been all about the RNC lately. I also contacted the Orlando Sentinel and left a message with my name and phone number(so she hopefully won't think I'm a quack), requesting that in her next article about the Anthony's, she mention the need for volunteers to help in the search. Again, I think Tim asking would have more creedence than my request, but I still did it.

I also posted on a very large website that I belong to called Splitcoast Stampers. They have a current events section and alot of the women (mostly, but they do have a few men) were talking about the case. So, I have started a thread with a request for people to help. I already chatted with one girl, who went out yesterday and today to help. I told her to ask around for the WSers! Because I knew several of you all were out searching also!!! (loved the picture, it must have been before the search, because you look too clean to be after the search;0)

I have also posted to all of the above samples of items needed for the volunteers, like bug spray, soda, garbage bags, ect. There were some excellent suggestions tonight for items needed! Are they allowing people to bring their ATV's if they have one??? BUT again, I do believe that Casey would not have carried Caylee too far. Maybe 50-60 feet at most from either side of the road or path that she was on.
CONTACT THE NEWS: get the word out clear as day that the search for caylee IS important!


Nancy Grace

Prime News:

Fox News: here's a link, do what you'd like there. there's also a 'tips' box to the left side

Send your photos/video from the search if you are out there:

Email Greta's On the Record:

Email the Live Desk:

Email Studio B:

Email Geraldo:

Email Fox Report/Shepard Smith:

Hope that helps for now..
Pregodego2 -

YOU ROCK!!! I'm afraid if we teamed up we'd be one hellova force *wink*!

That is the EXACT list of media contacts I didn't have the time to get together, but that I'd hope people would send the letter/message I posted earlier to get the word out!!! I posted it in "GENERAL TERMS" so people could just cut and paste. WS, you'd be SURPRISED the impact if just 100 people here emailed them with the message to get volunteers out - the power of the web is amazing!

CONTACT THE NEWS: get the word out clear as day that the search for caylee IS important!


Nancy Grace

Prime News:

Fox News: here's a link, do what you'd like there. there's also a 'tips' box to the left side

Send your photos/video from the search if you are out there:

Email Greta's On the Record:

Email the Live Desk:

Email Studio B:

Email Geraldo:

Email Fox Report/Shepard Smith:

Hope that helps for now..
Pregodego2 -

YOU ROCK!!! I'm afraid if we teamed up we'd be one hellova force *wink*!

That is the EXACT list of media contacts I didn't have the time to get together, but that I'd hope people would send the letter/message I posted earlier to get the word out!!! I posted it in "GENERAL TERMS" so people could just cut and paste. WS, you'd be SURPRISED the impact if just 100 people here emailed them with the message to get volunteers out - the power of the web is amazing!

AWESOME! glad it was good info. Im really trying my hardest to do everything i can for this with being so far away. I figure the time i get to sit at the computer putting together links or emailing letters and making phone calls isn't ANYWHERE near the time and energy spent by the searchers out there. It's tearing me apart sitting here and not being out there, but honestly - someone has to do this and im glad we have a great team on here working together!

I NOW HAVE A PAYPAL CONTACT. A GREAT ONE! (tricia i am PMing you!!)

AWESOME! glad it was good info. Im really trying my hardest to do everything i can for this with being so far away. I figure the time i get to sit at the computer putting together links or emailing letters and making phone calls isn't ANYWHERE near the time and energy spent by the searchers out there. It's tearing me apart sitting here and not being out there, but honestly - someone has to do this and im glad we have a great team on here working together!

You ROCK ... and because of your links... hehe, I just emailed about 10 news organizations I NEVER would have with my letter... let's just hope they clue in to the need!

I'll be looking for message boards to post this on tonight!
I am so proud of everyone on this site I live in Southern Indian across from Lou, KY and I would be intrested in taking a road trip to Orlando if there is anyone who would like to carpool down It would help with the expenses I can comftorably fit 4 others in my truck. I do not work so my schedule is very flexible, please PM me if intrested

I would also like to add for the bug bites apply avons skin so soft before heading out and you wont be diggin your skin out all night. It works great
I am so proud of everyone on this site I live in Southern Indian across from Lou, KY and I would be intrested in taking a road trip to Orlando if there is anyone who would like to carpool down It would help with the expenses I can comftorably fit 4 others in my truck. I do not work so my schedule is very flexible, please PM me if intrested

I would also like to add for the bug bites apply avons skin so soft before heading out and you wont be diggin your skin out all night. It works great

GREAT! Is there anyone else in that area near Kimmer?! Jump in the car and head to orlando - TES will be there until Caylee is found!
Another place to put requests for volunteers is on every media article about Caylee that you can find. Most of them any more have a place for comments.
I am keeping you all in my thoughts here in Wisconsin. I wish that I could be there to kick in and help but I am recovering from major neurosurgery. Good luck to youall. What a truly wonderful and remarkable group of people! :)
LOL!! Just trying to bring some humor to what must have been a stressful day. Although I can't physically search because I'm in WI, I have been searching on Google Earth.

I heard on Nancy Grace that Tim said that everyone was searching by the airport, according to the cell phone pings.

I looked very carefully around, and found one area that you could actually drive your car up to Mud Lake. (I think). If you get off 417, take a right onto Boggy Creek Rd. and then take the first right you come to. It looks like it might be a dirt road. Anyhow, this loops around past an electrical sub station and eventually comes to an area where the neck of Mud Lake is very close to the road on the left. There is a dirt path that goes down to the lake on the left hand side. It is very secluded in this area, and it could be an area where Casey would not have to carry Caylee very far to hide her in the water. I hope someone checks this area. You would probably need wading boots to go in the water. I would think that if Casey put Caylee in water, that she used something like a brick or "PAVER" in a suitcase to weigh her down. I feel very strongly about this location. It is one of the few places that Casey could drive her car, and be unnoticed for as long as it took to drag her body down to the lake. I really can't imagine her carrying Caylee for any long distance, but another thought I had along the suitcase line, was that if she had a suitcase with rollers or wheels, it would make it much easier to move!!! Of course, this is just my speculation. I will continue to look for other places that might work.

WHEW!!! I don't know how long I can do this without taking a trip to help search! My eyes hurt but I'm sure not as much as the searchers legs do!!! WOW!!! 9 hours!!! You all are amazing!!!:blowkiss:

I'm *convinced* this area is one of the places Casey would have gone. I live near the airport and this area is so rural, dark at night, and secluded. I will Google Earth this too to take a look. I'm also pretty sure one of the news outlets went out to this area and panned around with a videocamera after the cell phone ping information broke.
There have been alot of requests for help for TES in the search for Caylee. I saw it on two different networks last night. I only hope that enough people can show with this being a work week and all.

Thanks to all of those who are helping - blessings to you all!
Tough day there yesterday. So hot but myself, Drumstick and Mr. Grumpy, Gigi2009, samijean, and Socre8tv plus a few others I cannot remember their handles right now but I'm still in a fog. My legs feel like two concrete pillars but I will recover. Florida has had so much water lately that is still standing so everywhere is mid calf water to tromp through. Mosquitoes, ticks, prickly bushes, thorns and oppressive heat are all things everyone there puts out of their minds and trudges on looking for anything that will help us find this baby. At the end of the day, you are physically spent but you feel bad that you are leaving because we haven't found her.........yet. Everyone there has a common bond because we are all there for the same reason. You may not know their name or have ever had a word spoken between you but even in passing, they will make a gesture to say hello, nod their head or get you a bottle of water. There's a mutual respect like no where else. I have to work during the week but as long as they are still searching, I will be over there as much as I can be, until she is found. Right now all we need is a little rest. I see that fellow WS'ers on the board were hard at work with getting donations to TES and doing research to get the word out, even doing searches online for suggested sites to search. What a great team we make in affecting the continuance of the search! Let's hope Casey decides to take her "deal" and tells us where this baby is today. Thanks everyone for the support!
I'm *convinced* this area is one of the places Casey would have gone. I live near the airport and this area is so rural, dark at night, and secluded. I will Google Earth this too to take a look. I'm also pretty sure one of the news outlets went out to this area and panned around with a videocamera after the cell phone ping information broke.

Do you know of anyone at TES Command Center today to get a message to them? If you can text drumstick, she may still be there.

Better yet, text her anyway or ask someone to call her. She has a way to get a message to them.
Good Morning!

Thankyou all for everything you've been doing--I can't tell you, there just aren't enough words--how much you all have helped and how much you've done. I came home last night exhausted but like Bazneme, Socr8tv and Drumstick, the spirit to find Caylee is unmatched. Meeting everyone was amazing and I'm looking forward to getting together under better circumstances. I couldn't be there today to help but Mr. Gigi arranged for another load of ice to be donated. Meeting Tim Miller was huge. He came out and taught us quite a bit about what to look for and how to look. He is a tough but amazingly kind man. While we were there, Fox News called for another interview. I overheard him say he was bombarded with emails about how people were angry with the way he was treated. We all started agreeing very loudly in the background. I guess they convinced him that NG would be interviewing insteak of Shriekra. Since we can't give specific details of where we were or what we found I'm left to say that everyone theorizing on locales is have nothing to worry about. And I can say no stone is being left unturned and everything is checked, rechecked, and checked again. The locals drove us by Camp Anthony and we all waved at the webcam but I don't know if anyone saw us. We also stopped at a Media truck and Socr8tv made sure very CLEARLY (LOL) to tell them to focus on getting us more volunteers. Huge shout out to Crystal-who just having met us and hopefully will be signing up here at WS any second--left her 3 kids and drove us around in her Excursion all day. I am able to get in touch with Drumstick if needed by the way and I do think she is still there today. I also have a contact number at TES as well if needed.
:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:to all of you!
Good Morning!

Thankyou all for everything you've been doing--I can't tell you, there just aren't enough words--how much you all have helped and how much you've done. I came home last night exhausted but like Bazneme, Socr8tv and Drumstick, the spirit to find Caylee is unmatched. Meeting everyone was amazing and I'm looking forward to getting together under better circumstances. I couldn't be there today to help but Mr. Gigi arranged for another load of ice to be donated. Meeting Tim Miller was huge. He came out and taught us quite a bit about what to look for and how to look. He is a tough but amazingly kind man. While we were there, Fox News called for another interview. I overheard him say he was bombarded with emails about how people were angry with the way he was treated. We all started agreeing very loudly in the background. I guess they convinced him that NG would be interviewing insteak of Shriekra. Since we can't give specific details of where we were or what we found I'm left to say that everyone theorizing on locales is have nothing to worry about. And I can say no stone is being left unturned and everything is checked, rechecked, and checked again. The locals drove us by Camp Anthony and we all waved at the webcam but I don't know if anyone saw us. We also stopped at a Media truck and Socr8tv made sure very CLEARLY (LOL) to tell them to focus on getting us more volunteers. Huge shout out to Crystal-who just having met us and hopefully will be signing up here at WS any second--left her 3 kids and drove us around in her Excursion all day. I am able to get in touch with Drumstick if needed by the way and I do think she is still there today. I also have a contact number at TES as well if needed.
:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:to all of you!

Gigi, that is simply amazing of you and Mr. Gigi!! To you and the fellow WS'rs again I say how proud I am to know you..
I wrote to NG following my conversation with Tim/Erin the other day, looks like our sentiments worked!! Shrieka.. Priceless!
I emailed u
The media (i.e., local news reporters) need to BANG THE GONG harder regarding getting the news out for volunteers! One of the stations reporteded only 35 volunteers had shown up so far this morning (I'm praying that is incorrect). Lord, have mercy! I have to be at work and I'm so frustrated. I've sent out emails to organizations this morning hoping that anyone I know can get the word out en masse.

I left all the News Station emails on page 5 or 6 of this thread. I have emailed each one. PLEASE DO THE SAME!
From Erin Bridwell, TES:

Search- Update! We need people to help! Wed Sept 3rd, Get out there and search for Caylee!
Thank you Blink34 for providing this information.
Update for Wednesday September 3rd
Per Erin Bridwell, TES:
Originally Posted by Blink34 http://websleuths.com/forums/images/...s/viewpost.gif
From TES:

Any volunteers can met at the Command Center at:
5750 TG Lee Boulevard
Orlando. The rear parking lot behind the Holiday Inn
Please be there by 8am. You will need a photo ID to participate

You DO NOT need to be a member of TES to volunteer. It has been reported that there was a $25 fee to search. That is erroneous, that is the donation to be a member, which you do not need to do to particpate in the search..


Erin Bridwell, from TES, has told me that they plan on staying there until further notice, and the command center will stay the rear of the Holiday Inn. Please report at 8am, and again need volunteer form completed when you get there and photo ID. Also, please note you do not need to be there at 8am, you may go whenever you are able, they are dispatching teams throughout the day!!

Additional update, please take a second to click on TES site and review information on Caylee Marie. It has been updated and hopefully this will clear up any thoughts as toTES focus- IT IS ON FINDING CAYLEE MARIE, period. Now matter how she got wherever she is, she needs to be found and we need to help if we can, it is about BABY CAYLEE.

If your personal feelings about the Anthony's are getting in the way of your ability to volunteer, I would just ask you to consider:

"Wouldnt the best way to "end this circus" be to find this baby and shut them up?" Do it to spite them if you have to, but if you can, please volunteer...
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