weekend break: discuss the latest here #123

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I may be wrong, but I thought the Son of Sam Law was only in effect for people who are convicted of the crime in question? Does is also apply if one is acquitted? Doesn't seem fair that someone might be wrongly accused, acquitted, then forbidden to tell their story for money?

I think you'e right about that.
BBM ...Very interesting that you bring this up, I brought the same thing up somewhere else today.

The only thing I can say in her defense is that I watched the videos today of her "Are you mad at me" exchange.

Here's the thing, she does seem resistant to simply answering the questions but at the same time, Juan inserts little words that change the line of questioning.

When he says things like always, only, ect...it's as if he's attempting to bend the conversation to get it to go his way later down the line.

As always...:moo:

I see a lot of people banging away about her professionalism but the truth is, he can't badger the witness.. If JA's DT had have a lick of sense they would have objected to this a dozen times already but they don't.

I wouldn't put up with him speaking to me that way. I'd have the judge talk to him.

She could have asked for a break. She should not be arguing with JM. It's unprofessional. If she is just an expert witness, she shouldn't feel the need to get emotional. Just answer the questions. Defense cant get a refund if her testimony doesnt go their way, and she can maintain her professional integrity by just answering the questions. Bearing under his loud tone would only gain her sympathy but she's too pompous to allow it. All the argumentative witnesses make the Defense look bad. I don't recall prosecution witnesses being that way.

I personally think ALV doesn't like men. I don't think she thinks she gets respect from them. And I do wonder if she's ever counseled any abused or battered men.
Have you noticed that almost always when JA says "he did whatever" it's what she did?

Or he said whatever, it's what she said?

She said she deleted the pictures from that camera. I take that to mean it was Travis who deleted the pictures after he found out she had surruptiously taken them.

While I agree with the primary premise of your post, I think the only way Travis could have deleted those photos is from beyond the grave. But hey, I wouldn't put it past him. He seems like a clever guy. :rocker:
People who are in the act of committing a murder do not take the time to do things that make sense. The fact is that no one knows why people do what they do in that frame of mind. There could have been any number of reasons why she did what she did.


I have been BANGING on my keyboard about this for ten years!!

THANK you.

A rabid dog doesn't think it has a problem.

Until we are a rabid dog, we cannot climb into the mind of one.

We can watch all the behaviors but even in the reporting of the behaviors we are simply relaying what we THINK is going on, because...we cannot think like a rabid dog.

I think the only time JA has EVER been honest in that courtroom was when she was answering Jury questions and one of them was something like, "why did the camera end up in the washing machine" or "why did you put the camera in the washing machine." Something like that. She looked really puzzled and responded like, "I really don't know how that happened. I'm not sure why I'd do that."

I think when she drove off into the fog, she flipped her lid when she discovered that the camera wasn't in her car...

Yep! My mind really starts to boggle when I think back to interrogation tapes and JA is told how many days it was before Travis and camera was discovered. Did she put it in machine accidentally? Did she think about going back to try and retrieve? Did she already know Travis hadn't been discovered for a while due to them having mutual friends and she would probably hear the news from one of them? If she somehow knew that camera was sitting in the washing machine, 5 days gone by it must have driven her crazy. I wonder if she lost camera in the fog and totally didn't realize she put it in washer. Did she wonder all those days at what point exactly she lost it? Given what was on the camera, I'd have probably turned myself in right then! I am guilty of setting something down and even taking note of where I put it, but something comes up and new facts override old ones. Suddenly cannot remember where I set the item and every attempt is a blank. When Flores told her, she seemed desperate to know that one fact and bugged him about the pics. Who the heck photographs themselves committing murder and then accidentally leaves the camera holding the pictures behind? JA claims to be a "professional photographer" yet, even a camera layperson like myself knows that some data can be recovered even off of a wet SD card. I work in graphic design field. The camera keeps me awake scrambling brain cells all night :worms:

Sorry for the long winded reply, this trial has drawn me back to WS after a long break. First post in along time. When I first joined WS it was already a large and interesting place. I am so glad to see this community has grown so much larger and even more wonderful! That is quite a feat on the internet these days!
She could have asked for a break. She should not be arguing with JM. It's unprofessional. If she is just an expert witness, she shouldn't feel the need to get emotional. Just answer the questions. Defense cant get a refund if her testimony doesnt go their way, and she can maintain her professional integrity by just answering the questions. Bearing under his loud tone would only gain her sympathy but she's too pompous to allow it. All the argumentative witnesses make the Defense look bad. I don't recall prosecution witnesses being that way.

I personally think ALV doesn't like men. I don't think she thinks she gets respect from them. And I do wonder if she's ever counseled any abused or battered men.

I agree with you 100%. If she would just answer the questions, he wouldn't have to "badger" her.

Kind of like if the kids would just do their chores the first time, I wouldn't have to "nag" them. Cause-effect. So simple. Why can't people figure it out?
I haven't posted much on this case but watch the trial, have viewed crime scene pics, etc...

but I'm curious...

it does not appear that there is much blood spatter evidence in the hallway from the bathroom until the large stain at the end of the hallway on the wall and on the floor.

how did Travis manage to not be attacked throughout the hall? I mean, what could Arias have been doing at that time?

it's just puzzling to me

Scary to think about, isn't it? He was obviously first stabbed in the heart and got to the sink somehow and looked in the mirror and witnessed what was happening to him...The blood spatter all over the sink and then she stabbed him in the back and in the back of his head several times.....He got down on his hands and knees trying to get away and managed to crawl all the way down the hall before JA decided to take that knife and slit his throat to finish him off - What could have JA been saying to him all that way? When she finished him off by cutting his throat ear to ear leaving all that blood in one spot, did she THEN shoot him in the head for the appearance that there was more than one murderer? Why did you make me go there? Good question.....
She could have asked for a break. She should not be arguing with JM. It's unprofessional. If she is just an expert witness, she shouldn't feel the need to get emotional. Just answer the questions. Defense cant get a refund if her testimony doesnt go their way, and she can maintain her professional integrity by just answering the questions. Bearing under his loud tone would only gain her sympathy but she's too pompous to allow it. All the argumentative witnesses make the Defense look bad. I don't recall prosecution witnesses being that way.

I personally think ALV doesn't like men. I don't think she thinks she gets respect from them. And I do wonder if she's ever counseled any abused or battered men.

Your post helped me understand this much better. I was trying to see it from the point of the average person being called up there to testify. Seeing it 'as if' it were me.

As a professional expert witness she should NOT be getting emotional about her testimony because from that stand point her testimony should be non-partial.

Her show of emotion then would suggest that she may have a little something ELSE going on?

(Did I get that right?)
She uses "body slam" because in her mind it is way more dramatic than "he knocked me down". Just like "i got the wind knoked out of me" is an embellishment. The problem is on cross she had to back off those lies because the details made her fairy tale less believable rather than more believable as she had hoped.

Have to admit I am a MMA fan, and she used quite a few terms from that sport. TA was obviously a fan as he had UFC nights. And she even writes in her journal about attending another mma night at someone else's house and TA wasn't there. Choke out, body slam, apparently she imagined she was fighting George St. Pierre.:facepalm:

I have been BANGING on my keyboard about this for ten years!!

THANK you.

A rabid dog doesn't think it has a problem.

Until we are a rabid dog, we cannot climb into the mind of one.

We can watch all the behaviors but even in the reporting of the behaviors we are simply relaying what we THINK is going on, because...we cannot think like a rabid dog.


Nor can we think when a fog rolls in.
Well...she was heading to Utah after all right? She might need it.:slap:

Yeah, she might have needed the KY in case Ryan "accidentally" had sex with her in their sleep. Doesn't it say on the bottle to apply a dab or two before bed?
Good evening all :seeya:

Just wanted to share this with you all here at WS because you guys are the only ones who truly understand. I just finished dyeing my hair (natural hair color is brown w/ LOTS of gray) a very vibrant maroon/red color. This case & Travis are on my mind constantly, so when I got in the shower & started rinsing my hair, my entire shower was bathed in this bright red...blood like color. It was horrendous & I immediately thought of Travis & his last moments of life. My eyes filled with tears until I was standing in the shower sobbing thinking of how terrified he must have been :( It was awful. This case is so much more than court room antics, more than the tricks the DT tries to pull, more than juror # 5, more than Jean C. and her...whatever (LOL), more than JW & KN shenanigans. It's about a wonderful, intelligent, full of life man who had the ENTIRE world at his feet, his entire life ahead of him until it was snuffed out by a cruel creature. At the end of the day, WE here at WS know this, JM knows this & fights every day for that man, Detective Flores & all LEOs involved in this case know this and most importantly, Travis' family knows this.

I admit, I'm still experience shades of insecurity after the FCA debacle but as each day passes, with every word JM utters in that court room; I grow more confident that Jodi Ann Arias will NEVER see the light of day again and her life will come to an end in a cold room, strapped down to a gurney. It will never bring Travis back but it WILL ensure no one else is hurt at the hands of this monster parading around as a human being.

I believe in justice for Travis Alexander and I know he is up in heaven SO proud of his family, SO proud of Juan and yes, even proud of us here at WS. :moo:
While I agree with the primary premise of your post, I think the only way Travis could have deleted those photos is from beyond the grave. But hey, I wouldn't put it past him. He seems like a clever guy. :rocker:

Why would JA bother to take pics of him in the shower only to delete them afterward? It makes no sense.

It's reasonable to presume JA took the pics without Travis' knowing, he found out, grabbed the camera from her and deleted them, she was enraged, she tried to grab the camera back off him, it fell, and then the murder was committed.

I have been BANGING on my keyboard about this for ten years!!

THANK you.

A rabid dog doesn't think it has a problem.

Until we are a rabid dog, we cannot climb into the mind of one.

We can watch all the behaviors but even in the reporting of the behaviors we are simply relaying what we THINK is going on, because...we cannot think like a rabid dog.


No, but we can and hopefully will put down rabid dogs like jodi humanely.

I have been BANGING on my keyboard about this for ten years!!

THANK you.

A rabid dog doesn't think it has a problem.

Until we are a rabid dog, we cannot climb into the mind of one.

We can watch all the behaviors but even in the reporting of the behaviors we are simply relaying what we THINK is going on, because...we cannot think like a rabid dog.


And, thank YOU for understanding. A vast majority of people can't wrap their mind around it. I am retired LE and can tell you that I have seen some of the most bizarre things involved in crimes where you would just have to shake your head in wonder as to why this or that was done. Especially people involved in violent crime such as murder, the state of mind is at a level that most of us will never even begin to imagine. When I hear people say things like, "It doesn't make sense," its hard to get across that it doesn't and won't make sense to a person of reasonable mind.
You are not alone Sydni....:great:

I cannot see JM calling MM as a witness, he has already admitted that he would lie for JA. He was the target for the magazines that JA tried to smuggle out of prison with code notes therein, oops, I meant inside.


But why did Juan keep saying over and over again to JA ... well he would never betray you, right!! He said it so many times ... Matt McCartney would never betray you ... and she said "No .. not my confidence" . I still think there might be a smoking gun in MM. I dunno .. I just think there is soooo much that Juan will present in rebuttal. It's a mystery that MM has vanished from the face of the earth ... something's up there.
She could have asked for a break. She should not be arguing with JM. It's unprofessional. If she is just an expert witness, she shouldn't feel the need to get emotional. Just answer the questions. Defense cant get a refund if her testimony doesnt go their way, and she can maintain her professional integrity by just answering the questions. Bearing under his loud tone would only gain her sympathy but she's too pompous to allow it. All the argumentative witnesses make the Defense look bad. I don't recall prosecution witnesses being that way.

I personally think ALV doesn't like men. I don't think she thinks she gets respect from them. And I do wonder if she's ever counseled any abused or battered men.

I firmly believe she does not believe there is such a thing. "A battered man? Ptthht! Yeah, like Santa and leprechauns!"
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