Were GB4 or Shannan Gilbert forced/coerced into the business?

I know that. What I mean tho is could it have maybe turned into something kinda like a pimp? The dude is a that's for sure. IDK maybe he just wanted his rent payed and that's why he moved shortly after SG went missing.

You could be right about the rent. I believe at the time of her disappearance they were living together in Jersey City. Whether she was paying his bills is unknown. I wouldn't be shocked if she was at least helping him out though. I always got a weird vibe watching that dude speak in interviews and such. He's a wannabe if you ask me.

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I agree. There are women in this business who have boyfriends who fancy themselves pimps! The woman just thinks that they are in love. Myself included at one point in my life. In my mind I wasn't being pimped (because I wasn't) It was my choice, I was in the business long before I met that loser, it was my choice to pay the bills and hit his hand. I was independant. It turned ugly. After I got strong enough I left. I realized that I was being used. Still, being in the business was my choice. The man is only out to get what he can get and boost his street cred because he has an independent, loving, loyal woman who pays the bills and hits his hand out of love.

In his mind...he's a big ole pimp. SMDH! Get a job loser!

For sure...it just don't seem right that a man would let his woman go hook up with other men. The abusive guy I was with I could just picture me looking at him and being like so I'm gonna go sleep with this dude but honey I'll get us a couple hundred bucks...yeah right that would of gotten me death threats and a black eye. Seems like it would take a passive guy to let his girlfriend do that for a living.
Just seems to me an abusive man would rather cut you off from the world. Would rather have you be financially depended off of him, so he can control you more. Would rather him his self drive you to your calls if he would even let you do calls. Wants the phone in his name to control who you talk to...ect.
He broke her jaw. He was either A) abusive to the fullest or B) some wanna be type of pimp.
So makes me just kind of wonder what was the real deal with SG boyfriend. And I can't help but to wonder about the fact that him and MP went back to OB together. I can't remember who called who first but the fact they even had each others numbers. They almost seemed like friends.
Then tonight I was just thinking about how SG boyfriend had moved shortly after she went missing. I always just thought that was kinda cold...But was it maybe cause he had no one to pay his rent? If that was the case could it possible maybe just maybe be that she was more scared about going home to him? Could "they" have been her boyfriend and MP because she didn't make the money? Could MP have maybe taken his share and the other half was to go to her boyfriend? I know it's a long shot, but you never know.
I've also always thought that in the documentary where he and MP were being interviewed they both seemed so sketchy. We all know why MP came off sketchy but I could never put my finger on what was so sketchy about her boyfriend. Makes me wonder.
Another thought I've always had. Is how would the doctor have ever gotten SG mothers number? I mean really? I bet SG boyfriend had her number. Could he have given the doctor her number? Asked him to call? If so why?
I've never been a fan of the doctor having something to do with SG going missing. But I can't over look that he made the weird phone call. From what I understand the phone call was made after MP and the boyfriend went back to OB. Then after that her family went to OB. How would the doctor even know enough about SG to know she had a drug problem? Even if he seen her that night...it's not something you just know about a person. It takes a little time being around a person to realize they are struggling with a drug problem to the point of knowing she needs rehab.
<Respectfully snipped by me because my phone won't allow me to quote a long post>

Could "they" have been her boyfriend and MP because she didn't make the money? Could MP have maybe taken his share and the other half was to go to her boyfriend? I know it's a long shot, but you never know.

I have thought the same thing. And yes they both were shady in the documentary.

I thought that maybe because SG didn't collect all or any of the money for the JB call, she realized that she was gonna be in some deep **** if she didn't leave with the right amount. Pimp or not, an abusive man who's woman is in the business still wants control. One way to piss him off is if he thinks you were just ****ing around and not on your business. That would be where his jealousy would kick in. Reason enough in his mind to break her jaw.

Reason enough in her mind to fear for her life.
Just seems to me an abusive man would rather cut you off from the world. Would rather have you be financially depended off of him, so he can control you more.

Yes and no. Ask any guy that's decent with women (not abusive in a mental or physical way, but just successful at dating the girls he seeks out) and most of them will probably tell you the same thing, act like you don't care. It's all about perception. A woman will look at this scenario in one of two ways. A) He's mature and/or secure enough with himself to not get jealous or B) He simply doesn't care what I do.

Both of those beliefs, assuming the woman already has an attachment towards the man, bring her even closer to him emotionally because she either wants to make him care, or she figures he's confident enough to be able to look the other way while she does her thing. Most women will find both of those things alluring for chemical reasons within the brain that I can't begin to understand, let alone explain. Just my opinion. The term for this within certain circles is DHV'ing, or demonstrating higher value.

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Yes and no. Ask any guy that's decent with women (not abusive in a mental or physical way, but just successful at dating the girls he seeks out) and most of them will probably tell you the same thing, act like you don't care. It's all about perception. A woman will look at this scenario in one of two ways. A) He's mature and/or secure enough with himself to not get jealous or B) He simply doesn't care what I do.

Both of those beliefs, assuming the woman already has an attachment towards the man, bring her even closer to him emotionally because she either wants to make him care, or she figures he's confident enough to be able to look the other way while she does her thing. Most women will find both of those things alluring for chemical reasons within the brain that I can't begin to understand, let alone explain. Just my opinion. The term for this within certain circles is DHV'ing, or demonstrating higher value.

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Well said.
Yes and no. Ask any guy that's decent with women (not abusive in a mental or physical way, but just successful at dating the girls he seeks out) and most of them will probably tell you the same thing, act like you don't care. It's all about perception. A woman will look at this scenario in one of two ways. A) He's mature and/or secure enough with himself to not get jealous or B) He simply doesn't care what I do.

Both of those beliefs, assuming the woman already has an attachment towards the man, bring her even closer to him emotionally because she either wants to make him care, or she figures he's confident enough to be able to look the other way while she does her thing. Most women will find both of those things alluring for chemical reasons within the brain that I can't begin to understand, let alone explain. Just my opinion. The term for this within certain circles is DHV'ing, or demonstrating higher value.

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Yea was gonna say that's a good perspective on it.
<Respectfully snipped by me because my phone won't allow me to quote a long post>

I have thought the same thing. And yes they both were shady in the documentary.

I thought that maybe because SG didn't collect all or any of the money for the JB call, she realized that she was gonna be in some deep **** if she didn't leave with the right amount. Pimp or not, an abusive man who's woman is in the business still wants control. One way to piss him off is if he thinks you were just ****ing around and not on your business. That would be where his jealousy would kick in. Reason enough in his mind to break her jaw.

Reason enough in her mind to fear for her life.

It's almost the only thing that makes any sense about her actions that night. Other then she was bipolar and on drugs. And I could see the drug side of things. My only problem with the drug side is that I've been around lots of drug addicts. And I've learned a few things. One being that a girl like SG who was into cocaine wasn't just going to freak out doing something she had done many of times before.
I've seen people who are first time users doing weird and crazy things. But I've never seen someone who has done cocaine, or really any drugs that they are use to and just jump up screaming they are trying to kill me and take off running. Like a said maybe a college student who doesn't know what they are doing or what to expect would but not a regular user.
Same with bipolar. I don't have as much experience dealing with bipolar people but I do got some. And I found that well babysitting a manic bipolar guy that yes at times he was high then low...and he also would think that people were out to get him and ruin his life. But not to the point of running and freaking out like she did. It almost seemed more of a three, four day thing with it reaching it's peak in a suicide attempt.
I'm no expert. But I've seen the dark side to things first hand and not just read about it in text books....sometimes I don't think text books give the full view

It really makes sense of why she didn't want to leave JBs house and why, when forced to she ran away from Pac.

I still don't necessarily believe that he killed her. I still lean towards her getting lost in the marsh. (But then ther's the whole clothing issue, so I have conflicted feelings @ that still) but I AM just about convinced that she wasn't afraid of JB, she was afraid of Pac and Diaz. JMO

In my opinion Cruz IS a wolf.

I agree, he meant her no good, however, I don't belive that MW was forced into prostitution by him.

I believe he introduced her to the business and she made a choice to engage in it.

The basis for my opion is this...


"Ms Ela said she had tried to talk her daughter into finding work other than prostitution.
'But she liked expensive things,' she told the New York Post. 'It was fast money and good money.
'She wasn't a $20 corner girl. She said, "Mom, you can't believe the clients we have: doctors, police officers, famous people."

Read more:*http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-victims-Craigslist-killer.html#ixzz2XYgMf7CV

I do think that AC got what he deserves. He took advantage of a naive young woman, for sure, but I don't think that any of the GB4 were forced into the business.

There are many unfortunate victims of forced prostitution out there. These women, IMHO, were victims of a serial killer, not victims of forced sex trafficking.

Not sure if you have heard of it or seen it all ready and a little random. But I think you should watch 3am girls a documentary by Lisa Ling. It's about sex trafficking here in America and how pimps operate and groom the girls. It's really interesting and a good documentary, I think you might like it.
I tried finding a link for it but can't find a full episode but maybe you can.
Not sure if you have heard of it or seen it all ready and a little random. But I think you should watch 3am girls a documentary by Lisa Ling. It's about sex trafficking here in America and how pimps operate and groom the girls. It's really interesting and a good documentary, I think you might like it.
I tried finding a link for it but can't find a full episode but maybe you can.

Thanks Gia. I haven't seen it. I will try to watch it but my phone doesn't stream videos very well. :banghead:

Here's the link...

No, they made a choice. End of discussion.

They should not have been murdered for it tho.
Coercion is a very tricky thing. If someone doesn't have very good self esteem then they can easily be talked into anything.

I believe that some form of coercion took place to get them where they were. Maybe they weren't forced in the sense that they had a gun pointed to their head's 24/7. But I could see getting addicted to drugs, having an abusive "pimp," or something else that makes them feel like they don't have much of a choice.

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