Were the 911 Tapes played During Hearing

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Jun 4, 2006
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Maybe someone can direct me to where this happened (the playing of the tapes). Dr. Lillian Glass says on her website that they were played and analyzes Cheney Mason's reaction. But I do not recall their being played.

Can anyone help and if they were, please direct me to where I can see that. Thanks very much. I frequent the Orlando site where they have everything and all the 9 hearing parts and I see no playing of the tapes at all. Thanks, Solace
No they were not played at this last hearing, they were referred to and quoted from, but not played.
No they were not played at this last hearing, they were referred to and quoted from, but not played.

Thanks so much for your response. I have read Dr. Glass' blog on Casey's demeanor and I have seen her on TV and agreed but not this time.

Casey is obviously upset by Lee's saying I love you. Her face is immediately contorted and her nose is red and in one shot her eyes are obviously welled-up even though Dr. Glass denies this. Casey is a sociopath but that does not mean she is incapable of crying. I read a bio by one sociopath who said (I tried the crying thing and ended up crying for three days and that is the last time I ever went that route). This is not to say that Casey feels remorse for what she has done. I see no remorse at all.

But I do think at that moment there was some emotion going on somewhere with Casey and whether it was for herself or because someone showed her kindness and that someone being her brother who she accused of sexual abuse is unknown to me.

Dr. Glass also goes on to ridicule Cindy's dress and the bra she is wearing. Now I am not a fan of Cindy's because she is willing to make the rest of the family suffer because she cannot admit what we all know is true and they are suffering, but to pull apart a woman's way of dressing who is in Court where her daughter may be sentenced to death is nothing short of denigrating someone who is in serious pain and denial. Cindy's whole life is gone. And it is only going to get worse when the defense comes down on her husband George and Cindy herself for not taking care of the situation when they had the chance. She also goes on to address Cindy's weight gain. Dr. Glass, you look okay, but no where near someone who should be criticizing a woman who more than likely will lose her daughter because she let it go too many times. This is just juvenile blogging on her site.

Suffice it to say I have lost some respect for Dr. Glass in her analyzation of Cindy's dress and her false reporting of tapes being read in the courtroom. She is on TV and should be getting this stuff right.
No they didn't, and I was disappointed. I wanted to see KCs reaction. Although I'm guessing it would be staring into space.
Yes I totally agree with you on that, she lost me too with her blogs about Casey and her family at the 911 hearing, factually incorrect all the way through and showed an obvious bias. You'd think someone would have corrected her by now about them playing the 911 tape in court though. Makes you wonder how much of it she saw.
Yes I totally agree with you on that, she lost me too with her blogs about Casey and her family at the 911 hearing, factually incorrect all the way through and showed an obvious bias. You'd think someone would have corrected her by now about them playing the 911 tape in court though. Makes you wonder how much of it she saw.

Exactly, well I just called her on it. She is not responding although may be busy.

As I said, I am not a great fan of Cindy's because of the lies she has often told in this case. And how she has said Amy Huizenga is probably Zanny - the woman actually brought her to her daughter that day. So Cindy can be vicious to a person who is young and is starting her life, but to blatently put her dress and weight down is bordering on the ridiculous and Glass does herself an injustice and all the synchophants just egg her on and she loves it.

A few years ago psychiatrists said sociopaths could not be helped; today they are saying they can. So my point here is that Glass said it is impossible for Casey to cry real tears because she has no feeling. That is just plain absurd. Casey can cry real tears for HERSELF any day of the week and she has. She has no empathy towards her mother or her daughter and no empathy towards the people she has stolen from and I have no doubt that if she were to go free (my opinion here) she is capable of killing again. I think this murder, again my opinion, was done eratically and not planned. I think there was arguing as the neighbor said all weekend. Casey had come home the night before and Cindy was in the pool with Caylee and when Casey went to come in, Cindy nixed it saying it was cold. May not sound like much, but to a sociopath like Casey, she would be greatly offended. I think this animosity between her and her mother, especially the past weekend, built up in her and who knows what happened the next day. Lee says there was an incredible argument with Cindy putting her hands around Casey's neck. Also, George when he got home says he does not remember seeing Casey's car and I believe he did not remember seeing Casey in her bedroom but did see Caylee (I could be wrong on the last part). I see no reason for Jesse Grund to lie about Lee's telling him about the argument between his mother and Casey.

The next day Caylee may have angered her in a response or maybe just looking at her infuriated Casey and she put her out with chrloroform and then taped her mouth, again my opinion. But that is rage and rage is an emotion so sociopaths do feel hatred and rage and I am sure a great love for themselves. So Lee mouthing I love you could very well bring emotion to Casey who feels she has been greatly wronged by Cindy and this child who she really found to be an imposition.

Either way Cindy has to feel incredible guilty about this death because Ricardo Morales says Casey and Caylee stayed at his house at least five nights a week starting around February 2008 and this is around the time that cindy went to a counselor (maybe a month later - she says it was because of finances, but I think she and George had to be concerned about her not being home with Caylee - why would Ricardo lie about this - no reason - if anything he probably wishes he never knew Casey). So Cindy and George are lying about this (they said she stayed out at most twice a month) or THEY ARE THE HEAVIEST SLEEPERS IN ORLANDO.

Thanks for listening. Very disappointed in Glass.
Yes I totally agree with you on that, she lost me too with her blogs about Casey and her family at the 911 hearing, factually incorrect all the way through and showed an obvious bias. You'd think someone would have corrected her by now about them playing the 911 tape in court though. Makes you wonder how much of it she saw.

Apparenlty Glass has changed her blog to say Cindy's testimony as opposed to the 911 tapes. But not everywhere. So being the nice person I am, I brought it to her attention. With that enormous ego of hers in question I am sure she did not appreciate it. But what the hey. She did not reply and is still mulling over putting up my latest. Which I am sure she will not.

So this shows just how much thought she puts into analyzing the Anthony's, which is not much, in my opinion and therefore somewhat of a waste of time.:snooty:
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