What do you think Garrido's defense will be???

Yeah, but they also found books on murder in his possession, and the passenger seat ripped out of his car, and his son testified that he saw Hans carrying a large garbage bag down the stairs. I think these were the most damning testimony!

I think the irony is that they initially offered him a plea deal with very little time in prison if he would plead to involuntary manslaughter (3 years?), Hans declined - unfortunately for him.
How can PG and NG communicate? I would assume that they have no right whatsoever to communicate in any fashion at all.
How can PG and NG communicate? I would assume that they have no right whatsoever to communicate in any fashion at all.

maybe he got a guard to pass info back and forth, like oj did during the murder trial
How can PG and NG communicate? I would assume that they have no right whatsoever to communicate in any fashion at all.

I think Garrido's time in prison before well prepared him to know how to orchestrate this.
I'm wondering if they had a plan. Maybe Nancy is following script.

That's an interesting thought. Not sure what has transpired with Maines wanting to stay, secret this, secret that, but I was thinking that maybe the judge would not let Maines stay on just to be absolutely sure Garrido couldn't find some loophole in that. Who knows if there was some intended strategy put into play that didn't pan out. Nancy got what she asked for but maybe it wasn't what she wanted. What do you think Sherlock?

from the above link:

"Mr. Garrido is expressing genuine remorse. He would like people to consider the fact that he's a changed man and his story is best told all at one time, instead of in pieces. He presents obvious issues concerning whether or not he is competent to be a defendant, and we are looking into that," said his attorney, Public Defender Susan Gellman, in a telephone interview Thursday evening from St. Petersburg, Fla.

Gee whiz, I wonder what his defense will be???

from the above link:

"Mr. Garrido is expressing genuine remorse. He would like people to consider the fact that he's a changed man and his story is best told all at one time, instead of in pieces. He presents obvious issues concerning whether or not he is competent to be a defendant, and we are looking into that," said his attorney, Public Defender Susan Gellman, in a telephone interview Thursday evening from St. Petersburg, Fla.

Gee whiz, I wonder what his defense will be???

i think this has been pretty much clear to us from the start.
but like i said the other day, i'd rather it be this defense.

several reasons:
!) defense is most likely bound to fail.
2) he is basically stipulating with this plea that he is guilty to all the charges (though still saying he's not responsible for his actions0
3) any and all cross examination of jaycee will most likely now be limited to questions about his mental stability rather then them attacking her.
Thanks for bumping this thread, m2s! I forgot it was around ;)

Purely hypothetical here, but if PG's attorney decides to go the insanity route what sort of evidence do you think they will present? PG's god box? The people he preached to? His hideous country/rock music?
Thanks for bumping this thread, m2s! I forgot it was around ;)

Purely hypothetical here, but if PG's attorney decides to go the insanity route what sort of evidence do you think they will present? PG's god box? The people he preached to? His hideous country/rock music?

It's pretty insane to claim you healed yourself of being a hideous child kidnapper and rapist and expect others to believe it (and, do what, set you free? Employ your technique?. I think one (just one) of the weirder things he did was getting back in touch with Katie after he got out of prison (Like what did he expect from that? Or was he just trying to terrorize her?). I don't think he is insane though, I do think he has a total lack of empathy for other people.
He is insane in the general sense of the word, but not in the legal sense.
I think PG, NG and Patricia are all mentally ill, but I DO NOT believe any of them are incapable of standing trial for their crimes.

I've been thinking about PG's contact with Walt Gray and his statement that he wasn't watching TV or reading the newspapers. What does he think is happening with all the sex offenders since his revelation became public? Does he think they are being healed by the thousands while he's in jail because of this "gift" he shared with the world?

He still seems to be manic about his beliefs and how the world is going to respond. It seems to imply that he continues to believe that the public is going to be amazed when his story is revealed.

Does he believe thousands are going to come forward in his defense and to speak of his knowledge based on his invention and his manifesto? I read his manifesto and didn't see anything detailed about the method of curing others like him, so does he plan on revealing it during the trial? That would mean that Jaycee and Nancy know (in his mind) how to do it or that he would have to take the stand.

I hope I'm making sense and not just rambling here.

What happens to a person this delusional when they find out the truth? So, when PG realizes that "thousands and thousands" of people ARE NOT responding the way he’s “known" they will what will his reaction to that be? Will he fall apart or think people aren't really understanding or ??? How do delusional people react to this?
I'm not at all convinced that Garrido really believes his own miracle cure... I think he knows darn well he is just a snake oil salesman. He likes the game and I'll bet he thought he could get others to buy into it.
I think PG, NG and Patricia are all mentally ill, but I DO NOT believe any of them are incapable of standing trial for their crimes.

I've been thinking about PG's contact with Walt Gray and his statement that he wasn't watching TV or reading the newspapers. What does he think is happening with all the sex offenders since his revelation became public? Does he think they are being healed by the thousands while he's in jail because of this "gift" he shared with the world?

He still seems to be manic about his beliefs and how the world is going to respond. It seems to imply that he continues to believe that the public is going to be amazed when his story is revealed.

Does he believe thousands are going to come forward in his defense and to speak of his knowledge based on his invention and his manifesto? I read his manifesto and didn't see anything detailed about the method of curing others like him, so does he plan on revealing it during the trial? That would mean that Jaycee and Nancy know (in his mind) how to do it or that he would have to take the stand.

I hope I'm making sense and not just rambling here.

What happens to a person this delusional when they find out the truth? So, when PG realizes that "thousands and thousands" of people ARE NOT responding the way he’s “known" they will what will his reaction to that be? Will he fall apart or think people aren't really understanding or ??? How do delusional people react to this?

These were my first thoughts after PG's 11/11 letter...
I think it's possible that PG's delusions of grandeur are a result of him possibly receiving "fan" mail in jail but not any hate mail. I'm not sure, but I don't think those that monitor an inmates mail allow hate mail in. I also don't think they would allow correspondence with co-defendants/accomplices, it would at least be monitored and turned over to the proper authorities or discarded if it contained anything relating to the case. They wouldn't, however, disallow love letters, normal correspondence, letters of admiration, etc. The jail is probably receiving all kinds of mail on PG's behalf. I don't think they can deprive an inmate completely of the postal service, they can only monitor it.

It's possible, that other people "afflicted" with the same "problem" as PG are reaching out to him and inquiring about his "cure-all". (I hope not, but there ARE some crazy folks out there!)If this is the case, PG would only be getting positive feedback, thus thinking his mission to cure the incurable is in full force. Sometimes, weirdos become "fans" of people like PG. Charles Manson, Susan Smith and others like them receive "fan" mail. Even Ted Bundy had fans, he married one of them. PG, himself, met/dated/married Nancy while incarcerated.

He is completely delusional. When he realizes this, he will likely become more delusional. Regardless, he is perfectly capable to stand trial. So is Nancy. PF, too, but it's looking like that's not likely to happen.

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