What would YOU do kept on plane;stranded on Hwy,zero and snow

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Apr 2, 2006
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I heard this morning people were stuck going West on Route 78 near Allentown, Pa. This has been on Fox News today.....before it got to Fox I heard this from friends back home. It was snowing and below zero, with the wind chill. For 50 miles on the highway cars were stopped. Can you imagine with children being stuck from yesterday afternoon,and still stuck at noon today.
The national guard are finally there with supplies.......but, that must have been a long night. Plus that side of the highway is still at a stop. Poor people.
This morning also were the stories of the Jet Blue customers stuck for 10 hours out on the tarmac........can you imagine that.
I am so surprised that someone didn't go with snow mobiles and gather up the people out on the highway......like they have done off of route 80 in the poconos many times. A times taking them to churches off of the highway.
I am surprised that Jet Blue would leave people out there for so long.....10/11 hours.Wonder how many of us could stand the circumstances of either one of these ordeals........It is crying material ....Trapped in the plane.....Oh My.
Trapped in the blizzard for perhaps 24 hrs......I think I'd head for the nearest house, desert my car......and leave.
I would have stayed home. There was plenty of warning with this storm but I realize some people have no choice. I really feel for all involved but especially the JetBlue strandees. The JetBlue offices were not even taking calls from the crew. A refund and a round trip ticket is the very least they can do. Did these people ever get to Cancun?
*sigh* It's sad. I live maybe... 2 hours from 78 here, just outside of Philadelphia. We did not have our street plowed 'til maybe 4 PM... and I live in the suburbs! The worst thing is... a lot of people were probably going into work because they had to do so. My husband was read the riot act by his employer yesterday for taking a personal day due to the conditions. He drives an hour each way to his employment. He basically told the boss:

1.) I don't have a company car (like all of the other employees who made it into work yesterday), so if I'm in an accident, it's my car that's wrecked, my insurance that goes up, etc.

2.) I have a small sports car. The HR guy didn't seem to notice that the people who made it in EACH HAD A COMPANY SUV.

3.) I drive an hour to work. Yes, of course other people made it in. They all live 15 minutes or less from work though. (Others that lived farther called out too.)

4.) I drive past approximately 12 schools everyday and that's a combination of 4 or 5 school districts. EVERY ONE OF THEM CLOSED FOR THE WHOLE DAY, NOT JUST A TWO HOUR DELAY. Around here, snow is common, so schools try not to close if they can avoid it.

Yeah, he's looking for a new job. (Btw, he's missed 2 days in the entirety of his 2 and 1/2 year employment there. No vacations, no... nothing.) :banghead:
Yes, I'd be staying home too. 78 is a major route for trucks to 81(N/S) or to continue West. The rest were probably people required to be at work.....like the utilities people, telephone, electric.....I know some were traveling to Florida that way.
We take that exact route to go South to Myrtle Beach and/or to Florida.
They are still there, but at least the military have given them blankets and drinks. It was so cold in Allentown last night ...blowing snow....blizzard...
so glad I was not on that highway. One time I raced an ice storm so as to be further south before it hit.......It was that area we needed to get through, before it hit.
Jet Blue........yes.......the supervisors wouldn't take calls from the planes any longer. How sad is that.........I really bet they are not in Cancun. I think a girl this morning told Diane Sawyer they have a Saturday plane...:sick:
Melisinde said:
*sigh* It's sad. I live maybe... 2 hours from 78 here, just outside of Philadelphia. We did not have our street plowed 'til maybe 4 PM... and I live in the suburbs! The worst thing is... a lot of people were probably going into work because they had to do so. My husband was read the riot act by his employer yesterday for taking a personal day due to the conditions. He drives an hour each way to his employment. He basically told the boss:

1.) I don't have a company car (like all of the other employees who made it into work yesterday), so if I'm in an accident, it's my car that's wrecked, my insurance that goes up, etc.

2.) I have a small sports car. The HR guy didn't seem to notice that the people who made it in EACH HAD A COMPANY SUV.

3.) I drive an hour to work. Yes, of course other people made it in. They all live 15 minutes or less from work though. (Others that lived farther called out too.)

4.) I drive past approximately 12 schools everyday and that's a combination of 4 or 5 school districts. EVERY ONE OF THEM CLOSED FOR THE WHOLE DAY, NOT JUST A TWO HOUR DELAY. Around here, snow is common, so schools try not to close if they can avoid it.

Yeah, he's looking for a new job. (Btw, he's missed 2 days in the entirety of his 2 and 1/2 year employment there. No vacations, no... nothing.) :banghead:
Your hubby needs a new job.. thats just crazy.

There were over 2000 schools closed yesterday in the philly area...
Your lucky you were plowed out yestersday.. we finally saw the plows on our street this morning..8am.. well after the time most people need to leave for work. We live on a hill and no one could get out to the main roads to get to work on time today..

I used to travel 78 for work .. a 2.5 hours drive .. I have been stuck on 81 in particular in snow before.. it was at a standstill and with each flake that hit the pavement it became a skating rink.. there was just one accident after another. some up to 10 vehincles or more.. alot involving tractor trailers. It took me over 6 .5 hours to travel that same route. I can timagine with the conditions that were in the area yesterday...and what of those folks with kids bukled into car seats,, and in diapers.. same with the folks on the plane. They should do more than free flights.
Thats funny Melis.......you know what I was told once. (Me)
The girl who took a bankrupt business and filled it to 100% IN 5 mts.! Always there early and staying late....Got the businees to be worth a big bundle.....
This after a blizzard of about 4 feet of snow.
I was "suspose" to have and SUV......"that that should be the first thing on
my list of things to get"......LOLOL
Pretty bad when an owner of a business tells the worker what vehicle to buy.
Funny now anyhow..........:p :D
My boss told me I had to take a day without pay one time when I called in and said that all the schools were closed in the area surrounding my residence so I wouldn't be in even though the school I taught in was open. Conditions were white-out. Hardly any students came and all my workmates wanted me to stay put. I stayed put and still resent the no-pay. I figure I put my life on the line as it is teaching at-risk teens in this day and age. If I just would have lied and said "I am sick," no problem. Brother.

I do know if you work for the phone company you MUST get in .....no excuses.
There were times when my HB had to go any back road he could find in a blizzard to get to his job. The 40 minute ride becoming a 6 hour ride at times.
So he'd start at about4/ 5Am and work like crazy to find a way there.
Being stuck on 78 would be no excuse.......
Perhaps they should have put them up someplace.......although once when that was going to happen......everything, everywhere, was booked.:confused:
eve said:
My boss told me I had to take a day without pay one time when I called in and said that all the schools were closed in the area surrounding my residence so I wouldn't be in even though the school I taught in was open. Conditions were white-out. Hardly any students came and all my workmates wanted me to stay put. I stayed put and still resent the no-pay. I figure I put my life on the line as it is teaching at-risk teens in this day and age. If I just would have lied and said "I am sick," no problem. Brother.

One place I worked said you couldn't say you were "sick" if there had been a snowstorm, or one was coming the next day. Some other businesses and public utitlites have that same rule. What they would have done in Easton,Pa or Allentown this morning I don't know. There was no plowing of even main roads until late this morning. In that case, you'd need your own plow on .....to get to work. Some things are impossiable, and some businesses don't care to know about it.......Bah hum.....:razz:
Wow. I feel terrible for those people. We recently changed daycares for my son and he's now 5 minutes from home rather than 5 minutes from work. This story is a great example of why that's a good idea. I always wanted to have him with me, and not worry about getting to daycare at a certain time.

I'm in Chicago and we've had some pretty heavy snowfall the last few days, enough for schools to close, but not daycares, so I go to work. There were no plows out on Tuesday morning when we had a bad snow. I leave at 6:30 in the morning, so it was a rough and slow ride. It took an extra hour and a half to get to work to find out they were closing the office early.
Some people don't worry about the snow, like myself. I have a 4WD vehicle and I take it slow, but all it takes is one accident, one person driving too fast. However, that's the case whether it's snowing or not.

If I were stuck by myself, I would stick it out. If I were with my son, I would leave, there's no way he could take sitting all that time. I would also worry about someone taking advantage of people stuck in that situation and robbing them, or just looking for abandoned cars to break into.
My dad retired from the phone company. He worked in a central office with all the switching equipment. Someone had to be there 24/7. When they did know that bad weather was coming if you wanted OT you could volunteer to stay in the office on a cot, he did that a few times. Also all the outside workers were told to take a phone truck home. They would make sure there was somone within a certain miles radius of those little carrier bldgs you see. If no one lived withing that radius they would find a hotel close by and put them up there. It was a small regionally owned company at the time, but they were very smart and had a plan. Wonder why the big companies can't see to get things together like this? I guess to much corp crap to go through.
My sympathies are with all of you in the frozen part of the US. It's even cold here, but sunny and no precip.
In N Texas they close EVERYTHING if 3 flakes fall and stick. There are no plows, just some sand and de-ice for bridges. DH's company closes if the schools are closed - which they are if there is ANY frozen precip. of any variety. Here, we just don't "do" snow. I used to live in OK and KS and I DO know how to drive in snow and ice but most Texans do not. I stay home out of fear of :crazy: THEM, not the weather.
Hang in guys, spring IS coming - hope all of you stay safe and warm and that you thaw out soon!
Dena said:
Wow. I feel terrible for those people. We recently changed daycares for my son and he's now 5 minutes from home rather than 5 minutes from work. This story is a great example of why that's a good idea. I always wanted to have him with me, and not worry about getting to daycare at a certain time....snip
What a great idea. How simple yet logical. That way if you do get stuck in the car with the kid you are only 5 mins instead of an hour away from home. Never thought about that. :doh: I would like to think that if I did have kids I would be able to figure this one out for myself, but I doubt it. :D
I was stuck on a plane for 2 hours and started feeling panicky and claustrophobic. I couldn't imagine 10 hours!!!
I know a teacher, with twins and an older child, who likes the sitter so much that she goes 45min in the wrong direction to drop the kids with her. Not good for bad weather at all.
Sometimes there is a problem with the caregiver mother-in-law who is in the middle, between home and work. Work being an hours drive away.
This sometimes means if the weather is bad, staying home.......rather then
put the child out on the ice and snowbound roads.
As far as going in a plane for 10 hours.....with no good air, and overflowing bathrooms, nothing to drink......Oh My......I'd crash the exit door, I just know it.......:banghead: exit here.....exit here.........:banghead:
Sundayrain said:
snip...As far as going in a plane for 10 hours.....with no good air, and overflowing bathrooms, nothing to drink......Oh My......I'd crash the exit door, I just know it.......:banghead: exit here.....exit here.........:banghead:
Hee, exiting would not be a problem for me, I would probably be thrown off.
Sundayrain said:
As far as going in a plane for 10 hours.....with no good air, and overflowing bathrooms, nothing to drink......Oh My......I'd crash the exit door, I just know it.......:banghead: exit here.....exit here.........:banghead:

And of course you would immediately be arrested and charged with creating a disturbance on an airplane.

Since there is almost no way the passengers can act for themselves without breaking a law, I think there should be strict laws as to how long an airline can hold passengers hostage.
That's crazy.. it IS like being held hostage!! How can they do that? force the passengers to sit there and remain helpless like that? That's unbelievable. Although I agree with ljwf this storm was no surprise, there was plenty of warning. i understand why there are jobs where people must show up and there's "no excuses".. but this was a huge weather emergency, for chrissakes!

thank goodness for the national guard though, who were able to help the stranded folks in their cars!!
I've been stuck on a plane on the tarmac for 6 hours before, with a 5 year old. We just treated it the same way as if we were flying somewhere. We always have our own food and drink with us (not sure if drinks are allowed still? We haven't flown since those carry-on restrictions were put in place) and the airline also supplied us with drinks (and peanuts :rolleyes: ;)). Nobody on 'our' plane panicked or whatever, I'm still proud of all the people on that plane for taking it in stride like they (we) all did.

I read about one plane being stuck for 8 hours I believe, the passengers not getting any info and not getting food and drinks until after 4 hours, and the doors having to be opened for them to even be able to breathe.... now that's just wrong. Only after 8 hours did buses come and take them to the terminal, seriously that's WRONG. I've been flying enough and been in enough strange situations on planes and airports before to know that if the authorities had wanted to, they could have got them out of there sooner.
My husbands whole family lives in Allentown they always seem to have awful winters. I know about a month ago here in Germany we had a really bad snow and the autobahn right up here by my house came to a complete stop and the people were stranded on it for over 10 hours. Blankets and sandwiches and coffee was brought to the people stuck in the cars. Lots of people ran out of gas too it was a mess. As for wht I would of done I probably would of been mad at myself for putting us in that situation and then I would be irritated because I have no patience lol.

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