Whatever Is John Ramsey Thinking?

K777angel said:
You miss my point. When a candidate is running for office he or she MUST truthfully represent themselves and their positions on issues. Only then can the electorate confidentally vote for that candidate - or choose not to. The candidate either does - or does not - REPRESENT the voter's own positions on issues. No one can represent every voter on every issue. You cannot for instance, vote pro-life as a representative and appease the pro-abortion segment. But if you ran for office making it clear that you are and will vote pro-life, and were subsequently elected into office, then that IS how you will represent your constituency.
Therefore, the platform and postions on issues a candidate runs on BEFORE the election - will determine how he/she will vote when in office.
The people have spoken by electing him/her in the first place.
It is up to the electorate to FIND OUT where the candidate stands during the campaign.
There are of course issues that can arise after the election - but taking a good look at some very core and basic positions of a candidate are going to give you a darn good idea of what path he/she will take in the future.
Unless they have NO foundation to begin with and their stands and positions on issues are a mish-mash that contradict each other. In other words - there is no foundational basis with which the rep. uses as a springboard in making decisions. They just ride the wind of what they percieve as being politically advantageous to themselves. It is shallow and empty. As is that person who functions in that manner.

It is what I see personally as the root problem in one of our major political parties and why I never see a candidate in that party that I can vote for anymore.

And it is VERY important to know how a man or woman who desires to represent me in Congress (state or national) - conducts themselves in their personal life. Are they honest? Trustworthy? etc....
For if a man or woman cannot even be faithful to the ones (spouse/children)
he loves on a personal level - what in the world makes you think he/she is going to be faithful to YOU - a stranger he/she has never met????
His foundational principles and morals have enormous cracks in them.
And those will follow you in every aspect of your life. Because it is WHO YOU ARE.
It is why every company now days not only investigates personal references on a potential employee - but a background check to see how that person has conducted themselves in the past.
We, as citizens should take heed and do no less with someone who will be making such powerful decisions affecting our everyday lives.
What a no-brainer.

Excellent post;Thanks! My 6-yr old son could agree on that I've no doubt...; it's so sad that most IMHO have sold their "own THINKING" AND FOR WHAT?!. :eek: :eek: :eek:

FWIW...IMHO the R's appear to be "emotionless" in regards to solving JonBenet's murder...what PARENT(S) does that? :confused: :loser:

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