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Jul 3, 2006
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Did JonBenet's involvement with the pageants have anything at all to do with her ultimate fate?
shiloh said:
Did JonBenet's involvement with the pageants have anything at all to do with her ultimate fate?
It seems to me JonBenet was viewed as an object owned by her mother, so in that sense yes....
Yes, I do. I think she said she didn't want to do them any more and Patsy took that as an insult to her and her family.

"Fredo, don't ever take sides against the family again."
I don't think so. Since I lean toward BDI, I don't think it was the pageants, per se, but her all around 'perfectness' in Patsy's eyes. Now, that's not to say I think Burke did it because he was jealous of her in a premeditated sense, but that it may have enabled him because it was ALWAYS all about her and that made it easier to not hold back.

Kinda, sorta.....
I used to lean towards the BDI theory myself. It makes a lot of sense and explains much of what has happened in this case. But the fibers in JBR's underwear do not match the fibers in Burke's shirt. They are said to match the fibers in John's shirt collar. And JR was unable to give an innocent explanation for that during his deposition. Maybe there was an innocent explanation. He's had several years to come up with one. If he's thought of something by now, I'd like to hear it. Or if the fibers do not match those found in JBR's underwear, I'd like to see the evidence for that.

Because it fits into all of the theories, no matter which "Who Did It" you go with--it's a factor in all.
Well, I will say this for John - if he is totally innocent of knowing anything until he found the body earlier than the 'big discovery' - I would take the same stance as him. The media HAVE tainted his relationship with his baby, I would certainly NOT give them the satisfaction.
Honestly, if the above is acurate, I would play it the same way. As long as I am not being charged - think what you will.

HOWEVER, having said that, I DO wonder where the fibers came from, but for some reason, I have never suspected John. He has just never raised my hinky meter like Patsy and Burke.

Although - I do think he is a prize d*ck.
Definitely. I think dressing JB up like a minature Vegas show-girl caused John to view her that way, and when Patsy may not have been available to meet his needs because of her Ovarian Cancer, I think he turned to JonBenet.
Did JonBenet's involvement with the pageants have anything at all to do with her ultimate fate?

Possibly if you view her pageant activities as a form of parental control?

It may be anecdotal but from memory I read somewhere that John stopped JonBenet from appearing in a pageant in Las Vegas?

It was suggested that John did not consider this an appropriate venue for JonBenet?

This portrayed John as a concerned parent, but on reflection it possibly looks more like an attempt to distance himself from the pageant activity?

This aspect of the pageants was not lost on Patsy either, she once remarked to a child beauty pageant organizer that she was considering not allowing JonBenet to compete in the Southern pageants, specifically because of their ambiguous character.

So here is anecdotal evidence that both parents were aware of exactly what the potential effects were of allowing JonBenet to compete.

To encourage your daughter to dance across the stage in a Las Vegas showgirl outfit, complete with heavy makeup. To look alluringly at judges, and make her bodily movements that of an adult woman, all at 6-years old, suggest the possibility of a sexually dysfunctional family.

So yes her pageant activity probably played a part in setting the scene for her untimely death.

LinasK said:
Definitely. I think dressing JB up like a minature Vegas show-girl caused John to view her that way, and when Patsy may not have been available to meet his needs because of her Ovarian Cancer, I think he turned to JonBenet.

Interesting thought, LinasK, although I have to say that if you do not have pedophile tendancies, I would have to think that a child dressed a certain way would not have you 'making the jump'. Some of those outfits were absolutely deplorable.
Anytime videos are shown on TV with JBR all trussed up in vegas showgirl gear, my husband says, "Good Jesus, her mother should have been shot for that."
I think it would have be very interesting to have a magic crystal ball to see if Patsy would have objected to a teenage JBR trying to get out of the house to see her friends in revealing outfits - being a Christian woman and all.

There is (or was) a show on tv called 'Tiara Girls' that is all about pageants. Few of these girls were well adjusted and some parents were worse - one had a FATHER telling his daughter who was choosing a bathing suit that she had to lose weight. WTF??
Another one had a girl saying, "Runner Up is first loser." Well, had they been talking about a science fair, that attitude is bad enough, but looks??? :doh:
I think we cannot dismiss any aspect of Jonbenet Ramsey's lifestyle as insignificant. We won't know what was and wasn't significant until the case has been solved.

I was recently watching an interview with a detective on the news and he said that the often don't know what the motive for a crime was until they've caught the perp.
"Interesting thought, LinasK, although I have to say that if you do not have pedophile tendancies, I would have to think that a child dressed a certain way would not have you 'making the jump'."

Maybe not, Brefie, but you have to admit, it's not a big leap of imagination!

LinasK, that thought keeps me awake at night. It would explain a few things.
UKGuy said:
Possibly if you view her pageant activities as a form of parental control?
To encourage your daughter to dance across the stage in a Las Vegas showgirl outfit, complete with heavy makeup. To look alluringly at judges, and make her bodily movements that of an adult woman, all at 6-years old, suggest the possibility of a sexually dysfunctional family.

So yes her pageant activity probably played a part in setting the scene for her untimely death.
Good point about parental control and the sexually dysfunctional family, UKGuy. I too think JB's involvement in pageants like that played a significant part re her death.
There has been quite some discussion about whether JonBenet had been the victim of prior sexual abuse. Imo opinion encouraging your child to perform seductively is already a form of child abuse. Is the followig theory a far stretch then? Not at all imo:
[Lina SK]I think dressing JB up like a minature Vegas show-girl caused John to view her that way, and when Patsy may not have been available to meet his needs because of her Ovarian Cancer, I think he turned to JonBenet.
Definitely a possibility. It would explain the 'sexual predator' part in the staging, meaning that the injury to JB's vagina was inflicted to hide signs of prior sexual abuse.
Former Miss America Marilyn Van Derbur Atler came from a family who were outwardly very much like the Ramseys. They were millionaires, her father was a successful and well-respected businessman, and her mother was obsessed with pageants and with projecting the image of a being a perfect family. That's where the similarity ends. She is an incest survivor, and says that she was raped repeatedly by her father from a very young age until she left for college. Unfortunately, this is very common, occurring at the rate of about 1 in 12 young females being sexually abused by their fathers, according to one site. But Nedra apparently took comfort in the fact that it was just a little abuse (in her opinion). What kind of a grandmother would make such a remark -- no matter who it was who was doing the abusing?
SuperDave said:
"Interesting thought, LinasK, although I have to say that if you do not have pedophile tendancies, I would have to think that a child dressed a certain way would not have you 'making the jump'."

Maybe not, Brefie, but you have to admit, it's not a big leap of imagination!

For me it is - and I am no expert, I just think that you are either 'into' kids or you are not. A sickening thought, I know, but that's how I imagine it to 'work'.
Linda7NJ said:
It seems to me JonBenet was viewed as an object owned by her mother, so in that sense yes....
LinasK said:
Definitely. I think dressing JB up like a minature Vegas show-girl caused John to view her that way, and when Patsy may not have been available to meet his needs because of her Ovarian Cancer, I think he turned to JonBenet.
UKGuy said:
To encourage your daughter to dance across the stage in a Las Vegas showgirl outfit, complete with heavy makeup. To look alluringly at judges, and make her bodily movements that of an adult woman, all at 6-years old, suggest the possibility of a sexually dysfunctional family.
Ditto and very possible to all the above. IMO not only was JonBenet viewed as an object by Patsy, but as an extension of Patsy to the point where they were basically the same person in Patsy's psyche, and possibly in John's perception, too.

But even if he didn't molest JB, Patsy may have imagined that he did since IMO she saw no boundary between JB and herself and IMO she was herself molested as a child.

Sexually dysfunctional, absolutely, IMO. What I'm undecided on, though, is whether John was an active player or an innocent trapped in Patsy's world. I think it's very possible that all the parts of the drama were being played by Patsy.
rashomon said:
Good point about parental control and the sexually dysfunctional family, UKGuy. I too think JB's involvement in pageants like that played a significant part re her death.
There has been quite some discussion about whether JonBenet had been the victim of prior sexual abuse. Imo opinion encouraging your child to perform seductively is already a form of child abuse. Is the followig theory a far stretch then? Not at all imo:

Definitely a possibility. It would explain the 'sexual predator' part in the staging, meaning that the injury to JB's vagina was inflicted to hide signs of prior sexual abuse.


Well kind of, if you can explain away her being wiped down, and redressed?

It appears JonBenet was more likely than not, suffering from chronic sexual abuse, not only did she display outward symptoms such as bedwetting, she had boundary issues e.g. asking others to wipe her down.

Her pageant participation could represent parental approval for her sexualized role playing, essentialy normalising dysfunctional behaviour?

If JonBenet behaved like this, on stage, in public, the big question is: was she encouraged to behave in a similar manner in private within the house?

So did JonBenet have secrets, was she asked to grow up to fast, was she starting to complain and rebel against a constraining relationship, was she sandwiched between two adults who colluded in her abuse?

rashomon said:
Good point about parental control and the sexually dysfunctional family, UKGuy. I too think JB's involvement in pageants like that played a significant part re her death.
There has been quite some discussion about whether JonBenet had been the victim of prior sexual abuse. Imo opinion encouraging your child to perform seductively is already a form of child abuse. Is the followig theory a far stretch then? Not at all imo:

Definitely a possibility. It would explain the 'sexual predator' part in the staging, meaning that the injury to JB's vagina was inflicted to hide signs of prior sexual abuse.

Well, I'm quite normal, and I can say with some certainty that a normal person seeing those seductive acts probably wouldn't have to make much of a leap of imagination to conclude that she was being abused. If you combine those pictures and videos with the reports that she was being sexually abused over time, I think the combination would be devastating in court. As I've often said, the jury would HANG them right in the courtroom, imo.

Tell you what, UKGuy: you tell me why she was wiped down and redressed first, then I'll weigh in.
SuperDave said:
Well, I'm quite normal, and I can say with some certainty that a normal person seeing those seductive acts probably wouldn't have to make much of a leap of imagination to conclude that she was being abused. If you combine those pictures and videos with the reports that she was being sexually abused over time, I think the combination would be devastating in court. As I've often said, the jury would HANG them right in the courtroom, imo.

Tell you what, UKGuy: you tell me why she was wiped down and redressed first, then I'll weigh in.


If the intention was to mask prior sexual abuse with a bogus sexual assault attributed to a sexual predator, then why wipe her down and redress her?

That seems contradictory to me!

My current favorite explanation is that this phase of the staging was redesigned to portray a kindapping scenario, not a predatory assault?

UKGuy said:
My current favorite explanation is that this phase of the staging was redesigned to portray a kindapping scenario, not a predatory assault?
I agree. IMO the stager was hiding the vaginal injury. She may not have even been considering an autopsy at that point, just figuring her shocking staged kidnapping-gone-wrong would be enough to keep anyone from looking for or noticing the head and vaginal injuries, i.e. with such a flagrantly obvious cause of death, and circumstances thereof, why would they bother doing an autopsy?

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