WI WI - Cynthia Allen, 17, Marinette, 11 June 1972

Just came across this site by accident and I am astonished at the number of unsolved murders/deaths in central Wisconsin over the last40 years. Especially the Togstad/Repinski/Spiegelberg/Allen cases. They absolutely MUST be connected. Do "famous" investigators ever look at these sites? These cases would be a dream come true. Sorry that sounded coarse. I'm sure they don't love what they do, given the circumstances. Really makes me think there is/was a serial killer in the area.

It would be nice if Parabon would get involved in these cases. I was reading one of the posts about Cindy Allen and that said they think the person that may have been responsible for her murder commited suicide in room rented in what is now Stewys Restaurant in Menominee Mi. I lived next door to that building at that time. Dont remember that tho Was long time ago.
Just came across this site by accident and I am astonished at the number of unsolved murders/deaths in central Wisconsin over the last40 years. Especially the Togstad/Repinski/Spiegelberg/Allen cases. They absolutely MUST be connected. Do "famous" investigators ever look at these sites? These cases would be a dream come true. Sorry that sounded coarse. I'm sure they don't love what they do, given the circumstances. Really makes me think there is/was a serial killer in the area.

It would be nice if Parabon would get involved in these cases. I was reading one of the posts about Cindy Allen and that said they think the person that may have been responsible for her murder commited suicide in room rented in what is now Stewys Restaurant in Menominee Mi. I lived next door to that building at that time. Dont remember that tho Was long time ago.
I looked up this crime on facebook and it was Robert Powell and Greg Leafe It is on You know you are from Menominee if you put Darcy Curtis
Just came across this site by accident and I am astonished at the number of unsolved murders/deaths in central Wisconsin over the last40 years. Especially the Togstad/Repinski/Spiegelberg/Allen cases. They absolutely MUST be connected. Do "famous" investigators ever look at these sites? These cases would be a dream come true. Sorry that sounded coarse. I'm sure they don't love what they do, given the circumstances. Really makes me think there is/was a serial killer in the area.

It would be nice if Parabon would get involved in these cases. I was reading one of the posts about Cindy Allen and that said they think the person that may have been responsible for her murder commited suicide in room rented in what is now Stewys Restaurant in Menominee Mi. I lived next door to that building at that time. Dont remember that tho Was long time ago.
I looked up this crime on facebook and it was Robert Powell and Greg Leafe It is on You know you are from Menominee if you put Darcy Curtis in search bar
It would be nice if Parabon would get involved in these cases. I was reading one of the posts about Cindy Allen and that said they think the person that may have been responsible for her murder commited suicide in room rented in what is now Stewys Restaurant in Menominee Mi. I lived next door to that building at that time. Dont remember that tho Was long time ago.

I looked up this crime on facebook and it was Robert Powell and Greg Leafe It is on You know you are from Menominee if you put Darcy Curtis in search bar

Robert D. Powell was released from prison in 2018. He was convicted of the murder of Darcy Ann Curtice of Menominee. Gregory Leafe was also arrested as an accomplice in the murder of Darcy.

Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) - Offender Profile

Menomonee murder - Newspapers.com

An excerpt from the article states"Lt. Steeno questioned Powell...concerning possible involvement by the defendant in a pair of murders that took place n 1971 and early in 1972 in Green Bay."
Hello, I found this thread googling to see if i could find out any more info in my house and the i think serial killer who owned it. Yes i own Powell's house, bought it 3 and a half years ago. Reading this whole thread, I have a feeling that Powell did cynthia as well and held her here possibly, more secluded than above a restaurant, than dumped, the kid could have just committed suicide because he had many problems in life, just a feeling, but living in this place is something else, Darcy never left, shes usually here, that's what got me researching what happened here.
I wonder whether Cynthia Jane Allen's murder could have been inspired by the October 8, 1871, Great Peshtigo Fire, America's deadliest ever forest fire and third deadliest fire. It could be that some killers tend especially to be morbid and fond of desecrating those who die in tragedies. Her body being placed four miles west of Peshtigo put it right in the heart of the firestorm area.

As for June 11, that could be a reference to the June 11, 1880, SS Stonington/SS Narragansett collision in Long Island Sound, which killed about 50 on Narragansett, which caught fire and sank. President Garfield's future assassin was on the SS Stonington, which was not lost and suffered no casualties, but somehow Guiteau supposedly thought his survival was sufficiently miraculous that he eventually supposedly considered it a sign he was chosen by God to kill Garfield. Garfield was surprised when on the 34th ballot the Wisconsin delegation to the Republican convention of 1880, 16 of 20 delegates put his name forward to be president, increasing his nationwide total from one. Two ballots later and he had the nomination for President. As for Garfield's assassin, Guiteau, he and his family lived from 1850-55 in Ulao, a ghost town north of Milwaukee part of current-day Grafton, Wisconsin. Around 1875 or 1876, while Guiteau was living with his sister Frances at her summer place on Beaver Lake in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, Frances looked up to see him wielding an axe over her head while possessing the countenance of a savage animal, an incident that she claimed almost encouraged her to try to force Guiteau into an insane asylum. But upon reflection, she decided it best not to commit him in Wisconsin, because Chicago would be nearer to most of his family (the Great Chicago Fire happened the same day as the Peshtigo fire), though for whatever reason it never happened.

Garfield got his degree from Williams College in Williamstown, MA, and was traveling to his 25th reunion there (where he was to give a speech) when Guiteau shot and fatally wounded him at a train station in DC. Another Cynthia, Cynthia "Rocky" Krizack, 17, was taken from Williamstown on October 7, 1976, and murdered, and Trenny Gibson, 16, vanished the next day, the anniversary of Peshtigo getting incinerated, from the Clingman's Dome area of the Great Smoky National Park. The Peshtigo fire, though it destroyed Peshtigo on October 8 is apparently believed to have started on October 7. Forest fires I suppose can be "smoky", and of course Smokey Bear doesn't approve of them, and murderers don't approve of smokey bears (cops) arresting them. Jackets were left hanging from tree branches near the bodies of both Cynthia Krizack and also Cynthia Allen (Allen's body was found the day before the anniversary of Guiteau shooting Garfield and the day after the anniversary of Guiteau being hanged, when a rural Peshtigo man noticed the jacket on the tree and then investigated more closely), and Trenny Gibson when she disappeared was wearing a jacket she had borrowed from someone she was hiking with.

Cynthia Jane Allen's name makes me think of the August 7, 1976, murder of Jane Louise Allan, 13, who was probably taken from Pontiac, Michigan, or thereabouts while she was hitchhiking.
Hello, I found this thread googling to see if i could find out any more info in my house and the i think serial killer who owned it. Yes i own Powell's house, bought it 3 and a half years ago. Reading this whole thread, I have a feeling that Powell did cynthia as well and held her here possibly, more secluded than above a restaurant, than dumped, the kid could have just committed suicide because he had many problems in life, just a feeling, but living in this place is something else, Darcy never left, shes usually here, that's what got me researching what happened here.

hi, I am just seeing this now and have so many questions for you. Darcy was my mother in laws twin sister. I would appreciate the chance to talk to you
Hello, I found this thread googling to see if i could find out any more info in my house and the i think serial killer who owned it. Yes i own Powell's house, bought it 3 and a half years ago. Reading this whole thread, I have a feeling that Powell did cynthia as well and held her here possibly, more secluded than above a restaurant, than dumped, the kid could have just committed suicide because he had many problems in life, just a feeling, but living in this place is something else, Darcy never left, shes usually here, that's what got me researching what happened here.
I am a family member of Darcy’s twin sister, Deborah, and would love to know more about Darcy’s presence. Please respond, if comfortable. Thank you, Jessica
Hi Jessica my name is bart, so what would you like to know about Darcy's presence? I have a lot of questions about her as well, it has been quite lately, unless you go in the room, it's so sad what happened here, if you ever want to talk message me.

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