Will anyone write to KC?

Will you write to KC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 451 83.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 59 10.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Capital N Capital O.

IMO, it would be a waste, huge waste. I imagine they'd only be tossed out unopened in a plastic trash bag.

Worse, could all of our cards and letters end up being dumped out on the defense table during the trial to back up JB's claim that many people have doubt about KC being the murderer and that many people still support her?


That's how Kris Kringle won his court case in The Miracle on 34th Street - twice!! :eek: The letters were dumped on the judge's desk and piled ALL AROUND IT.

George Anthony made a HUGE MISTAKE when he asked people to write KC a "Hi how are you letter" during the memorial service for Caylee. His request will actually shrink the jury pool for KC supporters. No juror can have contact with a defendent in a criminal case as per Florida law. Each letter KC receives from the outside is logged in by the prison, so all the names of these people will be known. Keep those cards, and letters coming, and Baez will need to try this case on Mars.
I might consider sending her an envelope sealed with duct tape! :furious:
I had thought about writing KC a while back, before the remains were discovered. I don't think my letter would fit into any of the categories that CA or GA would find acceptable though. I wanted to write her about telling the truth and honesty, characteristics that seem to be lacking in the Anthony family. I wanted to try to appeal to her soul, her conscious, but after thinking about such a letter, I came to the conclusion it would be a waste of time. I am sure she has received such letters from others and it is obvious now that none of them have done any good. I can't think of any other reason to write to KC now, Caylee has been found so there is nothing else to ask for. I really don't think a letter from anyone, no matter how well worded, could bring about honorable behavior in a person so devoid of feeling for others.
I'm unsure about GA's sudden request for help of his daughter to recieve incomming mail. Couldn't he give out the emial address of JB for us to send her correspondence? That's the way his daughter rolls. Openning up mail by someone so adept with computer skills would be such a waste of time. I'm sure she would be more apt to respond to an email. What was GA thinking? I'm sure this agitated KC more to hear her father plea to the public masses for letters stating what G? GA should have asked for the public to send get well cards. Thats all she will recieve from me. Wait a min. there is a documentary out by Jane Goodall. It discusses one of the female primates as having raged causing The female primate to murder one of the infant primates in the group. This never appears to have happened in the primate world befor and she continued to follow that female until the primate died. The group totally shuned her although allowing her stay. This primate was jealouse of an infant primate causing this behavior never before witnessed by humans. KC might enjoy this read though & I wouldn't want that.
I don't know why GA would ask people to write to her knowing that she as the defense stated "public enemy #1". The family surely is not so convoluted as to think that people would want to offer comfort to KC, instead this would open the flood gates of hate mail to pour in to Orange County Corrections. Perhaps if Casey were to tell the truth and apologize to her parents, law enforcement, the tax payers of Florida, etc. people would be more compassionate towards her. I wish George the best but I choose not correspond with his daughter.
George Anthony made a HUGE MISTAKE when he asked people to write KC a "Hi how are you letter" during the memorial service for Caylee. His request will actually shrink the jury pool for KC supporters. No juror can have contact with a defendent in a criminal case as per Florida law. Each letter KC receives from the outside is logged in by the prison, so all the names of these people will be known. Keep those cards, and letters coming, and Baez will need to try this case on Mars.

Good One!!!!:clap:
George Anthony made a HUGE MISTAKE when he asked people to write KC a "Hi how are you letter" during the memorial service for Caylee. His request will actually shrink the jury pool for KC supporters. No juror can have contact with a defendent in a criminal case as per Florida law. Each letter KC receives from the outside is logged in by the prison, so all the names of these people will be known. Keep those cards, and letters coming, and Baez will need to try this case on Mars.

Good to know Cat! So George is unwittingly stacking the voir dire deck against his daughter. Where is BC in all of this? Everything his clients say or do in public has the unfortunate tendency to produce far less than the intended results. Soon there will be a new word for PR events or phrases that backfire. Ant-ics.
I would have nothing encouraging to say except the TRUTH shall set you free

How ironic you said this.
I thought to myself......yeah I could write to her....I could write to her every day for the rest of her life.....with a simple note that only read the words
Otherwise I would have NO words of support.
Or better yet how about a note that reads "WHy Mommy Why???" everyday for the rest of her life.
I am so confused here by use of the word DESERVES!!
Several have stated that being raised a Christian then yall go on to say forgiveness.. casey deserves this and that ... No she does not... We are only saved by the GRACE of God. and only after asking to be forgiven and really mean it..but once again I go back to my orginal statement she does not DESERVE anything..JMO

Function: verb Inflected Form(s): de·served; de·serv·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deservir, from Latin deservire to devote oneself to, from de- + servire to serve Date: 13th century transitive verb : to be worthy of : merit <deserves another chance> intransitive verb : to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital <have become recognized as they deserve — T. S. Eliot>
— de·serv·er noun

No. Casey doesn't want to hear anything I would have to say to her.
I will write to Casey when he-double-l freezes over. She's got a very long wait. :(
I am so confused here by use of the word DESERVES!!
Several have stated that being raised a Christian then yall go on to say forgiveness.. casey deserves this and that ... No she does not... We are only saved by the GRACE of God. and only after asking to be forgiven and really mean it..but once again I go back to my orginal statement she does not DESERVE anything..JMO

Function: verb Inflected Form(s): de·served; de·serv·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deservir, from Latin deservire to devote oneself to, from de- + servire to serve Date: 13th century transitive verb : to be worthy of : merit <deserves another chance> intransitive verb : to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital <have become recognized as they deserve — T. S. Eliot>
— de·serv·er noun


I too take issue with GA's words that KC "deserves"...Until she makes it clear to the public that she is accepting blame for her crime, and asks for forgivness, she is not "deserving" IMHO.

To those who may write to her. Be sure to read the rules and regulations of sending mail to inmates housed in Orange County. Most jails do not allow/accept any mail with envelopes decorated in any way, shape or fashion. This means no stickers, no drawings, and certainly no duct tape on the outside envelope! If your letter is rejected, it will be mailed right back to you as "undeliverable". With the cost of a stamp going up yet again....read the rules before wasting your postage!
No, I would not write KC. However, I'm sure she is getting quite a bit of mail, both positive and negative. This happens as we all know with "notorious" crime cases. I wouldn't be surprised to hear KC has had marriage proposals at this point. She cares not what people write her-her brain just shuts out the people "beneath" her that beg her to tell the truth, as for KC, there simply is no truth to tell. I truly believe she has moved so far on, that the real details of poor Caylee's death have evaporated.

Just as KC's life these past few years has been a fantasy, so too will Caylee's demise continue to be.

I'm not sure what George was hoping for when he requested such letters,other than as a father, he is thinking normally about how lonely he would feel, how isolated in the same situation and he wants his child comforted. But, KC and her father have totally difference psyche's (not sure I'm spelling that correctly).

I continue to feel so sad for George, as he is an island in the midst of the twilight zone
I voted no;I just can't,Again the "Thumper principle" will have to do.
I wouldn't write to Casey, but if a person had a PO box it might be interesting to send a "hi how are you doing" and just see if and how she might respond. Casey's going to get even more bored and institutionalized in the next year while waiting for the trial. To be isolated alone in a cell must be very shocking. She may try and write back to anyone who sends her a friendly note just to have something more to do and contact with people.
I was shocked George asked us to write at the very least his grifter daughter
this is such a bad idea

Letting the A;s or anyone associated with them to have my personal information is enough to keep me awake with cold sweats for many nights

SHE IS A CRIMINAL - contact is not advisable

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