Woman attacks cheating husband and mistress with...

OMG! She really whacked them good. I can't say I blame her.

Good thing she didn't have a gun handy.
Dag on, I would not mess with her again......:eek:
I think that's pretty stupid they charged her with anything. I'd argue that she was provoked, and that there was an intruder in her house.

Eh, okay, that probably wouldn't hold up, but could you blame this woman? How much could getting hit with a can of RAID hurt anyway? These people are lucky she didn't spray them with the stuff, or that the can exploded while she was hitting them with it?

Contents under pressure....boom!
:dance: I would have sprayed them both in the face with the bug spray just for good measure...
I say good for her too. I would have sprayed them with it.. until it was empty. :woohoo:
She could just tell the courts she was trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted "Bed Bugs"..:)
Ah. the French have Crime of Passion as a defence which would certainly be apt here, i think! :crazy:
I bet that nosy neighbor who called to tell the wife what was going on had her ear to the wall listening to her clobber them with the raid.
They're lucky (husband & girlfriend) that nothing more happened to them!!

Old Broad
OMG... that is so funny, but it's not funny. Good for her that she gave them a couple of smacks with that can but it's a real pity she was charged.
My Aunt caught her boyfriend cheating on her and she threw all his clothes of the balcony and then went down to them and sprayed shaving cream all over them and watched people sift threw what they wanted until he came home. Needless to say he was NOT happy, but she felt better :D .
lizziedripping said:
She could just tell the courts she was trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted "Bed Bugs"..:)
...or that she was trying to get rid of a louse...
Paladin said:
I think that's pretty stupid they charged her with anything. I'd argue that she was provoked, and that there was an intruder in her house.

Eh, okay, that probably wouldn't hold up, but could you blame this woman? How much could getting hit with a can of RAID hurt anyway? These people are lucky she didn't spray them with the stuff, or that the can exploded while she was hitting them with it?

Contents under pressure....boom!
I agree . That should be in "News That Makes You Smile". I sure did .
She sure was provoked .:clap:

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