Woman comes home to find house cleaned

I came home from work once and found my grass nicely mowed and trimmed! I called neighbors that I was close with to thank them and they said they didn't do it. It was in the spring where your grass grows so quickly and it had rained several weekends so it was really high. Driving home the first "dry" upcoming weekend, I was dreading this chore. After my friends denial, I felt badly that someone had done this because I had disgraced the neighborhood. The neighbors finally admitted they had done it as a favor when they saw how distressed I was. Since I couldn't repay their kindness, I have done the same with a working neighbor - or someone who has been ill - but If asked and thanked, I own up to it just so they won't worry. But I would never go into some one's home or garage.

I would have been upset about the situation had someone cleaned my house, I never felt this expense warrented - but I would have paid the lady who did the work. I know people who clean houses to make ends meet and they deserve every penny.
Yes, if you live in a community where the yards are next to one another, some people get upset if you don't mow your lawn or keep your yard nice as it detracts from the rest of the neighborhood. I have seen neighbors take matters into their own hands and cut their lawn for them.
Paladin said:
Yes, if you live in a community where the yards are next to one another, some people get upset if you don't mow your lawn or keep your yard nice as it detracts from the rest of the neighborhood. I have seen neighbors take matters into their own hands and cut their lawn for them.
I live where no one cares about your lawn. If I lived where it had to be kept up, and I knew someone would do it for me if I didn't....

I have to say I'd let them.
GlitchWizard said:
I live where no one cares about your lawn. If I lived where it had to be kept up, and I knew someone would do it for me if I didn't....

I have to say I'd let them.
It probably wouldn't come to that. Most neighborhoods like I am describing are part of homeowner's associations and they will just try to make your life miserable before they resort to cutting your lawn for you.
GlitchWizard said:
When I read "do the right thing" why did I immediately think she ate the food and drank the wine? ha ha
HA! Good one. Maybe she will be a mensch and pay the cleaning lady. :p
Paladin said:
It probably wouldn't come to that. Most neighborhoods like I am describing are part of homeowner's associations and they will just try to make your life miserable before they resort to cutting your lawn for you.
I have a homeowner's association and I think they are a branch of hell extending from the depths of inner earth. They paved my beautiful dirt road and billed everyone $6,000 for the privledge of living beside it. *boo hoo*
A homeowners association is why I sold my condo and bought a single family home. We have a board where I live now but nothing like the noisy, good for nothing, I have not a thing to do with my life, Kool-aid moms that were on the board at my former home! And yes they can make your life a nightmare if you don't keep up the outside of your home. I went round and round for three years over a light on my patio that kept getting broken by the punk kids in the area. I just refused to replace the thing again! and so the battle began! BTW I won the war!
I have to laugh about them...there really are people who will just bicker about the smallest petty things. My parents moved down to nice condo down in Florida, and I swear they moved right into an episode of Seinfeld with the parents who live down in Del Boca Vista. :crazy:

Fighting over the board presidency, fighting over lawncare, blah blah blah, you name it. Is this what I have to look forward to when I retire?
Some of those folks just take the election to the board WAY to serious! One broad we had actually walked around at 2 am and check cars in the lot and items left on the patio over night. :loser: She also worked overtime at trying to convince us homeowners that the complex should not allow children. Real tough to get a following on that one when you are preachin to parents. I swear it takes all kinds!

Thats why I like the board we have at our new place. They are less concerned with inventing stupid regulations and spend a ton of time planning events for the community. Mini parades for the kids, pot luck lunches, pool parties etc. Makes a world of difference!
When I wrote about neighbors cutting others grass - I meant that it was done as a favor. We are not a ritzy subdivision, have no association thingy - we have people who manicure their lawn, some cut grass once a month or so whether it needs it or not! But when someone usually keeps their yard up and because of illness, broken mower etc., people just help out. I keep my grass cut, flowers weeded, driveway weeds sprayed - but that's now. I'm retired, have the time, and I like to do it. The single man next door has two jobs and a girlfriend - he has no time. Just makes mine look better than it really is.
lorann said:
When I wrote about neighbors cutting others grass - I meant that it was done as a favor. We are not a ritzy subdivision, have no association thingy - we have people who manicure their lawn, some cut grass once a month or so whether it needs it or not! But when someone usually keeps their yard up and because of illness, broken mower etc., people just help out. I keep my grass cut, flowers weeded, driveway weeds sprayed - but that's now. I'm retired, have the time, and I like to do it. The single man next door has two jobs and a girlfriend - he has no time. Just makes mine look better than it really is.
No no, I understand where you are coming from. Sorry for the tangent, it just reminded me of some of the crazies out there. :D
gidget641 said:
A homeowners association is why I sold my condo and bought a single family home. We have a board where I live now but nothing like the noisy, good for nothing, I have not a thing to do with my life, Kool-aid moms that were on the board at my former home! And yes they can make your life a nightmare if you don't keep up the outside of your home. I went round and round for three years over a light on my patio that kept getting broken by the punk kids in the area. I just refused to replace the thing again! and so the battle began! BTW I won the war!
Great for you Gidget! I lived in a gated communtiy before moving here to freedom. The rules were just too much. You couldn't plant a tree or garden without permission. Don't put in a new window, someone will take a picture of you doing that, without a permit.( even if you have one actually) Can't repair a roof in the winter without a permit, or put up a shed without a permit. ( town and community permit).
No swimming without the lifeguard there.....hummmmm..now that one I just had to pass up
. It was good as far as keeping out strangers .....thats about it. It took me awhile to realize I have freedom here, now after moving. . I don't have to look at a rules list. Life is too short for rules.
Oh maybe .....yes.....BobbisAngel and LaMer call me the "rebel warrior"...so
is that my problem with the rules.? Your the rebel too on that bulb
mindi77 said:
If you click on the link it says that the neighbor across the street hired a cleaning lady and she went to there house instead and cleaned it....

Why can't I have someone mistakenly clean my house....lol
Sounds like what happened to my neighbor last summer. They were out of town on vacation and came home to find roofer putting a new roof on their home. They were about half finished - had all the shingles torn off. The crew got the address mixed up. So they got a free roof.

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