Woman kept boyfriend's body for 18 mo. 'so she had someone to watch NASCAR with'


Former Member
Mar 4, 2009
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wow. The things loneliness will drive people to. This story makes me sad :(
Nascar, my ***. This guy was receiving social security, pension checks and veteran benefits. So since he wasn't reported dead, where did all this money go?

"Wally Zigler, 48, said his father worked in a machine shop and received Social Security, pension checks and veteran benefits. He said he tried to see his dad, but Chase wouldn't let him in the house."

I may be lambasted here, but I don't think this woman's motive for not reporting the death is strictly a financial one. If I want to pretend my BF is still alive so I can continue to collect his SSI checks, all I need do is bury the fella in the backyard or otherwise keep the body hidden away somewhere.

This woman cleaned and dressed this body and kept it in her home watching tv with it and such. None of that is needed to carry out a financial fraud with his benefits.
Color me macabre, but that was my favorite Faulkner. Maybe I just read it too many times in college English??
Yep. Have taught that a boggling number of times: "When Miss Emily Grierson died...."
They rose when she entered--a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare; perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her. She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand.
Southern Gothic.
Color me macabre, but that was my favorite Faulkner. Maybe I just read it too many times in college English??

Me too!!!

Can I say how thrilled it made me to find other fans? Few people ever get the reference, and, after I explain, well..... I know you all know! How cool is that?
Yep. Have taught that a boggling number of times: "When Miss Emily Grierson died...."

Southern Gothic.

That story (and this one) is the perfect metaphor for Faulkner's oft-quoted line from Requiem for Nun, "The past isn't dead. It isn't even past."

Meanwhile, it's nice to have my perception of NASCAR fans confirmed. I'm glad to learn I wasn't indulging a derogatory stereotype unfairly.
Color me macabre, but that was my favorite Faulkner. Maybe I just read it too many times in college English??

Lol, my best friend from college used to use the expression "Going all Emily", as in "Oh, I like him, but I'm not gonna go all Emily on him or anything!"

Ahem. Not that I ever suspected she might........
My wife won't let me be in the same room as her when I am watching LSU football games. I rather doubt she would keep my corpse around the house.

I am so unloved.
My wife won't let me be in the same room as her when I am watching LSU football games. I rather doubt she would keep my corpse around the house.

I am so unloved.

No, your team is just so boring. If my husband watched games with scores of 9 to 6, he'd need his own TV in a locked room.

(ETA native Floridian here, so I may be biased. LOL.)
Wondering how this woman came into possession of all the checks this man had as income? Had he moved into her home prior to suddenly passing away - in her home?

Chuckles on the Nascar buddy.
How sad is that? She's 72 years old and that was the only man that was nice to her?

The rate the Phillies are going I guess I'll need a body to watch the games with me. The problem will be bringing them to home games.

It truly must stink getting old for real.
Color me macabre, but that was my favorite Faulkner. Maybe I just read it too many times in college English??

Faulkner is my favorite novelist and "A Rose for Emily" is pretty tame compared to many of his other works. Yes, the ending is eerie, but it hardly compares to the overt sadism of works like SANCTUARY or ABSALOM! ABSALOM!

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