Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #9

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Don’t think I’ve ever posted before but I’ve been a visitor here for a long time!

This is MOO! x100 but I am quite a national parks junkie and a solo backpacker. I get the impression from social media pictures that GP and BL were not doing any backpacking or traveling into truly remote areas. Delicate Arch, The Narrows, Mesa Arch, Queens Garden (spots I’ve seen her pics from Insta) are all VERY highly trafficked spots, easily accessed from a main road within one of the parks.

I lived in Idaho for a long time and have gone between Jackson and (my town), Idaho many times. It is more plausible to me that if she was seen at the store in Victor, headed to Yellowstone, then the much less tourist-populated areas in eastern Idaho would be where to look. I just can’t imagine it being summer/tourist season that GP would have been hidden in the park and no one have come across her yet. I didn’t see any gear that would indicate either of them were equipped for multi-day trips (which I would think you’d need to potentially hide a person in a national park during tourist season). I’ve traveled some pretty remote trails out there and have always run into at least one other person.

My guess is that she is not in a national park, but possibly in eastern Idaho, unless BL “left” her on his way back home in another very remote area.

I wonder if he has harmed himself. Again, I don’t see the wilderness knowledge there to be taking off into the woods on the run for even a few days without being noticed or re-emerging voluntarily or for supplies.

I believe GP will be found soon. There are a lot of places to hide in the woods but you need to know the area. Outdoor recreation is ID/WY/UT’s main source of fun for a huge swath of people, and they go anywhere and everywhere. He doesn’t know the area well enough to get away with this. IMO!
LE brushed her mom off the first day.

They cooperate to find their son but not Gabby. Yep, the mob is going to get worse.
Lol, you're right. I got my hopes up tonight, thinking that the family had finally decided to come clean about what they knew. As it turned out however, this was completely self serving.

I'm sure law enforcement will expand their presence in that neighborhood, but it won't quiet the mob. This is going to be one wild weekend.

Here comes the circus.
That’s what LE are calling a pack? Yikes!
The majority of hiking packs have hip belts (actually worn by design sitting midway on top of those pelvis bones that stick out a bit below your waist. These transfer the weight to your hips to lessen the load on your shoulders.
I would guess BL walked away with a fairly large backpack with a significant-looking belt. I’m thinking he absconded on a Greyhound, He’d melt right into that universe.
IMO he’s not using the pack for hiking, but just to get around easily.

Women, try this to get the idea of a hip belt. Plonk something on the floor, like a stack of books. A toddler works great, too, since you’re going to pretend the stack of books is a toddler. Reach down, pick it up, and plonk it on your body without thinking. It very likely ends up perched and slightly over your hip bones. That’s where you, on your body, naturally carry weight. It’s most efficient there. That’s where a pack belt goes.
If you’re not up to the toddler thing, cop an attitude in dramatic 14-year old fashion. Your hand will go right to the “toddler spot”. That’s your power place. That’s where the pack belt goes. The belt pretty much carries the weight of the pack, if your pack is designed correctly and has been properly fitted.
Sorry, guys, but you tend not to have anatomical spots where you intuitively plonk toddlers. The buckle of a pack belt goes roughly in front of your belly button.

its hard to say, i have seen normal day packs with the chest area strap these days too.. Kinda thing you would see someone walk around Tokyo with
Don’t think I’ve ever posted before but I’ve been a visitor here for a long time!

This is MOO! x100 but I am quite a national parks junkie and a solo backpacker. I get the impression from social media pictures that GP and BL were not doing any backpacking or traveling into truly remote areas. Delicate Arch, The Narrows, Mesa Arch, Queens Garden (spots I’ve seen her pics from Insta) are all VERY highly trafficked spots, easily accessed from a main road within one of the parks.

I lived in Idaho for a long time and have gone between Jackson and (my town), Idaho many times. It is more plausible to me that if she was seen at the store in Victor, headed to Yellowstone, then the much less tourist-populated areas in eastern Idaho would be where to look. I just can’t imagine it being summer/tourist season that GP would have been hidden in the park and no one have come across her yet. I didn’t see any gear that would indicate either of them were equipped for multi-day trips (which I would think you’d need to potentially hide a person in a national park during tourist season). I’ve traveled some pretty remote trails out there and have always run into at least one other person.

My guess is that she is not in a national park, but possibly in eastern Idaho, unless BL “left” her on his way back home in another very remote area.

I wonder if he has harmed himself. Again, I don’t see the wilderness knowledge there to be taking off into the woods on the run for even a few days without being noticed or re-emerging voluntarily or for supplies.

I believe GP will be found soon. There are a lot of places to hide in the woods but you need to know the area. Outdoor recreation is ID/WY/UT’s main source of fun for a huge swath of people, and they go anywhere and everywhere. He doesn’t know the area well enough to get away with this. IMO!

Thanks for posting!
I think recent developments will make the mob very angry at the parents. And no one will believe the parents didn't have a hand in it. I think the mob is going to get worse.

God help those neighbors.

Agreed. Reminds me of Columbine. Granted those two had just turned 18….BL is in his 20s. Still if the real perpetrator(presumed in this case) isn’t around. People come after the parents. They need someone to blame and throw their anger at. Is it right or ok? No….but history has shown that’s what happens.
Chief Todd said he knew exactly where he was, so perhaps not formal surveillance, but someone should have known his every move.

Also, the going for a hike is ridiculous because common sense would have to tell the parents that he was a suicide risk. imo.
Yeah he said that last night .... as BL had been gone since Tuesday
FWIW, BL’s Depop account has plenty of photos of his face close up wearing a mask (to sell masks with his designs). Probably would be useful to circulate those.

This feels very much like it needs a IMO/MOO disclaimer. ha ha (MOO)

I think you’re misunderstanding. They’re saying there is no evidence of a crime yet. So it is not a crime investigation. They are not saying that they aren’t investigating to see if there WAS/IS a crime. There just isn’t evidence yet that there has been a crime. There could be in the future.

Actually NPPD said more about the status of the case tonight. I don't have a link so I won't post more. Hopefully someone will post it again.
That’s what LE are calling a pack? Yikes!
The majority of hiking packs have hip belts (actually worn by design sitting midway on top of those pelvis bones that stick out a bit below your waist. These transfer the weight to your hips to lessen the load on your shoulders.
I would guess BL walked away with a fairly large backpack with a significant-looking belt. I’m thinking he absconded on a Greyhound, He’d melt right into that universe.
IMO he’s not using the pack for hiking, but just to get around easily.

Women, try this to get the idea of a hip belt. Plonk something on the floor, like a stack of books. A toddler works great, too, since you’re going to pretend the stack of books is a toddler. Reach down, pick it up, and plonk it on your body without thinking. It very likely ends up perched and slightly over your hip bones. That’s where you, on your body, naturally carry weight. It’s most efficient there. That’s where a pack belt goes.
If you’re not up to the toddler thing, cop an attitude in dramatic 14-year old fashion. Your hand will go right to the “toddler spot”. That’s your power place. That’s where the pack belt goes. The belt pretty much carries the weight of the pack, if your pack is designed correctly and has been properly fitted.
Sorry, guys, but you tend not to have anatomical spots where you intuitively plonk toddlers. The buckle of a pack belt goes roughly in front of your belly button.
There was a backpack visible in the back of their van in the Aug 12 video, probably around the 50 minute mark or so when BL was retrieving his belongings before being driven to the hotel
It is obvious, and it's a major reason why he is in reality, a prime suspect in a suspected homicide. That's damning.

They won't say that of course, but I have no doubt it's true.
NPPD has directly said Brian is hindering the investigation into Gabby's disappearance. Why don't they just arrest him on hindering or obstruction charges? Is that not possible?
Gabby is missing. BL is not. BL fled.

The fact that their statement classifies him as missing adds insult to injury. There are people in this country who are legitimately missing and they wait days to do anything about it. In this case, they know he left of his own volition. Thy know in their gut that he fled - and possibly not even from Florida, but possibly from Utah. I bet that TikToker has provided a huge break in this case. Because this could mean someone else took that van from Utah or Wyoming to Florida - the "long" way and BL hitchhiked to somewhere from Utah.
NPPD has directly said Brian is hindering the investigation into Gabby's disappearance. Why don't they just arrest him on hindering or obstruction charges? Is that not possible?
Even if they could, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the right play. He'd be arrested, charged, and quickly released on bond.

That would completely close the door on any chance of cooperation, small as that already was.

I just don't see the benefit.
Not really to me. Here in Southern California, I see men who look like him whose ages probably range from 20s to 40s. Same facial hair, same basic hairlines because many of them buzz their hair short. I'd have to look at someone with those features long and hard before I could even attempt to guess their age and then try to determine whether it was him or not.

By the way, how old are he and Gabby anyway? I read it somewhere but I've forgotten. (This question not directed at you, Dawg, but to the community at large.)
That is very true but BL has a pattern baldness that is visible in most pictures I have seen that seems unusual for his young age. If his hair is not newly buzzed, this would stand out IMO.

I think they are 22 and 24.
Chief Todd said he knew exactly where he was, so perhaps not formal surveillance, but someone should have known his every move.

Also, the going for a hike is ridiculous because common sense would have to tell the parents that he was a suicide risk. imo.
Or, they think he isn't a suicide risk. They probably know him best. Maybe he's unfazed. Or, maybe they lack empathy too. They don't care. Can't figure these people out. But, yes, the hike is ridiculous and maybe another lie. Maybe he didn't check in with them and they thought he was in harm's way? idk
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