Zach Adams on trial for the kidnapping and murder of Holly Bobo Sept 20 & 21, 2017

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In reply to Holly G Lightly: The previous thread had closed by the time I caught up this morning. :) Dicus' testimony about the behaviorist telling him it was probably one person does not bother me because at that time, they were operating on the theory that this was a normal abduction case. Standard practice becomes the standard based on what is typical. However, this did not turn out to be a typical case. Should they have looked VERY hard at Britt? Of course they should. But, even if you are suspicious of someone's alibis being a little weak, if you can't find any other evidence to implicate them then you should move on. Professional LEOs do this every day.

I heartily disliked former agent Dicus. Not because I think he hates being proved wrong but, because I think his removal from the case and subsequent resignation left him with a lot of bitterness that showed clearly on the stand. And it seemed to me that he was relishing the chance to get in some shots at the institution that found him lacking. I was appalled by his usage of terms like Britt's alibis being "garbage" and something else being "ridiculous". That are opinions, not fact and I think it reflected very poorly on him.

I think at the end of the day, we have to decide whether the evidence tells us that one man became wrongly fixated on Britt or the entire rest of the TBI became wrongly fixated on the A-train. Based on the evidence presented, I think the first option is far more likely.
so ZA admits to being involved in the "worst of it"...but he says he did not kill is the "worst of it" rape? For me the killing is the worst.
Hi Hatfield glad your here. Autry has been given limited immunity when his trial comes up. IMO the best he may get is DP off the table.

Thanks Bravo and that is good. I do remember when he was on the stand and was asked about it. It sounds like he is just hoping they are lenient with him.

It would be hard to be lenient on him after hearing all the things he said happened where he was present. It was hard to handle listening to some of the details he talked about.

Yes - I think people were saying look at ZA, et al. Dicus did look and believed their alibis. So by believing them he thought there was no reason to look further - so would have had no reason to look at their texts, etc. Isn't this what Boone said was where TBI messed up early in the case

I think you are correct. Poor Agent Booth mentioned that they were told the alibis checked out, when in fact they did not. So, either Dicus' people didn't check very hard, or he just went with what the behaviorist told him and discounted immediately that a group had anything to do with it.






Listening to commentary this morning - it will be beyond heartbreaking if Mr. Dicus' "slip" about ZA having felonies is grounds for mistrial on appeal


Something that's been bugging me: Why would LE not be able to get ahold of the content of text messages? AFAIK nothing like that has been introduced. Or are they redacted?

Yes so when they were spoken to early on, no one got warrants for these folks from phone companies that we know to pull text messages.

In an earlier thread, people here far more expert than I at cell phone stuff spoke about this.

Specific texts, videos, passing of info lost after 30 days. Arrests were not made for 3 years.

This is the most damning ---that TBI took so long. I'm about to post a big message on this in a sec.

Actually makes me question ----if people convicted of a certain amount of crimes - if their cell phone records should not be Private for life.

I get cell phone companies can't save some and delete others, but can they???? Think if prior convicted felony folks had to have their cell phone messages by carriers saved Always for life. Can you imagine the crime we might solve if convicted felons cannot communicate without their every text recorded? For life when they get out?

There is something to explore here.

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From this timeline, fifteen minutes elapsed between the scream and walking into the woods. Granted, the times may be off a little, but 15 minutes is a long time. There was conversation between them and Holly got injured. Seems like a very long time, an eternity for Holly.

As many have mentioned, I believe a lot was not uncovered by the state. Surprising with all the terabytes of info they have.

What is most interesting about this is if the state knows anything else about this abduction, they have not been able to PROVE without a doubt that this "more story" all ties to Zach Adams. Doesn't mean he didn't do it, just that it's bigger than this. And Zach followed through with all the prosecution brought to light regardless of the extra details.

Can you imagine narrowing 4 terabytes of info to a one week prosecution? You better find your compelling story, stick to it. Speculation you can't prove without major witnesses (willing to speak in court and go back to their community potentially fearing for their life) or forensics, is speculation to be questioned by defense. Noise for the jury. Prosecution was smart here. They stuck to what they knew they could prove specific to Zachary Adams.

I have moved my stance on initial motive due to things I have read now that are hearsay.

Do I think what all have mentioned (crazy meth heads that have gang rape and murder on their minds) could be a convincing motive with the Coon Hunt and witness after witness declaring ZA's guilt? Absolutely. It's completely compelling and it's the major narrative here.

I believe Zach is guilty for those above reasons no doubt.

I just believe the "whole story" (and I'm not talking about exactly what was done to Holly as much as I'm talking about this abduction part and the initial reason "beyond the above" to go after her specifically.)

Attorneys can only work with what they have been given. I personally believe they would have been given a whole lot more if we had texts within the first 30 days between these guys, and between Mark and Jeff Pearcy and the Sandra King story. Time was lost. I believe texts and the "alleged" video would have been found. I believe the Sandra King story and not the Jeff Pearcy denials.

I believe the video and those sending/receiving and these initial texts (if discovered in 2011) or potential more witnesses (if they would speak ---these people do have to return to their community having spoken) would have exposed something even larger at play in addition to the already convincing motive.

But because 3 years went by and evidence could be buried by then, we only have the bits and pieces.

And attorneys, no matter what they think about "more of the story" are not going to more noise out there and parade 30 more witnesses in that maybe they can or maybe they can't prove these extra details due to no specific texts/convos/videos/forensics due to TBI's completely inept work at the beginning.

I think no matter what Holly would have said in this abduction part, she would have been taken from her home and these plans were all premeditated and the kidnapping, rape and murder was done by Zachary Adams (with collaboration from SA, DA and JA). That is what matters to this court right now.

None of "'more of the story" would in my mind, declare innocence for Zachary Adams. It merely adds to the grander scheme of motive which involves even more people.

Time was lost is the major culprit here - TBI clearly at fault - 3 years before arrests. Plenty of time to destroy evidence. There is more to this story we may never have confirmed in court.

Or maybe more time, more jail, more talking to inmates, and potentially even more evidence brought forward and the "more story", trial by trial (Autry, Dylan Adams), may be revealed. For now, these crimes against Holly and their atrocities along with the witnesses that have spoken absolutely stand, and put Zachary in the guilty without a doubt column for me.

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So much for this "expert"....





Odd the Defense just cant find/present an expert. Not!
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