Zahau Death Investigation

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Coastal - thanks for the edit info. The Pfingst/Gore/Thompson connection to this case was overlooked by the media and revered crime writer Ann Rule never mentioned the connection
nor Greg Thompson.....she only mentioned the crime lab didn't test all SW items.

I hope Mary and the rest of Zahau family pursue the connection of Pfingst and Thompson in this case....these two worked together for years in the DA's office and have remained friends since those days from an article I read back in mid 2012 when I was cross checking people connected to Paul Pfingst.
This case is going nowhere.

If we remove the romanticized fiction what we have is a rich man IMO who does not treat women very well, but seems to adore and indulge his children. We have a girlfriend who tells her sister that she is thinking of taking a break because there are problems in the relationship. The girlfriend is a shoplifter who stole frivolous items for her contemplation of leaving the rich man andhis lifestyle...that she cannot provide for herself...would indicate things are pretty miserable.

There is an ex-wife devoted to her only son. She has questions about the new girlfriend...because, at the very least, that girlfriend is a shoplifter, a thief. In the real world, thatwould put a lot of people off, would concern a parent who must let her child be alone with that person...but it gets a pass by many here. Would these same people let their teenagers run around with kids who shoplifted, stole? Ridiculous not to understand a Mothers concern about the new live-in.

Then that son is gravely injured under the "care" of the girlfriend. The girlfriend then knows the relationship with the rich man is not salvagable, she will be on her own again...and she may have feared an investigation/autopsy. Remember everything you have in your timelines etc, are only what RZ said happened that morning. These are statements from a very interested party. Give them the same doubt you give to anything the Mother says. There is a great deal of room for frightening speculation that certainly could provide a motive for suicide. The "perfect relationship",everything peachy keen is naive and deliberately skewing to one preconceived scenario..."no reason to kill herself." Even of RZ just feared being blamed or investigated...that is incredible stress. Not to mention dreading the consequences for her relationship... etc.

She knows...has complained... that he puts his children first...and one of them has died while on her watch. That is huge.

She kills herself.

Did she kill Max? LE thinks no one killed anyone. I think that is exactly how things will stay.

This was no great love story. And it is no great mystery. It is a tragedy though for two families. But the discussion here seems to cocoon one family as if their grief is so understandable because their loved one was some saint, and at the same time, try to twist and pick apart every action of the other grieving family, particularly a Mother who has lost her only child...because you do not like the Mother.

When you go away for a few months and come back and read...the difference is stunning.
StMarysMead.... I have gone away for months and I keep being haunted by the evidence.

I agree with your entire post. EXCEPT the manner of RZ's death does not fit. If RZ had overdosed, used a gun or drowned or even hung herself over the same balcony of MS's accident I would entirely agree and this case would slip away IF the evidence added up.

It is the facts of RZ's death that add up to murder. RZ did not go over that railing on her own. Have you seen the police photo of that railing? How do you explain that? Those marks in the dust are simply not wide enough for one person to have gone over completely naked with their feet bound, hands bound and a t-shirt wrapped around their neck and stuffed in their mouth in the dark. The taunting painted message on the door.... RZ's death is bizarre and the evidence strongly points to murder.

Focus is on the Shacknai's because MS's death on the other hand makes a great deal of scientific sense but RZ's does not. There are many holes many questions that should have been answered. The suspects both the mother and the father become highly scrutinized because they had the absolute strongest motive to kill RZ for the death of their son. No one likes a suspected killer. Let us not forget the CPS had been called in and RZ was suspected of harming MS. However, when all the evidence came out much later it was clear the MS death is a tragic accident. But the Shacknai's in the heat of those terrible days believed RZ had harmed MS.

As Gore said the science doesn't lie... and he is right... his team just simply did not look carefully at the science and for long enough. It only took three months to wrap up that investigation not nearly enough time.

AB and her team are now working on a wrongful death suit.
The RZ Death Investigation continues to raise some very serious questions relating to JS paid Attorney Paul Pfingst and his former top employee at the SA DA's office Greg Thompson working as Director of the SDSO Crime Lab. This potential conflict of interest should be thoroughly investigated including phone records,etc. during the timespan of July 13,2011 thru the end of September 2011.

Greg Thompson was in charge of all items seized in the SW as Director of SDSO Crime Lab. Most of us have questioned some of the results that only had RZ's dna and a few with mix but not enough to identify. There wasn't any dna or fingerprints of AS mentioned even though he supposedly cut the rope to get RZ down , took the shirt sleeve GAG out of RZ's mouth.There were countless items not tested and never a full accounting given to the public.

I have just learned by due diligence on updating Greg Thompson that he was recently promoted sometime in 2012 after Sheriff Gore's Press Conference on Sept.2,2011 declaring RZ's suicide. Greg Thompson's new title......Special Advisor to the Sheriff of San Diego County. Hmmm....interesting that the SDSO needed to create such a position and where the cash-strapped department "found" the money for the new position. Anne Bremner often stated earlier in this case...."this just doesn't pass the smell test." Well, add another.

Greg Thompson also had time in the last few years to recently release a new book....Crime Control Strategy.

I'm confused. When you mention " SA DA's office" do you actually mean SD DA' office (typo?) or does SA stand for something I'm not aware of? This is a sincere question, not a sarcastic one. Thanks in advance.
(If it is a typo and gets corrected, please feel free to delete this posting)

I do agree that the case is going nowhere but if JS truly stood behind his conviction that RZ would never kill herself.....this death case would reveal the answers to many questions. Why is there reluctance from JS? Would he react the same way if brother AS wasn't scheduled to arrive in SD until Wed. night? Ah, TRUTH and JUSTICE...that's all we're after.That's all that I'm after and I've been away from this death case for more than a few months.

I do NOT agree on some of your other points though:
1-your characterization of the "girlfriend" is from a Romano sister perspective. The emphasis on a lone shoplifting charge and RZ had no means to support herself. RZ had a very good job at the Eye Institute and her boss and some fellow workers spoke quiet highly of her as did the few people in Coronado that came to know her some....the dog kennel owner - Ted Greenberg and the fitness manager where she worked out.

2- HL was JS closest friend according to Ann Rule in her book Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors and he even said JS was most happiest with RZ....was a very tranquil relationship. So in the context of this death case when evaluating people in their past and present demeanor.....RZ vs DS.....RZ has far more redeeming qualities and this has become more evident in the last several months as DS has tried to "buy" a different finding in her son's case for the primary reason to better engage the "deep pockets" (JS)
in a civil case claiming willful neglect among other things.

3- RZ complains that JS has put his children first....where have you read that....please post the article or quote. What RZ was disappointed and frustrated with by the accounts I've read....GS and ES were often rude and disrespectful to her in front of JS and others and were not scolded and disciplined for their actions. JS was a cad and his "non action" during his children's rudeness is only surpassed by his "non action" after RZ was announced by his brother (AZ) that she hung herself. JS didn't demand more answers, didn't ask questions of his brother and didn't even feel the responsibility to be with RZ after hearing the tragic news. MS was in a coma....his responsibility was with RZ then and later but he immediately hired a lawyer not to protect RZ's interests but brother AS interests. JS didn't hire a PR Firm and other lawyers to pursue TRUTH and JUSTICE in RZ's death case rather to protect his name, money and Sherriff Gore's finding.

4 - the "mother" that you refer was no saint and her tragedy is no greater than RZ's mother.The fact that an overwhelming more people are more interested in the RZ death case than her son's case continues to bother her and her sister to no end. Get use to it....until we get answers to important questions this will never change. This RZ death case still has not passed the "smell test."

Geez...yes, it's a typo and I won't correct and delete your post because most understand the occasional insignificant typo.
This case is going nowhere.

If we remove the romanticized fiction what we have is a rich man IMO who does not treat women very well, but seems to adore and indulge his children. We have a girlfriend who tells her sister that she is thinking of taking a break because there are problems in the relationship. The girlfriend is a shoplifter who stole frivolous items for her contemplation of leaving the rich man andhis lifestyle...that she cannot provide for herself...would indicate things are pretty miserable.

There is an ex-wife devoted to her only son. She has questions about the new girlfriend...because, at the very least, that girlfriend is a shoplifter, a thief. In the real world, thatwould put a lot of people off, would concern a parent who must let her child be alone with that person...but it gets a pass by many here. Would these same people let their teenagers run around with kids who shoplifted, stole? Ridiculous not to understand a Mothers concern about the new live-in.

Then that son is gravely injured under the "care" of the girlfriend. The girlfriend then knows the relationship with the rich man is not salvagable, she will be on her own again...and she may have feared an investigation/autopsy. Remember everything you have in your timelines etc, are only what RZ said happened that morning. These are statements from a very interested party. Give them the same doubt you give to anything the Mother says. There is a great deal of room for frightening speculation that certainly could provide a motive for suicide. The "perfect relationship",everything peachy keen is naive and deliberately skewing to one preconceived scenario..."no reason to kill herself." Even of RZ just feared being blamed or investigated...that is incredible stress. Not to mention dreading the consequences for her relationship... etc.

She knows...has complained... that he puts his children first...and one of them has died while on her watch. That is huge.

She kills herself.

Did she kill Max? LE thinks no one killed anyone. I think that is exactly how things will stay.

This was no great love story. And it is no great mystery. It is a tragedy though for two families. But the discussion here seems to cocoon one family as if their grief is so understandable because their loved one was some saint, and at the same time, try to twist and pick apart every action of the other grieving family, particularly a Mother who has lost her only child...because you do not like the Mother.

When you go away for a few months and come back and read...the difference is stunning.

With all due respect, one would have this view were one to review Sheriff Gore's position of the death. In fact, the positioning of their views were highly orchestrated.

On Websleuths, the average follower of any case is to dig into the case detail and, thus, the sheriff's nebulous fact finding doesn't even begin to pass the smell test. IMO, regardless of how many years pass, there is no question that she was murdered.

Just because many people on this forum or in the general population are now silent on Zahau's death, doesn't mean we've bought Sheriff Gore's BS. I believe eventually the perp(s) will out themselves and find themselves in :jail:
IMHO, the account of JS being told about MS grave condition does not seem true to form.

Of course, I'm sure each facility and case may handle things differently. Unfortunately, in my experience, both parents were given the information together. They presented test results and pertinent medical information including the steps for the "brain dead" determination.

At that time, they discuss organ donations. IMO, MS would have been an excellent donor. I don't believe, at any given time, one parent would be more informed than the other.

Furthermore, unless there was an immediate medical change, they would not have disseminated information in (nearly) the middle of the night.
IMHO, the account of JS being told about MS grave condition does not seem true to form.

Of course, I'm sure each facility and case may handle things differently. Unfortunately, in my experience, both parents were given the information together. They presented test results and pertinent medical information including the steps for the "brain dead" determination.

At that time, they discuss organ donations. IMO, MS would have been an excellent donor. I don't believe, at any given time, one parent would be more informed than the other.

Furthermore, unless there was an immediate medical change, they would not have disseminated information in (nearly) the middle of the night.

It would be most illuminating to find out WHEN precisely Max's parents were informed about his "grave condition" and "grim, irrecoverable prognosis".

Let’s go over the objective, impartial, unbiased evidence on WHEN Max was likely declared “braindead” vs. Dina’s statements that she did not know until Friday (FOUR days after Max suffered his braindead injury on Monday).

1) Darn, if we only had those Medical Records on Max from the hospital, we can find out WHEN and WHAT exactly the doctors had said to Max's parents about Max's condition immediately upon Max entering the hospital on Monday;

2) Darn again, if only we had Max's medical records we would be able to know WHEN Dr. Peterson said to Dina/Nina that Max was "not given CPR within 2 minutes" and that Max was "suffocated";

3) Darn it to high heavens, if only we had Max's medical records we could find out WHEN the doctors/staff began speaking to Max’s parents re: Max's begin a possible candidate for organ donation. According to independent source

“In response to a traumatic brain injury or another tremendous physiologic “insult” to the brain (e.g., hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke), some patients suffer global and irreversible loss of brain stem function, leading to a diagnosis of brain death. Some of these patients may be candidates for organ and tissue donation, a decision mediated by the patient's previously expressed wishes, sometimes in the form of an advance directive or organ donor card, and the preferences of the patient's family.”

4) Dina’s then boyfriend's daughter posted online on Monday, the same day of Max's injury, that "Max is braindead" and "in a coma.”

For those of us who know medicine and what braindeath is, we know that if Max was "braindead", the only way he'd still be in a "coma" is if the doctors used artificial life support and induced his coma with drugs.

"What does brain death mean? Brain death occurs in patients who have suffered a severe injury to the brain. As a result of the injury, the brain swells and obstructs its own blood supply causing brain tissue to die and permanent loss of brain function. Brain death is permanent and irreversible. It is a legal definition of death. However, the vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and kidneys can be kept viable for a few days if supported by artificial or mechanical support."

So emphatically, yes, if only we had Max's medical records, we can determine at which point in time Max was declared "braindead" and we'd know for certain who was telling the truth and who was lying about when precisely they were made aware of Max's nonrecovery: Jonah (who said "Tues") or Nina ("Thurs") or Dina ("Fri")...
This case is going nowhere.

If we remove the romanticized fiction what we have is a rich man IMO who does not treat women very well, but seems to adore and indulge his children. We have a girlfriend who tells her sister that she is thinking of taking a break because there are problems in the relationship. The girlfriend is a shoplifter who stole frivolous items for her contemplation of leaving the rich man andhis lifestyle...that she cannot provide for herself...would indicate things are pretty miserable.

There is an ex-wife devoted to her only son. She has questions about the new girlfriend...because, at the very least, that girlfriend is a shoplifter, a thief. In the real world, thatwould put a lot of people off, would concern a parent who must let her child be alone with that person...but it gets a pass by many here. Would these same people let their teenagers run around with kids who shoplifted, stole? Ridiculous not to understand a Mothers concern about the new live-in.

Then that son is gravely injured under the "care" of the girlfriend. The girlfriend then knows the relationship with the rich man is not salvagable, she will be on her own again...and she may have feared an investigation/autopsy. Remember everything you have in your timelines etc, are only what RZ said happened that morning. These are statements from a very interested party. Give them the same doubt you give to anything the Mother says. There is a great deal of room for frightening speculation that certainly could provide a motive for suicide. The "perfect relationship",everything peachy keen is naive and deliberately skewing to one preconceived scenario..."no reason to kill herself." Even of RZ just feared being blamed or investigated...that is incredible stress. Not to mention dreading the consequences for her relationship... etc.

She knows...has complained... that he puts his children first...and one of them has died while on her watch. That is huge.

She kills herself.

Did she kill Max? LE thinks no one killed anyone. I think that is exactly how things will stay.

This was no great love story. And it is no great mystery. It is a tragedy though for two families. But the discussion here seems to cocoon one family as if their grief is so understandable because their loved one was some saint, and at the same time, try to twist and pick apart every action of the other grieving family, particularly a Mother who has lost her only child...because you do not like the Mother.

When you go away for a few months and come back and read...the difference is stunning.

I'm someone who continues to read about this case but rarely comments. I'm still hoping there will be a new investigation into Rebecca's death.

I have no opinion about Rebecca's personality, I didn't know her, but she was a human being who may have been tortured and brutally murdered, so that's enough for me. If she was murdered, one or more dangerous killers are still among us in society, another reason to care about the outcome of this case.

Do I hold negative opinions of JS, DS and NR and certain law enforcement officials involved in this case? Yes. These negative opinions are based on their public behavior and comments following Rebecca's death. I don't have the benefit of assessing Rebecca's personality because she is dead.

As for shoplifting, yes, it is wrong. However, DS is not a stranger to issues with impulse control. IIRC, DS reportedly threw herself on the hood of JS' moving vehicle while her son was in her care.

All of the above is just my opinion.
I'm someone who continues to read about his case but rarely comments. I'm still hoping there will be a new investigation into Rebecca's death.

I have no opinion about Rebecca's personality, I didn't know her, but she was a human being who may have been tortured and brutally murdered, so that's enough for me. If she was murdered, one or more dangerous killers are still among us in society, another reason to care about the outcome of this case.

Do I hold negative opinions of JS, DS and NR and certain law enforcement officials involved in this case? Yes. These negative opinions are based on their public behavior and comments following Rebecca's death. I don't have the benefit of assessing Rebecca's personality because she is dead.

As for shoplifting, yes, it is wrong. However, DS is not a stranger to issues with impulse control. IIRC, DS reportedly threw herself on the hood of JS' moving vehicle while her son was in her care.

All of the above is just my opinion.
Thank you Zinn ~ You took the words write out of my mouth (or should say keyboard).
If life were fair, Max would be alive and his suspicious death would matter HERE just as much as the attention to RZ's. He was "beautiful, sweet" and many other wonderful adjectives and there is just as much chance that HIS murderer has gone "unpunished"...and instead Max has been re-victimized by the false victim cult focusing ONLY on his possible assailant.

If life were fair, Max would be alive AND SO WOULD BECKY. PERIOD.
Out in the real world, the real people who do the real investigating...don't think she was murdered. The "racist" comments are your interpretation only, as are the charge of "villifying" her. She was a thief. That was HER choice because she wanted stuff she could
not afford. Simple truth cannot villify. She was not stealing food or money to donate to a soup kitchen. These were things for HERSELF.

She was living with a rich man, unmarried to him, but dependent on him for a certain lifestyle. Would I ask my daughter to use RZ as a role model? Would you want your daughter to make these choices? Saying so IS FACING THE TRUTH.

To some of us, the treatment of DS is "shameful, disgusting and pathetic." The sleuthing of the deathbed statements of the family of a small child...making their confusion, or clinging to hope...some instance of evil. <modsnip>


You CHOOSE to believe RZ's statement about Max's death...<modsnip>
Out in the real world, the real people who do the real investigating...don't think she was murdered. The "racist" comments are your interpretation only, as are the charge of "villifying" her. She was a thief. That was HER choice because she wanted stuff she could
not afford. Simple truth cannot villify. She was not stealing food or money to donate to a soup kitchen. These were things for HERSELF.

She was living with a rich man, unmarried to him, but dependent on him for a certain lifestyle. Would I ask my daughter to use RZ as a role model? Would you want your daughter to make these choices? Saying so IS FACING THE TRUTH.

To some of us, the treatment of DS is "shameful, disgusting and pathetic." The sleuthing of the deathbed statements of the family of a small child...making their confusion, or clinging to hope...some instance of evil. <modsnip>


You CHOOSE to believe RZ's statement about Max's death...<modsnip>

DS rude and disrespectful behavior towards RZ began well before July of 2011.
You seem to take offense that this young Asian woman was living with a rich man....wasn't DS a salesperson of health products when she met and lived with JS. RZ had a good job at that AZ Eye Laser Institute when Jonah pursued her and as I've previously...Howard Luber was quoted in Ann Rule's book stating,"They have -had - a special relationship, he told detectives. "Jonah found a great deal of happiness with Rebecca- much more than he did in either of his marriages.They were very compatible and she brought tranquility into his life .Before that, his marriage to Dina could be chaotic .But both Jonah and Rebecca were involved in nutrition and exercise.

"Some people frowned on the difference in their ages - he was more than fifteen years older than Rebecca - but he ignored that. He loved her."

Jonah was a PhD and Howard Luber was a medical doctor, and they both lived in New York when they first became friends.Eventually, they and their wives moved to the Phoenix -Scottsdale area.

I've read countless articles over the years covering this death case and everyone that came in contact with RZ has nothing but kind words for her except the Romano sisters and JS first wife/children.
I find it ludicrous that the theft of jewelry from Macy's ONE time is being touted as a character flaw that explains the personality type needed to kill a small child.

I would tend to think that the personality type of someone who murders would include more extreme character flaws. Some of these would include: breaking a spouse's bones, throwing oneself on/in front of a moving vehicle, being involved in domestic violence in the home ( documented on more than one occasion), etc.

To be more expansive, it could also include: allowing one's dog to attack one's wife, being involved in domestic violence in one's home ( documented on more than one occasion), etc.

I have kept the examples brief even though there are more. I have not included the inner emotional lives of the 3 people above because we do not know what their inner lives were.
I'm just keeping it brief and objective. All I can say when I see the flimsy excuse for RZ's theft of jewelry being used as a reason that she could/did kill a small, sweet child is GMAFB.

All of this is my opinion.
The role that Shacknai lawyer Paul Pfingst's friend played in RZ death case investigation
remains clouded in mystery. Greg Thompson was hired by SDSO in January of 2003 as Director of Forensic Services. He was responsible for the oversight of a full service forensic laboratory, including Crime Scene Investigations. He also directed a staff of 60 forensic scientists and field technicians.

If you go to SDSO website there is a no mention of the present Director of Forensic whereas when GT was Director....there was a picture of GT and his work bio. I found this morning a 2012 Conference bio
of GT where it was mentioned that he was promoted to Special Policy Advisor in 2009.

Here are questions that need to be answered in the RZ Investigation:

1- what is the name of the person that replaced GT as Forensic Director at SDSO and is that person still holding that position?
2- when GT changed positions within SDSO much interaction did he have with the new Forensic Director in big cases?
3 - what interactions, if any, did GT have with the Forensic Director or anyone else in that department during the RZ investigation?
4- did GT have communication with his close friend Shackani attorney Pfingst during the RZ investigation? If so, when and how many times between July 13,2011 thru October 2011?
5- what role did GT have in the RZ investigation? He has been previously quoted in SD papers on big cases involving evidence or DNA but he was never mentioned throughout the RZ investigation and questions that came up on the lack of dna found in the bedroom and specifically which items from SW that weren't tested like the panties found in the guesthouse because JS told Gore they must've been one of his daughter's friends that stayed over recently.These questions were slow to answer by either Nesbit or Gore.
6- what advice, if any, did he give his boss (Gore) about the RZ investigation?
I just noticed a photo at the top of the CP article. It showed Dina super-imposed in a photo next to the woman in white with the black bag at the door of the Spreckels mansion the morning after RZ's death.
I remember everyone going around and around about whether or not that was Dina or detective Tsuida. I was under the impression that it was concluded not to be DS. Is that correct? I was surprised to see it there. Can someone enlighten me as to whether there
was ever a DEFINITE conclusion about this?
I just noticed a photo at the top of the CP article. It showed Dina super-imposed in a photo next to the woman in white with the black bag at the door of the Spreckels mansion the morning after RZ's death.
I remember everyone going around and around about whether or not that was Dina or detective Tsuida. I was under the impression that it was concluded not to be DS. Is that correct? I was surprised to see it there. Can someone enlighten me as to whether there
was ever a DEFINITE conclusion about this?

I was looking back on my notes....SW 11-164. "Detective Angela Tsuida arrived at 9:20 am where she attended a briefing in the driveway of this residence where COPD Sergeant M.McKay briefed us on the facts of this case known to that point."

Did LE or Bremner ever release the exact time one of the Romano sisters LEFT Rady
Hospital Wednesday morning via the security tapes identification?

Re-reading SW - 11 - 164 and SW 41227......BOTH Detectives Tsuida and Peterson
mentioned SOPD Sergeant McKay said RZ's hands were TIED behind her back - there was NEVER any mention that RZ's hands were "loosely" tied behind her back until the sham Sept. 2, Press Conference when Gore mentioned this while he brought a female police officer to demonstrate how easy it was to tie rope knots and get out of them. I firmly believe Sergeant McKay and detectives Tsuida and Peterson would've noticed and mentioned if in fact....Rebecca's hands were "loosely"
tied behind her back. After all, her body was on display for over 10 hours.
I just noticed a photo at the top of the CP article. It showed Dina super-imposed in a photo next to the woman in white with the black bag at the door of the Spreckels mansion the morning after RZ's death.
I remember everyone going around and around about whether or not that was Dina or detective Tsuida. I was under the impression that it was concluded not to be DS. Is that correct? I was surprised to see it there. Can someone enlighten me as to whether there
was ever a DEFINITE conclusion about this?

Here is the photo I posted "way back when"

White gloves, ID around neck, asian by appearance. Do not have the "date" of this photo.

I also have this photo who I assumed was the same woman making her entrance to that front door ...

and even though it was argued at the time that this was NOT the same person I still believe it is. Long black hair pulled back and tied and then in first photo later loose around neck, same color clothing, and that black bag could be the note book she is holding in photo #1.
We already went over these pics. Some posters believe it is Dina. Others think it's the short Asian investigator.

The second pic on Bonepile's post is misleading as that's not the original pic which has clear pixels and the woman in the pic is MUCH TALLER, LARGER and HEAVIER than that. I suggest someone get the original pic posted again. As I recall, the woman in the pic with the black purse is about the same height as the tall, large, heavy detective holding the door on the right.
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