Dog who mauled 4 year old has online support

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Aug 13, 2011
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" Daog THat Mauled 4-Year-Old Gets Online Support "

Sad for the dog who was acting on instinct and may have been protecting his territory ; and that poor little boy !

Had to add that ABC needs a spellcheck program. smh

The blame lays more with the caregiver and the dog's owners.... I also thought the pics of the dog seemed like he may have been somewhat neglected and skinny. (?)

That Kevin is a cute little bug and if I knew them... I'd go to that hospital and give him a hug and a toy.
Why aren't the parents of this child filing charges against the babysitter? The HUMANS are responsible for this yet all the blame goes on the poor neglected dog?
I know there are a lot of dog lovers out there, but this animal should be put down immediately, and humanely. No question in my mind.

A 4 year old was horribly mauled, and could have died. This child will have lifelong impact from this dog attack, and a lot of pain and surgeries. The dog should be euthanized, immediately. It's an animal that now has a taste for humans. And this particular breed has a well-known instinct for violence.

Absolutely no question in my mind. This animal should be euthanized. I don't understand why it hasn't been euthanized by now.
I can't for the life of me figure out how a babysitter lets a four year old get that close to a chained dog. Number one, chaining a dog like that creates a problem already; add to that, the dog doesn't look too nourished from what I saw in it's picture. It's an unsocialized, hungry dog...and you let a four year old out and to get CLOSE TO THE DOG!!!

I don't know how I feel about the dog being euthanized. It's a shame but I wouldn't want to take the risk of allowing him around other people. He may be fine in a home without children and some dogs can be rehabilitated.

What I do know is that I would definitely place some type of charge on the babysitter. It was her responsibility to keep this little boy safe. This was preventable. She was either ignorant or not paying attention to the child. Possibly both.

I have a pit bull and a German Shepherd mix in my home. I haven't had children around either one but I think I would trust the pit around them than I would the Shepherd. It's all about how the dog has been socialized and treated, not their breed.
BTW, my niece was bitten in the face when she was about three years old by a neighbor's terrier. She had to have stitches by a plastic surgeon and luckily only has a small scar as an adult. This particular dog was mistreated by the neighbor's children. They tormented it and would play taking the dog's food away. It doesn't make me distrust all terriers. Pit bulls have the ability to cause more damage when they bite because of the power of their jaws but if I'm not mistaken they don't bite any more than some of the other breeds.

The neighbors had the dog put down. Not because it was a terrier but because they had failed in socializing the dog and not reprimanding their children for teasing/tormenting it.
This makes me ill. Yes, I understand that it is dangerous for a child to take food or a bone from ANY dog becuz they are indeed animals, no matter how well-trained. Regardless of what the child did, I think any dog that displays that much aggression should be put down. MOO. Oh, and that mega cat that went beserk becuz a kid pulled it's tail (google it...daily mail UK) should be removed from a home with children as well.

I LOVE animals...our kids grew up with them in the house....but any animal that displays enough aggression to harm a child to that extent, my opinion...should be gently put to sleep or banned from any contact with kids again ever.
OMG, this is so sad all the way around. The person who owned the dog should be put down. That poor dog is in terrible condition. He was only doing what animals in the wild would have done. Protecting his ONLY food it appears.

I feel sorry for the baby, and wish for a speady full recovery. It is not the dogs fault what so ever. He should not have to be put down for the idiots that had him chained and starved him.
I don't have a problem with puttind down a dangerous dog.
OMG, this is so sad all the way around. The person who owned the dog should be put down. That poor dog is in terrible condition. He was only doing what animals in the wild would have done. Protecting his ONLY food it appears.

I feel sorry for the baby, and wish for a speady full recovery. It is not the dogs fault what so ever. He should not have to be put down for the idiots that had him chained and starved him.

BBM for emphasis. I completely agree-- the dog was acting on a level of pure instinct. That is, IMO, why this particular dog cannot be trusted to ever be around humans again-- particularly children.

The dog may, in fact, have been mistreated or abused. The owner may be responsible for that, and should be held accountable. The babysitter may also have been neglectful in watching the little boy. But neither of those things, IMO, mean that the dog should be returned to the owner as a pet, and not euthanized.

If the dog was mistreated to the point that he is behaving as a "wild" or feral dog, it's not a realistic goal (IMO) to try to rehabilitate it. It is a dangerous animal, not a person. It could easily attack again, and not even understand that it was doing something "wrong".

I understand that this is very sad for some dog lovers-- I'm not heartless. But the lives of children and other people simply can't be put at risk. A dog isn't the same as a person, no matter how much someone loves dogs. If this person lived in my neighborhood, I would be outraged to discover that a dog with this history was returned to the owner.

But in the case of, for example, the healthy giraffe in Copenhagen that was euthanized as a public spectacle-- that was inexcusable, IMO. The giraffe never attacked anyone, and was created as a result, IMO, of an irresponsible zoo breeding program. We should all be outraged over that.

I wanted to add that I lived in Germany for a while. Dogs are welcome almost everywhere there, in stores, and even restaurants. It was very disconcerting to me to see big dogs in restaurants at first-- even hotel buffet restaurants. The dogs are incredibly obedient-- and immediately lay down under the table next to their owners. In fact, there is such a preference for "fizzy water" that if you ask a waiter for "still water" to drink, they often look beneath the table to see if there is a dog there! Anyway, several of my German friends told me that the reason dogs are so welcome is that the police have the authority to remove or even kill a dog who misbehaves in public, or attacks someone. No debate-- no trials or complaints. So that's why the dogs are so well-behaved. The owners won't risk taking them out if the dogs aren't 100% reliable. There may be some Germans on the board here who could add more or clarify. I just wanted to contrast our American views, with those of another culture who also love dogs.
Okay.. Im going to rant.. hang in there..

I am so tired of people elevating animals above people. I love animals. I never want to see them hurt, harmed, mistreated. I had 2 of my Dd's dogs here all weekend and loved it.

However, When Animals start hurting humans, WHATEVER the reason. That animal needs to go. If there are humans involved they should be punished as if they used a deadly weapon on someone.. But the animal itself needs to be put down to protect the humans.

Off my soap box.. I feel better.
Why aren't the parents of this child filing charges against the babysitter? The HUMANS are responsible for this yet all the blame goes on the poor neglected dog?

Yes, Sonya. The HUMANS are indeed responsible. An animal does not have the benefit of a conscience or a sense of good vs. evil.

The people who own this dog and even the babysitter should be held responsible and should help pay for the little boy's hospital expenses, imo.

If someone leaves a loaded gun around the house and a child accidentally kills himself with it--- the gun owner is at fault. So should the dog owner be held responsible. imo.

As far as this poor dog... in my opinion --- and I have not worked to rehabilitate any dangerous dogs, so no experience there --- it should be euthanized. If this dog was kept alive, it might have to be treated like one would treat a tiger at a zoo... fed and given enough space to run, but no contact with people for the rest of its' life. Sorry to sound so unforgiving ; but I feel this dog may see people as a food source, and can no longer be trusted.:moo:

I cannot help but wonder what kind of life and treatment this dog had before the incident. I've seen healthy pits before, and the photos of this dog looked like a thin, unhealthy animal. Most pits have broad faces and heads and well-muscled, stocky bodies. Not this dog.

The people who owned this dog and the lady in charge of Kevin are responsible for this tragedy; and now a dog and a little boy have to pay the price.
If the owners and adults that were in charge were held legally RESPONSIBLE then these incidents would stop.

Instead most people just say "kill the animals" and that is the end of it! The people will mistreat MORE animals and allow MORE incidents to occur and folks will keep still blaming the dogs. Guess since animals are "lower" than us they will always pay the price for human error.
JMO but humans or animals who brutally murder should be put down.
After thinking and reading about this tragedy.... if that dog were to be kept alive, it would have to be treated like a dangerous animal for the rest of its' life --- like a bobcat at the zoo. Kept confined , with room to run ,and food and shelter -- but otherwise left alone without human contact.

It seems like this is a dog that will never be able to be trusted.
I may be wrong ; but that's my opinion.
Dogs who will attack a person have lost the ability to differentiate between prey (like a wild rabbit ), and people. I fear this dog may now see humans as a food source.

It's possible that the merciful thing to do might very well be euthanasia. Sorry to say that as I have pets and am very attached to them.
The blame lies not with the dog, but at the humans who chained it, did not socialize with it, and allowed a 4 year old to play with it !
OMG, this is so sad all the way around. The person who owned the dog should be put down. That poor dog is in terrible condition. He was only doing what animals in the wild would have done. Protecting his ONLY food it appears.

I feel sorry for the baby, and wish for a speady full recovery. It is not the dogs fault what so ever. He should not have to be put down for the idiots that had him chained and starved him.


True, it's not the dog's fault that he has become a menace, but the fact is that he has, through no fault of his own, become a menace to society. I think he should be put down and the idiots who chained him and starved him should be held accountable in some way.
This makes me angry because there are so many lovely dogs put down at shelters and these groups collect all this money to save dogs who need extensive training and still might not be safe to be around.

The rescue group I'm involved in is trying to get 5 puppies from a rural shelter before they are put down, thousands of dogs like that a day are put to sleep at shelters and they're trying to save one Pit Bull that mauled a boy? Talk about priorities in the wrong place. There are no shortage of dogs in need of rescue before worrying about vicious dogs.
Absolutely no question in my mind. This animal should be euthanized. I don't understand why it hasn't been euthanized by now.

I believe in many of these cases of vicious animals, the owners want to wash their hands of them and turn them over to animal control, so animal control is legal owner and has to decide the animal's fate. If the owner had retained ownership, the dog could have been destroyed after the bite hold. Once the gov't is involved, lawyers from the Lexus Project can sue and try to make them release the dog to rescue. A lot of times it's not worth the time and trouble of a legal battle. The Lexus Project went all the way to the Nevada Supreme Court to get a dog named Onion who killed a one year old boy.

Friends of mine had a neighbor's two Pit Bulls come through their doggie door and kill two of their small dogs. Their owner surrendered them to animal control and my neighbor got into a fight with animal control to block these dogs being released to a rescue group. In the end, she had to 'adopt them' and have them put down. Otherwise a rescue group was going to swoop in and 'save' them.
I believe in many of these cases of vicious animals, the owners want to wash their hands of them and turn them over to animal control, so animal control is legal owner and has to decide the animal's fate. If the owner had retained ownership, the dog could have been destroyed after the bite hold. Once the gov't is involved, lawyers from the Lexus Project can sue and try to make them release the dog to rescue. A lot of times it's not worth the time and trouble of a legal battle. The Lexus Project went all the way to the Nevada Supreme Court to get a dog named Onion who killed a one year old boy.

Friends of mine had a neighbor's two Pit Bulls come through their doggie door and kill two of their small dogs. Their owner surrendered them to animal control and my neighbor got into a fight with animal control to block these dogs being released to a rescue group. In the end, she had to 'adopt them' and have them put down. Otherwise a rescue group was going to swoop in and 'save' them.

Thank you for sharing that story about your neighbor, Kincaid. That is a chilling lesson worth learning. I'm horrified at the thought of a vicious dog (or 2!) coming in thru a doggie door-- let alone killing pets inside a house or garage. That could easily happen to a child in the home or garage.

I really do not understand the misplaced priorities of some of these "extremist" dog rescue groups. I have a really hard time respecting what they are trying to accomplish. It is good to know that if an owner relinquishes a violent dog, that another more reasonable and rational person can "adopt" the dog (hopefully, quickly) and have it euthanized, before the "extremist" rescue groups get involved.

Sad and frustrating that we have to resort to such maneuvers to legally get a violent dog humanely euthanized. That troubles me greatly-- it seems like a violent dog that mauled a toddler has more "rights" than the child or people. SMH.
IMO this is not a bad dog.
He was in his own yard, eating a bone. He did what lots of dogs would do. This dog had the strength and power that other breeds don't.

Where was the babysitter??? That's who is ultimately responsible. IMO

I have nothing against pit bulls, mastiffs and the like. I don't own one and never did because I have a child and I'm not confident I could physically control one if anything were to ever go wrong.

I did however always own well trained & obedient Dobermans. I could control them, physically.
Would I EVER trust a 4 year kid outside alone with a dog? NO! Regardless of breed.

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BBM for emphasis. I completely agree-- the dog was acting on a level of pure instinct. That is, IMO, why this particular dog cannot be trusted to ever be around humans again-- particularly children.

The dog may, in fact, have been mistreated or abused. The owner may be responsible for that, and should be held accountable. The babysitter may also have been neglectful in watching the little boy. But neither of those things, IMO, mean that the dog should be returned to the owner as a pet, and not euthanized.

If the dog was mistreated to the point that he is behaving as a "wild" or feral dog, it's not a realistic goal (IMO) to try to rehabilitate it. It is a dangerous animal, not a person. It could easily attack again, and not even understand that it was doing something "wrong".

I understand that this is very sad for some dog lovers-- I'm not heartless. But the lives of children and other people simply can't be put at risk. A dog isn't the same as a person, no matter how much someone loves dogs. If this person lived in my neighborhood, I would be outraged to discover that a dog with this history was returned to the owner.

But in the case of, for example, the healthy giraffe in Copenhagen that was euthanized as a public spectacle-- that was inexcusable, IMO. The giraffe never attacked anyone, and was created as a result, IMO, of an irresponsible zoo breeding program. We should all be outraged over that.

I wanted to add that I lived in Germany for a while. Dogs are welcome almost everywhere there, in stores, and even restaurants. It was very disconcerting to me to see big dogs in restaurants at first-- even hotel buffet restaurants. The dogs are incredibly obedient-- and immediately lay down under the table next to their owners. In fact, there is such a preference for "fizzy water" that if you ask a waiter for "still water" to drink, they often look beneath the table to see if there is a dog there! Anyway, several of my German friends told me that the reason dogs are so welcome is that the police have the authority to remove or even kill a dog who misbehaves in public, or attacks someone. No debate-- no trials or complaints. So that's why the dogs are so well-behaved. The owners won't risk taking them out if the dogs aren't 100% reliable. There may be some Germans on the board here who could add more or clarify. I just wanted to contrast our American views, with those of another culture who also love dogs.

Bravo! If only all dog owners were as diligent!
Would also help if parents taught their children appropriate behavior around animals. Far too many have no business being around animals and certainly not living with them.

I've heard too many people brag about how tolerant their dog is of their bratty ignorant children's mistreatment.

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