GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

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The 29th would have been the day EC was reported missing. They already had CL's name the first day? Whoa

I'm guessing the best friend gave up the information pretty quickly. I know I would in the same position. Not sure I'd tell my best friend's husband, but I would certainly call the cops if she turned up missing that long after she was supposed to meet her "friend"
The 29th would have been the day EC was reported missing. They already had CL's name the first day? Whoa

This affair seemed to be common knowledge from the get-go. We just could not discuss it here, due to the rumor factor. But yes, supposedly CL was gone until the 30th. RUMOR OF COURSE!! And I have no idea if NL was ever with him during that time, but supposedly she was home when the detectives came on the 29th and CL was not. But think about it, it is routine for detectives to interview neighbors to see if they saw Erin leave that morning etc.....Clarifying: I think the initial interview on the 29th was a routine "check with the neighbors to see if they saw anything" type deal. CL was not there, NL was. It had to be later that they interviewed CL (probably found out about affair) and his story had inconsistencies. This still leaves the 29th open with no alibi for CL.
I'm guessing burning might not be allowed in California with the drought we have right now. (But never had to dispose of a horse so I'm not sure!) Any horse owners know???

Not sure how much property the ranch has, but in many states it is illegal to bury livestock on less than 100 acres. When that is the case, many people choose to instead burn the carcass. Some will burn regardless of the size of the property, not wanting coyote and the like digging it up...
Unless one of these two Lees breaks, I don't think LE is going to find Erin. I do hope so though. I was hoping they would get played against each other, so one of them would crack. I don't know that they were even interrogated apart from each other. Or if they were interrogated at all. Were they just talked with? I've seen snips of what he said, and what she said, but not enough to know how it really went. The Moorers in Heather Elvis' case have been a mystery to me and I felt sure one of them would turn on the other. Nope.

We are a long way from any confessions, Imo. No one has even been charged. As far as the Moorers go, I am surprised, in a way, that neither has said a word, though it would never be the wife. She is determined to appear completely innocent, even at the expense of staying in jail. So hoping the evidence keeps them both there for good.

Imo it is not easy to find a body; much easier to hide one. As in Mickey's case, LE had so much on the guy, video, etc and yet never would have come close to finding her if not for being able to pressure him to confess. There is just too much open land, too many places.
I keep going back to the statement Erin made to the friend from TN about the surprise place they were going being 2 hours away. I feel like he's not too bright and might have been honest about that part. Where's 2 hours away that had mines or water or somewhere to possibly hide a body ?
Oh, it's nothing that interesting (or scandalous)...more stupid and embarrassing, in my opinion! Along the lines of "behemoth" or something like that. I texted him because I was pretty sure he had a name on it, but he said don't go telling everyone on that website what my jeep name is! lol So like a good mom, I have to honor his request. :) (They all think I'm a little weird for this little "hobby" anyway. I'm sure most of you can relate!!)

You really can't leave us hanging like that.
I keep going back to the statement Erin made to the friend from TN about the surprise place they were going being 2 hours away. I feel like he's not too bright and might have been honest about that part. Where's 2 hours away that had mines or water or somewhere to possibly hide a body ?

where is Lake's mentioned on the WRHR site......I know I'm beating a dead horse or should I say donkey as I can't shake the feeling that EC may be with the ceramic donkey that IM cared soooo much about that she felt compelled to write about it and post to the WRHR website and her social media page....the only mention EC gets is due to a photo she(EC) took at the ranch....and I know we've been told that CL lived in Ak. but how is this for eerie....
story dated Feb.1991....

weird huh? :confused:
where is Lake's mentioned on the WRHR site......I know I'm beating a dead horse or should I say donkey as I can't shake the feeling that EC may be with the ceramic donkey that IM cared soooo much about that she felt compelled to write about it and post to the WRHR website and her social media page....the only mention EC gets is due to a photo she(EC) took at the ranch....and I know we've been told that CL lived in Ak. but how is this for eerie....
story dated Feb.1991....

weird huh? :confused:

Freaky :gaah: Gave me chills! Lake Perris is approx. 70 miles away.
This has probably already been addressed, because I have missed lots.
But how in the heck would she know who the father was?
Surely when she told her husband on Fathers Day that she was PG he didn't say, "how could that be, we haven't had sex in months?"
How in the heck would she know?
Hopefully they are interviewing all his friends to see if he ever went on "adventures" off-roading or something out in the middle of nowhere. I'm really thinking she's far past JTNP, but who knows with this pair.

Thank's! I do remember reading that, but I hadn't thought of that. I'm still going with CL either hiding Erin's body overnight on the 28th at the Ranch, or CL driving somewhere far to dispose of her. How far would CL have driven taking the risk of getting stopped with the body? I wish we knew what trips NL and CL may have taken during their time there. Maybe somewhere they visited or on the way to somewhere they visited. I don't think either one will tell until they are both arrested.
where is Lake's mentioned on the WRHR site......I know I'm beating a dead horse or should I say donkey as I can't shake the feeling that EC may be with the ceramic donkey that IM cared soooo much about that she felt compelled to write about it and post to the WRHR website and her social media page....the only mention EC gets is due to a photo she(EC) took at the ranch....and I know we've been told that CL lived in Ak. but how is this for eerie....
story dated Feb.1991....

weird huh? :confused:

Lake Perris is extremely populated this time of the year and it's a relatively small lake. It's a local hangout for off-duty cops and fireman too. The chances of her being there are slim to non in my opinion.
This has probably already been addressed, because I have missed lots.
But how in the heck would she know who the father was?
Surely when she told her husband on Fathers Day that she was PG he didn't say, "how could that be, we haven't had sex in months?"
How in the heck would she know?

This is just my opinion but I think she told her husband she was pregnant and planned to raise the child as theirs. I don't see how she could've known for sure who the father was if she was, indeed, sleeping with both men. If she was not sleeping with her husband then it sure would've been a surprise to him. I think she was working it on both ends with both CL and her husband. Example: Going to "celebrate the pregnancy" with CL shows she was not concerned with him knowing or scared of him knowing. I think she may have intended it to be "their little secret" of some sort. The possibility of them having a child together. Just speculation and opinion. I doubt we will ever know the true answers.
I doubt he would go anyplace likely to be populated on a summer Saturday. Remote, yes. Private, yes. "Romantic" in her mind, perhaps, the two of them all alone in the desert. Ugh...
Fwiw....I raised 3 boys whom have all constructed numerous potato guns which I remember well. I have asked each of them in the last few days if they think a marine would intentionally kill someone with a potato gun. After listening to each one of them reminisce about their guns they each looked at me like I am crazy, so IMHO, he did use a potato gun to kill I said fwiw!
This affair seemed to be common knowledge from the get-go. We just could not discuss it here, due to the rumor factor. But yes, supposedly CL was gone until the 30th. RUMOR OF COURSE!! And I have no idea if NL was ever with him during that time, but supposedly she was home when the detectives came on the 29th and CL was not. But think about it, it is routine for detectives to interview neighbors to see if they saw Erin leave that morning etc.....Clarifying: I think the initial interview on the 29th was a routine "check with the neighbors to see if they saw anything" type deal. CL was not there, NL was. It had to be later that they interviewed CL (probably found out about affair) and his story had inconsistencies. This still leaves the 29th open with no alibi for CL.

I'm confused...a somewhat normal state for me. The Probable Cause wording doesn't help clear up the confusion either. It says that JC reported his wife missing, the 29th, and while investigating the missing person, Deputy M. made contact with the Corwin's neighbor, CL. That was when CL denied knowing much about Erin and that he & his wife knew her only as an acquaintance. Then, he was re-contacted after the friend in TN gave up the text messages. He admitted kissing, but little else. That's when he stated that he did not see EC on the 28th or 29th....that he was hunting in JTNP on the home at 1600 hrs.

Then, again on 7/1 Detectives spoke to CL AND his wife.

It seems to me that they first interviewed him on the 29th....and again on the 30th....and again on the 1st, along with NL. Of course, he could have been interviewed twice in the same day....maybe the 29th or maybe the 30th.

Is that clear as mud?
He could have left it where he killed her. What other reason would he need an alibi for the 29th when she met with him on the 28th for if it wasn't to finish up his business with this? Unless he went off somewhere by himself for a mental health day to deal with what he did to her and no one saw him so he doesn't have an alibi?

If no one saw him return on the 28th he could have been gone the entire time from the morning of the 28th through the 29th. That would give him a MUCH larger crime scene, body dump radius than just 2 - 4 hours away. And if he was only supposed to be hunting locally he surely wouldn't be gone overnight and through the next day.
Not sure how much property the ranch has, but in many states it is illegal to bury livestock on less than 100 acres. When that is the case, many people choose to instead burn the carcass. Some will burn regardless of the size of the property, not wanting coyote and the like digging it up...

In other more populated areas of San Bernardino County stables, etc. use a service that comes and takes the dead livestock away from the property to dispose of. This is an example:
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