ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #1

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Kelcee- He had JUST started, he was an 18 year old freshman. News reports today are saying that student has ever has been the victim of an incident like this ever in school history (and then had some caveat that, well, at least in more than 30).
I believe CM is Native American. JW is white. Tom is white. If it's racially motivated (which I only think is possible because of that twitter message that was laughing about Tom's death, combined w/ some friends who look like they could have racist connections), then I'm guessing it would be because Tom is hanging out with people who aren't white, and maybe he got into a philosophical argument turned physicalwith one of these angry people. That's my best guess anyway.

Because CM said they were at the "flap" house and I think that has some drug connotations, and the police knew where to look in Moorhead, I am thinking more and more by the hour that this is drug related. Hope the police are able to figure it out soon, and I hope they're searching the ditches on the roads on the way to the RV place for that shoe and phone!

You and I are thinking along the same lines.
Kelcee- He had JUST started, he was an 18 year old freshman. News reports today are saying that student has ever has been the victim of an incident like this ever in school history (and then had some caveat that, well, at least in more than 30).

Thanks.I am trying to think of a motive for someone to kill Tom who just started there.
He was new to the area and school.So I am guessing he may not have known a lot of people.
I guess what I am trying to say is.If he did not die of AP and by some other means.It makes
this crime a personal one.Why would someone kill a young man who had only been at the school
less that a month?
Thanks.I am trying to think of a motive for someone to kill Tom who just started there.
He was new to the area and school.So I am guessing he may not have known a lot of people.
I guess what I am trying to say is.If he did not die of AP and by some other means.It makes
this crime a personal one.Why would someone kill a young man who had only been at the school
less that a month?

JW, the person to reportedly send the last tweet, was someone he knew from high school, so, it could have been personal with people he'd known for a while. Or it could have been a run in with some very angry people who had problems (like the racist tweet that sparked the theory I posted above). There's also other indicators that could make one believe this could be drug related, which IMHO is the most likely reason at this time, I keep changing my mind every hour it seems.
JW, the person to reportedly send the last tweet, was someone he knew from high school, so, it could have been personal with people he'd known for a while. Or it could have been a run in with some very angry people who had problems (like the racist tweet that sparked the theory I posted above). There's also other indicators that could make one believe this could be drug related, which IMHO is the most likely reason at this time, I keep changing my mind every hour it seems.

Thanks,I 'm not good at this sleuthing-LOL
I am just thinking out loud.
I do believe it was someone very close to him.
I believe CM is Native American. JW is white. Tom is white. If it's racially motivated (which I only think is possible because of that twitter message that was laughing about Tom's death, combined w/ some friends who look like they could have racist connections), then I'm guessing it would be because Tom is hanging out with people who aren't white, and maybe he got into a philosophical argument turned physicalwith one of these angry people. That's my best guess anyway.

Because CM said they were at the "flap" house and I think that has some drug connotations, and the police knew where to look in Moorhead, I am thinking more and more by the hour that this is drug related. Hope the police are able to figure it out soon, and I hope they're searching the ditches on the roads on the way to the RV place for that shoe and phone!

(BBM) Unfortunately, this is the downfall of guessing someone's ethnicity. This guess is incorrect.
Thanks,I 'm not good at this sleuthing stuff-LOL
I am just thinking out loud.

You're just as good as the next person I'm sure, and I'm just thinking out loud too, probably way too much so I'll try to stop posting now after this one for a few hours lol.

Reasons I think this could be drug related, though wouldn't rule out fight w/ racists or other personal beef:

1. "Flap" house that was mentioned as a reply to original last tweet apparently has drug connotations
2. people on twitter that seem to spend a lot of time partying there, at least the last several weekends for sure, sure have a LOT of drug references on their pics
3. There are memes with their own pictures that have references to drugs written on them
4. If something like this is going to happen in the area, as a local it is my opinion you are going to find a body for a drug deal gone bad in Moorhead before anyplace else, just my opinion would also be curious to what other locals say about this but as a general rule this whole area is very safe just saying...
5. I can't mention this one because I just learned that I can't due to TOS, it's no bombshell anyway though.
6. It makes the text make sense, and how the police would have got a tip to check that area make sense.

OK I'll try to stop blowing up this thread now and take a break for a while and let someone else talk lol.
(BBM) Unfortunately, this is the downfall of guessing someone's ethnicity. This guess is incorrect.

Sorry :( His ethnicity isn't really relevant I think anyway even if it was race related because I doubt he was involved, so I probably shouldn't have assumed anyway.
The North Dakota area has become damgerous because of the oil fields. Lots of transients with a lot of money. Lots of drugs. Lots of prostitution.
Hi guys. I just joined the site. I've got ties to both communities Tom was involved in so I've been following the case somewhat which lead me here. It seemed to be a good resource as you guys were posting the most recent information, but I feel it has somewhat gotten a little off course so I felt compelled to join and post some of my own deductions on both the case and what you guys specifically have noted or mentioned.

1. Emphasis on LE saying that foul-play was not suspected and the public shouldn't worry about their safety. This has been dropped so I probably shouldn't bring it back up, but I didn't read or hear any direct quote where LE or the Dean B said foul-play was not suspected. If anything I think they deflected and it seems pretty obvious the only reason they would do so is because it was very apparent that there was foul-play and they didn't want anything released to get in the way of the investigation.

2. The state of Tom's body. We know that his death was the result of a "violent homicide" meaning that someone inflicted injuries on him that killed him. I don't believe this has been mentioned, but if you remember right, the police did not identify him immediately. He had the same clothes, so they had that figured out, but they still had to wait before positively identifying him. Now, maybe this is a matter of procedure, that to make the affirmation some steps need to be taken, but what I think is more likely is that they couldn't identify him because of the injuries to his face. It sounds to me like he was beaten to death in the face. I'll tie back in to this.

3. "Flap house." CM said "trap." Flap sounds a bit like a knockoff IHOP. Yes, you're absolutely right that a trap, or trap house is a drug house, but not in this context. Suburbanite college kids like these, or formerly myself, like to use slang they hear in rap songs and apply it to real life. CM saying he was at the trap was nothing more than him trying to find a cool way of saying "We're at my house."

4. Tweet cover-up theory. Nothing in the way CM has responded to this is indicative of guilt. Tom/JW sent that tweet everyone has seen and CM responded with something along the lines of being drunk, but to send him their location presumably so someone could be sent to pick them up or so he could direct them. After that tweet, he continued to tweet normally, nothing that was suspicious.

5. JW involvement and the lack of information on him. We haven't heard of anything from him and his twitter account has been deleted. I'm thinking the deleted account and not hearing from him could be either he has some clues and the police told him to keep his trap shut so the perps don't get spooked or people like us and hundreds of others have been invading his account and his friend was just murdered so he probably doesn't want the attention. I don't think he deleted it because he's hiding from guilt, I think he wants some privacy.

6. Emphasis on CM and JW - You can probably sense that this is the direction I'm heading and it's because it is what I think many of you have gotten hung up on, it is also where I tie back in the state of his body. These two did not have anything to do with this and I'll tell you why. The main theory involving these two is that Tom's death was accidental. That there was some kind of fight and he died and they got scared and hid his body. When you get in a fight, you don't beat someone until they are unrecognizable. It just doesn't happen and especially not at a college party where the victim is friends with the guys that live there. Also, there's no way you could convince me that in a room full of timid MN and ND kids, all of them kept their mouth shut after seeing someone die? Not going to happen, no way.

Here are the scenarios I think are plausible:

Drugs - I think it's possible that JW and Tom picked something up or tried to and ran in to trouble before they went to the party, leading to them wanting to get picked up and whoever was after them could have followed and waited outside the party.

Racially Motivated - It really sucks to go this direction but it's possible. Fargo/Moorhead and especially the ND State campus is/are the safest place I've ever been to, but there were places that I did not go when I was a drunken college student wandering around in the middle of the night and those places were between where that house party was and where his body was found. I'm not sure this looks like he was picked out at random, but it happens. A year or two back a kid was murdered in my town during one of those stupid knockout games where the guy just runs up and punches a drunk white person. Drunk, skinny, white kid walking alone at 4 in the morning. It could happen.

I've rambled enough, if there's anything I forgot to jot down I'll add it.
Racially Motivated - It really sucks to go this direction but it's possible. Fargo/Moorhead and especially the ND State campus is/are the safest place I've ever been to, but there were places that I did not go when I was a drunken college student wandering around in the middle of the night and those places were between where that house party was and where his body was found. I'm not sure this looks like he was picked out at random, but it happens. A year or two back a kid was murdered in my town during one of those stupid knockout games where the guy just runs up and punches a drunk white person. Drunk, skinny, white kid walking alone at 4 in the morning. It could happen.

Racially motivated incidents can also occur between those of the same race.

esults for: (320) 266-5538

I ran the Spydialer on this number. Unfortunately the voice mailbox has not been set up, so no new information is available from that. Incidentally, Spy Dialer was unable to get the owner's name (typically it can), so your purchase of the information was likely the only means of getting it.
4. Tweet cover-up theory. Nothing in the way CM has responded to this is indicative of guilt. Tom/JW sent that tweet everyone has seen and CM responded with something along the lines of being drunk, but to send him their location presumably so someone could be sent to pick them up or so he could direct them. After that tweet, he continued to tweet normally, nothing that was suspicious.

5. JW involvement and the lack of information on him. We haven't heard of anything from him and his twitter account has been deleted. I'm thinking the deleted account and not hearing from him could be either he has some clues and the police told him to keep his trap shut so the perps don't get spooked or people like us and hundreds of others have been invading his account and his friend was just murdered so he probably doesn't want the attention. I don't think he deleted it because he's hiding from guilt, I think he wants some privacy.

6. Emphasis on CM and JW - You can probably sense that this is the direction I'm heading and it's because it is what I think many of you have gotten hung up on, it is also where I tie back in the state of his body. These two did not have anything to do with this and I'll tell you why. The main theory involving these two is that Tom's death was accidental. That there was some kind of fight and he died and they got scared and hid his body. When you get in a fight, you don't beat someone until they are unrecognizable. It just doesn't happen and especially not at a college party where the victim is friends with the guys that live there. Also, there's no way you could convince me that in a room full of timid MN and ND kids, all of them kept their mouth shut after seeing someone die? Not going to happen, no way.

I'm glad you decided to join; these 3 are things I've been trying to find a non-confrontational way of saying. I think you did a rather good job.

I ran the Spydialer on this number. Unfortunately the voice mailbox has not been set up, so no new information is available from that. Incidentally, Spy Dialer was unable to get the owner's name (typically it can), so your purchase of the information was likely the only means of getting it.

I searched number on peoplebyname.com and came up with the name smith. I know these sites are not all accurate. But shouldn't I get more than the name Smith.
I don't think I can search a telephone number for more information and I wouldn't have much to go on with just the name Smith.

So this would be Jake's phone I presume that he wanted Cody to call him back on.

Another thought that I thought of is I read that he was picked up for DUI a week earlier driving a car. Was that car his or a friend's? And do the police confiscate cars in DUI even if it is owned by another person...I wouldn't know the laws since I do not drink.

And another thought....Maybe the police made a deal and for going more lenient with him he maybe could furnish information on other students who used drugs and the other guys maybe found out that he was a snitch.

Just thinking.......
Doesn't racism also include homosexuality?
Well this crap just got REALLY interesting. REALLY interesting. And we can thank overclockedgirl and her abilities to read tweets.

That is so nice, thanks so much! I am so glad I started reading this thread because there are soo many things I would never have thought of otherwise.
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