Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing - Part 2

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I haven't ever seen a transcript of the interview Arias refers to in her letter to Ryan, only Det. Flores' summary of a phone interview in his Investigative Report - starting on the second to last page:

Not sure if the transcript is of this summarized interview, or a subsequent face-to-face interview.

Nothing says PTSD like calling LE from CA to see how the investigation is going before they've contacted you. Sheesh.
Writing this without having done a “catch up” with the very latest WS comments. So forgive me.

But … I have been out, wasting time, looking at ‘old’ docs/info/news/forum comments. Because I still don’t understand CMJA. WTF? Why would she scheme and plan and carry out this savage attack; then act as if ‘ain’t no big thing .. he deserved it’? She’s not insane. She knew it was wrong. But HOW, in her little pea brain, did she justify it to herself?

IMO: First and foremost, CMJA is concerned with her image; it’s how she’s perceived. She asks for makeup for her mug shot, then smiles for the camera.

After, she writes to Ryan Burns about her arrest and the arrest mug shots. Guilt or innocence is not really in play; it’s how she’s perceived:

Then I stumbled across the letter she sent to PPL event organizers, shortly after her arrest. Again, it’s how she’s perceived:

“It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.”

(i.e. Don’t’ talk behind my back, I “humbly” ask.)

IMO, Travis had to die because he refused to be blackmailed by her; he knew he could escape her “how will YOU (Travis) be perceived” behind JA's (blackmail) threats. He was perceived as a true Mormon, in a Mormon business, surrounded by Mormon friends. CMJA didn’t have a chance to destroy him.

IMO: It is, at that point, CMJA knew she left a trail of big turds: No way could she escape how she’s perceived in TA’s Mormon social/business community if TA were left alive.

Ah, narcissism. Thy name is … Wait! I’m so pretty; oh so pretty …

Bottom line: IMO, jealousy had little to do with TA’s murder. For CMJA, it was (IS) all about (let’s say it again ..) how she’s perceived.

Beeotch killed Travis because she didn’t want anyone “talking behind her back” and ruining her chances with other Mormon, PPL targets, and tarnishing how she’s perceived.

Can ou tell me how to read all of Jodi's letter sent to Ryan Burns? It only shows part of first page and I could not get to the rest of it. Thanks.
. I was finally able to read it. What a liar this murderer is! When she says she wasn't smiling or giggling but crying during her interrogation with Det Flores, I wanted to slap her. Well Jodi, Ryan does now indeed know the truth about you.
Writing this without having done a “catch up” with the very latest WS comments. So forgive me.

But … I have been out, wasting time, looking at ‘old’ docs/info/news/forum comments. Because I still don’t understand CMJA. WTF? Why would she scheme and plan and carry out this savage attack; then act as if ‘ain’t no big thing .. he deserved it’? She’s not insane. She knew it was wrong. But HOW, in her little pea brain, did she justify it to herself?

IMO: First and foremost, CMJA is concerned with her image; it’s how she’s perceived. She asks for makeup for her mug shot, then smiles for the camera.

After, she writes to Ryan Burns about her arrest and the arrest mug shots. Guilt or innocence is not really in play; it’s how she’s perceived:

Then I stumbled across the letter she sent to PPL event organizers, shortly after her arrest. Again, it’s how she’s perceived:

“It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.”

(i.e. Don’t’ talk behind my back, I “humbly” ask.)

IMO, Travis had to die because he refused to be blackmailed by her; he knew he could escape her “how will YOU (Travis) be perceived” behind JA's (blackmail) threats. He was perceived as a true Mormon, in a Mormon business, surrounded by Mormon friends. CMJA didn’t have a chance to destroy him.

IMO: It is, at that point, CMJA knew she left a trail of big turds: No way could she escape how she’s perceived in TA’s Mormon social/business community if TA were left alive.

Ah, narcissism. Thy name is … Wait! I’m so pretty; oh so pretty …

Bottom line: IMO, jealousy had little to do with TA’s murder. For CMJA, it was (IS) all about (let’s say it again ..) how she’s perceived.

Beeotch killed Travis because she didn’t want anyone “talking behind her back” and ruining her chances with other Mormon, PPL targets, and tarnishing how she’s perceived.


Yep, it's all about her 'reputation'. As she wanted Det Flores to pay mind to...
I'm baaack! What did I miss? ;) Don't you just hate it when people do that? I've done a little cursory look at the last week and more macabre shenanigans and manipulations by the defense. Are we surprised?

Death penalty processes are all about breaking people down until they cry uncle --and when I say people I mean surviving victims and the State. Throw in taxpayers while we're at it.

I think this will get a whole lot worse before it gets better and I predicted the defense would drag this out ad to the point of nauseum through 2015 and it appears I'm right.

No need to catch me up on anything...I'm just poppin in to say hi.
OJ's trial was aired on almost all tv stations for months, gavel to gavel. Found innocent. CA's trial coverage is similar to JA's, she was also found innocent. Kind of makes Nurmi's 'the trial by media' complaint irrelevant.

This is a very good point.
I'm not so sure that the "why" is a moot point, as defense has a basket of new mitigating factors relating to abuse and mental issues. Presumably, they're going to use these to explain how Arias felt, or more particularly, why she felt she had to kill Travis. Up til now, that "why" was that she felt in fear for her life. Now, I'm guessing it's going to be that she couldn't handle all the feelings these various traumas and stresses and mental disorders (you name it) created.

For instance, one of the new mitigators is:

"Ms Arias' psychological makeup impaired her ability to cope with the tumultuous relationship she had with Mr. Alexander"

I think if we flipped the names on that statement, it would actually be a true one. He had no idea the personality disorder(s) he was dealing with and the losing battle he was engaged in.
ITA. She was also really angry with Ryan when she read the transcript of his interview with Det. Flores. So angry, she wrote him a letter - her usual clunky psuedo-intellectualism, heavy on the lies (naturally).


One of my favorite parts is where she tries to convince Ryan that she was suitably serious about being arrested for murder. I doubt Ryan believed her, and her mug shot and interrogation videos would have made it quite clear who the real liar was.

"...There were a few glaring inaccuracies I simply could not let rest. One being that the Detective said I was “giggling and smiling” after being “taken into custody.” Sooo not the case. I was somber, calm and resolute, though shaking on the inside, what good would it have done to freak out? Eventually I broke down and cried but the crying came and went as the hours rolled by. It was all on tape so I don’t know why Detective Flores would lie to you about that..."

Yes Arias, it was all on tape. Hair flips, headstands and all.
Didn't she also go through the trash at some point?

I bet she thinks herself as an Oscar winning actress.
I have not. I'll wait and look at it once I've transitioned back a little more from a week of serenity. And after I take some dramamine for the spin and nausea.

Welcome back, KCL!
You haven't missed a thing...sad to say.
Well yes, the two heads born of the same spinning and nauseating body (that by the way has a few more heads).

Mostly heads not worth paying any attention to. Thankfully most heads see the plain truth of an utterly ugly act committed against an innocent and beautiful person, and again thankfully, those heads are the ones that seem to be carrying the day in the aftermath.
Mostly heads not worth paying any attention to. Thankfully most heads see the plain truth of an utterly ugly act committed against an innocent and beautiful person, and again thankfully, those heads are the ones that seem to be carrying the day in the aftermath.

To be honest, anymore, I'd rather watch The Walking Dead with heads being impaled than this freakshow of a trial. I think, for my own sanity, it's best to keep moving forward focusing on Travis Alexander's life than his death which has definitely influenced me in a positive way and for that I think he's smiling down from Heaven.
To be honest, anymore, I'd rather watch The Walking Dead with heads being impaled than this freakshow of a trial. I think, for my own sanity, it's best to keep moving forward focusing on Travis Alexander's life than his death which has definitely influenced me in a positive way and for that I think he's smiling down from Heaven.

It's a complicated issue for me. I find it more painful to think of Travis because the good he had has been taken from the world. I find it easier to watch justice be done than to think of the good that for now, cannot. I say 'for now' because I believe in reincarnation and I believe that what he had to give he will be able to give in the future, but we live in the moment and deal with the now, and what I want to see now is justice.
Ok, random thought...after reading the info in the interviews that were posted, did LE ever find any clothing that belonged to Jodi in the house? I don't remember if anything was on an evidence list. (Jodi had told Detective Flores she wanted to retrieve some of her belongings from the house. The detective said that "she apparently left some of her clothing behind.")
RR, I feel like I remember in Juans closing, he stated she had left nothing behind, and referenced her fog. For example, if she was in such a fog, then how come she had the mind to retrive all of her belongings.
I'm not 100% certain though.
So fill me in with this motion,I know nurmi says JM didn't give them enough time or something when filing for the DP but what's the ins and outs of this.

Surely he could have pulled this one out the bag long ago.....he's had nearly six years now to complain about this.....somehow I can't see JM not doing everything by the book,all the i's dotted and t'S crossed
It seems like they are trying everything sleazy to either get the DP off the table or a mistrial.

Also, she is not getting retried here! She already has been convicted of 1st Degree Murder. Nothing new should come out during this phase to change mitigating factors unless its more lies, lies, lies.

And, you're right josie, they've have plenty of time to prepare, but it seems like Jodi and Nurmi can't agree.

Speaking of Nurmi, isn't he the that said "I cant stand Ms. Arias 9 out of 10 days". He, himself has made out Jodi to be a monster, and he is supposed to be defending her?!
Ok, random thought...after reading the info in the interviews that were posted, did LE ever find any clothing that belonged to Jodi in the house? I don't remember if anything was on an evidence list. (Jodi had told Detective Flores she wanted to retrieve some of her belongings from the house. The detective said that "she apparently left some of her clothing behind.")
I believe she had some things in storage in Travis' garage? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If so, that would have been a good way to con Travis into letting her stop in on the way to SLC.

The LE did not suspect anything because it wasn't touched and not part of the crime scene. JMO
Nothing says PTSD like calling LE from CA to see how the investigation is going before they've contacted you. Sheesh.

I guess JA can claim to have found the cure for PTSD; just lie about it ever happening and viola! the PTSD is gone!
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