GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #1

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The part in me,'s not exactly the same. Yes, in some ways the mother is a victim. I don't doubt that she loves her children. But I do believe some blame SHOULD be placed on her. Maybe not by us, random people on the internet. But by law enforcement or whatever. Unless she was completely oblivious to the type of guy this was, then yes, some blame needs to go to her. Of course she has the worst "punishment" of all by losing a child and having to live with the guilt. But something will need to be done in the future to keep her daughter safe. She will need to make different choices. I am not saying her daughter needs to be taken away or anything like that. But this woman probably needs a lot of help in many ways. It's sad that these days, resources are seriously lacking. And if you happen to be in a family where things of this nature (abuse, drugs, whatever) are seems like it's so hard to break the cycle. My heart breaks for her, Lonzie's father, and the rest of the friends and family who love him. I just hope they are all able to get any help they may need in light of this situation. Especially for the sake of any other children in these families.

Now this viewpoint I can agree with. I wonder if those pointing a finger would be willing to provide help to the mother to help her change her situation?

Small detail... but what in the heck is "Height: 509 inches"?

(I can't even think of a typo that fits...) :facepalm:
WE told LE he had done cocaine when he went back into the apartment for many reasons; to have LE believe he was being honest with them and they should trust everything he said :rolleyes: LE would know by his physical appearance he had just used, WE knew LE would take blood from him and find out he was using, he knew LE would search the apartment and find it there, he wanted to be sure that if he ended up behind bars, he would get treatment for withdrawals. MOO.

At one point during interrogation by police on Friday, Ebron admitted he went back into the apartment to do cocaine.

That is already a parole violation. from his arrest in May. He was probably doing drugs all day, something happened, then he had to have a 'story' for when he picked up mom. My goodness, he was charged for violence with his own young children- no reason he'd control himself with an infant who isn't even his! MOO
I am sure that this mother loved her children. It may not help to find the child but I think that it is fine to talk about this because it might help future children avoid this fate.

I do not think that people who put their children in harm's way are victims, but I know that my definition of victim is different than other people's.

I completely agree that addiction is an awful that gets out of control, which it why I think that women with small children who have addictions should do whatever it takes to get those kids into a secure and loving home with a sober caretaker.

I also do not think that any person "deserves" this to happen to them and indeed I did not see anything like that here. What I see is someone taking a very huge risk with the lives of their children with an expected outcome.

Forgive me if I cannot see women like the mom here is 100% victims in these cases. I think that a mother's job is to protect her children from people like Ebron, and it is my hope that women who are in this position look at this case and do some serious soul-searching. Defending women who do this only increases the likelihood that another child will die and that infuriates me. We must make it clear that leaving a child in the "care" of a violent **** is incredibly serious and could easily result in the death of an innocent child.

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Now this viewpoint I can agree with. I wonder if those pointing a finger would be willing to provide help to the mother to help her change her situation?

There's a county full of relatives that can, and probably have offered. Maybe she's back in the county closer so they can help. I also think CPS might get involved with this in the near future, and there were custody issues going on, with a pending court case.
Now this viewpoint I can agree with. I wonder if those pointing a finger would be willing to provide help to the mother to help her change her situation?

All of us do. We provide her with social services including access to rehab programs and parenting classes. We also provide her with housing a food so that she is not forced to rely on a man for these things. Additionally, we provided her with a completely free education for 12 years. We can provide all these things to her but we cannot force her to do much of anything if she does not want to.
Now this viewpoint I can agree with. I wonder if those pointing a finger would be willing to provide help to the mother to help her change her situation?
So if I think that Mothers should protect their children, like I protected my children, like my mother protected me, I should have to step forward and become a social worker and or provide assistance personally to mothers in these situations? or if I cant, I should just be quiet and agree she is a victim? Like "put my money where my mouth is"? No, I disagree. JMO.

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All of us do. We provide her with social services including access to rehab programs and parenting classes. We also provide her with housing a food so that she is not forced to rely on a man for these things. Additionally, we provided her with a completely free education for 12 years. We can provide all these things to her but we cannot force her to do much of anything if she does not want to.

I'm sorry but I disagree. Rehab and parenting classes cost money. Welfare doesn't cover enough to provide housing and food. I know. I have been on it. And having a free public education for 12 years doesn't necessarily equate to life skills and emotional health.

We can agree to disagree but please do not be naive and please do not pretend that we have all the available resources for anyone in a bad situation. If we did, this stuff wouldn't happen at all.

These problems go far deeper. We can blame the mother and put her in jail but that is a band-aid as far as I am concerned. It doesn't help her or her other children. In fact, all that does is give her a criminal background which makes it hopeless for her to EVER turn her life around.

If you want to talk about it to help save the next, then let's talk about it. Let's talk about reliable free or cheap childcare. Let's talk about free mental health care. Let's talk about free college education. Let's talk about removing the stigma of "being poor". Let's talk about how WE as a society can step up to help instead of butting in to judge.
Lisa Robbins ‏@LisaRobbinsFCN 2h2 hours ago
William Ebron has a detainer out of Baker County. Even if he posted Duval bond - he won't be released any time soon.

So, it looks like noone's going to bail him out for now. If they did, they'd also have to deal with Baker County. I'm so glad, because they can keep questioning him. They were driving him around different places yesterday. Keep up the pressure.
So if I think that Mothers should protect their children, like I protected my children, like my mother protected me, I should have to step forward and become a social worker and or provide assistance personally to mothers in these situations? or if I cant, I should just be quiet and agree she is a victim? Like "put my money where my mouth is"? No, I disagree. JMO.

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Amen. Well I put my money where my mouth is every single week when I pay my taxes (more than a thousand a week BTW). I go to work and earn a wage, a portion of which goes for services for people like this mother. I am not a social worker or a doctor specializing in addiction. The way our society works is that someone like me with no skills in "helping people" goes to work and pays part of my salary to go to someone with skills for helping people. It's a much better system than someone with no training providing "help" and potentially screwing it massively. Every single person here with a job who pays taxes has done their part to help this woman and other women like her.
So if I think that Mothers should protect their children, like I protected my children, like my mother protected me, I should have to step forward and become a social worker and or provide assistance personally to mothers in these situations? or if I cant, I should just be quiet and agree she is a victim? Like "put my money where my mouth is"? No, I disagree. JMO.

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That is exactly what I believe. Before you judge, you must try to understand.

I would also argue that your definition of "protecting" your children probably differs greatly from the definition of someone in this mother's shoes. That doesn't mean you are "right". It just means you were more blessed in your life.
Now this viewpoint I can agree with. I wonder if those pointing a finger would be willing to provide help to the mother to help her change her situation?

If I had a friend or relative in a situation like this, I would 100% help. Either directly or by finding help from professionals. The sad truth is that sometimes people in these situations don't want or won't accept help. And there's only so much that outsiders can do a lot of the time. It's unfortunate that there just isn't an easy solution at all.
Lay off the mom for now she is a victim and focus on the boy and person locked up.
I stepped on to this thread to find out how this case was progressing and instead found a whole bunch of judgement. Heading out now, as I can not stand the way that this mother is being discussed. Heaven help any of you who find yourself in a tough situation.
If I had a friend or relative in a situation like this, I would 100% help. Either directly or by finding help from professionals. The sad truth is that sometimes people in these situations don't want or won't accept help. And there's only so much that outsiders can do a lot of the time. It's unfortunate that there just isn't an easy solution at all.

The same people telling us we should help are the same people telling us not to judge the mother. How can you know what kind of help a person needs if you are never allowed to make a judgement call?
Lisa Robbins ‏@LisaRobbinsFCN 3h3 hours ago
The sun is beating down hard on these guys and their search to #FINDLONZIE. Command post is full.

I feel so bad for the LE, and all searching, esp the ones in the water searching.
And affordable quality child care.

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Working in the Pre School environment, there have been many times we have not sent a child home when they were sick because we have known they were safer with us. And yes we reported parents many times and nothing EVER seemed to change!
That is exactly what I believe. Before you judge, you must try to understand.

I would also argue that your definition of "protecting" your children probably differs greatly from the definition of someone in this mother's shoes. That doesn't mean you are "right". It just means you were more blessed in your life.
I do understand. I do agree that I was blessed. But I also believe that for every road chosen in life there are a variety of choices you make that culminate in where you end up. I am not trying to be difficult. I love children and I cannot imagine the grief this mother is suffering and I do not wish it on her. But I do believe with all of my heart she could have made better decisions. Lonzie is a baby that depended on his parents to keep him safe.

I'm so not trying to be difficult Sunflowerchick, alot of what you say I agree with. Just not here. I still look forward to your views on these topics though.[emoji6]

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