ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #6

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I have never seen a case where LE was so concerned with SM rumors. I don't see how SM gossip interferes with the search (although I can see how it would upset the family.) Can anyone come up with other examples of LE asking the public to stop gossiping on SM? I don't mean when people are actually threatening or harassing family members - just idle stranger chatter. I can't figure out if the Sheriff's office was trying to protect themselves, the family or acting as "protector" to get the family to trust them. Addressing rumors, most of which the general public knows nothing about, seems like a waste of valuable time to me. JMO
Have all family phones been checked out for timeline locations? If you go to phone settings, click on privacy, then location services you scroll down to System Services and can see everywhere someone has been and for how long. I think it is only for Apple

I'm confused. Where did this come from???

I have never seen a case where LE was so concerned with SM rumors. I don't see how SM gossip interferes with the search (although I can see how it would upset the family.) Can anyone come up with other examples of LE asking the public to stop gossiping on SM? I don't mean when people are actually threatening or harassing family members - just idle stranger chatter. I can't figure out if the Sheriff's office was trying to protect themselves, the family or acting as "protector" to get the family to trust them. Addressing rumors, most of which the general public knows nothing about, seems like a waste of valuable time to me. JMO

Well if they have, in fact, asked JM and DeOrr SR not to talk about the case and everybody on SM is coming for them because they aren't pleading for their son there could be a conflict and since they are running the show they are trying to protect the parents. MOO
In regards to GGP receiving a speeding ticket-his health (both physical and mental) could still be as bad as what the LE has previously stated. Just because he CAN drive, doesn't mean he SHOULD be. My great grandparents still have their licenses, yet they both suffer from some form of dementia and my great grandpa can't even see out of his left eye properly! They should not be driving a motor vehicle!

A lot of older people don't like admitting that their health is failing.
They like their independence-and they won't let their health get on the way!

But how can you say for sure? I think I would wonder "How could this happen, who would do this? To me/him/us?" if my child went missing. To me that's a totally understandable thing to say under the circumstances.

I think most people know the worst thing you can do to a parent is to hurt his or her child.

Definitely the worst thing, but I am thinking a kidnapper is purposefully doing something terrible to the child, not thinking of the parents and purposely doing something to them. The parent would be collateral damage, as the stranger-abductor's focus is on the child, not the mourning family. Her statement at that moment indicated she saw the kidnapper as taking her child as a way to harm her and/or DK. JMO
So the woman says "nobody would go up there". We know that is not true. When push came to shove they all went up there to search and to serve.

Five of them went up there to camp bumpy road and God forsaken yes but they went.

So somebody bad COULD have joined them up there. Somebody nobody is talking about.

Somebody that knew the little group were going camping and thanks to loose lips knew just where they would be.

The more I think about it the more I am convinced there was another person or persons up there the day DeOrr went missing.

MOO of course.

BTW I will look around for where JM said she was not to talk about the investigation. If anybody remembers it maybe you can help me find it. TIA

I know JM's mom said that in her comments on the MSM facebook page - comments since removed.
This seems odd, but it seems like the "why would they hurt us like this" (my words), is referencing something like taking someone's child to do something against their wishes, almost like having them baptized, circumcised, cutting all their hair off, forcing the child to be raised as the opposite sex...etc.
Of course this is insane and is therefore an irrelevant post.
Why does it sound that way? Like someone wanted something different done with or for DeOrr?
Makes not one lick of sense to me.
Specifically to hurt them? Of course taking one's child is the worst that can be done to them.
Was there anyone else out there that wanted something different for their son?
Heck if I know.
This seems odd, but it seems like the "why would they hurt us like this" (my words), is referencing something like taking someone's child to do something against their wishes, almost like having them baptized, circumcised, cutting all their hair off, forcing the child to be raised as the opposite sex...etc.
Of course this is insane and is therefore an irrelevant post.
Why does it sound that way? Like someone wanted something different done with or for DeOrr?
Makes not one lick of sense to me.
Specifically to hurt them? Of course taking one's child is the worst that can be done to them.
Was there anyone else out there that wanted something different for their son?
Heck if I know.

A thought is niggling at the back of my head - is there anyone in the family who is "removed" from the rest of the family, perhaps didn't approve of one of the parents and/or has been unusually silent since DeOrr disappeared? Surely LE would have already checked out anyone like that. I'm still hung up on the "hate" part of DK's statement. Even if people do hate me, I don't know it. People may not hate DK, but he seems to think it's possible that someone hates him enough to kidnap his child. It seems like an idea JM and DK discussed before the interview. I wonder if anyone has criticized their parenting in the past, maybe accused them of not keeping a close enough eye on him. It would be unbelievable cruel to sneak up to the camp ground and steal DeOrr away to prove one's point. JMO
I know JM's mom said that in her comments on the MSM facebook page - comments since removed.

I must have missed that. What did she say? Did she think somebody else had been up there too?
To me it is possible that there is someone connected in some way (family or other close circle to the parents) that made the disappearance happen. That word "disappeared":thinking:
Disappeared is the same word ggp's friend used also.
People don't just really disappear.
I don't hate anyone. I don't believe in it and it is not productive.
There were people I knew when I was younger that probably hated me. And I was aware of it.
Now I don't have the patience for even thinking about hate or letting it enter my mind.
DeOrr's parents are a lot younger than me. And I believe that they do think @least one or more people actually "hate" them.
Maybe it's just the stress they were under in the interview. Maybe it's their youth.
But seems to me that when the word "hate" comes into play, there may actually be a fire behind the smoke.
You know, there are professional burglars (and killers with the right opportunity) that are referred to as "scanners". They go into coffee shops and the like where people are freely talking. They listen to various convos about people's comings and goings.
Who's going where on a vaca. Who's just won big on a bet. Who's cheating on who.
They take all of that info and they make it work for their needs. It's a very dangerous thing to speak extremely openly in public. Cell phones w/blue tooth have made it so very easy.
If it wasn't a rogue killer, then it very well could be someone near enough to the parents to want to make them hurt. And came by the information thru determined scanning. Of not only conversations and such, but also of pictures and things on personal SM.
I don't know, but something happened that I'm not sure the parents had anything to do with.
At least not in anyway towards harming their boy.
If that is the case, he is putting his grand daughter and DK through an unnecessarily cruel purgatory. As awful as it would be to know your child died like that, it would be better to know sooner than imagine all manner of horrible things only to find out he'd died quickly the day he disappeared. JMO

rkf, with ALL due respect, PLEASE re-read my post. Thank you.
From your link:

"There have been efforts to bring in another volunteer search, but locals in Leadore believe search time needs to be spent somewhere else.

Rebecca Cox, owner of The Silver Dollar Bar and Cafe, said, "I don't think he's up there." "It's so rural up there and the drive up there. No one would be going up there to look for a kid to kidnap. They just wouldn't drive up. You wouldn't want to go up there. The road is horrible."

Wow, so a family with a two year old, and a disabled to some degree Grandpa, would go up that "horrible" road to that terribly rural campsite to camp, but a desperate pedophile with nothing better to do wouldn't ? What about a Mountain Lion, are they also concerned with that "horrible" road? Scary, the Rabbit Hole some people go down. Very bizarre, IMO.
Wow, so a family with a two year old, and a disabled to some degree Grandpa, would go up that "horrible" road to that terribly rural campsite to camp, but a desperate pedophile with nothing better to do wouldn't ? What about a Mountain Lion, are they also concerned with that "horrible" road? Scary, the Rabbit Hole some people go down. Very bizarre, IMO.

What makes her think she knows? Geez. What a weird thing to say. Like kidnappers have preferred routes or something, or they only drive on paved roads? Just... bizarre is right.
rkf, with ALL due respect, PLEASE re-read my post. Thank you.

I'm not sure that is how PTSD works. Are you saying if he saw his grandson attacked by a mountain lion, he is suffering from some type of stress-induced amnesia?
Sweet little 5 yr old Jerald, missing in Lake Jacob, AZ was just found deceased. :rose:

I know, katydid23.... IMO, something's going terribly wrong with these searches. That little boy should have been found, they've been on his trail for several days, I just don't understand what went wrong. Seriously.

I guess the same could be said for little Deorr, except IMO they stopped searching too soon and haven't searched far enough out. It's just devastating, these poor babies. :cry:
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