Colborn and Lenk... a couple of questions for experts

a6 cut stain from driver's seat
a7 reddish/brown crusts recovered from the floor between center console and drivers seat.
a8 ignition
a9 questioned stain cut from the front passenger seat
a10 questioned stain recovered from black CD case
a12 stain from metal panel around the rear passenger door entrance

that is what I could figure out for his spots of blood that they were testing. They all tested positive for blood. Of these, a6 a8 a9 a12 had DNA isolated from them. The DNA was matched to SA (and later confirmed I believe). I will have to go back later and look at the other reports, but this is what I had hanging around on my desktop LOL
a6 cut stain from driver's seat
a7 reddish/brown crusts recovered from the floor between center console and drivers seat.
a8 ignition
a9 questioned stain cut from the front passenger seat
a10 questioned stain recovered from black CD case
a12 stain from metal panel around the rear passenger door entrance

that is what I could figure out for his spots of blood that they were testing. They all tested positive for blood. Of these, a6 a8 a9 a12 had DNA isolated from them. The DNA was matched to SA (and later confirmed I believe). I will have to go back later and look at the other reports, but this is what I had hanging around on my desktop LOL

I wonder about Item A9... Says front passenger seat. Wonder if they mean rear. that other spot next to the drip on the metal frame in the back rear passenger door?
I am not sure Mystic... but my brain hurt after trying to figure it out LOL Do we know for sure that 6 came back as confirmed SA's? I know that only 3 were sent to the FBI....

which reminds me.... someone pointed out elsewhere that the FBI didn't even do DNA testing to confirm they were testing SA's blood for the EDTA tests. I guess they just believed they were given the proper swabs. Thought it was interesting.
He got the plate number and said "99 Toyota" ... he never got the model or the color from dispatch.
Again, he could have only caught the tail end of the BOLO for the vehicle put out over the radio... Due to bathroom trip, away from the car on his portable and the transmission came over "broken" etc. Still not saying that NOTHING stunks in Suburbia-- but there are tons of reasons for that detail/question not being clarified.
I notice you ask a LOT of folks to LOOK for documents for you?

Are you reading about this case at all? ( Not being mean, truly interested? )
Where are the court document about the fingerprints recovered from the SUV?
I find his after the fact report writing extremely shady, especially when he was busted for it before in the law suit. You would think he would be a little more conscientious of it when a high profile case with SA comes up again. Bottom line they were dealing with SA and once again pulling the same tricks. No one behaved conscientiously. What is that supposed to tell the public?
Hindsight can be 20/20. If another agency was primary on the investigation and MCSO was simply assisting--- they were no doubt taking notes. I'm sure they started their own "assist outside agency" incident # for their agency-- but if nothing of significance was handled by a specific officer yet or no specific times had to be logged etc (that perhaps later became important or relevant) his narrative on the incident report simply may not have been necessary yet? A supervisor could have said "hey-- Since you were involved with A., B., C., D. there when the key was found!! etc.-- I'm going to need you to update the incident report with everything you've assisted with on the case.

Could be shady as well... but could also be procrastinator with the paperwork end of the job. It's usually everyone's least favorite part of police work.
You're a sweetie Missy

Always looking stuff up for everyone else :blowkiss:
I will have a look for the fingerprint dude's testimony lol I know I read it or part of it at some point, because I remember that he only fingerprinted what they sent him or something like that.... and the defense asked him if he fingerprinted any of the bullet casings that were recovered, and he did not because they weren't sent to him or he wasn't asked too IIRC. It seems like forever ago that I read that! LOL
The call ~ I don't believe that this call was a surprise at the trial. I would have expected the Prosecution to object, a sidebar, something without the jury to authenticate the call, something.... there was not, which leads me to believe they and Colburn knew it was coming, maybe didn't know the questions he would be asked. He didn't have a good, logical answer to why he made that call. IMO it's shady when you look at the totality of the case.

As for SA being identified early on in those phone records. It's shady. Even if they recognized the address.... SA was not the only one living there. If it had been labelled as Avery Salvage, or someone on Avery rd., but to specifically say SA? It could have been Charles... Barb... Steven... Allen ..... Delores, who else lived there? Dassey boys. So either someone was 100% absolutely aware that it was SA she was meeting that day (Autotrader, ex, friend), or he was being targeted. IMO I would imagine the report was done using the printout that the "friends" handed to the officers that responded to TH's residence, it had phone numbers, names, etc, and very shortly afterwards, Colburn was called and asked to go talk to SA, which he did. It's not like it was hours or days that LE had time to figure it out, they went from the information on her cell records that was handed to them.

RH ~ he was an unemployed, just finished school, was doing nothing else. He didn't give an alibi because he was never asked. I doubt he would be able to remember anyway.... he couldn't even remember what time of day he last seen his friend.

I agree RH should have been looked at big-time. As well as about 4 other potential suspects. I just don't think that RH saying "HEY!! STEVEN AVERY!!" is necessarily fishy when he figured out the address. He was in fact THE most well known Avery that lived there and was plastered all over the news. Could have been mere suggestion or suspicion on his part when he said to LE. I'm super suspicious of the whole cellphone password being "guessed" and him erasing messages as well. The particular detail of him using the name Steve Avery just doesn't personally set me off is all I'm saying. I can name a handful of addresses in my county that LE and civilians would immediately recognize as "so and so's address" despite the fact multiple relatives and fellow trouble makers ALSO live there in various out buildings, trailers, etc. The sheriff's office should have physically stayed OUT of the investigation IMO and truly "assisted" off scene. Listened to some recordings posted on here which were somewhat reassuring however. I hear them at least running criminal histories of other potential suspects. Hopeful that perhaps more was done behind the scenes as well?? Please?? :)
Here's the thing about Sg Colborn and I keep running this over in my head but the man was running for Sheriff. You know, the face of LE for the county, the job with probably the most paperwork. A shining example of a LE officer reaching the top of their field. Someone who is supposed to follow and enforce protocol to the letter. So here he is on day 1 of TH's disappearance and he is first to question SA. One of the last if not the last person to see her alive. There is no detailed report of his interview with SA or a detailed report of his walk through of the SA's property. No account of his findings. There's a small one written on June 29th nearly 8 months after the murder. Where's his detailed account, where's his notes on the interview or his transcript of the interview? At the trial he claimed he didn't consult his notes to write that late paperwork. One of the highest profile investigations of his career and the report is written 8 months later from his memory. I'm not going to sit here and give him another pass. I'm not going to slap my knee and saw awww gosh that old Andy late on his paperwork again. No Way. I'm going to suggest that on Nov 3rd 2005 he went to that interview with SA not caring about what his statement was because his mind was already made up that he was the guilty party. Then he inserts himself in the investigation and is suspiciously there when key evidence turns up. Now it's not up to KZ to solve the murder of TH, this may never been fully solved but it is her job to show police misconduct culminated in him not getting a fair trial. And I believe day one is a great place to start.
Justiceseeker ~ Just one small correction... AC didn't do a walk through of the trailer, it was the next day on the 4th, and I believe it was Remiker.

Also... of note.... On June 29th, he was going over his testimony with Kratz for an August pre-trial hearing (its in his testimony), my guess would be that Kratz told him to write up a report for November 3rd ASAP. JMO I still want to know if anyone saw the cut on his finger on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th when they talked to him.
Justiceseeker ~ Just one small correction... AC didn't do a walk through of the trailer, it was the next day on the 4th, and I believe it was Remiker.

Also... of note.... On June 29th, he was going over his testimony with Kratz for an August pre-trial hearing (its in his testimony), my guess would be that Kratz told him to write up a report for November 3rd ASAP. JMO I still want to know if anyone saw the cut on his finger on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th when they talked to him.

On the 11/5/05 interview with the Detective O'Neill- SA told him that there was a police search of his home on 11/3 thurs or 11/4 fri with his permission and his mother present. Was there any documentation or report of that search and what was found? O'Neill wrote a 5 page report of his interview yet Colborn wrote a couple of paragraphs 8 months after the fact. No one sees a discrepancy? In the trial Colborn says he didn't notice a cut on the finger. And by the by no one noticed a smoldering burn pit near his garage?
Re: Colborn's conversation with dispatch.

* LE from Cal. County passes info about the Rav 4 whilst he is on the road

*Because this information is related to a missing persons case, he uses a phone to verify details with dispatch so anyone with a scanner can not hear (for the record, SA just happened to own a scanner. )

The whole issue is a beatup by the defense.

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Nope, because IMO, Colborn had to wait and see how it was going to unfold.

No one knew, yet.

Day to day, things began to unfold.

You can't write a report based on events that haven't happened yet, JMO
Here's the thing about Sg Colborn and I keep running this over in my head but the man was running for Sheriff. You know, the face of LE for the county, the job with probably the most paperwork. A shining example of a LE officer reaching the top of their field. Someone who is supposed to follow and enforce protocol to the letter. So here he is on day 1 of TH's disappearance and he is first to question SA. One of the last if not the last person to see her alive. There is no detailed report of his interview with SA or a detailed report of his walk through of the SA's property. No account of his findings. There's a small one written on June 29th nearly 8 months after the murder. Where's his detailed account, where's his notes on the interview or his transcript of the interview? At the trial he claimed he didn't consult his notes to write that late paperwork. One of the highest profile investigations of his career and the report is written 8 months later from his memory. I'm not going to sit here and give him another pass. I'm not going to slap my knee and saw awww gosh that old Andy late on his paperwork again. No Way. I'm going to suggest that on Nov 3rd 2005 he went to that interview with SA not caring about what his statement was because his mind was already made up that he was the guilty party. Then he inserts himself in the investigation and is suspiciously there when key evidence turns up. Now it's not up to KZ to solve the murder of TH, this may never been fully solved but it is her job to show police misconduct culminated in him not getting a fair trial. And I believe day one is a great place to start.
Nope, because IMO, Colborn had to wait and see how it was going to unfold.

No one knew, yet.

Day to day, things began to unfold.

You can't write a report based on events that haven't happened yet, JMO

Here's the thing , in weigert's nov3 report, Colburns statements about what SA actually said about the TH appointment was inconsistent. I'd really like to have seen a transcript or notes or taped q&a.
Nope, because IMO, Colborn had to wait and see how it was going to unfold.

No one knew, yet.

Day to day, things began to unfold.

You can't write a report based on events that haven't happened yet, JMO
not sure how law enforcement works exactly but shouldnt you write down what is said during interviews regardless of how it pans out? you cant rely on your memory as all of these things wind up in court years later and you need to have a record of what was said.
Ideally it would be best to have recorded interviews, but even today that's often done back at the station and not at a crime scene. My comments are not about WI particularly, just in general based on what I've seen in recent years and cases.

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