Found Deceased WA - Cheryl DeBoer, 54, Mountlake Terrace, 8 February 2016 #4

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The bus stop near where she was found might be a tangent a bit. The whole reason that there are transit centers set up in the greater Seattle area is to bring the buses/people who are commuting to one central place to bus to popular routes (DT Seattle, for instance). The outlying bus stops typically take local riders (not to downtown) or they connect through the transit center and pick up other riders. It wouldn't be very logical for her to leave her car at a transit hub and then take a "non-express" bus to work.

Where the bus stop might be beneficial is that it could have provided a means for someone to get away. But it still doesn't resolve the question of how she would get there in the first place.

She got a ride with someone!
I think it had been raining. I lived in the area. When the weather is that way, people don't want to go for long walks on the way to work. I think we talked about it in the last thread.

In that area, the bottoms of your pants get wet because of all the rain and moisture on the ground.

But wasn't she goin a have to walk thru the wooded area or walk a ways around to get to the transit center? That too would've caused wet pants right? And if she was going through the path her pants would've gotten muddy too.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
Where was this car pool person waiting? And was he or she alone? Anyone see this person?
Was this person late for work ?
Could Cheryl have been with this person all along?

This is the last person to have contact with her.

Occams razor!
I would hope if there was a sexual attack LE would have had the courtesy to say so. but they did say the public was not in danger IIRC.
she was found fully clothed.

The fact that she was fully clothed does not mean that she was not assaulted.
I joined this group, was never welcomed aboard by members, probably because I am still the only holdout that thinks 'suicide' is a theory in this case. Reminder JMO.

I will repeat myself here…She was BRILLIANT, as portrayed by her family members, she worked in the medical field, she would know that water changes the decomposition of a body. JMO

Scenario: A woman 53/54 years of age, menopausal, is tired of doing the dutiful thing all the time…never missing days of school or work. Just plain old tired of the daily grind. Hides the way she feel for a very long, long time. She is in so much pain, it is excruciating 'inside' and she just wants release. Doesn't want to cause issues for the family, but just wants to end it. Her thoughts are to find relief from pain we can't understand. Plans this out and yes, walks. If you love to hike, this walk is nothing, you are so done! JMO


It's possible, but wouldn't someone have seen her walking along the road (morning work commute) before she crawled into a drainage ditch?
Maybe we got a hint at some evidence here.
The car pool person said Cheryl forgot her badge and was going home to get it and said she would take a bus. then said he or she would wait for her. Wouldn't the person offer to drive her to save time?

Then the family came out and said noo Cheryl had no intentions of taking a bus.

Could this be a clue?
Where was this car pool person waiting? And was he or she alone? Anyone see this person?
Was this person late for work ?
Could Cheryl have been with this person all along?

This is the last person to have contact with her.

Occams razor!

Be careful Eileen730
I already got spanked once for sleuthing the carpool person : )
Be careful Eileen730
I already got spanked once for sleuthing the carpool person : )

OH Why?
We don't know who it is and he or she is the last person to have contact with her.
And so far all that info has changed multiple times.
But thanks for the heads up!
If I'm not mistaken the "taking the bus" comment was retracted or corrected. CD did not offer to take the bus. Correct me if I'm wrong folks.
But wasn't she goin a have to walk thru the wooded area or walk a ways around to get to the transit center? That too would've caused wet pants right? And if she was going through the path her pants would've gotten muddy too.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

The shortcut path to the Park and Ride is pretty well maintained. She wouldn't have been walking on or through underbrush, but rather on packed dirt or gravel. Around the culvert, she would have been wading through vegetation- perhaps even blackberry bushes, which run rampant here at times. It would have been messy and wet.

I hate what I am about to say, but. For a lot of reasons, I don't think this was suicide. But if she had wanted to do that, why in the world would she have parked her car in its usual spot, set up an alibi of sorts, but one that would IMMEDIATELY alert her carpool that something was wrong, when she stopped texting? Her house is quite close to a very large, densely wooded park. If she HAD wanted to walk somewhere permanent, it was right there at hand. Why drive away, catch a local bus to retrace part of her drive, be dropped off at a relatively busy intersection 8 blocks away from the culvert, and walk along a well traveled road to get to the culvert. And climb through brush and whatnot in full view of commuters? (It would have been daylight by the time she arrived.) Into a nasty wet culvert on a cold damp morning. IMO it is just not feasible at all.

I know suicides can seem to act irrationally in the lead-up to their actions. But this just seems so very convoluted. IMO and all that jazz but it just doesn't work for me at all.

Let us also remember that it was reported somewhere - I have no link- that the local transit operators checked their bus cameras. No one spotted her on a bus.
Where was this car pool person waiting? And was he or she alone? Anyone see this person?
Was this person late for work ?
Could Cheryl have been with this person all along?

This is the last person to have contact with her.

Occams razor!

I don't know the answer to any of these questions but Stryker did say he believed his mom sent those texts and that the carpool person has been more than cooperative from the day one.
I am not sure, but I think I remember that the carpool had more than 1 other member. That means that the carpool folk are witnesses for each other. We have never had a comprehensive report of the texts to and fro but in my mind it went something like this:
CD: Hey, I've forgotten my badge I'm going back home for it, go on without me.
Carpool: How long do you think you'll be?
CD: Don't wait for me, I'll take the bus. (Phone powered down)
Carpool: If you are only going to be 10 mins we'll wait. (Sent but not received)
Carpool: It's 7:30 we can't reach you so we've had to leave...see you at work.
My husband and I drove through the area (by accident, oddly enough) last weekend. My question to him was, if he was on his way to work and saw someone walking at 7am, say, in a black jacket with a hood, along that road, would it stick out to him. He said no. If there was something distinguishing, like Cheryl's curly hair, I'm sure it would stand out. But I could imagine that she would be seen, but not "noticed".

I think we kind of tend to adopt similarities in this area when it rains or is wet. Seems we all have a northface type jacket and a hood. It makes us a bit tough to stick out of the crowd. the area does not have great sidewalks, but oddly, we noticed several people walking there, so I'm not certain it would be unusual.
Maybe we got a hint at some evidence here.
The car pool person said Cheryl forgot her badge and was going home to get it and said she would take a bus. then said he or she would wait for her. Wouldn't the person offer to drive her to save time?

Then the family came out and said noo Cheryl had no intentions of taking a bus.

Could this be a clue?

But what would be gained by the carpool person driving her home?
If it was to save CD's driving spot then the carpool person would lose her spot.

I'm presuming the carpool person was already in the transit center at this stage.
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