Found Deceased WA - Cheryl DeBoer, 54, Mountlake Terrace, 8 February 2016 #5

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and remember LE can lie like a dog and its perfectly legal even has been through the courts and they won they are allowed to do what it takes as in " it takes a crook to catch a crook" LOL

They lie to suspects when they're interviewing them. They rarely lie to the public unless it involves police misconduct.
Indisputably, Cheryl's husband went to work at 6:50AM. Cheryl left shortly thereafter. Her husband arrived at work on time as expected. Indisputably Cheryl was mid-texting at 7:02AM with her carpool when her phone was powered-down. The carpool was left hanging until 7:30AM, when they finally left without Cheryl.

The car was very likely unlocked, Cheryl was very likely distracted by her phone, and her car was seen in the location where it was found at 8AM that morning - one hour after her texting abruptly stopped.
I've never heard that her car was seen at 8am let alone in that location, where did you learn this?
I'll call this lunacy. The husband was seen on video leaving the house a few minutes before Cheryl (who was also seen leaving on video), showed up for work at his normal time, passed a polygraph, and has been cleared by LE. The son doesn't live nearby and has never been a POI.

When has there ever been so much evidence exonerating family and they were actually involved?

Hey I'm not saying hes a Suspect I'm just saying things can change as the investigation goes on.
Ya never know!
You keep saying her car was found at 8 am. I have seen multiple sources saying it was later that afternoon by Mr. Deboer - I guess I should cross those sources off my accurate list [emoji20]

I do know about 8 am what was witnessed...empty car space..but reports for the vehicle being 'found' are showing later that afternoon by Mr Deboer.

Someone else feel free to correct me as perhaps my sources are inaccurate [emoji20]

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What are your sources? This is the first I am hearing of this.
I've never heard that her car was seen at 8am let alone in that location, where did you learn this?

Posted upthread by Stryker. The person who parked behind her car said it was there when they parked at 8:00.
They lie to suspects when they're interviewing them. They rarely lie to the public unless it involves police misconduct.

And this could explain the silence by LE to the public!
They have not realyl said much of anything!
He said CD could be seen walking around corner to her car.

Sorry this was to confirm Plt's query above.

Thank you Pinklilies - I was going through each recent thread searching for that comment. And now it does void out my comment that she was not "seen" as it clearly states she was.
Passed a polygraph?

Has one been taken?
We don't know!
I think all I ever read was he clocked in at a certain time.
But does he have a job where u can leave?
I don't know

They say hes is not a suspect! I never said he was!
Look at the Teresa Sievers case.
Hubby was never even there but hired someone to murder her!
Things change as info is found!
Yes I would I think running would be the action of choice unless during the robbery there was a moment of recognition. Maybe the person realized who she was and could put a name to a face. In that moment of panic, fatal actions were taken but even at that ....why attempt to hide the crime? What type of person would feel the need to hide a stranger and not so well at that?
a person who had dna in the criminal system thing and didnt want his dna popping up?? or someone who wanted more time to escape and/or figure out a plan?
Has one been taken?
We don't know!
I think all I ever read was he clocked in at a certain time.
But does he have a job where u can leave?
I don't know

They say hes is not a suspect! I never said he was!
Look at the Teresa Sievers case.
Hubby was never even there but hired someone to murder her!
Things change as info is found!

Yes, LE has said he passed a polygraph, has been cooperative, left the house before Cheryl, showed up for work at the normal commute time, and is cleared as a suspect.
....whoever did this crime is not a "worker bee"somewhere. The person who did this crime has a level of depravity that does not allow them to function in society in that way. They did not pre-plan it, commit it and roll off to work or partner up with someone to go on a killing spree after work.....
I sort of agree with both of you, and disagree with both of you. I think this person may or may not appear normal to others, or they could be a drug user who doesn't have much going for them, or someone in the middle. I do not think this was two people, the chances of that are quite low, aren't they? Plenty of twisted horrid serial killers appeared normal to others. But we can agree to disagree.
If it was drowning or heart failure? Was she held under water? How could this happen in 18" of water? Where there drugs in her system that caused her to be incapacitated? Was there organ failure before of after the drowning? Seem tough to me.. Also still have a hunch that those "self inflicted" cuts were evident at the discovery of the body. Perhaps they were caused by an impaired person trying to get out of a culvert.
why do you think the water was only 18 inches?
Has one been taken?
We don't know!
I think all I ever read was he clocked in at a certain time.
But does he have a job where u can leave?
I don't know

They say hes is not a suspect! I never said he was!
Look at the Teresa Sievers case.
Hubby was never even there but hired someone to murder her!
Things change as info is found!

verbal gymnastics :)
I agree with you that it seems difficult to not know and I suspect the LE is just trying to buy more time...

but, let's say she was assaulted and there was trauma to the head and dropped into the culvert where she died from drowning. After a few days, LE or ME may not be able to tell if she was assaulted or incurred the head trauma from the fall that may have happened because she took too much Xanax or something. Rule out drugs and alcohol and no other suggestions of suicide and you can cross it off the list.

In 2014 I was following the Cory Barron case (young man went missing at a concert surrounded by thousands). He was found in a landfill as a result of being in the stadium trash chute. LE said no indication of foul play and the boards here were going crazy - a 225 lb man "accidentally" falling into a trash chute with no one to witness it - totally absurd. Here it is 2016 and I get an alert of an update. LE now says injury to head and ribs indicate foul play and all because a witness finally came forward saying an argument took place in her section between another young man and Cory. Cory was followed by that man and his friends. The witness has pictures of the people in her section. Why this person chose now to speak is beyond me but LE is now trying to locate those people and identified perhaps one person in the altercation. I sometimes think that if no witness comes forth and bumps/bruises are inconclusive - then the case will remain under "suspicion". I am hoping someone will step forward in Cheryl's case, but it goes to show that in a contained stadium of thousands - only one person was willing or able to tell what they saw otherwise the case would have stayed cold. We need that break here and soon.
why do you think the water was only 18 inches?

Been there :) didn't take a ruler...but close enough..wasn't over her head...

We went to a call last night of a female being assaulted while trying to get out of a car,” Edmonds police said in a Facebook post Sunday morning.

They did find this guy this morning. I can't believe how many of these we are seeing in such a short time and such a small area.

There was also a 12 year old who was followed the other day.

Don't know if either of these are related to Cheryl but I thought I would mention them.

I've had stalkers twice and been followed other times. I think it's way more common than you think. Sometimes people just get desperate, don't care and think others will cave into pressure or whatever. They believe they are entitled. Rape is very common by people known to victims, so why wouldn't attempted assaults and kidnappings by strangers? is shocking and hard to believe because we are better people and would never in a million years want to do such a thing to others.
It doesn't take a lot of water to drown.. if you are incapacitated and can't get out of it
Eighteen inches, eight inches. Doesn't matter
A bit off topic:
Yes. People do kill nice people of All ages.

Your post reminded me of the woman burned and her body and car found on Gold Camp road. She was 87 years old. She was a NICE LADY.


"Smith is accused of breaking into the home of Kathryn "Kit" Grazioli, strangling her in her bedroom and setting her body on fire at a trailhead on Gold Camp Road."

Please tell me they found who did that to her :(
why do you think the water was only 18 inches?

There are also pictures upthread by idfinch that give an idea of the stream. Doesn't show the exact depth and conditions may have been different but does give a good idea of what it's like.

It is post #629 of Thread 4 on 03-12-2016 at 5:54pm. I'd bring the pictures forward but it doesn't let me.
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