TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #14

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I've thought shirt tail and collar (white) peeking out also IMO.

And I know this is random, but I paused the video and saw this...yes, I know it's light reflections and the helmet, but all I can see is the face of evil...like when people saw "evil faces" in the smoke after the planes crashed into the towers on 9/11.

Creeps me out

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Yeah...she doesn't strike me as the guilty party either.

But people also didn't think sweet Teddy Ted Bundy was capable of what he did either...

Not saying she's guilty, but you can't mark anyone out because of how they "seem".

We all know that we post the image we want perceived on social media...
Regarding the object in the perps left hand, the mysterious rectangular, oblong object... my DH who has lived his whole life around the manufacturing / construcion / building/ industry said he thinks it's something wrapped or packaged, the white edges appear to be embossed, as in something is inside of that. It's so weird, the perp goes in one door, then comes out the other with that object in their hand. .... I know someone else had mentioned it was part of a window something or other... I'm wondering what would be the purpose of that?
I will say again- there are at least two in the affidavits in support of SW.
I'm in no rush to judgment. Like anyone who has ever worked with law enforcement, there are always obvious suspects to be ruled out when a married. woman is murdered. Especially when there are accusations of infidelities and financial difficulties.
If you don't think it's obvious, perhaps you just don't want to.
As I said, I am not saying he did it. I am saying that I keep going back to the obvious.
I've read quite a bit of negative discussion about a dead woman and her supposed multiple affairs and another woman who we have absolutely no evidence WHATSOEVER had any motive (we have no evidence that her husband had anything other than a working friendship with MB).
Yet nobody wants to discuss the only person with whom we KNOW MB had a troubled relationship.
Missy's family's silence is very important to me. They matter. Her children matter.
I'm gonna take a break from this until something new happens.

Respectfully, the search warrants state many things and multiple individuals. I personally could list many things about each one that could make them suspect to me. Does not mean that they are. JMHO I do not know that MB was the only one in her marriage having an affair, buy the wording of the SW. JMHO I think all are suspect until LEO tells me otherwise. I have not ever worked in LE but have family and friends that are. I have enough common sense to understand that there are always obvious suspects to be ruled out. That's what the investigation is for. Rumors /outside opinions don't help anything but muddy the water.

I stated that there is no OBVIOUS motive to me because it could be many things. And very possible nothing I could imagine. That is why the guessing game of who done it in this case is :pullhair: to me. Could be thousands of individuals. I trust LEO.
I really hope it's not CT

especially after watching the gender reveal video.
But people also didn't think sweet Teddy Ted Bundy was capable of what he did either...

Not saying she's guilty, but you can't mark anyone out because of how they "seem".

We all know that we post the image we want perceived on social media...

Right....but I suppose I have to explain why I feel the way I do.
I have been wrong so many times...but I don't think she has the physical strength and tenacity to do this crime.
Don't think she would be so brazen...not with all those kids at home.
And why would she be so incensed against Missy? I mean, women probably come on to her husband frequently.
I've seen his pictures with some nice looking ladies.

But heck...who knows? I think this is a puzzle we can't figure out at this point...
Perhaps. But some people were complaining that very little was said by her coworkers about her. So either that points to them liking her or not liking her. If it doesn't mean "dislike", then why rip apart AT and CT for not saying anything? Her own family hasn't, which makes AT and CT no different in that regard.
I get the impression she was well-liked (I'm a local).

When Missy was first murdered, many people changed their profile pictures and shared the news stories about her. Now that isnt happening as much. This is just my opinion, but I truly think that so little has been said by her coworkers because of their fear of losing business....
Regarding the object in the perps left hand, the mysterious rectangular, oblong object... my DH who has lived his whole life around the manufacturing / construcion / building/ industry said he thinks it's something wrapped or packaged, the white edges appear to be embossed, as in something is inside of that. It's so weird, the perp goes in one door, then comes out the other with that object in their hand. .... I know someone else had mentioned it was part of a window something or other... I'm wondering what would be the purpose of that?

My only competing thought is how was this video spliced together?

What pieces from what time stamps are in what order?

They could be throwing us all off by mixing up everything. To me, it looks like the last clip the perp is coming out of a classroom/room because of the trash can in the corner before the door closes.

There's no true telling by a citizen, except for the perp and maybe the family if they've seen the video, how it truly progressed. I think that's a trick of the LE and the perp, who may be proud of their work, might eventually come out and slip up with "that's not how it happened."
But people also didn't think sweet Teddy Ted Bundy was capable of what he did either...

Not saying she's guilty, but you can't mark anyone out because of how they "seem".

We all know that we post the image we want perceived on social media...

That certainly could be true; but then, that would hold for the victim MB, and for BB, RB, MT, etc. etc. etc. It's unfair to point to one person's social media posts and say "wow, she's very popular, sweet, bubbly, nice, well-liked, etc." and point to another's and say "wow, she really is pretending to be popular, sweet, bubbly, nice, well-liked", etc.

If social media doesn't give an overall valid picture of someone, that's like saying it's essentially useless for anyone in LE, on WS, or anywhere else to pick it apart - to "sleuth" it.

Personally, I don't think I've ever seen any of my FB friends pretending to be something they weren't. I just don't get the point. Most people DO befriend close friends and family, who would NOT be fooled by someone pretending to be different than they really were.
Right....but I suppose I have to explain why I feel the way I do.
I have been wrong so many times...but I don't think she has the physical strength and tenacity to do this crime.
Don't think she would be so brazen...not with all those kids at home.
And why would she be so incensed against Missy? I mean, women probably come on to her husband frequently.
I've seen his pictures with some nice looking ladies.

But heck...who knows? I think this is a puzzle we can't figure out at this point...

I slightly feel like we're all on a wild goose chase trying to figure out what and who is relevant and the police, wisely and methodically, throw out partial tips and hints - I think there's more to reading between the lines than it appears.

If something awful happened to me, I am sure you would hear nothing from my side of the family, other than a request for privacy. The other side would have little to say, except for the sister-in-law who would revel in her 15 minutes. Some people thrive on drama. Just an opinion that no-one asked for. :moo:
Right....but I suppose I have to explain why I feel the way I do.
I have been wrong so many times...but I don't think she has the physical strength and tenacity to do this crime.
Don't think she would be so brazen...not with all those kids at home.
And why would she be so incensed against Missy? I mean, women probably come on to her husband frequently.
I've seen his pictures with some nice looking ladies.

But heck...who knows? I think this is a puzzle we can't figure out at this point...

I agree; CT is young and pretty; that Mary Kay closeup of hers is stunning - especially her eyes. I don't see where she would have much to be jealous of in very many women.
That certainly could be true; but then, that would hold for the victim MB, and for BB, RB, MT, etc. etc. etc. It's unfair to point to one person's social media posts and say "wow, she's very popular, sweet, bubbly, nice, well-liked, etc." and point to another's and say "wow, she really is pretending to be popular, sweet, bubbly, nice, well-liked", etc.

If social media doesn't give an overall valid picture of someone, that's like saying it's essentially useless for anyone in LE, on WS, or anywhere else to pick it apart - to "sleuth" it.

Personally, I don't think I've ever seen any of my FB friends pretending to be something they weren't. I just don't get the point. Most people DO befriend close friends and family, who would NOT be fooled by pretending to be a different type of person.


I have quite a few people in my life who knew MB personally, but I did not. These are people I fully trust and respect.

Not knowing CT or anyone who personally knows her, it's hard not to be weary and rule out that ANYONE is on a definite "not the perp" list.
Another newbie here! This case has fascinated me from the day it happened! Being from Texas accounts for some of the interest, but mostly because I am a Mom! My heart aches for MB's kids, and any other kids who may have parents involved in this crime.Truthfully, I have made up my mind on what I believe, and a Mom of children who would be without her for the rest of their lives does not reseginate with me as a murderer! Although there are rumors of possible affairs and wrong doings, ( from both MB & BB ) how can we rectify the idea that it is enough for a seemingly good wife, Mom and someone who is extremely intelligent to throw her life away? On someone that is involved with her spouse?? I just do not buy it! On the other hand, I see where a marriage that is in trouble, financial worries, health issues, and perhaps realizing how much a divorce will cost them, could result in murder..... It happens all of the time. Many kill for much less! I believe the behavior of many in this case is questionable. In the first interview with BB, it went from NO interview to over 20 minutes of not knowing how old his wife was, not believing she was targeted, BUT what I found odd as well, is that I heard NO love for his wife come out of his mouth. Indifference and the statement, MY kids, not OUR kids!! When he spoke it did indeed sound rehearsed, as though he practiced all the way home! ( whether by plane or car) I'm sorry, but none of his family makes any sense ........RB, Mother, even Sister seemed so robotic when they spoke, as though they had also memorized their every word. Even if they were tired, in shock, grieving, and shattered, where was the REAL anger? In fairness, the sister showed some anger, stating she wanted the killer dead! But, the others showed zero hatred towards the perp! Where was the rage, I mean loud rage!! As far as how all of this crime transpired, I have some ideas, but everything seems so complicated, so back and forth, and it is so easy to confuse fact with fiction. One thing I do know is, three little girls have been robbed of their Mom, their protector, and the one who carried them for nine months under her heart! That is an unforgivable act that was committed by someone or for someone......and I pray for this monster to be brought to justice for Missy and her girls! God Bless and good night....

Everything is JMO.
Well, good for you, but I hope you never have the opportunity to show all of us the appropriate way to grieve when your spouse has been murdered and some people, even without any evidence whatsoever, continue to believe that you're guilty.

I already speak with a monotone (likely I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum, and that's part of it), and I would also be Xanax'd into oblivion. (I'm not saying that's healthy, just stating facts.)

WSers would describe me as showing little emotion and having flat affect, and possibly making odd statements. But I can assure you if something happened to my BF right now, it would destroy me utterly. We talk about Sharlene Bosma, the widow in another murder, and how strong she seems and how gracefully she is holding up, and I often think there's no way I could do what she does. I would be crumbling inside, and very flat outside.
Originally Posted by PoirotryInMotion View Post
Seems there must be a misunderstanding, then. Because if LE actually WERE looking for a Caucasian woman with a limp, why would they only tell those 2 reporters? Since they've been seeking the public's help in identifying swatperp, wouldn't they hold a press conference and alert the public that they'd narrowed the description down?

In my experience that's not usually how it works. Those reporters most likely have inside sources. Sources that they would get information from and tell a crime sleuthing website owner but never reveal or give away.

Most good reporters have inside sources at all levels of their local government- often times they have gone to school or college with these individuals even growing up in the same neighborhoods, attending the same churches or possibly even extended family- especially in small towns.

There is not really any much investigative reporting anymore by media. And I agree about your inside sources..

In this era of 24/7 news, problems are that most want to be the first to report... or BOMBSHELL ;) I know for a fact that LEO read here as well as reporters. Met some at a trial ;) Do not think that they don't read here and use information gotten from here to further their "investigative" work.. its a tool for them.

LEO/Judicial System is about the victim and catching the Suspect (s) of the crime.

Anyone else is about $$. (Unless your just following a case) Reporting -there is always an agenda. ALWAYS. You have to remember that. And a reporter from area are not unbias so you do not get a full story. Your going to get the story they want to tell.

My sleuthing here on this case or any other is just a hobby and JMHO
I agree; CT is young and pretty; that Mary Kay closeup of hers is stunning - especially her eyes. I don't see where she would have much to be jealous of in very many women.

I'm going to try to say this respectfully and it's not in relation to CT specifically but in general...

It's not always about jealousy due to physical appearance. It can be related to feelings of inadequacy in other areas of life. It can be related to time spent with a certain person. Time spent talking about someone else and the spouse/partner gets tired of hearing it. The person may feel lonely, isolated, inadequate, unsupported, alone...and they realize that someone else is getting from their spouse what they aren't getting. Does that make sense?

So often when people find out about affairs, friends/family will say, "But she's not as pretty as you!" Or "He's not as handsome as he is!" Comments about the physical attributes of someone are so prevalent, but in my experience and understanding of this topic, it's often not about the looks but more about gthe way the paramour makes them FEEL.

So the comment about CT not being jealous because she is a pretty woman- and she is- sort of falls on (my) deaf ears.
This. Missy's family's silence is deafening. To me that says everything.

Exactly what does it say to you? Since no one thinks alike, Missy's family's silence probably has quite a few meanings amongst we WS. I am being inquisitive and not snarky.

To me, it means they may suspect an in-law, so they are staying quite so an uproar is not created amongst the families. JMO.

Your thoughts may be 100% different from mine. This is why I am asking you how you see it.

My opinions only.
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