GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #4

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I looked up MM 7 & 8 and guesstimated the middle. There is no such thing as a .5 MM here as far as I know, unless Maui has gotten really MM happy.
So it's a wild jungle area in-between any of the scenic attractions in the guides, with some sharp turns and a gulch marked on the terrain. It's relatively far inland, lots of green. Kahalui side of the Garden of Eden and Waikamoi Falls and Kaumahina. It might be East Maui Irrigation (EMI) watershed land, not sure. I remember Brooke telling news interviewer the searchers were getting people with horses to search some of the EMI land and its private roads.

My spec is it would be a giant pain to search there, but the sharp turns might be a concern as they were looking into her possibly missing a turn and going off the road into thick vegetation.

"Kimberlyn Scott said she asked Capobianco when he last saw her daughter's headlights, and he said "it was at Ulalena." Because she would get that street confused with Ulumalu Road, she said she asked Capobianco to write down the name of the street.

"And I again pushed the pen and pad at him," she said. "He didn't verbally refuse. He just didn't pick it up."

She said she asked again, and again he didn't pick up the pen or write down the street name. "Then he told Brooke it was closer to Twin Falls," Scott said, referring to her daughter Brooke Scott, who was also at the home."


"Kimberlyn Scott told police that her daughter was pregnant and that Capobianco was the father of her child.

"At that time, when Phaedra and I were talking to the officer, we were literally hashing out where she might be," Scott said. "One of the things we agreed to was that Charli not telling us where she had gone was abnormal. The only person she would not want to tell us about seeing would be Steven."
Hi, don't know if I am missing something, but the link goes to a search with old videos of Kim. I cannot find any trial video.

Sorry, try this one:
Thanks, Kapua!
I misread your post in hope you meant there had been live stream, which I think it was said here takes a bigger crew. I did actually see this clip on the news last night. I wanted more, KHON. Everyone wants more.
As they presumably have more footage than that, could they not put a larger clip online?
Thanks, Kapua!
I misread your post in hope you meant there had been live stream, which I think it was said here takes a bigger crew. I did actually see this clip on the news last night. I wanted more, KHON. Everyone wants more.
As they presumably have more footage than that, could they not put a larger clip online?

Ah, sorry to be misleading. I should have said that KHON obviously has the camera, a camera operator, and a reporter in the courtroom on Maui; however, for reasons unknown, they are unable or unwilling to live stream (or even record more than a small sound bite of) critical testimony from the victim's mother.

Gnashing teeth here too.
it occurs to me that if her testimony were recorded, her daughters and others prohibited from discussing the trial could then watch her testify when the long ordeal is over, and they really deserve that and any other form of consideration.
Again, I'm sure it's logistics. Tracey Jones assists in the video dept in some manner but I don't remember what role she played. I also remember there was a courthouse tech guy that I saw - heard him kidding around with the attorneys. He was very involved in the cables and wires. It's certainly more complicated than we give them credit for. Thankfully Wendy Osher is doing an outstanding job in her recent reporting.

KHON has quite a mess on Oahu to cover, I think we can all appreciate the time they've dedicated to the trial so far.
Gnashing teeth here too.
it occurs to me that if her testimony were recorded, her daughters and others prohibited from discussing the trial could then watch her testify when the long ordeal is over, and they really deserve that and any other form of consideration.

I don't that's the issue, since both Fiona & Phaedra's testimonies were taped.
So what I heard is not a lotof new information in Kimberyn's testimony, however, Apo has really focused on attacking Kimberlyn's character, questioning her about previous marriages, etc. He also asked if she knew how many men Charlie had slept with, despicable. Not a surprise really. Kimberlyn's had a lot of opportunity to glare at SC, I don't blame her. From what I hear she has shown a lot of strength and dignity.
Please excuse the typos in the 2 previous posts
So what I heard is not a lotof new information in Kimberyn's testimony, however, Apo has really focused on attacking Kimberlyn's character, questioning her about previous marriages, etc. He also asked if she knew how many men Charlie had slept with, despicable. Not a surprise really. Kimberlyn's had a lot of opportunity to glare at SC, I don't blame her. From what I hear she has shown a lot of strength and dignity.

Thanks so much for the update Alohaj. I hate that Charli's mother and sisters had to endure this kind of treatment. But all it really says is "I need to distract the jury from the fact that my client is a liar, kidnapper, murderer, butcher, thief, and arsonist." IMHO.
I don't that's the issue, since both Fiona & Phaedra's testimonies were taped.

I don't think it's on purpose or anything. I think they used their resources on those who came first, instead of selecting more. I think it is great that Kim will be to watch Fiona and Phaedra. It's just unfortunate that those two will never get to see their mother and older sister testify, and Kim won't get to see Brooke and vice versa. Or any of them see Adam.

Unless things change ...
I really like watching the questioning itself. Information is wonderful, but it does not allow us to see it the way the jury and attendees do, so I'll continue to mourn the loss of live stream.
So what I heard is not a lotof new information in Kimberyn's testimony, however, Apo has really focused on attacking Kimberlyn's character, questioning her about previous marriages, etc. He also asked if she knew how many men Charlie had slept with, despicable. Not a surprise really. Kimberlyn's had a lot of opportunity to glare at SC, I don't blame her. From what I hear she has shown a lot of strength and dignity.
Ah, the old "if you are sexually active you can expect to get chopped up into pieces" morality tale. I can't see that having much sway in this time and place.
Meanwhile Steven had (has) a profile on one of those one night stand hook up randomly with strangers sites, totally sleazy site.
I forget, was over a year ago we talked about it. I went there and had to register to look at his profile, but in two minutes there was a creepy perv trying to chat me up, so I left fast and scrubbed my browser ...
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