Was BR involved? #2

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Fleet W. may know about this. Perhaps other parents' were warned by the R's not to let their pets be alone with B.R.

I apologize if this post offends anyone but I truly find it very very strange that a pet would be deemed to belong
to one child and not the other or at least be referred to as the "family dog."
He does have weird behavior that would easily suggest some kind of autism spectrum disorder, maybe Asperger's. He was allegedly receiving psychological care at a young age, even before JBR's death (source: Kolar's book). That "atypical" behavior as Dr. Phil refers to it, doesn't help him. This makes me think maybe, just maybe, it was BR who inflicted that first blow, some moment of rage of something (a toy, who knows).

Let's say for a moment it was BR who killed JBR with a blow to the head. What do you think should happen to him now (assuming such a thing could ever be proven)?
I don't think anything should happen to him now if it was him. It would still be a horrible thing that he did, but I don't feel like a child fully understands their actions, and especially if they have an issue like Asperger's. It appears he has stayed out of trouble since so whatever the trigger was seems to have been resolved or under control. I don't think he is the same person now that he was then. I would like to see him admit what he did and acknowledge that he has received help if he did do it.
Fleet W. may know about this. Perhaps other parents' were warned by the R's not to let their pets be alone with B.R.

I apologize if this post offends anyone but I truly find it very very strange that a pet would be deemed to belong
to one child and not the other or at least be referred to as the "family dog."
I'm not offended at all, just wanted to say when I was a child my dog was always called my dog because he would not go near any other family members. I don't know if Jonbenet's dog was the same way or not, but maybe it hated the other Ramsey's. If so it was a smart dog.
He does have weird behavior that would easily suggest some kind of autism spectrum disorder, maybe Asperger's. He was allegedly receiving psychological care at a young age, even before JBR's death (source: Kolar's book). That "atypical" behavior as Dr. Phil refers to it, doesn't help him. This makes me think maybe, just maybe, it was BR who inflicted that first blow, some moment of rage of something (a toy, who knows).

Let's say for a moment it was BR who killed JBR with a blow to the head. What do you think should happen to him now (assuming such a thing could ever be proven)?
That's a toughie. IF he has some kind of behavioural/mental issues, could it not be argued that those issues, combined with his age, would mean he would not fully understand the consequences of his actions? It's meaningless anyway because, even if he confessed tomorrow, he wouldn't be charged anyway due to his age at the time
stupid phone, deleted my post so am gonna make it shorter

1.IF he did it I wish they told the truth or SHUT UP.I hope that his shrink fixed him and I hope his loves ones prevent similar episodes from happening.

2.from what I saw so far...if he did it he wouldnt have had the guts to be confronted by dr.phil who must seem intimidating to nervous, childish people
3.the smiling....maybe he is nervous cause he has to stick to what he was told to...maybe thats why there is no emotion, too much rehearsal....yeah I can see him lie for someone else if coached but not for himself, he doesnt have the necessary self confidence

And asked about the drawing where he left off JBR and he shrugged and said 'don't know what was going through my head but she was gone'.
That was one of the most disturbing parts for me. "She was gone so I didn't draw her". Very matter of fact and doesn't suggest he was particularly concerned/upset by the fact she was gone, imo
That was one of the most disturbing parts for me. "She was gone so I didn't draw her". Very matter of fact and doesn't suggest he was particularly concerned/upset by the fact she was gone, imo

doesnt seem now either...*it is what it is* shrug
dr. phil says he asked him directly if he killed JB
oh i wanna see the body language , cause what comes out of his mouth could be poetry
Wow. I find that clip quite disturbing. To be fair, he may just be super nervous but I think there's more to it than that and I think Dr Phil alludes to it. Notice he makes a point of saying he works remotely, not in an office and is socially awkward?!

Your sister's murdered when you're 9 years old. Your mother has ovarian cancer. The international media stalks you and says you and/or your parents murdered your sister. Your parents isolate and seclude you, hiring body guards to protect you from the ever-present media and curiosity-seekers. Then your mother dies. Your whole life has been a freak show.

It would be pretty hard to seem "normal" after all that. I still don't get why he did this interview. It seems so exploitive and damaging and intrusive. And yes, of course I'll be watching. It is fascinating. But it's heartbreaking to me at the same time.
I'll never understand the staging that followed the blow to the head. If they'd sought help at that stage, I'm sure the vast majority of the public would have had a lot of sympathy for them. Burke wouldn't have even faced criminal action and he'd have got plenty of help for the issues he had. How on earth could you bring yourself to tighten a garrotte round your child's neck?
I completely forgot.....

what was his excuse not to go talk to police a few years ago??cant remember but I know Lin Wood told us.
guess its like parents, like son

doesnt talk to police but talks to the media
Your sister's murdered when you're 9 years old. Your mother has ovarian cancer. The international media stalks you and says you and/or your parents murdered your sister. Your parents isolate and seclude you, hiring body guards to protect you from the ever-present media and curiosity-seekers. Then your mother dies. Your whole life has been a freak show.

It would be pretty hard to seem "normal" after all that. I still don't get why he did this interview. It seems so exploitive and damaging and intrusive. And yes, of course I'll be watching. It is fascinating. But it's heartbreaking to me at the same time.
Without meaning to sound harsh, I don't think he was "normal" before this. He seems to have been exhibiting disturbing behaviour prior to this.

Police in Boulder, Colorado, want to talk to the older brother of JonBenet Ramsey, the 6-year-old girl slain at home on Christmas night 14 years ago, the Ramsey family's attorney said.

Supporters of the family call it harassment. The brother, Burke Ramsey, has no interest in once again answering questions he has answered for many investigators many times, said the attorney, Lin Wood, of Atlanta, Georgia.

But police will have to keep waiting. Wood says his client has declined their latest request to talk.
Maybe now he is willing to talk?
He did warm up with dr. Phil , no?
I wish Dr Phil would ask 'did you HURT your sister that night' because JMOO I don't think he killed or murdered her. I have always thought he hit her but she may of lived if parents called 911 for help instead of this big staging. I blame PR & JR. Covering everything up. Siblings do get into some big fights. My husbands sister threw a high heel at him and they covered up the injury by him going to a friends house, got stiches by saying he was hit by a baseball..............things like that happen............
put him now in the same room with Michael Kane and send Lin Wood for coffee....I BET he wont be telling what he remembers with that SMILE on his face!
I TOTALLY understand now why they advised him to refuse talking to police.He would instantly crack IMO
You have to wear gloves with a 9 years old but interrogating an adult is totally different.He wouldnt handle it.No way.



For a long time the media
basically made our lives crazy.

It's hard to miss the cameras and news trucks
in your front yard and we'd go to the supermarket
sometimes and there'd be a tabloid, you know,
with my picture, Jonbenet's
picture, plastered on the front.

They would follow us around...

Seeing that as a little it's just kind of chaoitic

So I was pretty skeptical of, like any sort of media.

Like, it just made me a very private person.

As to why I'm doing it now

...[?]Twentieth Anniversary and apparently
there's still a lot of attention around it.
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