The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18

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Question of the day...where did Jr go for 1.5 hours during the siege? moo


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    TCOJR sharpie under foam of phone.jpg
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Okay then I object to the word "murder." Murder requires intent. The only intent was to cover this up and try to make it look like something else. That's heinous, absolutely, but the actual striking of the head was not murder, in the legal sense.

Finishing her off with the garrote was murder - that was no accident.


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    Ramsey JBR spot on arm enlarged.png
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As another poster stated, I think they knew the maglite was the weapon. It was wiped clean and placed on the table in hopes that one of their many friends would handle it. Further directing attention away from the house.
But he's never spoken of details publicly, correct? I'm a supporter of FW, btw. I've just been thinking about how the Ramseys managed to keep details about the family and their past so quiet.

And the rest of the friends spoke to no one?

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I only started understanding this case more recently but I read somewhere (and I am not sure where now) that Fleet White said he did not do any interviews because he thought one day he would be called to testify in court and did not want to jeopardize that, but then that day did not come.
I believe Burke was too close to turning ten, and it would have been the judges prerogative, given special circumstances...the sexual aspect and strangling with a tool designed for killing.

Some children are tried as adults, even...I am sure Jr was advised of being only several weeks from his tenth birthday. Imo

Burke was too young to be held criminally responsible for anything. No facts and no person, not even a judge, could change this.

That being said, JR and PR probably had no idea that night what would happen to Burke if LE determined he killed or grievously hurt his sister. They were probably concerned he'd be taken away from them at a minimum.
Well, I may be alone, but I think Spitz did an incredible job in explaining how the head injury and the force/velocity of the blow would send shock waves throughout the brain and JBR would have been brain dead from the blow. Also, I am glad that both he and Lee made it clear that not a tremendous amount of force was needed to make that injury - a child could have done it and in fact we saw a child deliver a very similar blow to a model of a child's skull which we learned is not nearly as hard as that of an adult.

So all the nonsense about how this injury had to have been done by an adult was debunked.

It was also very interesting that Spitz opined that the cording was completely unnecessary. The wrist cords were loose and obviously placed after the child was struck on the head otherwise she could have taken them off easily. The strangulation was unnecessary as the child was already brain dead and her shallow breathing and faint heart beat could have been stopped with hands. No 'garotte' was required, it was staging to make the entire death look like something it wasn't.

'We're not talking to you."
"What did you do? Help me, Jesus."
"What did you find?"
"We've called the police, now what?"

At last, the R's lies are being publicly exposed. It has been a long time coming. We have always known everything that this series has revealed thus far but it is nice to hear some experts affirm what we have always believed.

It was very telling that Judith Phillips and Kim Archuleta were reduced to tears while talking about JBR but the 2 remaining family members who were there at the crime scene were smiling and nonchalant about their memories.

If LW wants to sue anyone, he should sue BR for telling everyone that he went downstairs after everyone was asleep because this was truly the only 'new' info we got and it came from DP's show which LW approved. I understand that LW was in a tweeting frenzy last night during the show. I must say that I find that behavior to be so unprofessional and done is such poor judgment that it should raise concerns for anyone who is his client.
Any chance this will make it to youtube? Or vimeo? Every link posted so far is region blocked,
Can anyone please give their thoughts on where JR was when he went missing for about an hour after the body was discovered? I think I have missed this information before. Thanks.
Actually he was nowhere to be found for a while before, not after, JB's body was found. Some have theorized that JR was moving the body into the WC, or to a different spot in the WC and perhaps doing some additional staging. There are threads on this subject.
It's odd that he was allowed to vanish for so long and nobody found it strange ?!

You would of thought he would be offering comfort to his wife and supporting each other at such a critical time.
Not sure if someone else has already posted this, so please forgive if this a duplicate -- but I checked the ratings for the CBS show last night and here is some GREAT news, folks -- looks like the CBS documentary beat out the Emmy's and Sunday Night Football -- which no one predicted. That is AWESOME because it means that millions of people got exposed to some real experts talking about the real facts of the case -- YAY!!!!

Here is the info (which I'm pasting from the Hollywood Reporter site):

"Among Emmy counter-programming, the NFL was the biggest. Sunday Night Football, down from the same game in 2015, was the primetime winner — but CBS overrun topped them all. For that reason, the surprise winner of the night might in fact be the network's two-part opening for The Case Of: JonBenet Ramsey. Fast Affiliate ratings have CBS' true-crime event series bowed to 10.3 million viewers and a 2.1 rating in the key demo. It held remarkably steady from the first hour to the second, barely losing any audience."
I just finished watching. BR will be named I think. PR and JR covered it up and protected BR because they were scared of what secrets he might share about what went on in that house. Clearly JBR had been abused in the past and it wouldn't surprise me if BR was acting out things done to him on his sister and it snowballed. J and P HAD to cover for him to protect the abuser.

All my opinion etc.

That seems huge to me. 1st. amendment aside, I see a lawsuit in their future. What if he didn't do it? Then it becomes an unspeakable injustice to pin this on him in such a public manner.

I have been RDI for almost 20 years, I cannot believe I am feeling this.
I'm just amazed that the R's were able to control every aspect of this case from the start. I thought the conversation with the gardner when he speaks of Patsy telling him OJ got away with murder (In this country you can actually get away with murder) was

The gardener's interview just made me suspicious of the gardner. He was way too happy to be interjecting his two cents into the conversation and may have been heavily coached to say certain things. I am still thinking that John and Patsy could have been set up. The ransom note is just too rediculous, and obviously implicates them! I could almost imagine Burke writing "Listen carefully!" and throwing a practice note into the trash and leaving it there, before believing two distraught parents, who are trying to point the blame on an intruder, would write such an unbelievable ransom note.
It's odd that he was allowed to vanish for so long and nobody found it strange ?!

You would of thought he would be offering comfort to his wife and supporting each other at such a critical time.

They said last night that they were basically told to treat the family with "kid gloves;" unfortunately, this led to a lot of lost time and contaminated evidence.
It's odd that he was allowed to vanish for so long and nobody found it strange ?!

You would of thought he would be offering comfort to his wife and supporting each other at such a critical time.

Every account I have read says that JR and PR never even talked to each other much less console each other. Very strange. Most of the ones there said they were very cold to each other
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