Trial - Ross Harris #6

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And you know for a fact he didn't walk because he was too tired or maybe it was just because Ross was playing super daddy and wanted to show him off. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was smart enough to pick him up instead of letting him walk by himself in a parking lot

Look up the definition of "subjective."
And you know for a fact he didn't walk because he was too tired or maybe it was just because Ross was playing super daddy and wanted to show him off. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was smart enough to pick him up instead of letting him walk by himself in a parking lot

I also remember at least one day where JRH carried Cooper into day care and Cooper's eyes were wide open.
Boring is now cross-examining Taylor.

In 2014, Taylor was interviewed by a defense investigator about the trip to Cooper’s great grandmother. Taylor said she didn’t remember parts of the interview and admitted her memory may have been better back then than now, two years later.

But, she pointed out, she was under duress in 2014. “We were all in shock. We lost our baby.”

In 2014, she didn’t tell him about the trip back from Cooper’s great grandmother, just her trip to there.
They had gone about a half mile from her house to the highway when Cooper fell asleep, Taylor said. Boring pointed out that Taylor testified she hadn’t heard a peep out of Cooper almost the entire trip.

But, she said, he fell asleep soon after leaving from her house. “It was quick.”

You’re assuming because he wasn’t making any noise that Cooper was asleep within that half mile, Boring said. No, Taylor said. She’s confident he fell asleep almost immediately.
Recess for the day, resume 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Court is in recess until 8:30am tomorrow.

I don't know about anyone else, but the last three or four witnesses were a pain to sit through. It's hard to give them credibility when it's obvious that they are all there with the same agenda and narrative which is to protect JRH and defend his (now discredited) reputation as a family man. It's even harder to take them seriously when they are non-responsive to prosecutor questions, and Mr. Boring has to ask the same question at least three different ways to get even the vaguest response from them.
So Ross needs to hear Cooper in order to not forget him?
Eh, I wouldn't put a ton of stock in Leanna's mother's testimony. It seemed like she was trying to tailor her testimony to help the defense - to the point of being stubborn.
#8. Cooper was wide awake.... That's very subjective. If you've seen the videos of Cooper entering daycare, when Cooper was wide awake he WALKED. Teachers said he revelled in being able to do so. At no time in CFA videos do we see Cooper walking. He was always carried by Ross, even after the sugar of OJ, etc. others seem to think would have increased his alertness.

As for how quickly he fell asleep IF he did. He wouldn't have needed to be asleep, just not talking, etc. in that time frame of Ross exiting CFA lot to Uturn. Quiet, drowsy, asleep, 9:18-9:25.

Oh that's not subjective. That's fact. It's right on tape. His head was up. Upright, not laying on his dad's shoulder. He wasn't snuggling against his dad. He was sitting upright as well. His body not curled up against his parent, like sleepy kids do, but his trunk up and on his own. Eyes open. That's 100% wide awake. Not subjective. We all know a drowsy kid when we see one. That wasn't at all drowsy.
Why would LH's mom have a reason to cover for Ross? I'm confused? Why would LH or anyone else for that matter?
Court is in recess until 8:30am tomorrow.

I don't know about anyone else, but the last three or four witnesses were a pain to sit through. It's hard to give them credibility when it's obvious that they are all there with the same agenda and narrative which is to protect JRH and defend his (now discredited) reputation as a family man. It's even harder to take them seriously when they are non-responsive to prosecutor questions, and Mr. Boring has to ask the same question at least three different ways to get even the vaguest response from them.

In all fairness, Boring does not ask clear questions that can easily be answered with a yes or no. Many of his questions do seem like he is trying to trick the witness or put words in their mouths ....and many are just awkward, fumbling questions.
Why would LH's mom have a reason to cover for Ross? I'm confused? Why would LH or anyone else for that matter?

I think they are just distrustful of the state, and for good reason IMO
Skipping ahead to #18, because it's easiest and shortest.

Ross did not tell the guard he was going to the movies. That testimony wasn't truthful.

Can you point me to the proof of that? The testimony of the guard? TIA.
LOL I have tried that before too. Works sometimes not always *for me lol

For me the trigger is not the 'doorway'. I find I often have to go right back to the spot where I first had the though that I needed (name of thing). kind of like when you're looking for something you lost, you go back to when you last 'saw' it. Not so much the doorway as the route you took.
Judge said given the time and the circumstances...ended court early for day about 10 til 4 local court time. What circumstances? TIA
Quote Originally Posted by Hope4More View Post
Skipping ahead to #18, because it's easiest and shortest.

Ross did not tell the guard he was going to the movies. That testimony wasn't truthful.
Can you point me to the proof of that? The testimony of the guard? TIA.

That was HD Security Wesley Houston. His testimony has been impeached. [video=youtube;Cb3TZAWjsxE][/video]
Judge said given the time and the circumstances...ended court early for day about 10 til 4 local court time. What circumstances? TIA

Could be anything from Def. having no further witnesses available to bad weather heading their way?? Why not give the jury some extra time off to unwind??
The testimony from Leanna's mom was the big surprise for me today. I thought she was going to be a great witness for the defense. I thought she would be very sympathetic. She came across as almost bullish and I find her testimony a wash. I don't think her testimony carries any weight. I did not expect that.
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