
Omg, And the unsubstantiated page six point?
That it somehow discredits a powerhouse speech? Really?

If you want to see some powerhouse speeches with substance, turn on CSPAN and watch members give speeches on the floor of Congress. Follow a campaign, go to some political rallies. You'll see lots of them. Some good, some not so good, some excellent.

Remember, it's best not to judge quality by what someone says, but what they do. Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you do.
We don't need any more unqualified, inexperienced candidates whose primary qualification is that they can buy their own billion dollar campaign to get in office. We've already had enough of that in the last 20 years.

No. I don't need any more millionaires or billionaires cutting my Social Security and Medicare.

Oprah sounded great to some people because she read a speech someone had written on national television during prime time. She was acting. That's it. Acting. Why oh why do some voters (and yes, you're in the minority) think that good acting skills are a qualification to hold the most powerful public office in the world?

It's become such a problem that in recent years, POTUS candidates travel to Hollywood (or have advisors come to them) to teach them acting skills. There are actually intensive, weeks long classes they take. Just no. This has to stop.

That is a valid review. And I am sure many feel this way, too.

However, I disagree. Oprah writes her own speeches, and makes her own endorsements.

That she made such an impact over the past couple of days is good news to me, whether she runs or not.

Might even have to call it 'the Oprah factor' .
(Didn't see her speech, just sayin, that woman has influenced me like no other. She has been my hero for almost 30 years!!)
If you want to see some powerhouse speeches with substance, turn on CSPAN and watch members give speeches on the floor of Congress. Follow a campaign, go to some political rallies. You'll see lots of them. Some good, some not so good, some excellent.

Remember, it's best not to judge quality by what someone says, but what they do. Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you do.

I agree. And I see no links or examples to substiante the point.

So, I'll toss it into the trash heap of those who never do, but always criticize.
Well, there was also and article. But if you need another here's one, this time from November 2017:

Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me


I don’t see anything in this article that implicates Oprah. I am sure she knows all kinds of people.

I know all kinds of people who I have been at parties where I have been. Some are despicable but that does not mean that I have anything to do with them.
If you want to see some powerhouse speeches with substance, turn on CSPAN and watch members give speeches on the floor of Congress. Follow a campaign, go to some political rallies. You'll see lots of them. Some good, some not so good, some excellent.

Remember, it's best not to judge quality by what someone says, but what they do. Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you do.

The Candidate I think is an old movie that shows exactly how the political world works. I don’t think it is any better than Hollywood. Politicians go into Congress poor and come out millionaires. How does that work?

Oprah has done a lot of good in the world. She is smart. Hopefully incorruptible.
That is a valid review. And I am sure many feel this way, too.

However, I disagree. Oprah writes her own speeches, and makes her own endorsements.

That she made such an impact over the past couple of days is good news to me, whether she runs or not.

Might even have to call it 'the Oprah factor' .

Being able to write a speech is not a qualification to serve in the highest office in the US.

The speech had a positive affect on some people (most likely those who don't follow politics or understand public policy and governing) because it was delivered by a celebrity during prime time at an event millions of Americans were watching. It was then covered endlessly by the news media the next day.

None of that means anything, it's really insignificant. Just because someone is wealthy, powerful and has access to a wide audience doesn't make them a good leader, a politician or even an honest person.

Better to focus on the leaders in the real world who are skilled and experienced and aren't millionaire celebrities.
The Candidate I think is an old movie that shows exactly how the political world works. I don’t think it is any better than Hollywood. Politicians go into Congress poor and come out millionaires. How does that work?

Oprah has done a lot of good in the world. She is smart. Hopefully incorruptible.

Again, a Hollywood movie doesn't represent the real world.

I actually know a lot of politicians who served in Congress and other levels of public office who did excellent work and never got wealthy. They returned home with what they had when they left.

Granted, that's increasingly rare these days but it can be reversed. Get money out of politics. We've done it before, but the laws and regulations gradually were weakened again. Time to do it all over again. Overturn Citizens United. Make elections publicly funded with limits on how much money is spent and how long candidates are allowed to campaign.

England does it, so we can, too.
Oprah is CLOSE friends with Harvey Weinstein. As in, she knew what he did and helped shuffle women his way who wanted career gains. She spent a lot of time with him. She used her show as a platform for celebrities to promote their careers and ridiculous fake relationships. Including celebs who are known abusers. She is part of the problem, not the solution. I can not believe how many people think celebrities are hollier than thou. The media and the entertainment industry is the fakest thing out there.

Oprah is not going to be the one to the systematic abuse of children in Hollywood or the world, she is part of the cycle.

Holy moly, I just Googled “Oprah is CLOSE friends with Harvey Weinstein” WOW! I don’t know what to say. WOW! This story and photos remind me of Meryl Streep and many others applauding Roman Polansky and Woody Allen. I see a different Oprah today, very sad! Hollywood really does not care about children.
Holy moly, I just Googled “Oprah is CLOSE friends with Harvey Weinstein” WOW! I don’t know what to say. WOW! This story and photos remind me of Meryl Streep and many others applauding Roman Polansky and Woody Allen. I see a different Oprah today, very sad! Hollywood really does not care about children.

To be fair, there are very powerful criminals and perverts in Hollywood who are close to people on both Team Red and Team Blue.

For example, Treasury Secy Steve Mnuchin has been friends and business partners for years with Bryan Singer, a director known for raping young boys and teens.


High quality politicians should keep their distance from Hollywood.
I'll always remember Stedman Graham's interview back around 2011. In the interview he actually called Oprah "a prophet" while lambasting Chicagoans for not giving Oprah the recognition and reverence she deserved.
After that, I never looked at Oprah the same. Her silence regarding Stedman's diatribe spoke of her approval.

It's obvious she is surrounded by some people who's worship of her is bordering the ridiculous. And it's utterly repulsive to actual martyrs who put their lives on the line every day around this globe to make life better.

And so it goes...You are the company you keep.
Trump: I’d ‘beat Oprah’ in 2020 presidential match-up
by Adam Edelman

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would beat Oprah Winfrey in any prospective 2020 presidential faceoff — and that such a race would "be a lot of fun."

"Yeah, I'll beat Oprah. Oprah would be a lot of fun. I know her very well," Trump told reporters following a bipartisan gathering of congressional leaders in the White House cabinet room.

"I like Oprah," he said. "I know her very well." ...

Oprah was used by Harvey Weinstein as BAIT for his perversions. IMO, Oprah needs to dig deep and "OWN" that publicly before she goes out lecturing everyone else.

There is no way, IMO, she didn't know about HW's perversions, and like all the others, she was happy to keep quiet about it while others were victimized. She's just another Hollywood hypocrite where sexual harassment and coercion are concerned, IMO.

The fact remains that Harvey Weinstein's takedown could not have happened under an Obama or HRC presidency. If HRC was president, the HW story would NEVER have come to light. NEVER. Oprah needs to "OWN" that, too.

Oprah is a nice lady, very talented entertainer and actor, who has made a lot of good movies, impressively grown her multifaceted business, commands attention with her eloquent and inspiring words, and has a profitable and celebrated Hollywood history. She's first and foremost, and ENTERTAINER and an ACTOR. She does not belong in politics, IMO. And BECAUSE of her "OWN" success, she was USED as BAIT by HW. She was complicit, IMO. She KNEW about him, and not only did nothing to stop him, but acted with him in a "power" relationship to lure in more victims for HW. And NOW she wants to pretend she knew nothing?? Really? We're all supposed to believe she was THAT stupid and unaware? Please. Just no. Time's up. Go away, Hollywood hypocrites.

IMO, all these awards shows need to be *private affairs*, and not televised. Let them have all the awards and presentations and preening and statues and speeches they want, but keep it *off* the public airwaves. Or make it PPV.

The more I hear celebrities opine and rant and rave about any topic EXCEPT entertaining, movies, and their art, the more I lose respect for them, and the more I think twice about whether I want to see their TV shows or movies. They come across as arrogant and tone deaf uneducated bullies, dripping with hypocrisy in their multi-thousand dollar "protest" dresses. I don't think they have anything relevant that they should say about social issues or politics outside their own circle of family and friends, and in private. I don't think they should be given a public platform on the airwaves to talk about things like that. They're entertainers. That's what they do. That's what they know. That's what they should talk about, if they talk in public at all. Arts and entertainment, only. What dress someone is wearing, the brand of their lipstick, their role in a movie, etc.

It's the deep, ugly, oily sludge of their own hypocrisy they swish their designer dresses thru that I just can't get beyond. They're up to their eyeballs in the sludge of hypocrisy these days. Hard to respect any of them.

Oprah is "beloved" right now, but if she steps into national politics, immediately half of the country will turn against her because of her political ideologies. Seventy percent of those polled do not want her to run for a national office.

Here's a couple of nice op eds in very liberal publications:


As FiveThirtyEight’s Harry Enten noted on Twitter, Winfrey is a popular figure. A 2017 Quinnipiac University poll found that 52 percent of American voters, including 72 percent of Democrats, view Winfrey favorably, versus 23 percent who do not, or just 7 percent of Democrats.

That being said, voters aren’t entirely sold on her making a bid for the White House: that same poll found 21 percent of voters want her to run, while 69 percent do not.


I agree, everyone needs to address the issue, but the entertainment industry seems to have a stronger history of child abuse. From the beginning, it attracts children and parents to the profession. Its the only one I can think of where children are workers in an environment controlled by adults. The stories of child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry are legion, shocking,horrific. It's a unique environment, unlike any other workplace and there are very few standards in place to protect kids.

Some of the abusers like Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer have been temporarily flushed from the system, but there are many more still working in the business. Many former child actors have begun to talk about the problem and they need support and encouragement. Some of their stories point to very well known directors, producers, etc.

I'm not sure how other businesses can help with this problem unless they encourage advertising boycotts. Yes, government can and should do more to stop it. Is anyone aware of another profession where many children work routinely with adults, with little or no supervision? Other than the education system, where there is a lot of oversight, I can't think of any.

Agree wholeheartedly, about Hollywood child actors, and many parents just didn't see it, or trusted someone to watch over the child and that person was not trustworthy, but I can think of two, and it shouldn't be that way. Youth leaders/coaches of almost any designation. They say; I love kids! I want to head up the youth retreat, or coach your child!, and everyone just thinks they're dandy. The Olympic coaches I learned about, recently, were jaw dropping. As for Oprah 2020? Nopers.
If you want to see some powerhouse speeches with substance, turn on CSPAN and watch members give speeches on the floor of Congress. Follow a campaign, go to some political rallies. You'll see lots of them. Some good, some not so good, some excellent.

Remember, it's best not to judge quality by what someone says, but what they do. Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you do.

CSPAN. I don't watch it often, but, I've seen some good stuff on there.
Trump: I’d ‘beat Oprah’ in 2020 presidential match-up
by Adam Edelman

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would beat Oprah Winfrey in any prospective 2020 presidential faceoff — and that such a race would "be a lot of fun."

"Yeah, I'll beat Oprah. Oprah would be a lot of fun. I know her very well," Trump told reporters following a bipartisan gathering of congressional leaders in the White House cabinet room.

"I like Oprah," he said. "I know her very well." ...


He'd first have to beat whoever goes up against him, in his own party, in 2020, before he could beat OW. That said, OW would have to beat out her opponents, in her party, to get the nomination, too. I just don't see either of them coming in as the final two on the ballot in 2020 (at least I hope not). Of course I didn't foresee the two in the 2016 match-up, so who knows, anything could happen.
Oprah was used by Harvey Weinstein as BAIT for his perversions. IMO, Oprah needs to dig deep and "OWN" that publicly before she goes out lecturing everyone else.

There is no way, IMO, she didn't know about HW's perversions, and like all the others, she was happy to keep quiet about it while others were victimized. She's just another Hollywood hypocrite where sexual harassment and coercion are concerned, IMO.

The fact remains that Harvey Weinstein's takedown could not have happened under an Obama or HRC presidency. If HRC was president, the HW story would NEVER have come to light. NEVER. Oprah needs to "OWN" that, too.

Oprah is a nice lady, very talented entertainer and actor, who has made a lot of good movies, impressively grown her multifaceted business, commands attention with her eloquent and inspiring words, and has a profitable and celebrated Hollywood history. She's first and foremost, and ENTERTAINER and an ACTOR. She does not belong in politics, IMO. And BECAUSE of her "OWN" success, she was USED as BAIT by HW. She was complicit, IMO. She KNEW about him, and not only did nothing to stop him, but acted with him in a "power" relationship to lure in more victims for HW. And NOW she wants to pretend she knew nothing?? Really? We're all supposed to believe she was THAT stupid and unaware? Please. Just no. Time's up. Go away, Hollywood hypocrites.

IMO, all these awards shows need to be *private affairs*, and not televised. Let them have all the awards and presentations and preening and statues and speeches they want, but keep it *off* the public airwaves. Or make it PPV.

The more I hear celebrities opine and rant and rave about any topic EXCEPT entertaining, movies, and their art, the more I lose respect for them, and the more I think twice about whether I want to see their TV shows or movies. They come across as arrogant and tone deaf uneducated bullies, dripping with hypocrisy in their multi-thousand dollar "protest" dresses. I don't think they have anything relevant that they should say about social issues or politics outside their own circle of family and friends, and in private. I don't think they should be given a public platform on the airwaves to talk about things like that. They're entertainers. That's what they do. That's what they know. That's what they should talk about, if they talk in public at all. Arts and entertainment, only. What dress someone is wearing, the brand of their lipstick, their role in a movie, etc.

It's the deep, ugly, oily sludge of their own hypocrisy they swish their designer dresses thru that I just can't get beyond. They're up to their eyeballs in the sludge of hypocrisy these days. Hard to respect any of them.

Oprah is "beloved" right now, but if she steps into national politics, immediately half of the country will turn against her because of her political ideologies. Seventy percent of those polled do not want her to run for a national office.

Here's a couple of nice op eds in very liberal publications:




What about the big bucks outfits of the present FLOTUS as well as her lack of outfits in the past? Should she be reviled?

Oprah has done a lot of charity. That does not count? Other well to do cover their stuff in gold. Is that better?
I would vote for Oprah so fast it wouldn't even be funny...
Everyone who is complaining about child sex abuse.

I have a suggestion. There are organizations that raise money because they need it. They interview children who have a potential sex abuse situation.

I imagine there are plenty of sex abused children in teen shelters. Find out what they could use. Girls probably need feminine products.

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