CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #4

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I can’t find it ... does anyone recall where this CBS report has been posted (last thread or earlier?) or can be found online?

thank you for clearing up some of my confusion, Doghairrules. I will keep looking because I must have missed that one.
Just keep reading. It's posted again, as well as clarification.

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Taken me days to catch up. Just a couple of thoughts since the DVD collection pictures were posted.
1) The kids didn't know what a police officer was but the parents had full sets of "Everybody Loves Raymond" videos where Raymond's brother is a cop. Of course the sister who lived with the family did say the children were not allowed to watch tv.
2) Given the immaculate shelving and alphabetizing of the DVD collection - I am making a leap here but I would bet those are DT's videos. If he is an engineer (who might or might not be on the spectrum) he most likely would prefer order and structure. The juxtaposition of the DVD collection and the carpets and walls of the old house got me wondering.
3) I highly suspect there is a sexual component to this in conjunction with the torture. Would LT want to keep the children filthy so they would be less "alluring" to DT? She appears to keep herself clean and even the 2 year old.
4) I am guessing that the kids were allowed some sort of normalcy up to the age of maybe 3 or 4 (possibly up to age 7) as some have language skills, and have been taught some "manners" under the guise of deferring to the parent.
5) How did the 17 year old know that a deactivated cell phone could (take pictures?) be used to call 911? Could the older brother who attended a college class have heard or seen something while he was allowed out of the home? If the children did not have access to the outside world (via computer, telephone, television, schooling, playing with neighbors, shopping, attending events other than Disney with parents) just having that tidbit of info must have felt so empowering. They would have had to find a charger to make sure the deactivated phone would have power.

Also kids didn't know what police were, but the 17 year old called them and waited for them. Maybe some of the siblings didn't know, the younger ones may be?
Yes! Psychologically speaking, its extremely interesting. In one news report it was also stated that they had little to no remorse or emotion over filing bankruptcy, which is dually odd. For most "normal" (I hate that word but u get what I mean) people it's a very upsetting or at least stressful time.
Have there been any reports detailing the circumstances around David leaving his job? All I've read Is that he quit a well
Paying job. Also odd if they were hurting for money. Gotta get inside this guy's head.

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JMO and not wanting to offend anyone but religion can play a large part in these bankruptcies. Waiting for the world to end and running up huge credit card debt is fairly common among cult-type religions.

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I'm catching up with today's posts so maybe this has been discussed, but a question just hit me - Why didn't the 17yo (and sibling) go out a door? Locked inside? Parents were awake?

All of the 13 siblings had diminished mental capacity
The 17-year-old girl has a first-grade-level education
They are all extremely pale, scared and skittish
After being freed, they specifically asked social workers if they could stay together.
They didn't ask anything about their parents.
They were, according to our source, astounded that people wanted to help them.
After receiving clothing, some described being "honored" to finally have shoes of their own.
Eventually, investigators could get a window into their world -- every child kept a journal. Several boxes of journals were recovered inside the home.

Thanks for this article!!

CBS News has just learned that someone in Southern California has volunteered to take in and adopt all 13 of the kids and adults and their release to that family could happen as early as Monday. The seven adult siblings are currently being cared for at a local hospital.

I am hoping this is true.
I have thought about this case in relation to the Ariel Castro case...In the Castro case, I got the feeling the young ladies may have been pitted against each other. They do not appear to have stayed close since their release.

I wonder if these children were also pitted against each other. Were some children informants? If one talked about escape, would another inform the parents? Could all of the children trust the other children? I am sure it was a terrible dynamic.

I think you're on the right track. IME, because each child is an individual with a distinct personality and because the
monster parents do NOT treat all the children the same, they do fight with each other and some are snitches. Some
are the planners who are more defiant to the parent's abuse and some are submissive and compliant.
Sometimes these monster parents treat the children a certain way because of something as simple as 'Who does the child resemble in the extended family ' or what color eyes one child has or how much the child talks back or are they
totally obedient. Lots of variables here.
I'm catching up with today's posts so maybe this has been discussed, but a question just hit me - Why didn't the 17yo (and sibling) go out a door? Locked inside? Parents were awake?


They all had probably just gone to bed, maybe it would wake someone up if she left the room, or had to pass her parents bedroom to get to the door.
From your link:

CBS News has just learned that someone in Southern California has volunteered to take in and adopt all 13 of the kids and adults and their release to that family could happen as early as Monday.

Monday. Wow!

I’m still catching up...but wow is right. That made me tear up. As much bad as there is there is always more good.

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I'm catching up with today's posts so maybe this has been discussed, but a question just hit me - Why didn't the 17yo (and sibling) go out a door? Locked inside? Parents were awake?


The children were all locked in their bedrooms.
Rosesfromangels, that is a very interesting question...

I don't know anyone who ever worked with a company that did work for the Federal government, so I don't know what is involved in getting clearance. But you would think that at some point, it would involve someone paying a visit to the house and talking with the spouse at the very least. I mean, I guess it would really depend on what level his clearance had to be, but I know that General Dynamics and Northrup both build military aircraft. If you're working at a company that is anyway involved in defense contracts, you would think there would be very detailed background checks. And it seems like I read somewhere that they do even talk with family members. What the heck happened there??

My husband has clearance from the military and now a contractor with Northrop Grumman. That clearance has been reviewed at least twice in his military/contractor career. There are varying levels of clearances. It depends on what job you actually have, on the level of clearance. Him (DT) being an engineer, he could possibly have a 'secret' while others at NG (and like companies) would hold a TS/SCI. There are even higher/specialized clearances but I wont get into that here. At many NG locations, even the janitors have to have secret clearance. In the military and even many contract jobs if you have a clearance, you even have to disclose if you are getting a divorce, have any financial issues or have become friends with a foreigner. If you do not disclose and it is later found out, your clearance is revoked and you are fired. I know of a guy who did not disclose his divorce and later his new Candadian girlfriend. Clearance lost (forever) and fired.

If it is just a secret, a deep background check would be done (for example, financial, records, etc) but no home visit and no calls to friends/family. A ton of positions in the military require a secret and unless the military member tells family/friends, nobody would ever know they were holding that clearance.

My husband has a super high clearance - higher than majority of politicians. When he was getting this clearance, it was a year long background investigation into him and ME. Our families were looked into and interviewed, our finances were looked into. Our close friends were interviewed, neighbors were interviewed. My interview, which took place in our home, alone, took a couple of hours and was invasive such as 'have you ever cheated on your husband or had thoughts of doing so'.

I have seen no confirmation that DT was currently working in the past couple of years. I may have missed something. The closest 2 NG campuses were 1.5 - 2 hrs away from their home. I would assume he had only secret, if any clearance at all. His finances/bankruptcies alone would have had ANY clearance yanked ASAP - once his clearance was up for renewal and he was re-investigated. There are no checks happening while your clearance is active unless you are arrested or something else major happens. You have to re-up your clearance every 5-15 yrs depending on your level and the process is all over again.

I hope I covered it all well enough.
There's something about this case that feels quite unusual to me. Not saying it's the first of its kind, just very unusual. It's particularly hard for me in this case to understand the psyche of the parents.

Most (not all) cases you hear about, the abusive parent(s) or guardian(s) present as being extremely out of control or out of their depth themselves. Living in squalor, substance abuse problems, domestic violence, a prior rap sheet. What is freaky about this case is that the 'parents', however terrible they were in the home, were able to present outwardly quite well. A well paying job, expensive hobbies, 'happy' family photographs. Of course we mostly now agree that the children appear malnourished, but they were clearly conniving enough to realize that their friends, family and acquaintances wouldn't raise an eyebrow.

This one also seems quite different to other high profile religious/cult abuse cases. Whilst there was clearly a religious element, it's not like one I think I've seen before. Obsession with Disney and pop culture, not especially modest fashion choices (the mother's bridal dress(es), heavy make up).

It just strikes me as a case unlike any other, and there is so, so much to unpack to make sure something (especially at this scale) can't happen again.

Agree on the religious aspect, yet nothing about them attending any church.
Child and family laws vary from state to state but Federal law requires that parents have 1 year to get their act(s) together from the date of placement into foster care. Those dates can be extended up to 18 months if there are extenuating circumstances (ie: substance abuse, mental health, homelessness, etc.). The parents will have 2 separate court actions ongoing, the criminal court action and the family courts. If the parents are convicted criminally of harm to their children the State may be able to hasten the timeline for termination of parental rights, which will probably be the case IMO. Given the parents are incarcerated and pending charges, thankfully no parent/child visitation will be ordered.
Taken me days to catch up. Just a couple of thoughts since the DVD collection pictures were posted.
1) The kids didn't know what a police officer was but the parents had full sets of "Everybody Loves Raymond" videos where Raymond's brother is a cop. Of course the sister who lived with the family did say the children were not allowed to watch tv.
2) Given the immaculate shelving and alphabetizing of the DVD collection - I am making a leap here but I would bet those are DT's videos. If he is an engineer (who might or might not be on the spectrum) he most likely would prefer order and structure. The juxtaposition of the DVD collection and the carpets and walls of the old house got me wondering.
3) I highly suspect there is a sexual component to this in conjunction with the torture. Would LT want to keep the children filthy so they would be less "alluring" to DT? She appears to keep herself clean and even the 2 year old.
4) I am guessing that the kids were allowed some sort of normalcy up to the age of maybe 3 or 4 (possibly up to age 7) as some have language skills, and have been taught some "manners" under the guise of deferring to the parent.
5) How did the 17 year old know that a deactivated cell phone could (take pictures?) be used to call 911? Could the older brother who attended a college class have heard or seen something while he was allowed out of the home? If the children did not have access to the outside world (via computer, telephone, television, schooling, playing with neighbors, shopping, attending events other than Disney with parents) just having that tidbit of info must have felt so empowering. They would have had to find a charger to make sure the deactivated phone would have power.

I've thought the same about the brother- victim who was "allowed" to attend community college class (es?)- that he'd have been necessarily exposed to cell phones, watched classmates use them, and paid very close attention. From what I've read, at least one brother helped with the escape plans. Bet it was the this brother who did.

I also agree, after reading the criminal complaint, that sexual abuse most likely played a very large part of why and how the other forms of abuse began, continued, and escalated.
I think the better question is why would someone who knows nothing of the world think all phones wouldn't work? I'm thinking that was the only number they knew. And even if they didn't, if they hit the call button, a message pops up saying that only emergency 911 calls can be made.

It basically had instructions on what number to dial for help.

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I can imagine what the kids had been told about the outside world. Everyone is evil etc. It's amazing that she was able to trust her instincts enough to go get help from the outside world. She had enough faith that someone would help them. Survival instinct.

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I can’t find it ... does anyone recall where this CBS report has been posted (last thread or earlier?) or can be found online?

thank you for clearing up some of my confusion, Doghairrules. I will keep looking because I must have missed that one.

I finally found it by reading ALL articles linked from CBS. That is why it is so important when posting follow-ups to a message that the link is always included. It does save confusing info and back-and-forth posts.

so ... the article makes it sound possible that someone has OFFERED to take them all in with adoption by them when it is able to be done. I would be very surprised if it moves this quickly, but I do have confidence that all safeguards are in place to make sure they go to a safe and stable/loving home. I would love to see them stay together.

Has this been posted by any other allowable source?

Thanks to all who helped clarify this ... for me, at least.

Susan von Zabern, the director of the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services, said they "will be seeking authorization for the adult children as well as the minor children, and if conservatorship is necessary, that is what we will be seeking."

CBS News has just learned that someone in Southern California has volunteered to take in and adopt all 13 of the kids and adults and their release to that family could happen as early as Monday. The seven adult siblings are currently being cared for at a local hospital.

The six minor siblings are also together at another hospital. CBS News has been told that physically, they're doing well, despite their horrifying ordeal.
Agree on the religious aspect, yet nothing about them attending any church.

Seems like the church of mom and dad. I think that might not be especially unusual actually. In a church there are far too many other people who could take umbrage at your parenting style, appearance and behavior of the children, etc. In the church of mom and dad, you can have total dominion over your children and tell them any nonsense you like.
I wonder why the one boy was allowed to go to some classes.

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I don’t know about that but there was a picture she uploaded to a FB profile under her maiden name in 2013 and she was extremely thin. Her hair was shorter but the same color as now. It makes me wonder if there were some medical issues going on with her at that time.

Here’s the profile pic from 2013.

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The children were all locked in their bedrooms.
I'm surprised the windows weren't locked, but if they were all shackled to something I guess they thought they didn't have to worry.
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