CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #6

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His current employer, Northrop Grumman, has a facility there, in Oklahoma City. The ABC report said he was being transferred by his employer.

News now coming out that there was a job transfer, and they had quite a few U-Haul boxes in the home.

I'm also very surprised that, due to privacy laws, the information as to the son that went to college, all his records were released. I thought there were privacy acts protecting that.
Yes someone did because I remember a fellow student saying they had a potluck in class and he stood next to the table the whole time and ate plate after plate of food.

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I just found the article. Apparently he wore the same clothes everyday to class.
Yes, but there are no animal control officers in rural Johnson County, Texas, where the Turpins lived at the time.
But the county still had a way to deal with animal issues. When animal control is not available in some areas, as this website points out, you call the county sheriff's office. This happens even now in counties in two states I have lived. The reason the sheriff's office will deal with it or guide people to who to call is because unvaccinated dogs and rabies used to be a real concern. That's why there are laws about rabies vaccines and dogs running at large.

It's possible they had what we had growing up - a dog catcher. These people often held regular jobs and were appointed as dog catcher on the side. The point is that due to the concern of rabies and the laws about rabies vaccinations, there is always someone to call to deal with dog issues.

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His current employer, Northrop Grumman, has a facility there, in Oklahoma City. The ABC report said he was being transferred by his employer.

Just a wild guess, But I wonder if their plans for getting a school bus was that they could live on the bus for awhile
before they found a place to live. Now before you say this is ridiculous.......The acquaintances I mentioned earlier
were moving to OK. w/ 2 adults, a couple teens and a grandson, and hauled a 2 horse trailer to live in for the first year or so. They bought cheap land, like $500./acre and planned to eventually build a place. They claimed no one cared
if they lived in the horse trailer cause properties were so remote and no zoning.

NewsNow coming out that there was a job transfer and they had quite a few U-Haul boxes in the home. I'm also very surprised that due to privacy laws, the information is to the son that went to college, all his records were released. I thought they were privacy acts protecting that.

Yes, I was shocked to see the transcript released. Unless it was leaked by the defendants, it is very inappropriate for that information to be released to the press. (It is helpful to us, tho.)

I wonder if any of the classes were taken online?
Especially odd considering that the media is reporting that their current dogs are healthy and appear to be well taken care of.

There's a picture of her pregnant and standing next to a crib. The crib's a nice looking, expensive one. The light-colored carpet is clean and there's no sign of garbage or debris in the photo. It's a huge contrast to what this guy is reporting about their old house.
But what do you think the living conditions were for the other 12? What about pictures we have seen from the property in TX?

NewsNow coming out that there was a job transfer and they had quite a few U-Haul boxes in the home. I'm also very surprised that due to privacy laws, the information is to the son that went to college, all his records were released. I thought they were privacy acts protecting that.

Well, the iminent move most likely explains the timing of her escape. They probably thought it was now or never.

If the plan WAS to live on that school bus (speculation) (perhaps it would have been where the 12 would be kept?) even for a short while, I can only imagine how petrified all the survivors would have been.
I hear this over and over about animal rescue where there is no AC or AC is so ineffective, or you have to call LE who
really don't want to bother with animals. In many areas of US, there is no reliable help for animal abuse.
While it's true that had it only been cats in the house, LE may have ignored it, the fact that there were dogs changes the situation. If there is no animal control in that area, LE (or whoever is the default for dealing with at large dogs) has to deal with a dog running at large. Two dogs ran out of the house. Those dogs may not have been vaccinated and could have been a danger. If unvaccinated dogs bit a kid later and there was a record of a call to LE being ignored, they would have been in serious trouble.

Even if we bypass the whole animal thing, though, whoever went in to clean up the property should have notified other organizations. That's why there were multiple missed opportunities in this situation alone. There were 4 organizations that could have been notified of this situation by multiple people, and it seems that none were.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Just a wild guess, But I wonder if their plans for getting a school bus was that they could live on the bus for awhile
before they found a place to live.
Now before you say this is ridiculous.......The acquaintances I mentioned earlier
were moving to OK. w/ 2 adults, a couple teens and a grandson, and hauled a 2 horse trailer to live in for the first year or so. They bought cheap land, like $500./acre and planned to eventually build a place. They claimed no one cared
if they lived in the horse trailer cause properties were so remote and no zoning.


Makes me think of The Partridge Family.

We had a dream, we'd go travelin' together,
We'd spread a little lovin' then we'd keep movin' on...."

Of course, they needed a school bus because that van in the driveway only holds fifteen people legally, and she wanted to have another child. MOAR MOAR MOAR!!!
This is way out of left field, but maybe she was visiting Disney and went into labor there?

I don't know if it was a "thing" 30 years ago, but women who want to bring on labor go walking. Birth boards these days are full of women going places hoping the walking will "get this baby out!".
My niece is 26 years old and she would not get out at the hospital! They had my SIL walking the halls at the hospital to help her along. So this was a thing 26 years ago, anyway.

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Hi guys. I started hanging out in this forum during the Sherin Mathews case but I've never posted. Like all of you, this case has absolutely gutted me. After reading previous posts/threads, particularly some of the comments wondering why the survivors didn't escape sooner or why the authorities didn't intervene earlier, I felt compelled to share my perspective.

To provide the relevant backstory for my feelings about this case: I was raised in a home with pervasive physical and emotional abuse. My father was a well-respected, wealthy medical professional who worked in a mental institution prior to its shutdown, and one of my punishments (by far the most long-term detrimental) was the use of isolation. Using the system similar to the one implemented in the hospital, I was confined to my room- escorted for bathroom breaks, fed intermittently in my room, unable to use the phone/listen to music/etc.- for one week increments, and could "level up" to more freedom- using the bathroom unescorted, allowed a snack, given a CD player with one Christian CD of his choosing- if I didn't "mess up" at any point during the week. This started around Kindergarten, and within a couple of years, the "leveling up" basically ceased. My saving grace was that because my father started using the home for private practice, I was put into public school so I was out of the home during working hours, where I tried desperately to just be "normal".

Here are the things I, personally, think of when I consider the facts of this case. First, DT was an engineer for Northrop Grumman. This is a man who made good money, is well-educated, and would be viewed at first glance as a respectable member of the community. There is still such a pervasive tendency on the part of authorities to automatically believe someone like that. On the couple of occasions I tried to tell someone what was going on, it was ultimately chalked up to "medical professional and pastor" versus "problem child", and I learned quickly that being the "problem" was only going to cost me BIG time. I can't even fathom the level of abuse these precious children could've been returned to. It literally makes me ill to consider it.

Second, this has been said but has to be reiterated, the prison of your mind is the hardest to escape. As an adult, I've been asked NUMEROUS times by people I knew as a child why I didn't just leave. For the reasons listed above, and probably more importantly, because the ways in which isolation, abuse, and family dysfunction affects your view of self can't be understated. And I had 6-ish hours out of the house per day!! These survivors, at a fundamental level, don't know what they're capable of because they don't know who they are. They don't know what human beings are supposed to be like, they don't know what they're supposed to be like in relation to other human beings, they just. Don't. Know. They are on a long and difficult road to maybe never fully understanding, because socialization as a child can't be replicated.

Third, I strongly feel that these types of punishments/abuses are far more common and widespread than people realize. My family are fundamentalist "Christians", and, while my father was extreme and at some level I knew what was happening to me felt wrong, I also truly believed that I DESERVED the punishment, that at some level I was a "problem" child and "extra sinful", and my punishments weren't that far from the norm. Because I knew of other kids just like me. The journal writing these kids were allowed/forced to do? God, that hit home. This was a tactic used in my home, and writing in those journals both kept me going and condemned me. I'm going to tell you right now that I truly believe the situation was the same, where the kids were forced to reflect on whatever they did/whatever "bad" character trait their parents noticed that day (my dad called it "writing essays"), and then punished for their feelings. Again, the thought makes me sick. But these are things other families do. And it's abusive and wrong, but it happens.

Anyway, I'm myself now a married mother who has to go get some little kids ready for school. But even as someone who has experienced just, the tiniest most miniscule taste of being isolated and hurt as a child, I still suffer. I can't send my kids to their room without going in there with them 5 minutes later to sit with them during their time outs so they know I don't hate them. I suffer from horrible social anxiety, and willingly isolate myself as an adult because it's comfortable, despite years of therapy. All the medication in the world doesn't change being a little helpless person behind a locked door all those years ago. My eyes are so full of tears that I can hardly write thinking about those precious kids and what they went through, and what they'll go through every day forever because of the monsters who gave birth to them. The girl who escaped? She's my hero. I don't know if I've ever admired someone more. All of them lived. They're all heroes.
But what do you think the living conditions were for the other 12? What about pictures we have seen from the property in TX?

I'm not arguing that the other property didn't look awful. It does. And I think the living conditions for the other 12 were probably squalid and terrible, especially considering that they apparently didn't allow the children to use the restroom facilities at times. I was simply commenting on the contrast of that particular picture with the images we've seen of the other property and remarking on their noticeable differences. I think it shows, as others have said, that there was a difference between how the youngest was treated vs how the older children were.
Hi guys. I started hanging out in this forum during the Sherin Mathews case but I've never posted. Like all of you, this case has absolutely gutted me. After reading previous posts/threads, particularly some of the comments wondering why the survivors didn't escape sooner or why the authorities didn't intervene earlier, I felt compelled to share my perspective.

To provide the relevant backstory for my feelings about this case: I was raised in a home with pervasive physical and emotional abuse. My father was a well-respected, wealthy medical professional who worked in a mental institution prior to its shutdown, and one of my punishments (by far the most long-term detrimental) was the use of isolation. Using the system similar to the one implemented in the hospital, I was confined to my room- escorted for bathroom breaks, fed intermittently in my room, unable to use the phone/listen to music/etc.- for one week increments, and could "level up" to more freedom- using the bathroom unescorted, allowed a snack, given a CD player with one Christian CD of his choosing- if I didn't "mess up" at any point during the week. This started around Kindergarten, and within a couple of years, the "leveling up" basically ceased. My saving grace was that because my father started using the home for private practice, I was put into public school so I was out of the home during working hours, where I tried desperately to just be "normal".

Here are the things I, personally, think of when I consider the facts of this case. First, DT was an engineer for Northrop Grumman. This is a man who made good money, is well-educated, and would be viewed at first glance as a respectable member of the community. There is still such a pervasive tendency on the part of authorities to automatically believe someone like that. On the couple of occasions I tried to tell someone what was going on, it was ultimately chalked up to "medical professional and pastor" versus "problem child", and I learned quickly that being the "problem" was only going to cost me BIG time. I can't even fathom the level of abuse these precious children could've been returned to. It literally makes me ill to consider it.

Second, this has been said but has to be reiterated, the prison of your mind is the hardest to escape. As an adult, I've been asked NUMEROUS times by people I knew as a child why I didn't just leave. For the reasons listed above, and probably more importantly, because the ways in which isolation, abuse, and family dysfunction affects your view of self can't be understated. And I had 6-ish hours out of the house per day!! These survivors, at a fundamental level, don't know what they're capable of because they don't know who they are. They don't know what human beings are supposed to be like, they don't know what they're supposed to be like in relation to other human beings, they just. Don't. Know. They are on a long and difficult road to maybe never fully understanding, because socialization as a child can't be replicated.

Third, I strongly feel that these types of punishments/abuses are far more common and widespread than people realize. My family are fundamentalist "Christians", and, while my father was extreme and at some level I knew what was happening to me felt wrong, I also truly believed that I DESERVED the punishment, that at some level I was a "problem" child and "extra sinful", and my punishments weren't that far from the norm. Because I knew of other kids just like me. The journal writing these kids were allowed/forced to do? God, that hit home. This was a tactic used in my home, and writing in those journals both kept me going and condemned me. I'm going to tell you right now that I truly believe the situation was the same, where the kids were forced to reflect on whatever they did/whatever "bad" character trait their parents noticed that day (my dad called it "writing essays"), and then punished for their feelings. Again, the thought makes me sick. But these are things other families do. And it's abusive and wrong, but it happens.

Anyway, I'm myself now a married mother who has to go get some little kids ready for school. But even as someone who has experienced just, the tiniest most miniscule taste of being isolated and hurt as a child, I still suffer. I can't send my kids to their room without going in there with them 5 minutes later to sit with them during their time outs so they know I don't hate them. I suffer from horrible social anxiety, and willingly isolate myself as an adult because it's comfortable, despite years of therapy. All the medication in the world doesn't change being a little helpless person behind a locked door all those years ago. My eyes are so full of tears that I can hardly write thinking about those precious kids and what they went through, and what they'll go through every day forever because of the monsters who gave birth to them. The girl who escaped? She's my hero. I don't know if I've ever admired someone more. All of them lived. They're all heroes.

(((CaMom))). I'm so glad you survived that unimaginable abuse, and not only lived to have children, but to be whole enough to be able to love them.
FWIW, my county doesn't have a law about rabies vaccinations or animals running loose. We don't have animal control or a dog catcher, per se. We did have an animal shelter but it closed, due to funding. Most people around here just let their dogs and cats run free and willy nilly. I live in a very rural area and the animals on our mountaintop are numerous. Lived here 8 years and I couldn't tell you which dog belonged to which family. We keep ours indoors but most do not (and they think it's odd that we do). I've called the sheriff about a dog that was bothering my kids; they told me to "take care of it" myself. Real helpful, that was.

We don't actually know that the guy in question didn't call someone about those animals. Maybe he did and they shrugged it off. I am sure my call to the sheriff isn't on record. I mean, they didn't even ask my name so...
Hi everyone! Looking at the courses he took, I can’t help but think there was a reason for those specific classes, other than the math. For example: mechanic classes to work on the vehicles as needed, architecture to plan/build basement or so for further torture...etc. And also for the financial aid. You usually have to be enrolled and taking at least 6 credits each semester to get the aid. Surely, they wouldn’t allow him to escape the horror house just for his benefit!

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Johnson County, Texas had a Humane Society back then. It was founded in 1986. They say they assist in cruelty investigations. In any case, they could have been contacted and known to contact the authorities in this situation.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
FWIW, my county doesn't have a law about rabies vaccinations or animals running loose. We don't have animal control or a dog catcher, per se. We did have an animal shelter but it closed, due to funding. Most people around here just let their dogs and cats run free and willy nilly. I live in a very rural area and the animals on our mountaintop are numerous. Lived here 8 years and I couldn't tell you which dog belonged to which family. We keep ours indoors but most do not (and they think it's odd that we do). I've called the sheriff about a dog that was bothering my kids; they told me to "take care of it" myself. Real helpful, that was.

We don't actually know that the guy in question didn't call someone about those animals. Maybe he did and they shrugged it off. I am sure my call to the sheriff isn't on record. I mean, they didn't even ask my name so...

Yep. And when people get tired of their animal, they just drive down a country road, drop it off, and forget about it.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and I am so sorry you had to go through that. [emoji45]

Hi guys. I started hanging out in this forum during the Sherin Mathews case but I've never posted. Like all of you, this case has absolutely gutted me. After reading previous posts/threads, particularly some of the comments wondering why the survivors didn't escape sooner or why the authorities didn't intervene earlier, I felt compelled to share my perspective.

To provide the relevant backstory for my feelings about this case: I was raised in a home with pervasive physical and emotional abuse. My father was a well-respected, wealthy medical professional who worked in a mental institution prior to its shutdown, and one of my punishments (by far the most long-term detrimental) was the use of isolation. Using the system similar to the one implemented in the hospital, I was confined to my room- escorted for bathroom breaks, fed intermittently in my room, unable to use the phone/listen to music/etc.- for one week increments, and could "level up" to more freedom- using the bathroom unescorted, allowed a snack, given a CD player with one Christian CD of his choosing- if I didn't "mess up" at any point during the week. This started around Kindergarten, and within a couple of years, the "leveling up" basically ceased. My saving grace was that because my father started using the home for private practice, I was put into public school so I was out of the home during working hours, where I tried desperately to just be "normal".

Here are the things I, personally, think of when I consider the facts of this case. First, DT was an engineer for Northrop Grumman. This is a man who made good money, is well-educated, and would be viewed at first glance as a respectable member of the community. There is still such a pervasive tendency on the part of authorities to automatically believe someone like that. On the couple of occasions I tried to tell someone what was going on, it was ultimately chalked up to "medical professional and pastor" versus "problem child", and I learned quickly that being the "problem" was only going to cost me BIG time. I can't even fathom the level of abuse these precious children could've been returned to. It literally makes me ill to consider it.

Second, this has been said but has to be reiterated, the prison of your mind is the hardest to escape. As an adult, I've been asked NUMEROUS times by people I knew as a child why I didn't just leave. For the reasons listed above, and probably more importantly, because the ways in which isolation, abuse, and family dysfunction affects your view of self can't be understated. And I had 6-ish hours out of the house per day!! These survivors, at a fundamental level, don't know what they're capable of because they don't know who they are. They don't know what human beings are supposed to be like, they don't know what they're supposed to be like in relation to other human beings, they just. Don't. Know. They are on a long and difficult road to maybe never fully understanding, because socialization as a child can't be replicated.

Third, I strongly feel that these types of punishments/abuses are far more common and widespread than people realize. My family are fundamentalist "Christians", and, while my father was extreme and at some level I knew what was happening to me felt wrong, I also truly believed that I DESERVED the punishment, that at some level I was a "problem" child and "extra sinful", and my punishments weren't that far from the norm. Because I knew of other kids just like me. The journal writing these kids were allowed/forced to do? God, that hit home. This was a tactic used in my home, and writing in those journals both kept me going and condemned me. I'm going to tell you right now that I truly believe the situation was the same, where the kids were forced to reflect on whatever they did/whatever "bad" character trait their parents noticed that day (my dad called it "writing essays"), and then punished for their feelings. Again, the thought makes me sick. But these are things other families do. And it's abusive and wrong, but it happens.

Anyway, I'm myself now a married mother who has to go get some little kids ready for school. But even as someone who has experienced just, the tiniest most miniscule taste of being isolated and hurt as a child, I still suffer. I can't send my kids to their room without going in there with them 5 minutes later to sit with them during their time outs so they know I don't hate them. I suffer from horrible social anxiety, and willingly isolate myself as an adult because it's comfortable, despite years of therapy. All the medication in the world doesn't change being a little helpless person behind a locked door all those years ago. My eyes are so full of tears that I can hardly write thinking about those precious kids and what they went through, and what they'll go through every day forever because of the monsters who gave birth to them. The girl who escaped? She's my hero. I don't know if I've ever admired someone more. All of them lived. They're all heroes.

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FWIW, my county doesn't have a law about rabies vaccinations or animals running loose. We don't have animal control or a dog catcher, per se. We did have an animal shelter but it closed, due to funding. Most people around here just let their dogs and cats run free and willy nilly. I live in a very rural area and the animals on our mountaintop are numerous. Lived here 8 years and I couldn't tell you which dog belonged to which family. We keep ours indoors but most do not (and they think it's odd that we do). I've called the sheriff about a dog that was bothering my kids; they told me to "take care of it" myself. Real helpful, that was.

We don't actually know that the guy in question didn't call someone about those animals. Maybe he did and they shrugged it off. I am sure my call to the sheriff isn't on record. I mean, they didn't even ask my name so...
What state? Rabies laws are usually state laws. It's up to the county or city to enforce it. But I can't find a state that isn't included on the list that the AVMA puts out.

As I posted later, Johnson County had a Humane Society at the time. So there was someone to call about these dogs. No one has said yet that a call was made to anyone. It seems that nothing about this situation was reported to any authority.

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Yep. And when people get tired of their animal, they just drive down a country road, drop it off, and forget about it.

Yes, we get that a lot around here, too.

I will refrain from passing too much judgment on the neighbor until he specifically says that he did not report those animals or call anyone. This being the early days of the media coverage, it's hard to get a full picture of everything going on. I think people are still trying to piece things together.
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